Crusaders (1 more character wanted)

Nadir was... hard to track. The wolves kept coming at her, and then kept getting afterimages or colliding with each other, including the one that Otto threw her direction. Meanwhile, she would dart in and slash here and there, and after a few moments, they began to drop as the cuts she'd administered finally bled out enough for even their bodies not to be able to heal from.

"Werewolves, really? They couldn't send something less flammable?" Cynthia said as she finalized her kills with another focused burst of Hellfire, making sure to not get to Behemoth in the blast. He could probably take it, but you know, Hellfire burns according to sin in addition to the usual way, and Behemoth looked like he'd sinned plenty.

@Dakota K5 @Cush Almighty
Hearing the Gloom's voice actually made the cyborg shiver, that's a rarity. One thing Clayman hated dealing with magic, too unpredictable, too foreign from his world view. He wasn't sure if this was some magic user or just some mutate who thinks they're some god. As Selene flew around sporadically. "Scary voice I'll give you that. But Clayman is no little child." Clayman started firing his laser pistol off again. Trying to hit Gloom.

As the chaos happened outside. Gats started to mull over his opinions. He had very few, none of them good. Kauffman was never going to stop coming. He was relentless, he'd eventually fined Gats family and torture them to get at Gats. Gats reached into his coat pocket. He pulled out a .45 caliber pistol, the M1911 to be exact. "What must I do?" He asked himself as his grip tightened on the gun."

Ghanem crashed into the bar, liquor splattering all over the general. He watched as Apex tore through one of the summoned demons and stood up. "I am your opponent monster. I like the new look, more of a challenge." Ghanem molded his right arm into what resembled and harpoon and aimed it at Apex's scaled chest. His left arm mutated into a spiked club. He shot the harpoon into Apex's chest and riled himself towards Apex. He flew across the ballroom floor and smashed Apex into the face with his spiked club. Ghanem removed the harpoon from the Apex's chest and reformed it into a blade. He then tried to run into through Apex's head through his chin. "Lights out ya ugly fuck!"
@Kazuaki Yoshioka

Both Nadir and Renegade dealt with their foul creatures, and so had Behemoth. When Apex came crashing end, Behemoth yelled at him. "What took you so long punk." He saw the general launching a harpoon of tentacles and flesh into him. Behemoth moved to help him, but the demon wolves got in his way. Two of them stepped in his way and lunged at him, Behemoth smirked and knocked them both away with the backside his fist, feeling the wolves skulls crack against his knuckles.

The wolf-like demons knew they were losing this, their master was throwing them to the slaughter. The wolves started to regroup, getting away from Nadir, Renegade, and Behemoth. As the demons gathered, they got on all fours and started to howl. In a strange way, it mirrored prayer. Beneath them, a pentagram of crimson red appeared. One by one, the wolves turned into a black mist and were absorbed into pentagram until it let something out. A beast appeared from the pentagram in an eruption of black smoke. From the smoke came a giant wolf with a body of smoke and fur. Its eyes burned like hellfire, it was similar to wolves they were fighting before but different, older.


The beast, the great black wolf stood 12 feet tall. It possessed a huge frame, large paws with sharp black claws and teeth. It looked towards Nadir and Renegade a smiled, bearing its teeth at them. It howled a bone-chilling tune that would send shiverers up the bravest men's spines. The beast stepped towards Nadir and Renegade. It then turned into a cloud of smoke and glided across the floor and formed behind them. "Pitiful kin and worthless mortals." Lifting both of its mighty claws and attempted to clap both Nadir and renegade with, to crush and squeeze the lift out of them. If they would try to dodge, his fur would react and shoot large black needles to tear them apart.

