[CS] Pretty Pretty Slaughter


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In the universe of PPS - magical girls are far from the only things that could qualify as a "girl with magic powers"; although, the thing that makes a magical girl different is that they possess an extra organ known as a "Magiaphage." Many magical girls remain ignorant of this crystalline-organ located on the upper portion of their heart. Regardless, they still benefit from the effects of the magiaphage (we will talk about the more later).

So what can a magical girl do? Magical girls can transform into an idealized version of themselves at will. Usually this transformation is completely different from their human form rendering them unrecognizable. This allows many girls to keep their "human" form secret while they moonlight as a magical girl (or whatever it is that magical girls do). Once transformed, a magical girl is granted increased strength, speed, durability, and can regenerate from grievous injuries in a matter of minutes. Not all magical girls have the same level of strength though. A magical girl is dependent on her human forms level of fitness to further enhance her abilities; although, this does not exclude a typically weak girl from becoming stronger in her magical girl form - it simply means that her level of strength enhancement will not be as great.

Regardless of whether a magical girl is transformed or not they still have access to their magic, but it will not be nearly as powerful when in human form (This also applies to regeneration). A magical girl's power seems to have something to do with their personality. For example: a typically aggressive girl usually ends up with something that represents her anger (fire, rage power, steel fists) or a motherly girl usually ends up with something that resembles her maternal tendencies (healing, shields, empathy). Despite this tendency for a power to resemble a personality - it is not always the case. A magical girl can be a sweet girl, but once transformed she could have the ability to manifest an arsenal of explosives. It can be theorized that maybe unfitting powers represent some repressed-self deep within a girl.

In-addition to a magical girl's power, they also get access to a weapon they can summon. Sometimes this weapon is an arbitrary weapon that has nothing to do with their power or it can be necessary for their power. Their is no hard-limit on what a magical girl power can and cannot be with two exceptions.

1.) A magical girl power cannot alter time in any way.

2.) A magical girl power cannot enable inter-dimensional travel.

These restrictions are not because of an arbitrary power balancing, but are related to a much more sinister secret.

Other than those two - I encourage people to go wild with their powers. The general rule I have that the power of the ability must equal its creativity. So no instant death touches, but if one desires to have a strong ability, then you have to flex your creativity.

Wow magical girls seem strong, how will anyone stand against us? Unfortunately, magical girls are not at the top of the food chain, yet. There are multiple methods that can be utilized to eliminate magical girls. This brings us back to the magiaphage which serves as the most reliable method to permanently kill a magical girl. The magiaphage itself is extremely durable and is capable of deflecting high-caliber firearms; although, if one were to forcibly remove the magiaphage from a magical girl they will instantly die. Placing the magiaphage back into a magical girl will not resurrect them after this, but it will preserve their body.

Magical girls bodies are durable, but not impervious. A blade will still pass through their body, a bullet will zip through, and they still can catch fire. Magical girls are abnormally resistant to blunt-force and can survive high-falls or pass clean through walls with only a few cracked bones. Damage still has an effect on the magical like it would in their human form, but magical girls have an unusual ability to keep fighting through trauma. For example: a magical girl will still experience the agony of losing a limb, but will not go into shock. If a magical girl suffers brain damage, they can still operate so long as their brain stem is still together (And relevant portions of their brain). Regeneration in magical girls is quick and can occur in 10-20 minutes depending on the girls level of fitness and other factors.

Effects that would cause constant damage (drowning, suffocation, being sucked into space) will put a magical girl into an eternal limbo until they are removed from the trauma. Magical girls do have a limit on how much they can continually regenerate and utilize their magic. This varies from girl to girl and is largely dependent on their human forms level of fitness. Typically magical girls never run out of energy unless they are exposed to prolonged battles of attrition.

So what is the catch to being a magical girl? One word: mutation. A magiaphage becomes corrupted on a scale of 0% to 100%. Every 10% a Magical Girl goes up on the corruption scale, they acquire a mutation. It is up to you to decide whether or not the mutation will be beneficial, or detrimental. Example mutations: Monstrous arm that consumes flesh, eyes that trigger a fear response in the brain of men, a second mouth with an insatiable appetite, hard skin that cuts others if touched, and so on. Mutations are supposed to have a horrific nature, so keep that in mind if you desire to start with mutations. Please do not begin with a corruption level of more than 30%.

Corruption is accrued when a girl experiences extreme levels of trauma and stress. Every girl has a different tolerance for stress and trauma and to reach higher levels of corruption the trauma must be ever increasing. So what got a girl to 10% will not get her to 20%

I think that's all the major details. As an aside, there are different classification of magical girl. Your girls are assumed to be known as the "Alpha" classification which are the most broadly powerful. I have included a list of magical girl classifications in this post for lore reference. If you want to be something other than an alpha-class magical girl then bring it up to me.
Note: This only a guideline. The CS does not have to follow this exact format; however, it must include all of the below information (plus anything extra).

Basic Information
Human Name:

Magical Girl Name:



Human Appearance: (Please write descriptions along with photos)

Magical Girl Appearance: (See above note)




Backstory: (Aim for 3 solid paragraphs or more)

Powers and Abilities

Human Skills & Talents: (Examples: hacking, guns, driving, dancing, etc. You can translate these skills over to your magical girl form.)

Magical Girl Power(s): (There is no hard cap of how many abilities you can have. Please be reasonable though)

Human Weapons and Equipment: (This category is any grounded, realistic/semi-realistic weapon or equipment your human will use. If your character is a non-combatant in human form then just ignore this section)

Magical Girl Weapons and Equipment: (This category can have fantastical, wacky, and outlandish weapons your Magical Girl summons. Examples: Giant mallets, blazing swords, army of floating guns, a giant flying battleship, and so on.)

Corruption Level and Mutations: (Every 10% a Magical Girl acquires a new mutation. Please cap this at a maximum of 30% for now. You do not need to have any corruption. If you choose to have corruption, then please make that part of your backstory)

NOTE: A and B refer to "Alpha and Beta" which refers to what "power-levels" can inhabit set categories. Most magical girls are simply an alpha or beta with no special classification.

Alpha: The second most common form of a magical girl. These magical girls are characterized by their large power output, exceptional abilities, and a strict hardening of ideals. It is theorized that these Magical Girls have some direct connection to "Pretty" due to their tendency towards heroism.

Beta: The most common type of magical girl. These magical girls possess a standard transformation and one or two minor abilities. These girls are regarded as a low threat to public stability and tend to go undocumented.

Gamma: (A) A magical girl directly connected to dimensional cracks via [EXPUNGED]. The Tinker Virus is the only recorded "Gamma-Girl."

Delta: (B) This category of girls call themselves "Downers." They share very little characteristics with magical girls (EX: They lack a magiaphage) and rely on vices to fuel their comparatively minor powers.

Epsilon: (B) A handful of Inuit Magical Girls who act as heating mechanisms for their tribes. They have Magiaphages, but otherwise have no other Magical Girl characteristics.

Zeta: (A) A recent classification that is quickly growing in number. These Magical Girls tend to be military conscripts who have been deprived of their power for so long (While being forced to use military weaponry) that they adapted to use standard weapons to supernatural efficiency.

Eta: (B) This classification of Magical Girls is only found in "Neverlandia." These girls have either been specifically gathered, or modified, to serve as breeding units to asexually produce more Magical Girls. They have one or two minor powers, and have a transformation..

Theta: (B) These very small amount of girls have grown a fragmented magiaphage. They have developed multiple personality disorder, and have a high rate of depression. This classification shares no other characteristics with Magical Girls.

Iota: (A or B) These girls lack a transformation and regenerative capabilities. They have no magiaphage, but have traces of the same material in their bloodstream. They are capable of using magical girl-like abilities and weapons.

Kappa: (A) Magical girls who suffer from cognitive, emotional, or physical disabilities in their standard form. They tend to have a very powerful and profound transformation. These girls tend to have extremely above average capabilities in their magical girl forms.

Lambda: (B) A small network of beta-class magical girls with connected minds. They currently all live together in a polymorphic relationship with one-another.

Mu: (A) One half of the "Mu and Nu" combination of magical girls. Mu girls are alpha-class and are psionically connected to a Nu girl, and find themselves in "love" with said girl.

Nu: (B) The other half of the "Mu and Nu" combination of magical girls. The Nu girl is beta-class and also possess the psionic connection to their Mu pair, and find themselves in "love" with said girl. If the Nu girl dies then the Mu girl dies. If the Mu girl dies the Nu girl will begin to rapidly mutate well beyond 100%.

Xi: (B) Only one example of Xi class exists. Xi class are two magical girls who were originally born as conjoined twins. They both share two magiaphages. Our organization has removed one and found that they still both can live off one.

Omicron: (A) A living weapon that became a magical girl during development. She is currently being kept in stasis until it is assured she can be properly controlled. This classification is mostly theoretical, but it is rumored ArarakiCorp could make this classification become a wide-spread reality.

Pi: (A) This category is reserved for female dogs who grew magiaphages. They are very destructive and have been mostly put down.

Rho: (A) A choice few dangerous artificial intelligences who have developed magiaphage compatibility. These AIs have been successfully quarantined.

Sigma: (A) Magical girls who can create more magical girls. Pretty is currently the only magical girl who can do this. It is theorized (due to discrepancies) that more may exist.

Tau: (B) Magical girls who have been weakened by interfacing with magitech equipment. Virtues are the most prominent magical girls in this category.

Upsilon: (B) These are men who have become a lich via [EXPUNGED]. They lack the same power as magical girls, and tend to have severely shortened life-spans.

Phi: (A) Highly mutated magical girls who directly communicate with gheists. These girls have become known as "Harbingers."

Chi: (A or B) Previously "gene-strain" mutated girls who became magical girls.

Psi: (A or B) Previously psychic girls who became magical girls.

