Cyberpunk 2077- Love, Turmoil, and Death

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
I'm looking for someone to play Johnny Silverhand before the Arasaka Tower happens. My character would be a new mercenary who takes jobs from Rouge. She sets the two of us up on a job together, and that's how we meet. It progresses into a relationship, then the Tower happens. Years later, my character hears about V and how Johnny's Engram is in his head, so she meets up with V to try and help find a solution.

Second option for this role is i play as an up and coming musician. My character and Johnny meet at a concert, and spend their time in a dramatic relationship with highs and lows until the night Johnny goes after the Tower. After a long 54 years V meets my character, who became a netrunner, in an attempt to remove the engram.