Cute Profanity

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What are some ways you have cursed...without actually cursing. Let's instead of filling the thread with the correct way to curse lets be tasmanian devils and use symbols ^(%&#*$

Mine is instead of saying Mother F*^&%#@

I say Manufacturing Flowcharts

Instead of saying F@$#

I say 'frag' (taken from old Deaths Head comics I used to read) or simply 'eff' I know I could just type f but yeah!
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What the $)(%)#...
What the glubbin'...

Son of a b#*$%(!
Son of a biiiiiiiiiiiiiibibibiibibibibibibii.....

Sweet *$(%(, etc.
Christmas Llamas.
Yes. Christmas Llamas.
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I've been letting 'fiddlesticks' slip a lot lately.
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I tend to replace $#!* with smegma... I don't know if that's any better. XD
"dude, I got all this smegma over my boots. Gross!"
"eww, there was some disgusting smegma on the table and I got some on my elbows!"
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I like son of a biscuit monkey.
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Rackum Frackum Growr.
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I say "Fluff!" for F!@#! and "Fluffmonkeys" also. I tend to spout gibberish when I'm not outright cursing. Lots and lots of gibberish...
I usually cuss up a storm, but when I do have to be more civil, I will say things like:

Good night!

God bless America!

For the love of Pete! [or Mike, depending on which flows better at the time]

Son of a mother!

Diddy Kong Racing! [I despise that game, so it's an expletive to me.]

Sweet Christmas!

And the ever popular, Shazbot!
So you go with What the Phaque (Seal in french)

But that is too similar, so you literally say What the Seal!
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My older brother taught me to say "God Bless America" when I want to say "Godd&@%it"
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I say 'Sonoma beach' sometimes instead of son of a b!@#%. I think it sounds funny more than anything else.
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I always say "Aww, s**t" but when there's children around it changes to "Oh shoes."

That's the only one I ever say, so I don't have other euphemisms I use. :/
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When I was younger I used to use "what the buns?" a lot in school because I knew I couldn't curse.

That has pretty much gone away now though.
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I always say "Aww, s**t" but when there's children around it changes to "Oh shoes."

That's the only one I ever say, so I don't have other euphemisms I use. :/

that cracked me up XD I am such a child

For "f*&$" I always wind up saying "Frick", or "Frig."

And for "oh sh&*" I always go, "aw bubbles."

For some reason, folks who've heard me yell bubbles out loud think it's pretty funny. XD
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