@Dakota K5 @Michale CS

Otto White.jpg

Otto White
The fact this new creature was speaking certainly struck Otto as important since it showed a greater level of intelligence then the little ones. He didn't have time to really ponder this though as the beast was already attacking them, Otto showed some remarkable agility for someone of his size as he leapt off his feet backwards landing into a hand spring which put even more distance between he and the wolf's massive paws but as he was in movement Otto felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end so while he was in motion he started forming an object from his fire. As he landed out of the handspring a shield, or at least a wall of flame vaguely looking like a shield, formed on his forearm and expanded out to cover his body. It was good timing as several black spikes came sailing his way but with neither enough time or a medium to channel his fire Otto's shield was less effective then what would be needed as it stopped several of the spikes but several more made it through with two hitting him, slicing gashes through his left arm and right thigh.
The wounds weren't to bad all things considered as the open skin showed what looked like fire instead of blood and muscle as they slowly stitched themselves, he would pay when he reverted back to his human looking form but for now that was not at the front of his mind as one of the spikes sat embedded in the ground next to him and with a quick hand he snatched it up and where a fur spike once was now sat a spear of flame as Otto's shield finally filled in the spots the spikes had gotten through and he stood behind it with spear over the right side of said shield looking much like a extra from the movie 300.
"Thanks for providing a shortcut - kin." Nadir caught onto the tail end of the summoning circle - most people didn't know those things weren't just one way - and disappeared, reappearing a few yards away as she watched the fur try to permeate the brimstone smoke she'd disappeared into. Of course, since she'd taken a sidestep through "home", her Father would definitely be alerted - for good or ill remained to be seen.

Of course, she hadn't escaped entirely unscathed, she had dozens of points where blood welled as she hadn't entirely disappeared before the fur descended upon her, but these were well within her regenerative abilities. This posed a different challenge as she doubted her hellfire would do much against an elder demon.

But... against the floor it stood on? Now there was an idea. "I'm about to provide you boys a great target for an uppercut." She said softly into her communicator. "Watch its head and take your shots." Then Nadir focused a concentrated burst of Hellfire at the floor around the front legs of the beast, turning it to slag unable to support the creature's weight. With any luck, it would fall and give the others a chance to wail directly on its head as it came down.

@Dakota K5 @Cush Almighty
Well, that's a shame. Havoc almost turned his back on Firefly for just a moment. "What's our status with Gats, G?" He asked into the comm unit as he scrambled to get up on the roof with the bot and Firefly. The hothead called forth one of her flaming blades and slashed off the bot's arm, falling away safely from the blade that was slashing at her in turn. He hit the bot with the strongest bolt of electricity he could manage. If that didn't put the thing down, he wasn't sure what would. "You alright?" He asked Firefly as she got back to her feet.

"Peachy." She replied with a little glare sent his way. "This really doesn't change anything." She tacked on, attention slipping past him to the barn.

"It was worth a shot." Havoc sighed, posture slipping back into the standard defensive position. Electricity sparked off his armor still, charges left over from his attack on the bot. "Last chance to do the right thing. You have it in you, I've seen it. Don't make me put you down." His voice was cold as he gave his final offer.

There was a clear eye roll in response, and he rolled out of the way of three flaming daggers that suddenly launched at him. "You really need to learn when to give it a rest." She muttered before charging past him, leaping off the roof, and rolling into a run towards the barn. Havoc ran after her, growling out curses as he did so. He saw her pull out some sort of gun as she entered the barn.

"G, we're coming into the barn. Firefly has some sort of gun, don't know how much of a punch it's packing. Bot's been dealt with. Stay sharp." He warned his teammate over the comm unit and ran in after her. The gloom was thick in here, making it difficult for him to see. But he felt Clayman's cybernetic enhancements light up in his senses and used that as a guide. He stood ready to disable the man's tech if he didn't back down. "Gats, just come with us. You'll be safe, your family too. I'm good at keeping people safe from guys like Kauffman." He called out, trying to reason with the guy.
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Selene aka gloom

Selene was dodging the talented Cyborg's blasts when something came to her.. An idea.. At least she thought it was her idea...

Then her partner Havock on the communicator.

"Gats and his bodyguard are in here. Mister Cyborg has sonar, lucky me. I am going to hit him with something special to distract him. Then we can switch dance partners."

