• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Oops, I thought I put that in already, lol. Done! Does Delaney call all of its supes Seraphim, or just the top team (like Vought from "The Boys" with The Seven)?

Edit: I'm going to be away for the rest of today and most of tomorrow, but I'm looking forward to this game!
Delaney endorses a single superhero group called Seraph (it's members being called Seraphs) but no other superheroes or vigilantes. The Enhanced they employ for normal jobs - Security, Interns, Officer Workers - are just normal citizens to them.
Hello! I just wanted to check in on everyone and ask if y'all would be interested in a discord for Cry Mutiny? We would still have the IC thread here, but I figured it might be fun to have an OOC chat there! Let me know what y'all think.
I'm down for Discord!
I'm good with doing a Discord.
I'd love to have a Discord server!
Okay! Here's the discord link. Let me know if it doesn't work.
  • Identity
    Xavier Morozovs
    29 || Cis Male || Queer

    Xavier is honest, clever, reasonable… and completely full of shit. In reality, he's blunt and extremely bitter, someone who uses quid pro quo situations to form relationships, rather than vulnerability or honesty. He's distant and quick to dislike most people, as he never fully got over his teen arrogance. He's constantly exhausted and consequently occasionally lapses into his true personality. Xavier's sporadic bluntness—coupled with his love of clear boundaries and contractual relationships—makes him out to be much more reasonable than he actually is. He takes advantage of this by using his natural charm and rhetorical strategies in order to control others' perception of him.

    Although some see him as "too big to fail," Xavier can't help but worry about being seen as expendable, and frequently takes extreme measures in order to become invaluable to others. Though he is willing to "take out" businessmen by blackmailing or intimidating them, he will begrudgingly and stubbornly try to keep old friends and vulnerable people out of trouble.

  • Xavier's past is widely (albeit vaguely) known. He was hired early in his life as a security officer, thanks in part to his dedication to defense, but mostly due to his connections to an unknown, influential family. Since then he's bounced through numerous jobs, befriending plenty of coworkers and schmoozing with superiors in the process. Xavier was caught in the crossfire of a fight one fateful day while working at Delaney Industries, suffering a significant blunt force injury. The Conglomerate gave him prosthetics free of charge and a few years later granted him a new position—one he requested—in business, rumored to have been his original calling. Now, he works as an informant and low-level businessman, collecting information and using it to conduct deals on the behalf of Delaney Industries, earning them trade partners, investors, and consumers.

    The full story is much more convoluted. Xavier's affluent family raised him to be a successful businessman, pulling strings to get him into well-known schools and programs, until finally pushing his admittance to Delaney Industries. Xavier, being a spiteful and overly constrained teenager, lied his way through the interview process in order to get a job in security, rather than business like his family wanted. They were very much not pleased by this, and he moved away shortly thereafter.

    Even as an officer, he had suspicions of Delaney Industries' wrongdoings. It was obvious, he figured. It was impossible for such a huge company to be founded on benevolent business practices, and everyone else was simply stupid for assuming otherwise. Quickly becoming bored of security work, he revealed his Enhancement (that is, a heavily altered description of it) in order to get another job. He got bored and again, altered his self-image and sweet-talked more superiors. By 24 years old he was fairly well regarded. Known as self important and impatient, maybe, but mostly a clear communicator and hard-worker, one who was always first to volunteer his time and pull favors for his colleagues, new and old.

    That was, until he got caught in a freak accident while working at Delaney Industries one day, and suffered a significant blunt force injury. During that job, Delaney had absolutely no obligation to compensate him, so the fact that they just gifted him prosthetics in response didn't bode well. Until then, everything at Delaney Industries had been clean, easy, and logical. If you did your job well you were praised, if you fought against the company you were disposed of, and if they didn't need to help you they simply wouldn't. Their callousness had just as many rules as their benevolence. This, however, felt like a hostage situation more than anything else. So, though Xavier initially took the offer, he quickly shut down future maintenance and replacement plans, instead making his final job-change request. As an informant and businessman, his natural instincts (those being a propensity for minor blackmail and physical intimidation) were not only accepted but encouraged, and made him useful enough to the company to feel stable.