Omega: (O) These girls fall into their own category. These girls have been modified by the Tinker Virus to be an "Alpha-Plus" category. They are superior in all ways to alpha-class girls.
Human Name: Shoko Ayaka

Magical Girl Name: Bookworm

Age: 21

Sexuality: bisexual

Human Appearance:

Before transformation, Shoko is a slender girl, with white hair and red eyes. She prefers to wear casual clothing when she can. Her facial expression very rarely shifts from neutral, and she tends to slouch when sitting. She has a single earring that she was given as a present from her mother when she went off to college, which she prefers to wear when she can.

Magical Girl Appearance:

After transformation, Shoko appears significantly younger, gaining both a significantly oversized, clipped labcoat and white scarf, as well as a pair of black gloves.

Shoko is a shy, bookish girl who prefers to avoid being the center of attention. While she can deal with being in the spotlight when she must, it is her preference to foist off the attention to others when she sees the first opportunity. In her free time, she prefers to spend her time alone, browsing whatever books have gathered her interest on that day.

Once one has managed to breach her shy exterior personality, however, she becomes a friendly girl, and is unafraid of speaking her mind. If she thinks something is ill-advised, she will say so directly. While she dislikes causing others emotional pain, she is also notoriously bad at determining what will do so, a fact that often brings her much grief in day-to-day interactions.

She loves to find the answers to things she doesn't know, and sees that which she knows she does not know to be a minor annoyance, elevated to a major annoyance when she takes an active interest in them and still cannot figure them out. Being unable to figure out an answer to something will eventually create increasing stress, although she normally will get fed up and move on before the stress becomes a major problem.

Small spiders

Hurting people's feelings
Large spiders
Being late
The inexplicable

Shoko was born in a fairly normal family in the United States in the year 2015. During her early childhood, she was fairly normal, albeit quite shy. When she was six, her family's pet dog passed away, and she was left heartbroken at the time, as the animal was the only real friend she had. A few years later, however, she began to open up a bit more to humans instead, as she felt lonely, although she never did make any close friends leading up to the onset of WWIII. At the onset of WWIII, her father was drafted into the military, and died in one of the first few battles of the war.

After her father's death in WWIII, Shoko's home situation quickly deteriorated. Her mother found herself without a stable source of income, and was forced to work multiple part-time jobs to simply make ends meet, especially amidst the growing food prices resulting from the famine. Ayaka was barely able to go to school, and was left home alone after school most days. Lacking for human contact, she began reading... and reading... and reading, up until the time she entered high school.

A few months after entering high school, she was one of the girls caught up in the Girly Revolution, although she found that when she transformed, she seemed to have no powers, left with only Grimoire, which confused her at the time due to a lack of understanding of many of the principles that were written in the book. Due to her lack of power and combat ability in general, however, she felt that she had no place in what was to come, and attempted to take more of a backseat role, hoping to learn enough to eventually put her magical book to use.

She eventually graduated from high school, and a few years into college, she discovered her actual ability, which she had been unable to understand. At roughly the same time, word began to spread about the Pretty Protectors gen 2, which she jumped at the opportunity to join, now that she wasn't nearly so powerless as she had assumed.

Powers and Abilities

Human Skills & Talents: eidetic memory, driving

Magical Girl Power(s):
Grimoire Empyretica
When transformed, Shoko has the power to create anything she fully understands, under a few conditions.
-She must have an understanding of the object or effect down to the atomic level (including how atoms work)
-If the object or effect relies on quantum physics to work, she must thoroughly understand the ideas involved in the device's operation for it to be operational
-Objects or effects requiring magic to be replicated must not exceed the amount of magic she currently can use.
-Effects must be caused using a mechanism she understands. She cannot simply "magic" a force out of nowhere, although she can create objects that would unleash such a force.

After creating objects, they will last until she either chooses to dispel them or she transforms back out of her magical girl form. She can also choose to simply modify an object that she has complete conceptual understanding of. This ability is capable of affecting living organisms, although their complexity makes doing so much more draining than copying most machines, as well as making mistakes much more likely, unless she has had significant practice doing so on the specific type of being. (she has not at this time.)

Human Weapons and Equipment: Non-combatant

Magical Girl Weapons and Equipment:
A large, poster-sized, grey book with the word "Grimoire" written upon its cover in large, bolded font. The bindings of the book are titanium-reinforced, and the book itself is impervious to all forms of dirtying.

The book itself appears to be short, but one will never reach the end by simply turning pages, many of which are blank. On the first page of the book, however, are instructions on its use. The book itself is more than just a physical weapon, and is capable of scanning almost anything and reducing it to a simple blueprint with all relevant formulas and constants, as though written by a professional for a layman to read. This blueprint does require that one be able to do calculus at the very least to understand, however, and only has an explanation of each component down to a molecular diagram.

Corruption Level and Mutations: 7%, no mutations.
Personal info

Amber Marie Ludovico

Magical Girl Name: Aster (From her second name, Asteria)

Age: 21

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gender: Demi-girl

Human Appearance: 6' ft / 172lbs / Hair: Red/ Eyes: Arctic blue/ Athletic composition.
Anyone who has meet her family, knows that Amber is the spitting image of her father. Dark skin, freckles, red hair and all. To separate herself a bit she likes to dye it a darker red. With a high metabolism Amber is naturally skinny, but most of her bulk is toned muscles from years of sports and training. To match with her tall frame she has slender hands and feet.

Magical Girl Appearance: Amber loves the history of her family and her lineage. She sees her optimal self as a strong capable women, someone strong enough to protect herself and everyone she loves. When she transforms, her magical girl outfit is a suit of armor; silver and gold cuirass, bracers, pauldrons, and full leg armour. Her tasset belt is more Roman in appearance that what's shown in the reference photo. To finish the look Amber sports a blue long sleeved tunic and black pants.

+ Independent, Loyal, Genuine, Adventerous, Proud
= Dominating, Head-strong, Impersonal, Boyish
- Destructive, Arrogant, Reactive, Meddlesome

Big dogs
Oversized hoodies
The smell of coffee
Spicy noodles
Greek mythology

The taste of coffee
Lima beans
Long road trips
Cramped spaces


The history of the Ludovico name can be traced back as far as to the beginnings of the Roman Empire when Amber's first noticeble ancestor, Callinicus, served under Julius Cesar. But the start of their legacy, why they're called "Godblessed" always diverts from three noticeble moments in Ludovico timeline, no one can really agree on when it officially started an impact on the family traditions and culture.

1. During their service under the Roman Empire, the original family name was Lodovicii's at the time, they were fearless in battle, strong, adept and versatile. Having a Lodovicii in your ranks ment having victory. It was then said that their success and skill were granted by the Gods. Earning most Lodovicii's respect and high ranks in the Roman military and even politics. This garnered them a large following within the Roman Empire.

2. Steming from Roman Empire days, before the split of the Roman Empire the Lodovicii's were framed with a charge of high treason. They were soon stripped of title and exiled to Cyprus. There, they lived in Isolation near the foothills of the Baths of Aphrodite (current day Cape Arnauti) when the fall of the Roman Empire happened many smaller empires went after outlying territories to claim. This began the Arab raids on Cyprus, led by Arab Caliph Abd-al-Malik. During this time the Ludovico's (Name changed after exile) helped drive back the force. Having continued traditions of training for combat even in isolation, Ludovico's aided their new country in driving out the foreign invaders. Once again their victories helped drive out the enemy after 10 years of battle. At the end of it Elyxius Ludovico became the ruler of Cyprus. Their story on Cyprus, how a family of farmers became the next ruling family could only be explained by the work of Gods. (This also started the beginnings of the current interworkings of the Ludovico family. Elyxius was the youngest of 8 siblings so every Ludovico after him in rule was the youngest of the family, his siblings appointed advisor roles in politics or high rank in the military.)

3. After Amber's ancestor, Eloi became the 12th king of Cyprus the black plague broke out. There weren't many cases of it on Cyprus due to it being an island but because of the recent war. It caught on quickly. It is to be said that Cressida, Elxi's youngest daughter was able to heal those that were sick. That along with her incomparable beauty, the people of Cyprus could only believe she was sent by the Gods to heal them. (Unknown until recently, Cressida was the first and only magical girl in the Ludovico line until Amber)

Regardless, the Ludovico family is a lineage deep rooted in culture and history. They continue honored traditions and ceremonies out of obligation and respect of their ancestors, and also out of pride for the family's tenacious fighting spirit. That's why all training begins after infants begin to walk, and at age 5 all Ludovico's are given a second name (like Catholics with confirmation names.) in Greek or Latin. Only to be used in celebrations and ceremonies among family, or in the confines of the home.

Most Ludovico's stray from working as for hire hitmen or joining military service unless drafted, but many still aspire to positions of power and influence, becoming politicians, policemen, lawyers, scholars, scientists. Very few, carry the "tradition" of being fighters.
Amber's uncle was one of those traditional fighters. A for hire hitmen, after retiring from the marines, he worked closely with government officials and even royalty from other nations. To Amber, he was her idol.

He was the only one who knew about Amber's powers, putside of her parents. And though her parents were also very understanding her uncle was her favorite person and the only one she felt that really understood her. And he did, he even suggest her joining the pretty protectors "That's sounds like something useful for them" he would always say.

Sadly, he was taken from her too soon. At age 15 he was murdered. They made it look like an accident, causing her uncles car to crash while they were coming back from lunch. Her memory was foggy but she could never forget the face of that man who shot her uncle for good measure as he bled out in the driver's seat.

The doctors were amazed that Amber made it alive, more amazed that her shared gun shot wound wasn't fatal. Regardless she recovered quickly, and before leaving the hospital she was given a ring and dog tags they had found on her uncle's body.