Still flying about to avoid her enemy, she stopped for a moment and started to feel quite ill. She felt herself throw up, it was violent.. And... Black.

She had stopoed oozing the black of gloom. Instead now, there was a thick tar like substance covering over Cyborg Clayman's shielding and starting to eat away at the delicious energy. Were it ate through that it would then start to eat into him.

This left Selene drained for a moment. She flew into a pocket of darkness and recovered for a bit while she waited for miss matchstick. Even now in those few moments, she could feel energies being fed into her by the dissolving suv.

Then Havock's friend Firefly came in. Selene could feel the energies of the other woman. Now, once again the gloom was being fed. It expamded new shadowy mucky gloom steadily towards to firey woman. Inanimate non living things were usually quicker to dissolve, drain and absorb. But her new enemy had alot of energy to drain. She felt the gloom thirst for it. The shadows stretched out for Firefly. Hungry for this rare treat.
Apex/Masked Woman
@Cush Almighty

Apex continues to chew on the demons flesh creating a bloody mess as he did causing a few of the guest to scream in fear. Apex begins to grow visously at the crowd of survivors backed into the corner. His eyes had turned a glowing red while his pupils seemed to have shrink making seem a little more frightening then the demon wolves. Hearing Behemoth, Apex cocks his head towards the leader of the crusaders just as Gahnem's Harpoon hits his chest. .

Just as Gahnem's Harpoon hits his, Apex grips the harpoon allowing Gahnem to zip towards him and club him with a spiked club knocking his head back leaving his chin wide open. As Gahnem trys to drive his sword arm into Apex's chin, the blade pierced through his thick skin only to come to a complete stop making Apex let out a snicker while he raps his right hand around Gahnem's body while holding onto his sword arm with his left. Apex begins to pull on Gahnems sword arm and chops at it until it tore off. He then whips the general across the room once again creating another hole in the wall.

Meanwhile, the masked woman who had blended into the guest huddled in the corner was slowly making her way into the crowd towards the president only to stop when she sees Gahnem get his arm ripped off and thrown. ~unworthy fool~ She focuses on Gahnem and begins to whisper a chant causing his body to glow. But her chant is halted by a few of the guest near her that started to scream as Apex visiously charges at the group of survivors only to stop while Behemoth stood in his way. "" At this point Apex had seemed to become more feral.​

Firefly conjured a knife of radiating hot flames and served the arm the droid before it can slide a blade into her guts. At that moment Havoc struck the droid with his strongest bolt of lighting which actually caused the droid to malfunction and fell out the air and through the roof again.

Clayman didn't see it coming, he thought his shield was enough to defend against this magic, he didn't expect Gloom to go full exorcist on him and vomit up black sludge. It was like acid to his shielding, eating through it in seconds. The sludge then fell on Clayman, now quicking draining him and causing his cybernetics to fail. "AHHH! It burns! You fucking witch, get it off!"

Gats heard Havoc calling to him and his bodyguard, Clayman screaming in pain. He wasn't sure if it was smart. He did say he wanted to help, killing him wasn't the Crusader's mission, that was Firefly's. He sat in the car clutching his pistol terrified out of his mind. He took a deep breath and hopped out of the car. "Stop!!! I'll go with you Crusaders. Clayman! You're released." He points his gun at Firefly. "And you bitch!" He fired off every bullet at Firefly, each bullet relieving himself stress, worry, and even fear of his life. She kills him, the family is safe, Crusaders take him, same result.

Her powers only grew stronger in the barn. The bullets melted in the air around Firefly as she fired her own gun in retaliation. A tiny dart shot out, hitting Gats in the arm.

As the last shot is fired, the gloom descends on Gats from behind. It covers and briefly protects him as Selene activates the base teleportal to take her and Gats away from Firefly. In an effort to avoid killing the cyborg, the sticky black paste is drawn back into herself.

" Do not fear Mister Gats… We are here to remove you to a safe place. "

Havoc didn't teleport with Gloom and Gats. He didn't make a move until after Firefly seemed to have teleported out with some kind of device. His attention honed in on Clayman now. His technopathy was quite useful in doing a damage assessment on the man. "I can drop you off somewhere, if you need it. Don't think the car has much go left in it." He offered. He wasn't looking to make an enemy out of the man.