    Since then, Xavier's kept up with favors and done his best to stay in touch with past colleagues and new superiors, while simultaneously letting his personal life fall to the wayside. Most days he sleeps irregularly and in his office, and thrives on coffee, trail mix, and painkillers for sustenance.

  • Systematic Recall

    Xavier's mind is a catalogue of everything he's ever heard and seen. Sensations and scenes can be "played back" at any time, though doing so leaves him comatose for the duration of the memory. Particular sensations can involuntarily trigger a replay. Certain actions (consuming alcohol, mostly) taken during a period of time can taint or entirely remove footage.


    By analysing the movements of a subject, Xavier can predict the most likely paths they would take in a similar situation. These routes are visually laid out (along with their probabilities) in his eyeline and in real time. This only applies to strategic choices and physical responses, never emotional/social reactions. This Enhancement can never be fully turned off and easily overwhelms him, causing eye strain and tension headaches, among other things.

    False Eye

    Glass eyes placed into Xavier's right, empty eye socket move the way a real eye would, but don't react to his expressions. Toggling a separate aspect of this Enhancement allows him to clearly see through it. This part is usually not activated due to the pain of looking through a scratched acrylic eye.

  • Appearance

    Xavier is pale, veiny, and tall, standing at about 6'0" (183 cm). His collected image (mainly characterised by a broad figure and confident personality) is marred by heavy eye bags, tangled hair, and a noticeable limp, caused by outgrowing his prosthetic leg. Both his limb prosthetics (left arm and leg) are treated well, but obviously much too old for Xavier to keep using them for long. Made of overlapping white plates of metal (making them very well articulated) and creaking with minor movements, it's difficult for his peers to forget about his former injuries, even when they're completely covered.

    He dresses in light, formal wear (typically dress shirts and slacks), but can also be found in vivid hoodies and similar casualwear when he sleeps in his office. With mussed black hair and narrow, nearly black eyes, Xavier has a generally daunting image. It helps that he turns his tendency to lean on walls and desks to support himself into an intimidation technique. Even those who know he sleeps in his office believe that's its only purpose, as Xavier refuses to acknowledge that he's tired and in pain all the time.


    ..Xavier's former last name was Alatyrtsev. He changed it after getting a job at Delaney Industries in order to functionally cut ties with his family.

    ..Xavier is adept at reading lips and knows basic ASL. He is also fluent in Russian and German, and is currently learning Morse code (among many other languages).

    ..Xavier has a bit of a sweet tooth. He's not a fan of most American candies, but does adore sugar-heavy styles of coffee and traditional Russian pastries.

    ..Xavier's faceclaim choice is courtesy of AshenAngel.


Last edited:
  • Identity
    Meriwa Bylilly

    Forensic Accountant
    39 || Female || Straight

    Meriwa has an insatiable curiosity in things better left untouched, enough so that she made a career out of it. She is incredibly straightforward, prone to blunt deliveries and a lack of tact in doing so. Numbers make much more sense than people and she sincerely dislikes spending more time explaining the former to the later. Nothing stands in her way when she is on the hunt, her hyper fixation on completing tasks and achieving set goals often setting her on paths that very few are able to walk away from.

    She doesn't shy away from ugly truths. Unflinching in the face of the horrors and cruelty she often finds at the root of monetary inquiries, she has found her way of surviving without the wool over her eyes. A woman of iron will and blood splattered determination, Meriwa compartmentalizes what she must in order to look at things clearly. She often goes out clubbing to release stress and let loose for a little bit, never straying too far into the wild side at the risk of ruining her prospects, but just enough to feel normal again. Her sense of humor has darkened over the years, that box she keeps all those horrible little things in starting to overfill.

    People don't like others nosing in their dirty laundry, and that is her job. Threats over said work have hardened her callous nature over the years, nothing truly managing to rattle her after the first time she stepped into the mire. Or at least, that was before she began her work at Delaney.

  • "In the beginning, darkness was everywhere. There was no light on Earth, and it was not possible to see the ground, the animals or humans. Strangely enough, however, an animal could transform into a human, and a human into an animal. There were several different animals, like bears, hares and foxes, but when these animals became human, they all became the same: they spoke the same language, lived in the same style of home, and hunted the same way.

