Original poster
It was a world of waste whether it be the land that they lived on, the resources they were using, or the lives that were being taken each day. One of the darkest deeds done in this time was the act of murder. Unfortunately there was no consequence to go along with it. Making your own justice was just the way of the two cities. West City and Lor both very populated and focused on the sole problem of depleting resources. The cities could no longer expand; new cities were not feasible as the only earth for possible vegetation was in and around the area of the civilian zones. What Jeremy could not understand was how this world worked? With the ever expanding population there was bound to be some kind of shortage but how did this place work so well over the hundreds of years it existed?
In the car stolen from Jeremy's garage, his fellow gang members road the wastelands in the dead of night. The bumps made them almost hit their head on the top of the car. Quivering he clutched onto the device that his brother had given him. He turned his attention to it as he did not want to speak to anyone right now. It looked like some kind of bracelet, a large one at that. It would fit around his fore arm and opened on a few hinges that allowed it to clip onto the appendage. His curiosity got the better of him as he put it on his arm. As soon as it clipped on it locked. "How are you doing back there?" The driver asked. He was wearing a cowboy hat and from the looks of it he was in the group for awhile. There were several bullet holes easily seen.
"I'm doing alright. I mean he could still be alright right?" Jeremy answered as he fiddled with the item attached to him. The silver plating almost mesmerized him as he tried to find a button to unlock it. There was a pad on top with several buttons designed to be accessed by his left hand. He took a brief moment to look up and he saw the city lights of West City. "Where are we going?"
"We have business in West City, I hope you don't mind but we are short on people. The boss will let you have time to rest after we get back to base." Jeremy knew that the decisions of the leader could not be argued. Sitting in the back of the car he looked out the window running his fingers through his black hair.
In the car stolen from Jeremy's garage, his fellow gang members road the wastelands in the dead of night. The bumps made them almost hit their head on the top of the car. Quivering he clutched onto the device that his brother had given him. He turned his attention to it as he did not want to speak to anyone right now. It looked like some kind of bracelet, a large one at that. It would fit around his fore arm and opened on a few hinges that allowed it to clip onto the appendage. His curiosity got the better of him as he put it on his arm. As soon as it clipped on it locked. "How are you doing back there?" The driver asked. He was wearing a cowboy hat and from the looks of it he was in the group for awhile. There were several bullet holes easily seen.
"I'm doing alright. I mean he could still be alright right?" Jeremy answered as he fiddled with the item attached to him. The silver plating almost mesmerized him as he tried to find a button to unlock it. There was a pad on top with several buttons designed to be accessed by his left hand. He took a brief moment to look up and he saw the city lights of West City. "Where are we going?"
"We have business in West City, I hope you don't mind but we are short on people. The boss will let you have time to rest after we get back to base." Jeremy knew that the decisions of the leader could not be argued. Sitting in the back of the car he looked out the window running his fingers through his black hair.