Clayman was brought to his knees today, something he doesn't experience often. He stood up, wobbling in the process and looked towards Havoc. His offer was kind, but he didn't need it "You should be dead you know, that machine was a piece of junk. Pet project of mine, I like to tinker with stuff." Clayman then stop talking for a moment as he contacted his CyberGuard for pick up. "Keep Mr. Gats safe. I'd like to see that rich boy get his.

"Should have been dead a couple times already. Never really works out well for the parties involved." Humor could be heard in Havoc's voice for just a second, though he was quick to get a bit more serious as he saw Clayman get up. "You made some serious improvements to it, at least since the last time I saw something like that. We'll try our best. See you around." And with that Havoc used his badge to return to the Crusader.
@Dakota K5
@Michale CS
@Kazuaki Yoshioka

The melting ground below the demon cause it to sink into the floor and fall in. The hellfire burned its legs, but It was a strong demon and felt the flames of more fearsome demons. As it sunk into the floor, It thrashed about attempting to break free.

Behemoth knew it would break out and jumped into the fight, literally. He jumped into the air and came down on the beast forehead like the hammer of a thunder god before smiting a giant. Behemoth smashed into the demon forehead with a downward kick.

He expected an ally to follow up with another attack as Behemoth jumped off. The wolf head fell straight down to the floor cracking the ground in the process. The beast wouldn't stay down for long, and when it got up, oh boy would it be angry.

Otto Watched Behemoth's arc as he fell into the giant wolf's head, he himself let the shield of fire fade away before he made a charge at the dazed creature's side which was no low enough for him to reach safely.

Two hands gripped the spear of fire as he charged the beast with a great cry before plunging the spear into the beast's chest, towards lungs and heart through flesh, muscle and bone as the flames licked away at the beast from the inside while the point drove to find its mark and with one final grunt of effort to bring the heat just a little higher Otto drove the sharpened hair he had repurposed as far as he could before rolling back out of range of any counters.

Nadir grinned. She wasn't as strong as the others, but she could make up for it in other ways. Velocity made things a lot deadlier. She dashed back and built up some good speed, took to the air, then came down fast, landing on its back, feeling a satisfying crack as she hit. "Step on a crack, break the motherfucker's back." She launched back up into the air, barely catching herself before she impacted the ceiling with some fancy aerobatics.

The giant wolf snarled as it climbed and shock off the throbbing pain in head, the burning spear in was forced out of its stomach and its fractured back. It then felt the might of Behemoth metallic first as it connected with the left side of the demon's jaw causing it to collapse in a heap.


Reference to Apex post

"Finish the mutt off. Cremate it and send it back to Satan for me." Behemoth turned back to the crowd. The woman in the mask that looked like his dead wife underneath had moved closer to the president. He wasn't trusting it. She gave him bad vibes. Dead people return never ends well." He ran towards the crowd as Apex was recovering from getting stabbed in the face. "Apex, You alright? Apex!" Apex had gone rabid it seem. He stood in his way, like a statue, unmoving. "Move? What are you planning to do? Who you wanna be? No different from a villain? Ripping through folks cause you only think about yourself. Maybe stir up a national incident? Ghanem is your target. Show him want makes you Apex"


Otto heards the words from behemoth and made a move towards the beast's face that behemoth had already damaged before moving to another fight. Otto had been training something for a little bit now and thought that there wasn't really going to be a better time to try it so he decided to just go for it but he knew it was going to hurt since he hadn't perfected it.

As he moved Otto began taking deep breaths similar to how a diver breathes before taking the plunge, filling his lungs with as much air as he could Otto used his middle, thumb and index fingers to form a incomplete O shape around his mouth before exhaling. Instead of air fire came out of his mouth, superheated and directed right into the beast's face, mouth and down it's throat to its lungs, Otto was in pain from this though as he thought but it was enough he hoped that along with Nadir's attack would kill it because he wouldn't be able to do this again this fight.