    It was during this time that magic words were created. A word mentioned casually during a conversation could suddenly acquire magical powers, and nobody could explain how or why.

    One day, a fox and a hare were having an argument. The fox kept repeating "Darkness!" because he liked the way he could use the dark to steal the hunting catches of the humans. The hare, on the other hand, kept repeating "Daylight!" because he needed light to help him find food.

    Suddenly, light shone and darkness fell away to be replaced by day. The word repeated by the hare had stronger magic than the fox's word. Since then, night and day take turns shining over Earth, and the fox and the hare take turns finding food as well."

    Meriwa had a brief childhood in the far northern reaches of Alaska, born into an Inuit community where she was raised with vibrant stories of how the world came to be. Her father was a great storyteller, weaving these stories to life for his little girl. She learned to track, hunt, and survive in all the traditional ways. It was cold and practical, but there was a warmth in those achievements that could never be replicated.

    Those brilliant colors of youth turned to thick black sludge. An oil drilling operation had set their sights on their home, and her father left to go reason with the company. He never returned, instead the company came back with documents - her father's signature on them. Sold, for a vast sum that was never shared with his then pregnant wife and young daughter, as he seemingly took the money and went to start a new life without them. Perhaps that was a magic word too…


    Her mother packed up their things and they moved down to Washington, the state. There were no stories to be told when her baby brother was born. Her mother was inconsolable, unable to look at the boy without remembering the man her resembled. Meriwa was thrust into an uncomfortable world, seeing her mother failing to find steady work forced her into the workforce early. They were making enough money to get by, but it seemed every step forward was another step back. Meriwa didn't know where it was all going. They weren't getting anything new, the groceries were always the same, so where? It was perhaps then that Meriwa spoke that magic word one time too many.


    At fifteen years old, her ability awakened. A strange push, some foreign instinct led her to check the mattress of her brother's crib. He'd never been a fussy baby, often sleeping the days away without a care in the world. It was strange, how her classmates always complained about their younger siblings crying throughout the night. There was a tear in the mattress, and inside she found bottles and bottles of sleeping pills, some empty, some half full. All different names in the prescribed to section of the label. When she confronted her mother, there was no sensible answer for it. They both had their father's eyes, and it was best that they stay shut. That night, Meriwa wrestled with an uncomfortable decision, but by the time she reached it, it didn't matter anymore. Her mother overdosed on the sleeping pills, and didn't wake back up.

    Thrust into the world of foster care, Meriwa was separated from her baby brother. She was angry, desperate, and trying to find something to cling to as her foundation was lost. And finally, she did. Someone leaked the record books of the oil company... There was no money paid to her father. No, it wasn't there at all.


    Meriwa had found her new hunt. Going to college for accounting put her on the trail of a dangerous beast. She graduated top of her class. Businesses wanted her to straighten things up, find where money was being stolen from them, and that she did. Her portfolio soon became packed with successful hunts. However, bigger names had bigger secrets, and it led to one of her clients attempting to have her killed once her work was complete. She'd gotten home late from a club, drunk and high and feeling good for a few fleeting hours. A man stepped out of her bathroom with a knife, explaining he was hired by her previous employer to get rid of any loose ends.

    Money was a terrible thing.

    As he lunged at her with the knife, something terribly right took over her. Muscles grew, nails elongated to claws and teeth grew sharp, skin grew thick and white fur made a thicker natural armor as well. The blade never made it more than skin deep. She swatted it away with such force her attacker's arm broke. That man ran screaming, and she has yet to see him again. The same could be said for those that came afterwards as she found her other totems, recalling their stories.

    Her newest job is a contract for the Delaney Conglomerate. There were concerns of money being lost from a number of their subsidiaries and they would like to see it put to a stop.

  • Instinct

    In periods of high emotional duress, it seems like a gut feeling to move towards something that can provide what is needed. It isn't always clear, more often than not leaving her confused and searching for clues in the general vicinity that it pointed her to. But it gives her hunt a direction, at least.