Since that accident Amber hadn't been the same, she became more rebellious, acting out in class, getting into fights. She was reckless and angry all the time. Mainly because her family was forgetting, after the funeral of like her uncle never existed. Even if it was common practice Amber couldn't forgive everyone for moving on with their lives, while she was still festering with guilt and feelings of revenge.

After highschool she attempted college only going because she had a full scholarship due to track, but only completed about two years for an associates. After graduating she decided to stay away from home finding life as a personal training until she was brought unto the Pretty Protectors Program. Something she had forgotten about since her uncle died.

Powers and Abilities

Human Skills & Talents

  • Excellent hand-to-hand combat skills
    • Specializes in;
- HEMA (Historical Eruopean Martial Arts)- mainly swordsmanship​
-Greco-Roman wrestling​

  • Athlete; prefers soccer an track but is pretty much good at any sport she tries.
  • Plays piano
  • Good at sculpting (that's about it, any other art she does terrible in)

Magical Girl Power(s): METEORITE

  • SUMMONING the ability to Summon meteorites at will; as long as there is ground to shape it from, depending on her strength and Stamina they can be as big or as small; as many or as few as she wants. This also allows her a bit of fire control as she can choose the direction of where they go, almost like heat seaking missles.​

With her power she can also take on attributes of meteors!​

  • HARDENING her skin becomes extremely durable as it hardens to take on likeness to metals/stones that make up meteorites ie. Iron and crystal. It also makes her body denser, and heavier which Increases the impact of her punches during close combat.​
  • HEAT-UP She ignites parts of her body to extremely high temps (3000°f / 1648°c). Though, the higher the temperature the less control she has. (Right now she can completely control temps up too 1170°f, any temps between 1171-2220°f can go haywire, and possibly burn her or people near her if she isn't focused. Temps beyond 2220°f are very hard to regulate and only happens when she is desperate.) Loosing control will cause severe 3rd degree burns on her and anyone within a 5 foot radius.​
  • BURN-OUT is igniting her whole body in flames. She can only stay in this mode for an hour and a half, anything over that causes her body to overheat and even burn. If concentrated on specific parts of the body it lasts longer. (Up the 3 hours)​
  • MAGNETISM, when her body is in Iron hardening mode she becomes magneticat room temperature (if her body reaches Iron melting point *770°c/1418°f* her hardening is rendered ineffective). This is handy, allowing Amber to throw and recall her sword or shield at will, but only works up to 20 feet (due to her Height Amber is considered a large megnet during this ability.)​
If controlling two aspects of her powers at once, she can do what's essentially combo moves;

  • SHOOTING STAR- A combination of her HARDENING and SUMMONING powers. While hardened in likeness to iron, any meteorites she summons with Iron in them she can attract to her body, increasing her in a rough, exterior. This is work essentially like a tank move. Amber moving at high speeds becomes deadly upon impact. Coming into contact with Amber in this form will garner you a few broken bones or bruises if you're lucky. This move also increases her durability creating an extra layer of protection.
  • INFERNO- Combination of her HEAT-UP and fire controlling ability. The sword she has in her magical girl outfit is essentially hollow. With no actually blade. This is because amber often uses it as an extension of her fire controlling abilities. When she ignites the hand held her sword hilt the fire can be transferred to the sword, thus creating a fire sword that can expand or shrink on command. With more fire Amber can turn the sword into a whip.
  • DYING STAR/SUPER NOVA- Combination of BURN-OUT and SUMMONING when Amber is under extreme stress and adrenaline she can act as a bomb. Heating her body to it's highest point while covered in Meteorites creates a mini supernova, sending meteorite shrapnel at high speeds in all directions. Depending on the size you can be impaled or suffer deep cuts and 2nd/3rd degree burns. (Only used after SHOOTING STAR has been in affect)
  • ZEUS'S WRATH- Combination of SUMMONING and fire controlling abilities. Amber creates thousands of meteorites the size of golf balls and essentially creates or own meteorite shower, but with her fire controlling abilities she can make them move at alarming speeds, acting as bullets. When the comets come in contact, she can heat up the individual comets, increasing is potency this allows them to pierce body armor and burn Organs. From the many thousands of meteorites she can only effect 100 meteorites with the second half of her ability.

Human Weapons and Equipment: Always carries a pocket knife every where and is always wearing her uncles dog tags and ring which are apart of her magical girl outfit.

Magical Girl Weapons and Equipment:​

  • Steel toed boots​
  • Gauntlets​
  • Expanding Shield​
  • Sword​

Corruption Level and Mutations: 10%
Mutations- skin along Amber's back has hardened, almost like scales. It's pretty painful and as new epidermal layer grows they fall off, often creating bruises and bleeding.​


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Human Name: Enki kil Botis

Magical Girl Name: Decayers of Devas

Age: 24

Sexuality: Asexual

Magical Girl Class: Psi (A)

Human Appearance:

5'8"/ Eye Color: Gold / Hair Color: Black​

Enki's outward appearance is passably normal, but while she lacks femininity, she is not exactly tomboyish either. Preferring ornate and neutral clothing she is often seen cladded in strangely dated and uniform-like formal wear donned with strange patterns. Her slanted eyes give her a judgmental gaze by default, her demeanor does no favor to clear up the unsettling ambiance.

Magical Girl Appearance:

5'8" / Eye Color: Gold / Hair Color: White​

Whilst there are barely changes to her physique as well as eye color, it is notable that Enki's right eye's sclera turns pitch black. The demon-like horns and tail that appear are physical and connected to her flesh and blood body, Enki herself makes inconsistent claims, sometimes stating they are parts of her hat and coat respectively and sometimes saying they are part of her body.

Often bitterly cynical, Enki radiates the aura of a natural leader, her pragmatism and emphasis on logic can easily translate into an altruistic ruthlessness, being unafraid to use any means for an end she desires. Despite that she is also quite cautious, even to the point of paranoia, with chronic trust issues when dealing with other people. She rarely lets these sentiments show, which is simply another testament to her attention to detail.

These underlying qualities led her to be extremely observant of her surroundings, and to be manipulative towards others regardless of whether or not they have any malicious intent. Being very articulate and calm yet snarkily insulting when interacting with others. She herself does not seem to feel any guilt for her cunning behavior.

Even whilst being a pragmatist, Enki sometimes exhibits "eccentric" behavior, such as using her magical girl transformation for seemingly no reason at times and simply meditating in her transformed state.

-Literature, Theology and Philosophy
-"A good debate."
-One cup of wine

-Dense people
-Acts of Desperation
-More than one cup of wine, or any other alcohol
-Metaphorical Quietness

Enki kil Botis and her sesquizygotic (semi-identical) twin brother Enlil kil Naberius were both born with high aptitude psionic powers to the psychic criminal congregation, the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, or more commonly known as the False Monarchs. Enki was bestowed power to see through lies and precognitive abilities that allowed her to read the future actions of others, while her brother Enlil had the ability to induce hallucinations of perfect blissfulness or nightmarish hellscapes, and could shut down nervous systems through sensory overload. Unbeknown to anyone else, the twins also possess twin telepathy, which became the crucial component to their rise, and fall, and rise again. This telepathy was different from nearly all other recorded cases, it was perfect telepathy, where the two passively shared all information they access with each other in a way that is incomprehensible to those with regular cognitive functions.

Pseudomonarchia Daemonum (Commonly shortened to "Pseudomonarchia", or its English translation "The False Monarchs") is an underground organization of psychics that can be traced back to medieval England, where many people with psionic powers banded together to escape religious persecution. They adopt names of demonic origins as satire towards the church, with some recorded instances of witchcraft and demon tricks being truly their doing. Members don't have true surnames, instead, they adopt the name of one of the original 72 members as surname based on their psionic ability, "kil" is an English/Welsh surname prefix which means "student/devotee of", in which the organization's members adopt as well.

Their modern nature varies, but centers around using psionic abilities as underhanded methods to commit major crimes. Many members are supremacists who believe that those without any psychic/magical abilities are inferior to them. While there exists an authority hierarchy in more organized operations and inner circles, the Pseudomonarchia is surprisingly decentralized as an international organization. Any individual who has the ability to channel psychic powers are considered viable to be a member, this led to many different actions being done in the name of the organization, some benevolent and some radical. The anonymity and widespread nature of these acts make it difficult for authorities to crack down on the entire organization, usually only able to detain individuals or small groups.

There exist 72 "Facets", which subdivides members based on their psychic abilities. Those of the same Facet often band together to more effectively do their intended jobs, but oftentimes those of other Facets are required for different types of support.

The Facet of Count Botis:
A group that focuses on information extraction, their members are all connoisseurs of "the truth". They handle more primary cases and are no strangers to conventional methods of interrogation, torture, and manipulation. While most of the members of this Facet does not utilize abilities that greatly affect the minds of others, they are known for their flexible usage of psychic powers and cunning social skills.

The Facet of Marquis Naberius:
A group that focuses on the subduction, and sometimes destruction of masses. They are users of fantastical and dramatic hallucinations that can affect a large area. Many members are radicalized people who have no issues with using mass hysteria and the general public as a stepping stone for selfish gains. On the flip side, these acts of cruel showmanship often attract attention from local authorities.

Since an early age, Enki had a strong rivalry with her brother that was mutually returned. The sibling rivalry had its aggressive nature heightened more and more as time went on, and eventually went to lethal levels when Enlil urspured their mother's Legionary Command position with his hallucinations. Enki, who held a more passive ability soon made it her personal goal to topple her brother, the feeling, as always, was mutual. Despite both parties never holding back, for years the twins' conflict was at a stalemate, due to their passive telepathy making it easy to evade each other.

This delicate balance of power only shifted when Enki awakened as a magical girl, as her natural psionic and physical ability were vastly boosted. Somewhat unexpectedly, the battle was not a pure one-sided curb stomp. At its end, Enki spared her twin's life. But she did take his dominant arm, sight, and had him suspended in a drug-induced coma indefinitely. The reason for this was unknown.