"It still isn't dead? Fine… things are gonna get messy." Nadir had already attracted her dad's attention by taking a shortcut through the portal, so what was one more? She dove down toward its neck and as she landed, she popped open a portal to 'down below', taking a quick trip through and back. The goal however, was to have the portal intersect with the beast's body causing decapitation. She'd done this before, but it was with a human and it was a much smaller portal - hand sized. She wasn't sure it would work, but the worst case scenario she would just reappear in the air where she placed the other end of her 'step through' with no effect.

As Nadir slammed down the beast neck, she simultaneously opened a portal on it and decapitated the creature that had been stunned by Otto's torrent of blazing hot fire. Blood sprayed into the air as it rained down on those nearby. To be honest, the scene was pretty metal.​
Masked Woman
From the moment Behemoth had focused on her, The masked woman had already turned to meet his eyes. She removes her mask revealing a worried look on her face that should of been too familiar for Behemoth. When he turns to stop Apex her she looks back at Gahnem and finishes her chant before dropping her mask onto the ground and finally pushes her way towards the president. "Please! Help me" the woman says while the guards block her from the president. It only takes one look for the president to call off his guards allowing the woman into his small circle. Meanwhile Apex begins to snarl as Behemoth blocks his path. He moves to side only to be blocked by Coyote this time. She nuges her head to get Apex to look back at Gahnem who had stood back up and was now starting to glow red while regrowing his limbs. Apex looks back the crowd noticing the masked woman had dissapeared.

He growls before walking over to Gahnem who was beginning to lauph hysterically feeling the sudden surge of power. The excitement is short lived thanks to Apex jolting forward And Sinking his fangs into Gahnem's arm as he tried to block. Gahnem uses his free arm and creates a mace before unloading a flurry of hits to Apex's face. But with every hit it had his swing had began to weaken until Gahnems arm had completely gone limp.
Apex releases Gahnems other arm letting the venom that he had injected to ooze out from Gahnems other arm. Gahnem drops to his knees with a confused look on his face "wha...what did you do to me!" He yells as he hits the floor unable to move.

"Is this how you intend to beat me! Poison you fuckin coward!" Gahnem snaps. Only when Apex had leaned over him he had started to lose his cocky atitude. "Get the fuck away from me! You abomination! , wh!? What are you..? no..... stop!" Gahnem begins to scream realizing Apex had already started to bite off pieces from his body literally eating him alive. "Woman! Help me!" Gahnem screams, but it was to late, a pool of blood had already surrounded his body with Apex still enjoying his meal.

That face was far too perfect, it was nearly an exact copy of his wife's face. Her black hair should be covered in dirt, blood on her face, eye lifeless and limp. He didn't believe it for a second, but he was hesitant to attack. She moved past the President's guards as everyone was distracted by the gruesome blood bath being carried out. Behemoth wasn't worried about the execution behind him, but the women holding on to President Ali. With a snap of her fingers, the two vanished and appeared across the room away from the party guest, Ali's guards and most importantly the Crusaders."

"Now with the general dead that hurts my master's plans for this country. Oh well, such accidents happen. I know a very rich tycoon that can fill the spot. She threw President Ali to the ground and moved her left hand upwards. A spear of stone raised from the ground and tore through Ali's chest and skewered the man 6 feet high. "Thank god that's finally over with, I'm late for another party. I will congratulate you Apex, killing that sexist monstrosity of a man was quite amusing. Hopefully, you'll go next."

The women put her mask back on and created a portal. "The barrier that Ghanem set up should be crumbling now since he's lunch now." She walked through the portal and closed it quickly. If Nadir tried to tail her then she'd be sent down 1 of 100 different portals leading her across the world and even to the moon. The chances of her finding correct one were unlikely.

The Crusaders were left with a failure, Ghanem was Apex, hopefully, the world won't react negatively to that news. Killing some average joe terrorist was one thing, but a general of a country? Behemoth would have to wait and see. A new power would take President Ali's spot.