    Totem Transformation

    Meriwa is able to take on aspects of animals that were found on her family's totem pole: the fox, the hare, the polar bear, the loon, the seal, and the owl. Her form still remains humanoid, and the transformation burns a massive amount of calories that leaves her exhausted and starving.

  • Appearance

    Meriwa is an imposing figure, standing at 5'10" with a thick mane of black hair. As she was taught when she was a child, she wears the pelt of her desired prey when she is on the hunt. At work, it's the black executive suit and tie, delicate silver and gold necklaces and abalone shell earrings. Her makeup is always pristine, masking her insomnia filled nights. At the club, she goes with crop tops and high waisted jeans with a daring shade of lipstick and matching wedges. And by herself, that hunt mentality becomes a little lost, settling on warm and cozy flannels and sweaters with long sleeves and fuzzy boots.

    Her eyes are far more telling than she realizes, their color ordinarily a cool green, but depending on which totem animal she embodies the most that day, her eyes may shift to a cunning amber, tranquil red, or a deadly black.


    She had her name changed once she aged out of the foster system, going from the surname Smith to Bylilly.
    She isn't aware of her brother working at Delaney.
    Her themesong would be Pulling Again (Version B) by Pamyua


  • Love
Reactions: noir obscur
Oh wonderful thank you! I'll get stuff for this sorted at some point in the next couple of days
  • Identity

    Combat Instructor
    25 || Female || Bisexual

    Ketania is unforgiving. Most things are black and white, in her eyes; good and bad, deserving and undeserving, free and confined. She's got a temper worthy of her alias, and is rather... straightforward. Blunt. Honest, she might say, though she is a little more tempered around those she really trusts. Above all else, loyalty comes first. She'll fight for those she deems to be doing right by her and others, those that treat her well. She may be closed off for the most part, but she lets her guard down with those close to her on that, too. Her guard is up to protect herself.

    She's one of the most determined, bull-headed people you may ever meet. Challenges are goals to her, and though she won't admit it, she has a bit of an ego, a chip on her shoulder, something to prove. If someone doubts her capabilities, she won't stop until she's proven them wrong. Spite will drive her to win.

    While she works for Delaney, she's not the type to love corporations or authority, and loves a bit of rebellion. She's always down to cause a bit of havoc.

  • Ketania grew up in a happy family in Manchester with a twin brother, Kerran, someone she was always very close with. They played together, she an outgoing, brave and adventurous child and he just happy to be having fun. Kerran always was the quieter one out of the two of them. While she never really excelled in school, unlike her brother, she found an affinity rather young for physical pursuits and started taking kickboxing classes. She seemed strong for her age.

    Her true enhancements didn't begin to show until highschool, though. She'd always been strong-willed and a little bit quick to anger, but she wasn't without friends. Her brother, though, he only knew a couple of people somewhat well. Some kids bullied him for his withdrawn, shy nature, and this only worsened as he began to come out as gay as he aged. Ketania couldn't sit idly by and watch it happen. After a particularly bad incident where her brother came to her with a black eye, at 15 years old, she tracked down the kids who'd laid their hands on him and made them regret ever looking at her brother the wrong way. In her blind fury, as she marched towards them, her teeth lengthened into sharp fangs, her pupils turned to slits. When she grabbed the first lad, a year above her but not taller, the others watched in sheer terror as the skin above her temples split, and out cracked a pair of golden horns. One tried to run but the blue scaly tail that grew, agonisingly, from her tailbone grabbed onto him instinctively. Wings ripped their way from her back. By the end, she'd broken more than a few noses and handed out a few black eyes—one even had light burns on one cheek from where her clawed hands had seared him.

    She ended up in a police station. Though shocked by what had happened, she couldn't deny it felt good to serve justice to those who'd hurt her family. To her luck, a benefactor, who she later learned was Delaney, paid for a very good lawyer to keep her out of prison. They saw someone whom they could give a debt to. She continued with more combat sports to give her something to do as well as to test her developing strength, shortly after moving to the US as part of the agreement with Delaney.