Afterwards, Enki took her brother's former position as Legionary Commander for the New York Branch, and proved herself very capable with her magic boosted physic powers. She moved the entire branch days prior to the first gheist attack in New York as a result of her precognitive powers. While not being a stranger to the supernatural, the events that unfolded in the following years deeply concerned Enki, which motivated her to find contact with Turner Corp.

Human Skills & Talents:
-Negotiator and interrogator
-Leadership skills
-Some hand to hand combat abilities

-Is able to see through lies, and can sense if one's motivation is to deceive (Human Psionic Ability)
-Precognitive powers that can sense others actions, ineffective on those with high enough psidicide levels (Human Psionic Ability)

Magical Girl Power(s):
Many of Enki's abilities seem to be similar to her natural psychic powers, many of which become more effective but suffer similar drawbacks.
  • Wilt of Flowers: Enki can cause plants to wither in a small area, around two arm's lengths around her, anything non-vegetation life will be compelled to flee but can stay without many other side effects.
  • Diaphoresis of Flesh: An ability that causes anxiety, fear, and nervousness in a target along with profound sweating, can dehydrate a living being if effect persists for long enough. First impact of this ability can stun a target temporarily.
  • Accelerated Humanity: The enhanced version of Enki's original precognition, in which the predictions of actions are no longer limited to motivation, she is able to utilized it on a city-wide scale and chart out future events based on precognitive senses.
  • Dissociation of Mind: Another enhanced version Enki's original psychic ability, it creates a pressuring aura in which those caught in it lose their ability to deceive and lie.
  • The Decay of Devas: Enki's most powerful psionic ability that can cause vivid hallucinations of perfect blissfulness or nightmarish hellscapes, those caught within it will lose their sense of self and motivation, becoming immobilized and trapped within their own body and could shut down nervous systems through sensory overload. An interesting note is that this ability is only usable when Enki's mirror, Gate, is present with her.
  • ȶɛʟɛքǟȶɦʏ
Human Weapons and Equipment:
  • .22 Caliber Revolver Knife
  • Steel-plated wrist and ankle guards
Magical Girl Weapons and Equipment:
  • Scythe (Unnamed): A black steel mechanical scythe with a crescent blade that radiates psionic energy. It comes with three separate blades, with one being in use and the other two in a holster on Enki's back. The three blades are a sharpened one specialized in slashing, a serrated one specialized in tearing and a blunt one specialized in crushing. The blade can be easily changed by sliding the handle of the scythe into the respective blade holster momentarily
  • Mirror (Gate): An obsidian mirror that levitates and circulated around Enki, she calls it "The Gate". It radiates similar psionic energy as her other weapon and often has very autonomous movements that are not all ordered by Enki herself. A crescent blade that has the same three modes of slashing, serrated and blunt blades circle the main mirror and can shift between modes to be used as a ranged weapon. It can separate from Enki with or without order, on its own it cannot use any of Enki's magical girl powers, but can cause minor hallucinations if the situation demands it.

    The reflection that shows in the mirror is nothing out of the ordinary with the exception of Enki herself, in which her long white hair is reflected as short white hair instead.
Corruption Level and Mutations:
6%, though she has not gone through intense trauma since becoming a magical girl, Enki's magiaphage seems to be corrupting at an extremely slow yet consistent rate at around 0.8% to 1% per year.
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Human Name: Emily Schmidt

Magical Girl Name: Officially, her codename is Livewire, but a punning reporter dubbed her "Electro-Cute", which has become the moniker the public knows her by. She HATES the latter.

Age: 15

Sexuality: Asexual

Human Appearance:


Standing a full five-foot nothing, Emily is a tiny wisp of a thing, barely weighing 100 lbs.

Magical Girl Appearance: (See above note)




Backstory: (Aim for 3 solid paragraphs or more)

Powers and Abilities

Human Skills & Talents: (Examples: hacking, guns, driving, dancing, etc. You can translate these skills over to your magical girl form.)

Magical Girl Power(s): (There is no hard cap of how many abilities you can have. Please be reasonable though)

Human Weapons and Equipment: (This category is any grounded, realistic/semi-realistic weapon or equipment your human will use. If your character is a non-combatant in human form then just ignore this section)

Magical Girl Weapons and Equipment: (This category can have fantastical, wacky, and outlandish weapons your Magical Girl summons. Examples: Giant mallets, blazing swords, army of floating guns, a giant flying battleship, and so on.)

Corruption Level and Mutations: (Every 10% a Magical Girl acquires a new mutation. Please cap this at a maximum of 30% for now. You do not need to have any corruption. If you choose to have corruption, then please make that part of your backstory)
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Basic Information

Human Name:
Ursula Malinowska

Magical Girl Name: Beowulf

Age: 23

Sexuality: Lesbian

Human Appearance:

She likes to style her hair in braids and experiment new styles from times to times. She's on the shorter side and well built with toned muscles. She walk with firm steps and upright posture. For clothes, she prefers function over fashion, and only dress up on her days off; on those occasions, she dons frilly and bright colored dresses.

Magical Girl Appearance:

In her magical form, her hair is significantly shorter. She grows fluffy wolf ears and wears a simple white dress. She also has a pair of earmuffs to cover her human ears, seemingly for aesthetic purpose. Around her wrists are iron bracers.

The Malinowskis are never quite out of their rebellious phase. As byproducts of unrest times in Poland, they were the most tenacious, dangerous and lunatic people originated from Pilica – a tiny town in southwest Poland.

Some joke that the ever-changing authorities had learned to coexist with them, not the other way around. Ursula's great grandfather once took down seven men in a fight to revenge his wounded pride, and then it took five more to carry his lifeless body out of the almost collapsed house. His first son, a colonel, survived fourteen assassination attempts, and only died after an arsenic dose could kill a horse, several stabbing wounds, one gunshot to the head, three to the chest, and being thrown into a river; they then found his body on the shore some days later, the cause of death was discovered to be Hypothermia. The colonel's brother, Ursula's grandfather, refused to surrender his cause and submit to the communist regime, was then murdered by his fellow insurgents. Then to keep the torch he passed down burning, at the age of 16, Ursula's father join the front lines of the most violent strikes against the communist party throughout the 80s.

But not all of their deeds were heroic or war-related.

A long nose Malinowska lived in the 18th century once found a cult so big some rural folks still worship her to the modern-day; a third rate poet, whose first name is three times longer than his family name, once broke into a parliament meeting after being rejected by eleven publishers. And there was that bear-hugger auntie, stories about her never failed to be mentioned every family gathering…

After the fall of the communists in Poland and the end of the Soviet bloc, Ursula's father returned to Pilica and lived a mostly quiet life, albeit not without occasional disputes with local authorities. He married a farmer girl, had six sons and two daughters.

When brought upon a Turkish coffee reader, it caught no one by surprise when the coffee grounds predicted life of conflicts after conflicts for each of his children. And just as was predicted, one after another, the children took arms to fight for their country during WWIII. None of them came back, saved for Ursula, who was only eleven when the war broke out. When she was 15, all eager to participate in the seemingly never-ending war, news came that Pretty had died. The war ended shortly after, and she received a vision that would change her life forever.

In the subsequent years, together with her father, Ursula joined a group of freedom fighters. There were plenty of people like them with eyes on the injustices of the world, but they were one of the few who couldn't stand idle. The group was founded by a local man full of grief for the loss of his daughter who fell prey to the Harvest Co. He rallied dozen of town people to storm the local police station then fled into the woods with stolen weapons, calling themselves in no fancy name but simply as "the Rebels." They denounced the Polish politicians who were no more than lapdogs for The Old World Alliance; swore war upon criminal organizations all around the world. Many Poles rallied to their cause and went on strikes all around the country. But the real rebels cared little for empty words and fruitless demonstrations. With arms and supplies provided by a foreign country, (namely a big brother from the east), they raid multiple labs of the Harvest Co in Poland. They have no real chance fighting head-on with the organization and their many powerful backings, so they played the guerrilla game and attack the labs' water source, planted mines along the roads, and gut any lab member they can ambush.

For seven years, she contributed greatly to the Rebels with her magical abilities. It was a memorable period in her life. In those years in hiding, she learned to use her magical girl powers. She also had a pet bear, a short live love with a baker's daughter, dancing around the campfire every weekend, and received a rifle she still treasured to this day even if she had no real use for it.

As she grew past her teenage years, Ursula also grew tired of the Rebels' underhanded tactics. She had seen the them kidnap innocent families of the lab members to blackmail them, and felt sorry for the citizens who were affected by the prolonged fights. Even though her father decided to stay, Ursula contacted the Pretty Protectors, who she thought had a more worthy cause to fight for.

Their unyielding and tenacious nature aren't what make the Malinowskis dangerous, no, they would just be common thugs then. They are a force to be reckoned with because they are always fighting for a cause, an ideal. No matter if it's family, beauty, pride, the country, a special someone, or religious belief at least one Malinowski had defended it to the bitter end. They are idealists, romanticists and extremists – a source of inspiration for people around them. Willpower is their most formidable strength, which carries them beyond physical limitations.

Ursula was no exception. She longs to do good and to serve a good cause. She believes in an ideal world everyone should work towards. To her, it's either denying the reality as it is and striving to creare your own ideal world or die trying. There is no point living in a less than ideal world. Fate is just something she couldn't submit to.

But other than the idiotic blood running in her veins, Ursula also has things that separate her from her family.

Above all, she's emotional.

Ursula's always been able to resonate with others. She can sense other people's emotions and feelings as if her own. She is often seen crying in the middle of wildlife documentaries, or after an encounter with an incredibly adorable puppy.

And she relies on her instinct and base feelings rather than her reasonings.