Behemoth turned to his team. "Let's escort everyone out and get out of here. I'm sure the authorities can handle things from here."

30 minutes later - The Crusader - Currently in Space
The Crusaders had returned home and were currently having a meeting and going over today's events. Havoc personally went and retrieved Ricardo Gat's Wife and 20-year-old son. They were relaxing in a guest room together with the door locked. Wouldn't want them running around the ship. Behemoth was sitting in his chair with a glass of Bourbon and a bottle sitting on the table. "The President of fucking Udal is dead, killed by some witch of some sort. His head of defense, General Ghanem defected to the other side and was devoured by Apex. I'm lucky nothing blew the fuck up. Like I said earlier, we are lucky to have a chip like Gats." He took a drink from his glass of warm Bourbon.
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Geld City

A man has his gun pointed towards an elderly couple who decided to take a short cut through an alley.

"Hand over the money Geezers, I don't wanna use this, but don't think I won't." The punk robber said. His hair was black and stringy, and teeth chipped and missing with an unevenly shaved beard.

"We don't have much. You can have my wallet and phone, my wife has nothing." The old man responded. He looked to be in his 70s.

"Don't lie to me pops, that old lady has an awfully big ring on her finger." He said pointing with his pistol.

"No! Your not getting that!" The old man shouted.

"It's alright, just let him take it." His wife said. She began to pull her ring off, preferring life over the shallow trinket to their love.

"Not happening. That's proof of 50 years, this punk won't get it." Her husband was a prideful man, refusing to let the bastard take 3 months of hard labor from him.

"Listen to the old nutcase, or would you rather eat these raw slugs." The robber stepped closer to them with his finger pulling back the gun's trigger. The robber then felt a gust of wind and saw the old couple smile.

"I'd like some of those slugs. You'd be surprised how good they are fried." A strong and imposing voice said behind him. The robber turned around and saw him, Earth's greatest Hero. Zenith, The Man Of The Future, Earth's most formidable Hero. He is the height of human potential and he was sent back in time to save the world. Today he was saving this couple.

"Get back or I'll off them both." The Robber shouted trying to point his gun at the couple. It an instant Zenith appeared in front of the couple. The robber fired in fear. Each bullet bounces off Zenith and one struck the robber in the stomach. "Ahh!!! Look what you did!"

Zenith turned to the couple. "Get home and phone the police. I'm getting this man medical attention. Maybe something for the stupid, but it could be incurable." Zenith scoped the man up in his arms and the couple ran off. He flew off to the nearest Hospital delivered and the man. Security on duty was notified of their guest recent activities.

Zenith then flew off into the sky and heard the sound that pained his ears. It was playing on a frequency his ears could only hear. It was warning him. "Stay away from Byrranga Mountains." On repeat. The sound was almost mindnumbing and distracting. He couldn't not hear it, even after suppressing his superhearing. "Either this is a trap or some really doesn't want me taking a trip towards Russia." With that said Zenith dashed off to the Byrranga Mountain.

Secret Society Of Villainy - Byrranga Mountains, Taymyr Peninsula, Siberia, Russia

10 miles underground rested the secret location where the well most organized and powerful Villains meet. This society existed for nearly 80 years and today they have called two of their members in for questioning. Arlic Kauffman, a third generation member, and Hakim, The Immortal Man(Solomon Bulden). The two are suspected of collusion that serves their interest and only serves their interest. They have neglected to pay the quarterly payment for the past 6 months. And on top of that, They are confident they've been working with Francis Abella, Also known as Ultimatum, Warlord turn dictator of the African nation of Kokani. A nonmember who turned the S.O.V. down years before.

At a round table sat 8 villains, including that of Hakim and Arlic. Across from Arlic was an angry old man that was heavily augmented with cybernetics. His chest was covered in a metal breastplate. On it was the symbol of evil, a blood-red swastika. The men were speaking to them,
Kauffman sat in his chair playing with what looked like a silver doorknob. Hakim was laying back and letting them speak their mind.