    Her brother never saw her the same after that. Before, he'd been open with her like no one else, far more exuberant than most would see him to be. He felt safe with her. After watching her crazed with vengeful rage, though, blood trailing down her face and soaking into her clothes from what she'd turned into, he turned quieter than usual whenever he was around her. It turned her sour. Once she was angry only for good reason, but she became bitter, lonely, guarded.

    She excelled in her sports, though, and soon became a combat and fitness instructor for Delaney, the ones she owed her freedom to. Her strength allowed her to go toe-to-toe with most whom she needed to teach, even if they were men that should've by rights been stronger than her, or even strength-enhanced superheroes. Unfortunately, that meant meeting the Seraphs. They weren't the nicest people. Addled by popularity and fame, she couldn't ignore how badly they and the rest of the company treated people, and it was the nail in the coffin of Ketania's loyalty to Delaney. When the Mavericks reached out to her, she accepted the offer, hoping maybe doing the right thing might just win over her brother and save their relationship.

  • Draconic transformation

    Ketania is capable of altering her form into a humanoid with draconic features; blue leathery wings, a scaled tail of the same colour with golden shark fin-shaped spines running down the length of it and a golden barbed spade at the end, golden horns, scaled and clawed hands and feet, sharp teeth, a forked tongue, and slitted pupils.

    It gives her both an intimidating look and natural weaponry, but is painful to shift into. The transformation is bloody, as the features emerge from her skin, and takes around 30 seconds to fully complete, valuable time lost in the event of a fight breaking out. It can also occur involuntarily as a result of heightened emotions, particularly when her adrenaline level rises.


    She can create and control fire, and possesses a resistance to heat up to the temperature of a standard fire.

    She is sensitive to cold temperatures naturally as a result. At temperatures below freezing, she can no longer manipulate fire.

    Enhanced strength

    Ketania is capable of far greater feats of strength than regular humans.

    Her strength is limited to being able to lift a regular car. Anything a bit heavier, like a van, she would be able to lift one end of, and anything heavier than that would be too heavy. Lifting these objects is obviously on the heaviest end of the scale of what she can achieve, so is more akin to a weightlifting competition than a chilled-out day at the gym—she can't go throwing cars around all day without a care in the world, as it tires her out.

    Enhanced senses

    Ketania possesses altered senses. Her senses of hearing and smell are improved, allowing her to track scents short distances and hear things most wouldn't, and she can utilise an infrared-based vision for the purpose of seeing in dark environments or picking out heat signatures.

    While her senses are better than a normal human's, this does come with disadvantages. Her sensitive hearing can be abused by someone who wants to harm her with any loud, high-frequency sounds. Her sense of smell doesn't innately tell her the scent of a specific person, so she would need to know someone's scent before tracking them, and this only works over a distance of around 50m. Her heat vision can be easily fooled by simply hiding behind something thick and cold, so the body's heat traces aren't picked up.

  • Appearance

    Height: 6'2"
    Special Features: Her wings and tail, claws, horns, sharp teeth, forked tongue and snake-like eyes, if she transforms.
    Outfits: She usually wears grunge-y, sometimes semi-streetwear looks. She often wears a pair of black sweatpants printed with a ouija board-style pattern, her signature burgundy red leather biker jacket, black ripped jeans, some printed baggy T-shirts, or if it's warmer, printed shorts and tank tops.

    When teaching, she wears long kickboxing pants or shorts and a tank top, or a gi for grappling and jiu jitsu.


    I'll stick a theme song here at some point lol


  • Identity
    Kari Alexandre
    Fitness Trainer
    28 || Genderqueer || Omni

    Though opinions are mixed regarding Kari and their likeability, everyone can agree on one thing: they are intense. The smiley type and devastatingly optimistic, upon meeting them, most would assume they've never undergone hardship, or are just plain naïve. On second look, they spend a large amount of their time keeping the peace, focusing on giving personal and professional advice to everyone they come across. They're the big sibling type who often uses their own shortcomings and mistakes in order to advise their peers. This experience has its own disadvantages, however, as this mentoral role has served to isolate them from a real community for a long time now.