She lives in the moment. Decides on a whim, changes abruptly, stops talking mid-sentence. People with less energy may feel drained around her.

Certainly not the sharpest tool in the shed, she prefers to act upon her feelings and whatever feels right instead of pondering deeper questions. Consequently, she is easily manipulated and provoked.

While unbearable at times, her personality is still charming enough to compensate for her fickleness. As said, she is kind-hearted and atruistic. You can rest assured she will come to get you out of a pinch without a second delay. Problem is she puts others over herself too often, so much so she had a serious issue with being alone. It can be fixed easily, however, with an animal friend, any kind of animal (she used to keep a pet bear). She could be one moment in the middle of a crowd, then the next wander in the park, feeding birds, which is one of her favorite hobbies.

Underneath she had a deep fear of being rejected. She knows she's different, as a magical girl, and as a person, there aren't many heads operating like hers.

- She can't hold her liquor very well for a Slavic girl, which is to say she can still out-drink any European guy, just isn't able to empty barrels in one sitting.
- She has a knack for drawing, but only when she feels like it, and prefer embroidery instead.
- Her voice is neutral normally but turns deep when she sings.

Likes: animals, bear cubs, feeding birds in the park, nature, embroidery, braiding hair, singing, folk dances.

Dislikes: cruelness, negative feelings, becoming a bad person, being feared.

Powers and Abilities

Human Skills & Talents: knife fighting, shooting moving targets, drawing, folk dancing and singing.

Magical Girl Power(s):

After transformed, her emotions are intensified. Her fright, anger, sorrow and all other emotions will feel worse than in her human form.

Silver tongue: Her words have the power to manipulate the feelings of people listen to them. She can inspire her comrade or strike fear into the heart of her enemies. Can be resisted with enough willpower.

Materialize Feelings: She can draw the collective emotions around her and call forte a spirit of the strongest feeling: Sadness can tank, Anger can do massive damage, Fear has boosted senses and reflexes, Surprise can do one-time massive damage, Stress can inflict lingering damage over time…

Immaterialize attachment objects: She can transform an object she's emotionally attached with into a talisman and undo the transformation at will, it's like a child's favorite blanket or toys, but Ursula's most attached item is a rifle her father gave her on her 21st birthday.

Hyper instinct: a passive ability. After transformed, her instinct, sense of danger and reflexes are boosted. She will be fully aware of her surroundings through five senses. She can also read other's emotions and feelings even better than in her human form.

Human Weapons and Equipment:
- A Heckler and & Koch HK416C ultra-compact variant
- A combat knife

Magical Girl Weapons and Equipment:

Jurata and Wanda: two sets of chains could move on their own or controlled by Ursula. Act independently, they are simply blunt weapons, their abilities only activate when Ursula holds one end of them in her hand.

Jurata: when struck by it, her enemies will lose their sense of reason and revert back to their animal state with only their instinct to rely on. Its effectiveness is based on its target's willpower, strong-willed individuals will only be enraged, or turn berserk if they're on the verge of breaking.

Wanda: take control of an unintelligent creatures when this chain wraps around one of its body parts. Its effectiveness is based on the creature's intelligence level or how much Jurata has managed to break it.

Corruption Level and Mutations: 2%
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Basic Information

Human Name:
Scathach Black ; Called Scath by her friends

Magical Girl Name:
Lonely Shadow; or just Shadow



Human Appearance:
Image result for anime girl with brown hair and yellow eyes

Shoulder length light brown hair that usually unkempt and wild framing an somewhat cute and innocent face with mismatched eyes. Her eyes don't show any of her emotions, and only expresses a bored look most of the time. She has light skin that never changes tone even in the sun, and a curvy body thats always either covered in either her usual clothes of an oversized turtleneck sweater and some leggings or shorts, or her uniform for her school. She isn't that tall, standing at 5'6, but also isn't as short as some of the others.

Magical Girl Appearance:
Image result for anime girl black uniform

Her hair lengthens out in strands, leaving some of it short, and some of it super long. It also darkens to a darker brown. Her skin gets slightly paler, and blushes easily. Her eyes change to a hazel color, and get smaller. She grows a pair of soft and fluffy fox ears that helps her hear everything happening around her. An odd scarf encircles her neck and she wears a short kimono type dress, with a black mask attached to her belt for when she gets into a battle.

An emotionless girl, she struggles to show her feelings. Mostly keeping to herself and not talking to new people unless spoken to first. Her friends are few and far in between, so interacting with them is kept to a minimum. Always looking 'bored', people don't see her for what she is and what she does, just how she likes it. She can sometimes get extremely angry, and yell, destroying everything in her path. But usually she is the perfect picture of a calm, and somewhat lazy girl.

Reading, books, quietness, food-especially sweet foods, candy, the dark, the colors black and crimson.

Over the top people, bullies, the color indigo, bad food, really bright places and overly cheerful people

Scathach Black was born to the famous gang, Shadow Smile. Her name came from her grandmother, who left the family with a note and a gun. Her childhood was a rough one. She grew up with the sounds of guns and fighting happening all around her. When she was a toddler, her parents were killed in an attack from one of the gangs, leaving her alone with her older brother. His name was Jax Black, and wasn't the friendliest of people. He wasn't meant to be a parent, he was trained to be a fighter. He taught her to be uncaring and all the skills she now has, keeping her up all night and sometimes wouldn't let her sleep for a week just to build up her stamina. His training is what made her into the fighter she is today, and the danger that oozed from her drove away even the gang members.
On her 13th birthday, Jax made her kill someone. That was when the magic in her started to act up. When she first turned into a Magical girl, her brother was killed and his last words were 'Don't fucking disappoint me, little sister.' She cried for the first time in her life then, and disappeared from existence for a year. When she came back, she was a girl that was less closed off and open up to world a little. She came back to find her parent's gang in chaos, the absence of a leader had led to the members fighting one another for power. Quickly righting the Shadow Smile, she restored it to what it once was, and made some changes. Scath cut all ties with the other gangs, the ones who killed for fun, and created loose ties with the better gangs, the ones who were about protecting the community and the people in it.
Of course, they still did some illegal things, such as kill people from time to time, but most of the people they killed were murderers or rapists. Her second-in-command, her beta to some, was the one who helped communicate with the lesser members of the gang, and bring the trouble makers to Scath. She ruled with an iron fist, only at the age of 14, almost the youngest leader in the history of the gang. Many of her members had problems with her being the leader, but she soon put them in their place. A few knives and an empty clip later, they understood that she was better then most of them combined. They let her take control, and when she heard about the Pretty Protectors, and wanted to know more. She contacted them, and the rest is history.

Powers and Abilities

Human Skills & Talents:
Hacking, Driving, Hand-to-hand combat, Blade Combat, Cooking, Memorizing Details, Stealth

Magical Girl Power(s):
Shadow Travel:
She can travel from shadow to shadow, but it takes stamina and energy from her. Any place that has a shadow, Scath can get into, no matter how heavily guarded it is. Bright lights cancel out this power, and render it usless. Takes energy from her, depending on the distance.
Claws of Darkness: Claws come out of the shadows, ensnaring nearby enemies, tearing them apart and sometimes dragging them back from where the claws came from. Multiple claws can be created at once, and can be directed to a place within viewing distance. These claws can be large or small, depending on how much damage Scath wants them to do.
Shadowy Figure: A shadow is created to the shape that Scath desires, created to intruige the enemy and get them to come closer or distract them. Fairly simple to use, the only setback is that it take concentration to maintain the shadow. If her concentration is broken, then the shadow disappears. Takes at least a minute to create the shadow, sometimes less or more, if she wants it to be simple or very detailed.
Things That Go Bump In The Night: Random creaks and bangs are what first signify she used this ability. Next come the whispers, laughter, childish giggles, things that make a person want to see what is there, but fear it at the same times. Then come the shadows on the walls and floors, shadows of children, innocent victims killed in the area. The shadows soon become 3-D, able to move around without limit. The shadows see Scath as their mother, and are very protective of her. They are able to take down a grown man, but every time they get hurt, a smaller wound is inflicted upon Scath, who takes their pain away and enables them to fight. When she can't bear the pain anymore, she releases the shadows and they go back to where they came from.

Human Weapons and Equipment:
A sniper rifle, a few knives and guns on her body, and a sleeping powder concealed in a necklace.

Magical Girl Weapons and Equipment:
Blade of the Shadows:
A katana wrapped in shadows and sharper then any other blade, her blade is sturdy, capable of fending off heavy blows. The blade spread shadows with each swing, creating more places for her to escape and use her powers if needed. Cloth wrapped around the hilt helps her keep a hold of it, and the blade sometimes moves on it's own, wrapping the cloth around enemies, or blocking a hit that Scath couldn't move fast enough to block. The blade can also turn into a person, if Scath calls out his name, 'Ota'. It turns into a young boy, with white hair and dark skin, piercing eyes and a permanent scowl. He wears black robes and a grey scarf, similar in fashion to Scath's. He is extremely loyal to his master, Scath, and will protect her at all costs. He can't die for some reason, but he can still be wounded. When he isn't in use, he hovers behind her, one hand on her scarf and the other in his pocket, where a small knife is hidden.

Corruption Level and Mutations:
13% Corruption.
Mutation Acquired:
Her gaze becomes semi-deadly in battle, killing those weak of heart, and striking fear into those strong enough to not die. Sometimes looking her in the eye brings out the worst memory in a person's life, scaring them.​
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Basic Information
Human Name:
Diána Kardos

Magical Girl Name: Hallowed Custodian of Gateways

Age: 19

Sexuality: Bisexual

Human Appearance:
Diana The Gatekeeper.png

Unlike the picture, she does not have cat ears and her hair is completely black. She also has a Glasgow scar at both corners of her mouth, almost reaching up to her ears, which she usually hides with a scarf or a muffler. More scars are scattered across her body, some still quite prominent despite their age. For this reason, she always wears long clothes that cover most of her body.