"Arlic you poor excuse for a German, listen to when we speak boy!" He said slamming the table with a metal claw just before coughing like a dying man.

"I am, you're accusing us of treason." He responded.

"And you are a treasonous snake like your mother."

Arlic rolled his eyes and waited for a tirade of racist remarks. "Well come on Captain Nazi, let's hear it." He said wanting the old fool to get it over with.

"Gentlemen, relax, let us keep our mothers out of this. We must remain on topic." Said one man middle age man with black hair and red eyes. He was Nightblood, an old Vampire of 400 years. "We are discussing treason...and overdue payment too. 30 million between the two of you."

Hakim laughed and sat up. "I'm going to tell you the truth. I'm not paying my dues, neither is the young Mr.Kuaffman. I'm going to be the President of Udal eventually, that money was going to the government officials I bought off." He had a smug smile on his face as she said it.

Hearing that made another man stand up. A being composed of pure muscle, Alpha. "You laugh? This is serious. Must I rip your limbs off for you to comprehend? I'm sure you're working with Ultimatum too? An enemy of our society."

As soon as he spoke his name, a bright door shape portal and stepped out was Ultimatum. He was wearing his nuclear-powered armor and holding a ball-shaped object. It had 3 metal bars. 2 on the bottle and one on the top. Everyone stood up, including Ultimatum's allies Arlic and Kauffman. Ultimatum looked around with a grin on his face. "Worthless maggots in the shell of a decomposing organization that never achieve anything since its golden days."

Captain Nazi pointed his claw at Ultimatum and it transformed into energy cannon. "I will erase you boy! Do you think you're tough? I'll show you how-"

"Reichfall." Kauffman said causing Captain Nazi to drop to the ground paralyzed.

"What in the hell? Kauffman! What have you done!"

"2 years ago when I gave you those upgrades I left a little command in there just for this situation."

"Traitor! That tainted blood in you. You could have been a good man, a hero to your people like father and his father before him."

"Delusional. They were never good men. They were monsters, monsters like everyone one here. We all want power, I've never been ashamed to admit it. You, however, are just an old fool. You people accuse us of Treason, but we were never allies. I never ask to inherit contractually obligations from my family. Did you people never think for an instant this could happen?"

Muscle Lord had grown angry at this sudden intrusion, ignoring Kauffman's question. He lunged at Ultimatum but was blasted back by one of his energy gauntlets. Soon another portal open behind Kauffman. His bodyguard stepped out with hands of fire that took the shape of crossbows. "Don't move! But please try it."

Nightblood then stood up. "I have grown tired of this. To think a member who's been at this table since the beginning would do this." His eyes glowed red, his body started to smoke. "Hakim. You know I am a ter-" A golden blade then shot out of his chest. Behind him, a man in full body armor appeared after dropping his camouflage. He was the Secret Soldier, the main bodyguard of Ultimatum.

"How's it going?"

"I do know my old friend. That's why that relic is in your back. You could say I backstabbed you. Indirectly of course. This dog was more than happy to kill something new." Hakim's bodyguard then appeared. She removed her mask and head cover to reveal the face of a skeleton. "So how did it go, Lady Cryptic? Did those two half-bloods give you trouble?"[/SPOILER]​

"Those useless demons had some, and Ghanem got eaten. I'm jealous I never got a taste." The skull face woman responded.

"Hmm, and the Ali?" Hakim said focusing on the more important part.

"Oh dead, took a page out of Vladimir's book."

The 3 remaining members of the S.O.V. stood in shocked. One of the then stood. "Please don't shoot Firefly." He was an older Asian man. "I'd like to join the winning team. I wasn't expecting this today." Another man stood up. "I agree. You guys got it. You win."

Kauffman looked at Firefly. "Why are they still alive?"

"Good question." Firefly shot a flaming arrow into each of their heads, causing them to drop. The wholes in their head smoked as they lay dead.

There was one person left. An old woman in a Victorian era black funeral dress. "I'll be taking my leave now. Can't wait to see this fail."