    Kari's rationality falls to the wayside whilst particularly under pressure or working anonymously as a vigilante. In that form, they feel free to express all of their pessimism and resignation, which is usually kept secret for others' sake. Their affinity for violence and volatility is frightening, but usually divulged to anyone they believe deserves to know, those people mainly being the Mavericks.

  • Kari grew up in a tumultuous environment with high expectations placed on their shoulders. After showing signs of multiple learning disorders as a child, their parents gathered money to move from Haiti to the outskirts of northern Knox, Michigan, where they stayed in a multi-family home.

    Easily frustrated by the restrictions of school, Kari let out their irritation by participating in a huge variety of sports, moving from horseback riding competitions to mountain biking, skateboarding, archery, roller derby, ice hockey, and finally capoeira. They were possessed by the need to prove themself, ignoring their community's signs of good will and concerns about the predatory fitness industry. After an accident involving newly manifested Enhancements, two children in the home were left orphaned, and very quickly taken in by Kari's parents. This new financial burden forced them to support their career.

    Though they took up semi-professional sports to support their family, Kari very easily became disconnected from them, often eating and falling asleep at the gym and their many teammates' houses. This dedication paid off when they were invited to a professional capoeira team in downtown Knox. They quickly organized housing and moved away, severing ties with their community back home. Kari's skill and confidence drove a wedge between them and their teammates, as they viewed them as more of an idol than an equal, and although they tried coaching for a while, they quickly became burnt out and decided to retire at just 25.

    A year of part time jobs later, their family surprised them with a visit on their birthday. The relationship was much more awkward than Kari would've liked, so they spent the majority of their family's vacation playing sports with their adopted siblings, avoiding their parents whom they had no idea how to confront. It was these siblings and their struggles with Enhancements that reinvigorated Kari's interest in coaching. With recommendations from former coaches, teammates, and players, they officially reentered the fitness scene and earned a trainer job at Delaney Industries.

    A few years later, they're well known and liked at Delaney Industries. Kari is enthusiastic and well-versed in all things athletic, working closely with not only Seraphs and Seraphs-in-Training, but regular employees who use the company gym. Though they do all kinds of training (including one-on-one sessions), they're mostly known for their spin and capoeira classes. More specifically, they're known for the events that occur after said classes, where they encourage others to share secrets and vulnerabilities in order to build confidence and a tight-knit community. It was these sessions that inspired several employees to reach out to Kari individually, sharing their concerns (and horror stories) about Delaney Industries, usually before quitting or disappearing altogether.

  • Frenzy

    Making physical contact with another person temporarily damages their frontal lobe, redirecting all sensory information to the "lizard brain." From then on, the target fixates on one or several base impulses, with the most simple being hunger, aggression, vengeance, etc, directed at a single person nearby. This person is always someone the target harbors a grudge against, or a random bystander if such a person isn't closeby. Kari can only affect about 5 people at a time, though the ability's duration decreases from 10 to 5 minutes when being used on multiple individuals at once. Most targets pass out after the effects wear off. Kari is always left impulsive, hungry, and sleepy after using this ability, and is careful to not overuse it as they believe repeated targeting may cause permanent damage.


    Kari can withstand temperatures between 30 and 2000 degrees Fahrenheit without freezing or burning for sustained periods of time. To adapt to high temperatures, they release the heat that makes contact with them back out. With lower discrepancies they simply radiate it outwards, however, when regulating temperatures 150 degrees and upwards, they adapt by forcing it out via fire. Kari doesn't know why they can withstand colder temperatures, just that it's an automatic process that makes them drowsy and slows their heart rate.

  • Appearance

    Kari is, generally, a reassuring figure, and their appearance reflects that. They're tall for a capoeira professional (about 5'8") with bruised warm brown skin, dark, tousled hair, and impeccable posture. They're always up to something physically, either stretching, trying out a new workout technique, or just bouncing on their feet. Moments when they aren't visibly full of energy are few and far between, and usually accompanied by unnerving eye contact. Though they're doe-eyed and brown-eyed, what makes eye contact such a frightening occurrence are traits corresponding to their Enhancement: horizontal pupils and false tear ducts.