Magical Girl Appearance:Gatekeeper MG Form.png
When Diána transforms, her scars disappear and fragments of warped metal come into existence around her. Showing images of the many realities she is supposedly connected to, they are charged with magical energy, which they often unleash in showers of red-white arcs and sparks. Her eyes also change colour; first, they both turn red, then they slowly transition to white before transitioning back to red. The change is gradual, but quick enough to produce an eerie, pulsing effect.

Personality: Damaged is perhaps the best way to summarise Diána's general behaviour. While she has recovered some of her trust in people, she remains defensive and closed off most of the time. She is hesitant to approach others, but is a pleasant, if somewhat quiet conversationalist who stammers every-so often if she speaks. Getting her to speak, though, is somewhat difficult as she instinctively keeps her distance. Not because she despises others, but because she wants to protect herself.

Beneath the shell she keeps around herself, Diána is a hopeful, passionate, artistic soul who is not sure what to make of the world. She struggles with her past, trying to make sense of what happened to her. She would love to have someone by her side, to ward against her loneliness… yet, at the same time, she can not help but flinch away from people. The voices in her head are not much help; she can not embrace them when the nightmares come and sometimes, their advice makes her question her sanity.

Quirks: Twitches at loud noises, carries a sketch pad and pencils, sneezes almost silently, always tries to hide her face, straightens her clothes when nervous, drinks with both hands around the glass.

Likes: The smell of fresh paper, sour food, scenery, flowers, colour.

Dislikes: Prying, forceful people, salty food, urban environments, dirt and messes.

Backstory: Diána's past begins well before her birth, on June 4th 1920. The date on which the Trianon treaty was signed, reducing Hungary to one third of its former size and inflicting a great injustice on the nation. Dissatisfied by the disgraceful conduct of the Allied forces, not to mention the unjust penalties, eight powerful families gathered to right this wrong. Uniting themselves under a blood oath, they formed István Király Gyermekei (The Children of King István) and started their work.

Under the Children's watchful gaze, Hungary's anti-trianon movement grew in power, but their plans did not stop there. Investing their money into the country along with its people, the Children recreated lost industries while founding new ones. They had a tremendous effect on fate of the country, with most people not even knowing it; many old territories were reattached. The nation regained a fraction of its former power, its inventions along with its people becoming known across Europe for their ingenuity.

Then came the Second World War. Once again, Hungary had been brutally violated and not only did it lose all of its territories, it ended up under the reign of the traitor Mátyás Rákosi… one of the members of the Children of King István, who usurped the power of the other families. Utterly enraged by this betrayal of their purpose along with their ideals, the Children plotted against him, along with the people who suffered under his rule. This culminated in the revolution of 1956, an event which shook the world and the Soviet Union - under the rule of which Hungary suffered. Unfortunately, it was crushed all too soon.

Most of the Children fled Hungary, with only a few of their agents remaining, vengeance still on their mind. It was not enough that Mátyás Rákosi be removed from his position, he needed to die horribly… along with all who threatened the justice Hungary deserved. The Children's ideals became their fanatic beliefs as they clung to a vision of a great nation and they started expanding their reach all over the world. In an attempt to restore the former glory of Hungary, of course.

Lacking most of their assets, the Children of King István started out slow, but their reach quickly spread as they used the story of the revolution as their springboard. They brought pictures of daily life from within the Soviet Union, painting a stark, bleak picture of the authoritarian regime. The Gulag Archipelago, released by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn only proved their point to the Children's followers… but the Children started to deviate from their path. Occultism seeped its way into the ever-growing ranks, along with a culture of secrecy as they faded into the shadows.

Under just a few years, the Children of King István went under a rapid transformation while still retaining most of its reach. The original families became quasi-religious leaders, escorted by mediums and self-professed psychics. Most prominent of these was the Kardos family, said to be gifted with the ability of prophecy, a skill that they displayed with great effect. Their forecasts helped the Children acquire a lot of influence in the world, their shadowy tendrils infesting both governments and corporations. But, in 1999, they also pronounced a strange forecast:

"Seventeen is despair, for it will birth a sword.
Moon and Blood
comes together in an infinite torrent,
thus reawakening the traitor
bearing holy sigils.
Beware the bitch, for she births out of wedlock
and shall end the Children."

Though the Children of King István argued over what this precisely meant, they agreed that they needed to strengthen their grip on the world so they could realise paradise: an independent Hungary, its former territories returned, justice rendered to it through its undisputed supremacy. Thus began the Children's descent into warped experimentation, ritualistic sacrifices in an effort to earn the favour of supernatural beings. Their efforts focused mostly on enhancing the human mind and its way of thinking and soon, they forgot about the forecast. A grave mistake on their part.

In 2016, Emese Kardos, one of the most prominent members of the Kardos family and an accomplished psychic forecaster, went missing for a week. When she returned, not only was she pregnant, she claimed she had no recollection of the events. Psychic screening confirmed this: no one could read her memories of that time, if she did have any. The Children of King István demanded she abort the child, but she refused to acquiesce. They exiled her as a result, taking away nearly all of her fortune along with her belongings.

Stricken with despair, but wishing to give the best possible life to her future child, Emese tried her best to reintegrate into society. Life outside her organisation proved almost impossible to understand for her as so many things were strange. However, she persevered for the sake of her unborn child, trying to make sense of this bizarre, bizarre world she found herself in. She was fortunate: she stumbled upon Gergely Bányász, a good samaritan who would later become her husband.

Diána was born into this period of instability on April 4th, 2017. Her birth upset an already precarious situation, leading to a difficult early childhood, however, it also lead to a transformative experience for Emese. The freshly-minted mother started to realise just how much the Children of King István had manipulated her, something that had her often break down in traumatic tears in Gergely's arms. He encouraged her to get therapy and with his help, she started to walk the slow road to recovery. Soon, the three found themselves acting like family, with Gergely happily accepting Diána.

Despite her family's difficulties, Diána lived a relatively bright childhood. Her family often struggled, teetering on the verge of falling apart, but these conflicts brought Emese and Gergely closer instead of separating them. Even more, they had time for the little Diána more often than not, who delighted in showing her drawings or her creations to her parents. For her, nothing could have been more exciting than getting a new set of crayons or using her hands and she improved at it remarkably quickly too. The praise she earned from her parents would later have her become enamoured with the world of art.

As she grew older, her parents grew closer to the point they married shortly before she entered school. Excited for her family, Diána took to her life like a vibrant butterfly, even more so than when she found out her mother fell pregnant again. The young girl made friends easily, social life just as important to her as art or grades. She became relatively well-known, going as far as to win a primary school competition for art. Her life should have been full of vibrant joy, but it would not last long.

World War Three struck like a hammer blow, along with the Children of King István. Intent on using the chaotic situation to their advantage, the Children pooled their assets and forcefully ripped Hungary out of the Old World Alliance. Sleeper agents along with insiders awakened at once, sabotaging all efforts to move against the nation. Key data disappeared overnight, supplies never arrived on time, chains of command broke down inexplicably… Any attempt to move against Hungary met with a string of inexplicable failures for several months.

By the time agents were removed from their positions, the Children of King István had a solid grip on Hungary. Not only had they renamed the nation to Hungaria, they dug their heels into its political and economical structure, and they also bolstered its armies with their array of inventions. As a fruit of their research into the human mind, they had discovered how to create genius - for a couple of years until the brain burned itself into a husk, but that did not matter - and used it to create new weapons of war as well as new means to rule over the population.

Soon it became apparent to the rest of the world that attacks on Hungaria would result in disproportionate casualties and the nation was left to fend for itself, exactly as planned by the Children of King István. They had finally created a piece of their utopia. Now they only needed to be patient, to wait for the right moment and then, no one could challenge Hungaria again. Sure of their victory, they leaned back on their chairs as much of the citizenry, Diána included, suffered from wartime conditions.

For all the power the Children had, rationing along with strict policing had to be implemented in Hungaria. Rebellious elements had to be eradicated or persuaded to join their cause, which meant routine inspections both inside and outside the house. Propaganda along with barely-perceptible brainwashing programmes became the norm. Having grown up in a different world, Diána took this quite harshly. Her grades along with her attitude fell, with the only thing keeping her hope being the support of her family, especially her mother.

Because Emese knew. Emese knew this could only be the Children of King István. As subtle as they were, she could recognise their methods and so as soon as they took over the country, she had started planning her family's escape. She hoped her knowledge would prove enough to get them through the Children's labyrinthine schemes. Diána especially spent many a night with her, being comforted that things would change for the better and soon. Unfortunately, Emese could never fulfill this promise to her daughter, because Pretty appeared on the world stage. Thinking of her as an individual blessed by the forces they worshipped, the Children of King István became absolutely enamoured with her.

Even worse, as more and more magical girls were identified, the Children realised this phenomenon could be replicated. But how? This question burned into their minds and soon, they could not bear it anymore. They had to obtain data on how magical girls operated, on how they functioned, on how they were born… And who was a better candidate to learn from, than the daughter of an outcast? An irredeemable sinner. Someone who turned her back on their order, abandoning them on a mere whim, for the life of her child! Especially when she had showed such promise in her life.

Diána's kidnapping was arranged and the next day, the girl found herself in the middle of hell on Earth. The Children of King István spared no quarter and no pain. They subjected her to every experiment they could think of, wishing to see if they could somehow induce the birth of a magical girl or learn any clues as to how it may be done. She, along with many other girls in the Children's captivity suffered unimaginable horrors, their souls scarred for life.