    Occasionally, patrons at the gym swear they see their eyes flash yellow, however, this oddity is kept under wraps very well, only a little less than another Enhancement trait: their horns. Kari's four black horns (two alpine and two girgentana) are hidden from nearly everyone with the best disguise of all… Baseball caps. During capoeira classes and demonstrations, Kari dons their old white capoeira abadás—embroidered with the logo of their former school and team on the left leg—and a loose white top. During other classes and one-on-one sessions they wear a track jacket and graphic tee underneath, paired with either shorts or joggers. When they start to get heated up, Kari takes off their jacket, either throwing it off to the side or tying it crossbody if they're feeling more appearance-conscious.

    .Despite living in Knox for well over half their life now, Kari is still fluent in Haitian Creole and has a faint accent while speaking English. They tend to struggle with longer words or stand out pronunciations (like yacht), though that has more to do with their dyslexia than their origins, and they adapt by phasing out words like that altogether.

    .Kari unironically loves most "healthy food alternatives" and "superfoods," and frequently tries out new diets and fasting styles. Some staples are protein and fiber cereals, chia pudding, salmon and sardines, and kale soups. The only "unhealthy" things they regularly indulge in are Cola Couronne and Haitian coffee.

    .Kari continues to send a vast majority of their salary back home, even now that they work at Delaney Industries and are making more money than when they started working. In fact, they've recently increased the percentage sent off at the end of every month.


  • Identity
    Akabane Hiroshi

    HR Representative
    31 || Male || Bisexual

    Hiroshi can't count how many despise him for one reason or another. His job at Delaney has not endeared him to many regardless of how friendly he tries to sound - no one's happy to hear they're being fired or someone put in a complaint towards them. The woes of working HR, but he's good at what he does. He has little problem rooting out the truth through his fake smile, a few charming words, and an already broken promise to keep it all a secret. He's manipulative, a good liar and about as spiteful as someone can be. When he's not out trying to charm unsuspecting interns into revealing their bosses' ill deeds, he's actually a rather nice man… if you can get around the nicknames and flirty attitude. He loves to show affection to those he's close to and enjoys playful banter with his friends.

    He may not look like it, but Hiroshi has a bleeding heart. He's incredibly sympathetic for the downtrodden and believes heavily that justice must always be carried out. Sometimes this means that he'll give someone the shirt off his back and a few dollars to get them a meal or it means dealing out judgment when no one else will. He's a fair man, he'll get both sides of the situation before deciding on his course of action, but his actions afterwards will be swift.

    His boss and colleagues often see him as reliable and determined. He's the go to guy if you want something done in his department, but he has a lot on his plate - for work and home. For all his willingness to help others, he struggles to help himself. He regularly forgets to eat, sleep, and make time for himself. Hiroshi is a bit of a workaholic truthfully, and is beginning to run himself ragged. Life has begun to take a stressful turn for him and he can feel the weight of his responsibility and past deeds drag him down. He's recently begun to have anxiety attacks where he never had them before.

  • Hiroshi doesn't talk much about his childhood. It wasn't sad or terrible or full of tragedy - quite the contrary, actually. His childhood was full of love and laughter and learning. He was born and raised in the city of Osaka, Japan and lived there for most of his life. His parents were well off from working in the upper echelon of the Japanese branch of Delaney management and administration. His grandmother helped care for him and taught him a lot of what he knows about communication.

    He was an only child for most of his early years, but that all changed when his little brother, Yoichi, was born when he was ten and again when his little sister, Reiko, was born when he was sixteen. He was no longer the only child - he was a big brother. At the time of his little brother's birth, he actually hated the idea of a sibling but his brother grew on him. He spent all his spare time, what little he had after school and house work, taking care of him and teaching him what he could. He did the same after his little sister was born too, though he had less time then.

    After high school, he went to university and studied business at a local university. Around a year into his study, his parents were both offered a transfer to the American branch and a significant pay raise. They took it and left with his little siblings to go to the city of Knox, Michigan. Hiroshi was left behind in the care of his youngest aunt to finish university. It wasn't easy without his mothers calming presence or his fathers words of encouragement, but he did. At the age of twenty two he graduated from university with a degree to show for his hard work and was hired at Delaney in Osaka only a month after his ceremony.

    He worked hard and moved out of his aunt's house but always felt like something was missing from his life. After five years, he decided to take time off to go see his family in person for the first time in nearly six years. Knox was such a strange place to him, but his siblings seemed to love it and his parents were doing incredibly well. He felt truly happy for the first time in years simply by being around them.

    One night while he and his family were heading home after a nice dinner at one of the upper city restaurants, a car collided with his parents. His mother and father, both in the front seat, died on transit to the hospital, his little sister's legs were crushed and his brother was left with a gash across his face. Hiroshi got off lucky despite the fact that he shouldn't have been. He should have been paralyzed or horribly scarred after he got flung out the window and landed several feet away in a puddle on the road. Really, it was luck that he had an Enhancement he never knew about - that the water healed his injuries before paramedics even arrived.

    A miracle, they called it - a lucky enhancement that could make him a highly sought out doctor. They offered to pay for his tuition if he wanted to become a doctor after telling him his parents were gone. All he could think about was how his little sister could no longer walk without pain and she hadn't stopped crying; how his little brother broke the mirror in the hospital bathroom after seeing the stitches running up his face. All he could think about was how he was supposed to go back to Japan with them and force them to leave behind everything they have come to love.

    His time off was extended for grievance and he spent that time desperately trying to harness his newfound healing ability - and his subsequent other Enhancements that he found of little use. He was able to heal the scar across his brother's face but his sister's shattered legs proved a bit more difficult. Little by little he fixed it, but they would never be like they were before. She would always have pain flare up but he would always be there to soothe the pain. It was then that he decided what he would do.

    He never returned to Osaka. He requested a transfer to Knox and began working there only a week after his parents' funeral. It was difficult, he had to pick up a new language that he only vaguely knew and care for his two traumatized siblings. He had to cook and clean, he had to drive them to school and go to parent-teacher meetings. It didn't help that he couldn't turn a blind eye to the wrongdoings happening in his new workplace. Things just didn't add up - someone was hired but disappeared after a month of work without so much as a letter of resignation; someone was fired without the request finding its way to his or his coworkers desks. He was half-tempted to just give up and pack his family's things up and move back to Japan, but it's been four years and he won't do that to Yoichi and Reiko.

  • Ayakashi Transformation

    The ability to take on the form of an Ayakashi - specifically an Ikuchi. This means that Hiroshi takes on the form of a sea serpent or a giant snake, though he is able to make himself into a smaller snake due to one of his other powers. The transformation itself is a painful experience of twisting and cracking and permanently leaves him with snake-like eyes and fangs that, thankfully, retract. His form is also technically a sea serpent so while he can take this form on land, he's slower and less graceful than he would be in water. He would also not be able to maintain his form without exposure to a body of water whether that be a bowl that someone sticks him in or the ocean. He has no venom, but his bite is strong. He also retains his mind after transformation.


    The ability to change sizes at will. For Hiroshi, this power can only happen when he's in his Ayakashi form. Generally, he can shift into three different sizes - the smallest being the size of a garter snake (2 feet/.60 meters), the second being around the size of a reticulated python (around 16ft/6.2 meters), and the final being around 50 ft/15 meters. He can only do this once per a transformation as well.

    Water Manipulation

    The ability to control water to some degree. For Hiroshi, it's a minor ability meaning he cannot create water out of nothing and can only just barely manipulate it. He can really only use it in two ways - healing and general movement. This means he can use water to heal physical injuries on himself and his allies or make water move a little bit. It takes a lot of his concentration to manipulate water and leaves him with headaches and leaves him feeling rather dried out. It's almost like his power affects the water within his own body.

  • Appearance

    Height: 5'8
    Special Features: Vibrant orange snake eyes that he usually hides with contacts or sun shades. He has retractable fangs. He also cannot thermoregulate as well as normal people, so he gets cold really easily.
    Outfits: He's a semi formal type of guy, or perhaps dress casual. He's most often wearing slacks and a button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a vest. He'll always wear a warm jacket of some sort unless its summer.


    He doesn't have a theme song, but he does have a playlist I will link later.


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