Diána has little to no memory of this period in her life, but what little she can recall is more than enough. Starvation; poison injected into her with the antidote coming mere seconds before her death; wounds inflicted in specific places to cause the most pain; induced insomnia… and so much more she would rather not name. She should have been broken beyond repair by these experiments, but instead, the Children of King István got their wish. They got to see the birth of a magical girl first-hand. Then, they also got first-hand experience of how destructive a magical girl could be.

Blinded by her pain along with her desire to end her torture, Diána destroyed the entire facility she was being held in, and, listening to the voices in her head, she massacred Hungaria's leadership along with much of the Children. With their leadership decapitated, the organisation soon fell into anarchy while Hungaria faced a crisis of leadership. Their secrets remained behind, however, which eventually lead to Hungaria developing technologies ahead of other nations, but that is not a part of Diána's story.

After her rampage, Diána felt miserable, abandoned and she lost nearly all hope. At first, she tried to find her family, but realised they were either gone now, or more likely, executed by the Children after she had been captured. Stricken with despair, she became an aimless vagabond, barely living as she looked at the world with soulless eyes. Even the voices in her head quieted down as she mourned everything in her old life, but she could not heal the massive hole where her family used to be. She lived like a machine for a long time, only eating, drinking and sleeping as she tried to find something she could cling to.

In the end, this turned out to be Zsigmond, a Hungarian soldier of the Third World War. Having seen plenty of action on the front lines, he recognised the signs of severe PTSD along with that of a broken soul. Heart-broken at the sight, he decided to help her and after week upon week of trying, he managed to have her accept it. He took her under his wing, teaching her sharp-shooting, close quarters combat, and even a bit of military tactics, all in the name of defending herself from people. Though he was no psychologist, his presence helped restore Diána to at least a fraction of her former self.

She thanked him thoroughly for his help, then she went on her way to look for a purpose in life. Something to fill her hollow heart. And maybe, just maybe, she would find it by joining the Pretty Protectors...

Powers and Abilities
Human Skills & Talents:

Drawing, painting.
Dexterity, precise movements.

Magical Girl Powers:
Eight Incarnations, Eight Choices: Diana is connected to what seem to be eight alternate versions of herself - "Incarnations" in her choice of language - located in what are perceived as different universes. Whether or not this is factually true is impossible to determine; the connection does not register on an empirical level. For all intents and purposes, Diana appears as a magical girl without any signs of cross-dimensional activity in or around her.

At the same time, Diana perceives these eight Incarnations as their own, separate person. They have wildly differing personalities, often giving her information that she would have no way of knowing at the time. This suggests these Incarnations may be real after all, especially seeing as she is definitely capable of invoking one of her eight Incarnations at a time. This gifts her with an ability unique to the Incarnation for an interval of either twenty-nine, one hundred and sixteen, two hundred and three, or three hundred and nineteen seconds. Once an interval has been chosen, it will last for its full duration and it can not be used again until all other intervals have been chosen. Diana calls this a "Cycle".

A Cycle may last for as little as the combined duration of all intervals - six hundred and sixty-seven seconds - or a century. The only criteria for its start is the choosing of any interval, and the only criteria for its end is that all available intervals are used up. By default, one Incarnation may be invoked only once in each Cycle.

List of Incarnations:
  • The Monarch: A ruler through and through, she derives her power from her subjects, just as her subjects derive power from her. Hailing from a future far and strange, her sensibilities are bizarre, almost incomprehensible to Diana. But her power is not. For as long as she invoked, those who become Diana's subjects and remain loyal to her will not be broken. They will never run out of courage, stamina, magic, or flesh and blood. This effect does not apply to Diana herself.

    The Monarch despises the Tyrant and the Outcast, so she may not be called upon in the same Cycle as them.

  • The Sorceress: One of the greatest magicians to have ever lived, she is the inheritor of Zeripho's legacy. She knows everything there is to know about magic, as far as her own reality is concerned… which does not sound very useful given that Diana's magic operates on different principles. However, the Sorceress always bestows a fraction of her magic onto Diana when she is invoked, turning her into a highly versatile, if relatively weak mage.

    The Sorceress pities the World-Breaker, and wishes to help her. If both have been invoked in the same Cycle, the Sorceress may be called upon once again.

  • The Bride: A beautiful, happy mother of three children who is expecting her fourth. Filled with motherly wisdom, she knows her way around the home and she knows how to calm down any troubled heart. As such, while Diana is invoking the Bride, she is able to perform any household chore to a high standard. More importantly, anyone whom she embraces is overcome by a profound sense of peace and serenity, strong enough to make even arch enemies lower their guard.

    The Bride loves children and as long as there is at least one nearby, she can be invoked without limit.

  • The Intercessor: A being of almost incomprehensible might who serves Their Constant Majesties, the Intercessor is without equal. Her mere gaze can shatter entire planets. Her touch can ruin galaxies. She might as well be a deity, but she denies this title, insisting that she is only borrowing the power of Their Constant Majesties. Invoking her lets Diana make any change to anything she touches directly, regardless of how impossible the change is. Living beings are the only exception to this rule, but even they may be altered with their explicit consent.

    The Intercessor serves only Their Constant Majesties and recognises no other authority. As such, she can not be invoked in the same Cycle as the Tyrant or the Monarch. Furthermore, she may only be called upon as the first or the fourth incarnation in a Cycle.

  • The Tyrant: The most unpleasant, rude, ruthless, two-faced and greedy businesswoman you have ever met, the Tyrant knows no boundaries. Thus, when Diana invokes her, she becomes capable of shattering any obstacle, whether it be mental, physical, magical, or metaphorical. This can never occur peacefully; the obstacle must be at least partially destroyed in some sense. Even worse, this always results in collateral damage, the extent of which is directly proportional to the obstacle's difficulty.

    The Tyrant may only be invoked as the first incarnation in a Cycle and she looks down on everyone else, sharply decreasing how effective they are within the same Cycle.

  • The World-Breaker: A broken, lonely fugitive who killed her world with her own hands. Unable to die by any means, she is cursed to wander the universe forever. When invoked, Diana shares in the World-Breaker's burden, severely reducing any injury she receives. Destroyed limbs become scratches, deadly wounds become mere inconveniences and complete annihilation turns into manageable limb loss. However, she does not become immortal; it is still possible to kill her with overwhelming firepower

    The World-Breaker is fearful of the Intercessor's tremendous power. As such, she may not be invoked in the same Cycle as the Intercessor.

  • The Dead: A malnourished, mistreated child who appears as barely more than a skeleton. An unfortunate soul who could barely live a life, she is ruled by all-consuming hatred. This deep resentment warps the minds of most people around Diana, turning them into mindless, shambling zombies for as long as the Dead is invoked. Magical girls and exceptionally strong-willed individuals are immune to this effect, but even they feel a cold, profound shudder of terror in their spine.

    The Dead's hatred of the Bride and the Sorceress is especially intense and so they can not be invoked in the same Cycle.

  • The Outcast: A cowardly, mousy pariah who could never stand up for herself, the Outcast's life used to be empty and hollow. However, she realised the countless mistakes she made, swearing she would help others to avoid them. As such, when Diana is invoking the Outcast, she enters a highly focused state in which she will make no mistakes within her limitations. She can still fail at a task, but if she does it will either be due to outside factors or her lack of skill within a particular area.

    The Outcast feels a strange resonance with the Sorceress and the World-Breaker. Thus, if they are invoked after the Outcast and in the same Cycle, their effects will be more potent.
Ahead is The Gateway, Behind is The Journey: Outside of a Cycle, Diana may establish what seems to be a link between the universes of her Incarnations and her own. Taking the form of an ornate portal of two metres in diameter, it functions as though it were anchored to her being, following her by floating. By reaching into the portal, Diana may bring a total of eight objects or beings into this world; whether this is "bringing into existence" or "bringing across" is impossible to determine. Regardless, these entities will continue to behave exactly as they did in their original universe, ignoring any inconsistencies with Diana's reality, even if it should make their existence impossible.

Note that understanding or control over a summoned entity is not guaranteed, and the more impact it is capable of having on any given world, the more effort and time it takes to summon. As an example, a futuristic pistol from the Monarch's universe takes a single thought and a split second, but one of the Tyrant's loyal servants takes several minutes of intense concentration. The summoning process may be interrupted by disrupting Diana's concentration or by destroying the portal. In the latter case, all summoned entities vanish instantly, exactly as though she had closed the portal herself.

No new Cycle may be started while the portal is open.

Heavens and Hells are Joined by Metal: Given enough time and materials, Diana is capable of creating shrines, temples, churches and cathedrals that feel sacred to most magical girls. This is by no means an easy task; depending on the size of the sacred place she wishes to create, it may take her anywhere between a few days up to a few years of dedicated, hard, ritualistic work. When completed, these sacred places provide rest and respite to any magical girl - be they Diana's friend or her foe - who takes shelter in them, increasing their rate of recovery by one third of its base value.

These hallowed venues appear as masterfully crafted, baroque buildings of metal and as such, they can not be mistaken for anything else other than what they are. Ordinary people may not enter their premises under any circumstances. Furthermore, most man-made weapons are incapable of damaging these buildings, though they may be destroyed with enough dedicated firepower.

Other magical girls are capable of assisting Diána in the construction, thus shortening how long it takes, but she must supervise their work.

Human Weapons and Equipment:
HK-40/D "István" Assault Rifle: One of the first inventions that the Children of King István introduced to Hungaria, this assault rifle is an extremely tough beast. Not only does it have a reputation for being almost impossible to destroy, it has a fair amount of punching power. Its targeting systems along with its construction is relatively primitive, however, it is easy to manufacture and even easier to maintain. For this reason, it made a quite popular weapon in the Third World War.

Diana's version is more complex and as such, requires more care, but it is more powerful and versatile in exchange. It is capable of handling multiple munition types at once, selecting them to the user's preference. It also has multiple firing modes: single, burst, auto, extreme-high-velocity, spread and instant discharge.

HK-03/Sz "Királyfi" Vaporblade: One of the more recent inventions of Hungaria, the Királyfi Vaporblade can achieve temperatures of up to two thousand degrees Celsius while retaining its sharp edge. It is a versatile, self-maintaining tool that can has a large energy capacity and it can recharge itself from almost any source. Designed more for utility than combat, the Királyfi still makes an excellent last-resort weapon.

Magical Girl Weapons and Equipment:
Steel Serpents: A pair of massive, biomechanical beasts about thirty meters in length, these pseudo-sentient beings serve Diana as though they were extensions of her body. They clearly have their own will as they will often move to protect her from attacks she does not know of, not to mention they attack enemies on their own, but they are also completely loyal as they obey her every order. Capable of moving in nearly any environment with surprising speed, these creatures are quite difficult to destroy and they can render most man-made combat machines inoperational with a single bite. Should they be wounded, they also regenerate at a fast pace.

Corruption Level and Mutations: Diana's corruption level has always been, is always, and will always be 11%. This does not mean she is immune to the effects of trauma, corruption or mutation, merely that for some reason, it appears as though she were 11% corrupted. In reality, her corruption is currently 25%.

Tattoo of a Living Snake: An extremely detailed, intricate, two-dimensional snake has taken residence on Diána's skin. It is large enough to reach from her collarbone to the middle of her thigh and it is very much alive. She can even feel it move across her skin... or, if one of her opponents moves too close to her, leap out of her body then bite, injecting a quick-acting venom into their body.

Predatory Metal Teeth: Instead of regular teeth, Diána possesses rows upon rows of ornate, metallic teeth. Decorated with stunningly beautiful imagery, but also arranged into frighteningly carnivorous formations, they balance fear with art on a fine edge. Diána has not gotten used to them yet, so she occasionally stumbles over her words or injures her tongue when she speaks.
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We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep.
(The Tempest. I.iv.148-158.)

Basic Information

Human Name:
Ito Yua

Magical Girl Name: Tempest

Age: 18

Sexuality: Reluctantly bisexual.

Human Appearance:


Ito Yua is a girl with simple, pin straight brown hair. Her eyes are a similar shade of ashy brown, similar to what her father would call the 'soulless eyes of her bitch mother'. Her skin and gait are both ghostly. Some would say she floats instead of walks. Her dress, much like the rest of her, is conservative. She prefers warmer Western styled clothing. In her opinion, there's nothing quite like a cozy sweater.

Magical Girl Appearance:


Ito Yua's Magical Form, Tempest, is what she would refer to as a ostentatious abomination. With her transformation, she gains cotton candy colored, knee length hair and a good 4 inches for a total height of 175 cm (she almost becomes cartoonishly long). She adorns her hair with winged roses. The primary colors of her dress and train change colors based on the abilities she most recently used. The dress is almost scandalously short with lots of ruffles and ribbons for decorations. Her shoes are laced up with ribbons.


Yua would be described as a steadfast and loyal person to those she loves. Filial piety is a major driving force of her actions and feelings. More often than not, she demonstrates a very stony demeanor - reserved, yet polite. But once comfortable, she is kind yet naive. Rarely does someone get that close, especially if she considers them to be of a 'lower status' than her. This social stratification is not drive by any sort of maliciousness, but rather a deep desire to protect her family's image and stability.

When transformed into her Magical Girl form, a switch goes off, and her actions are driven by her turbulent emotions. Yua much prefers her normal human form over her Magical Girl form. She often feels embarrassed by the things she says and the way she acts in this state.

Likes: gardening, reading, candy, coffee, cats. Words of affirmation and acts of service as love languages.

Dislikes: gambling, most men, tea and alcohol, extroverts, 'promiscuous; people', and politics. Chances are, she probably hates it, but only because she is supposed to rather than she wants to.


Ito Yua was born to a highly traditional Japanese family. Her father, the only son of her grandfather, was set to inherit the long standing paper works company. The family company had provided wealth for generations as the finest producer of paper for stationary- regardless of purpose. Origami, school notebooks, business memos had been, in previous times, made of Ito paper. This was no longer the case. Technological advances had touched every method of note taking and message sending. Other than the affluent who kept paper for novel purposes and the overly traditional who preferred the handwritten method and traditional origami, the Japanese (and global) public would much rather write or audibly dictate their messages through their devices. The result was a company in increasing instability, but a family who acted as if they were in the height of power and affluence.

Yua was raised very much understanding 'red' days and 'black' days. Her grandfather and father did their best to keep the women in the family unaware of financial details, but the whispers of the dwindling help spoke volumes. The home, which used to be filled the brim with the noise of near-constant guests and a variety of help, had gone quiet. Now, the silence was deafening. Most of the noise remaining consisted of shouting from her father gambling away what money had been made on 'black' days and the harsh scolding her grandfathered doled out for her father on 'red' days. It was no secret her father was considered a failure by his own father. He had married well, but there were few other redeeming qualities. His lack of business acumen, his gambling addiction, and well, his lack of sons, prevented her grandfather from passing down the company. Yua felt like a ghost in her own home, and she had very few choices to restore her family to glory.

Hearing the voice of Pretty and becoming a Magical Girl completely revolutionized Yua's life. The tension between her and her father morphed into something rather horrifying... Her existence was disgusting, because why couldn't she just be a normal girl? Yet, there was a sort of value when it came to being of use for their country..? At the end of the day, Yua would either fulfill a purpose or be sold off for her bits and pieces just like cattle. None of this was ever directly expressed to her, but she heard the unusually quiet words shared between her father and grandfather. For once, the two appeared to be on the same page, and the thought made her stomach churn. Yua did her best to spend her time away from home, but at the end of the day, she knew there would be a cause she would die for. Francesca Turner provided the perfect opportunity to find her use.

Powers and Abilities

Human Skills & Talents:
Flower arranging, calligraphy, traditional folk dance. Uncanny ability to disassemble minor machinery like vending machines and dispensers, archery. Surprisingly good at lying. Physically fit and capable of basic parkour.

Magical Girl Power(s) and Weapons:
--- Magically *gachapon machine (ex) with 5 types of gacha weather prizes, that when opened, become arrows
-------- Lightning: Arrow becomes a bolt of lightning with 200 mAmps when launched
-------- Seismic: Arrow causes minimum 8 Richter scale quakes where it lands
--------Tornado: Arrow launches strong currents into the air or ground (F4+)
-------- Rainbow: Arrow pathway becomes a rainbow bridge to travel fast from one location to the other
-------- Hale: Arrow launched into the atmosphere causes softball sized hail to fall from the sky.

Her bow, as depicted in the image above, is used for firing the arrows.

The gacha are essentially stored uses of powers. She can summon the individual arrows on her own accorded, however, repeated use becomes draining. The machine has to be refilled after every few fights. All gacha arrows can be extremely problematic for her fellow Magical Girls if not careful.

Human Weapons and Equipment: As a whole, Yua is noncombative. She is adept at a normal bow and arrow. "" carries a standard Swiss Army Knife for utility.

Corruption Level and Mutations: Minimum corruption thus far, roughly 2%.
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Human Name: Emily Schmidt

Magical Girl Name: Officially, her codename is Livewire, but a punning reporter dubbed her "Electro-Cute", which has become the moniker the public knows her by. She HATES the latter.

Age: 15

Sexuality: Asexual

Human Appearance:

Image result for blonde anime girl

Standing a full five-foot nothing, Emily is a tiny wisp of a thing, barely weighing 100 lbs. Her hair is a platinum blond, and she has deep green eyes that you can get lost in for weeks. Her fashion sense is extremely conservative, a lot of long, dark colored dresses and the like.

Magical Girl Appearance: (See above note)

Image result for anime lightning girl

Emily's hair now drapes down past her waist, though it never seems to be an impediment of get damaged- the latter useful for a lightning wielder. She has a pink skirt, white boots, white top with a crossed lightning bolt emblem, and a tiara. Oddly , she neither grows nor shrinks.

Personality: Emily has a strange personality. It's not necessarily a split personality, per se, but its almost like she's two different people. In her normal form, she is quiet and reserved, preferring few words and solitary pursuits. As Livewire, however, she is outgoing, flamboyant, and far more brash, always wanting the spotlight on herself and herself alone

Likes: Reading, exercising, tea

Dislikes: large crowds, the dark

Backstory: (Aim for 3 solid paragraphs or more)

Growing up, Emily was, well… she was just Emily The standard blend-in-with-the-masses kind of girl. Decent grades, a few casual friends, a couple of boys to shoot down in flames. That all changed one July night.

For months, she had felt something strange. Something strangely just out of reach, like she should be able to grasp it. Then, without warning, she transformed for the first time, right in the middle of her apartment. She'd seen magical girls on TV before, and she knew what she had to do.

So there she was, out in the darkness, fighting the good fight. A few assaults broken up, a few robberies stopped, once she even foiled a kidnapping attempt. And soon enough, Francesca Turner took notice. Now, Emily isn't just out to defend the Big Apple, but all of humanity.

Powers and Abilities

Human Skills & Talents: Emily doesn't have much going for her in this department, but she has something of a head for math and physics, and is a decent runner

Magical Girl Power(s): Emily has a variety of powers

Lightning Leap: Emily transforms her body into living lightning, essentially performing a short-range teleport

Lightning Ball: Emily shoots a ball of lightning at a single target, DBZ-style

Electric Explosion: Emily unleashes a burst of electricity from her body, damaging all enemies around her

Wrath of the Storm: Emily conjures a massive thunderbolt to strike her staff, charging it up to unleash a devastating beam of electricity. Her finisher.

Human Weapons and Equipment:

Magical Girl Weapons and Equipment: A three foot metal magic staff/lightning rod she calls Stormbringer.

Corruption Level and Mutations: 0%