The skeleton woman lifted her hand tried to cast a spell on her but to no success. "What illusion. Sneaky witch."

"She left!" shouted Nightblood as the holy sword was still in him. "Damn you, Mistress Shade. To leave me like this."

"Not like she would save you Nightblood. She knows better than to stand in the way of change." Secret Soldier said as he put his foot on the vampires head.

Ultimatum then pressed a button the ball shape item and set it down. "We'll be taking our leave now Soldier." He said to his bodyguard as he used his doorknob shaped object and open another doorway. We walked through it with Secret Soldier following him. "Lady Cryptic." He said just before throwing the ancient relic over to her with reckless abandon. "Thanks for the toy. I prefer guns though."

"Be more careful with the master's toys. My magic is far greater than your simple guns." She responded as fire appeared in her eye sockets.

"Calm yourself, my dear. Treat my partner's dog with some respect. Beast won't understand. Let's go." He snapped his fingers and both of them vanish in a flash.

Kauffman and Firefly were left with fallen shambles of S.O.V. "Just one more person to attend. Should be arriving shortly. We best leave. I don't want to be atomized. Using his own doorknob, he opens a doorway back to Kauffman industries and walks through with Firefly following behind him.

At that moment Zenith burst through the ceil, seeing the doorway close and seeing Kauffman looking back at him with a smile. Zenith saw the bodies on the floor, he recognized them. Nightblood, The Muscle Man, Captain Nazi. "What happened?"

Nightblood tried to lift himself up but his body was recovering from the artifact's powers. "The end."
Zenith looked towards the bomb. He had no time left. The clock had reached zero. He couldn't save them. He couldn't save himself. He tried to escape, but the bomb went off just as Zenith took flight.

The explosion destroyed the entire mountain, creating a large mushroom cloud and crater. At the bottom of the crater was nothing left, everyone atomized except one. A frail man wearing Zenith's clothes. His skin was pale, he was nearly bone and body covered in burns. He wasn't sure what was going on. He wasn't sure if he was even alive.

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Otto White
Otto White young.jpg

Otto sat in the meeting room as he listened to behemoth, Otto rubbed the spots where he had been hit by the wolf monster's spiked fur as while his combat form as Renegade afforded him a good deal of protection from the permanent affects of wounds the pain still stayed with him even if the scars and permanent marks didn't, though he had never been hit in the head or in the heart with a strong enough attack to be fatal and he'd rather not test to see if the combat form could stand up to that but if he had to bet he'd say it would probably kill him but that was neither here nor there. He kept his ax in his lap as he sat as he was very much paranoid after the previous events where he was caught without a effective weapon and even at there home base he was feeling less then comfortable without it.
Otto regarded Behemoth's words again. "Well at least none of us died or got captured at the least, a bloody affair like that normally doesn't end with one side walking away entirely whole most of the time." He rubbed the space between his eyes. "So should we focus on our next move or lay low until whatever chaos this spawns blows over?" Otto asked.
Havoc was quiet at the table, a miracle really. He wasn't in his costume. He'd ditched that as soon as he was sure that Gats and his family were settled in and guaranteed not to come back out. He was quietly examining a few visible burn marks on his arms and hands. He really needed to work on the suit's heat resistance, especially since Firefly was working for Kauffman. "We should hold off on any big moves until the trial. My friends in the press are on standby if that goes to shit. I've know a few of them since we were kids, they won't back down." He flicked his attention up to the remainder of the table. Seeing how everyone was a bit roughed up and rattled, he continued. "A couple days of rest will do us some good as well."

He rubbed the back of his neck as he sat back a bit. "I do have details of one of Kauffman's most trusted workers. Had to wait and confirm it, but today I ran into her." He explained, gaze flicking down. "Her abilities are fueled by the frustration of others, and she can manipulate them to get what she wants. Her skin gets superheated. She makes flame constructs, and I haven't seen a limit to what she can come up with. Her powers get tuned down if you manage to piss her off." A little bit of a smirk flashed across his face at that. "She's still a threat at that point though." He paused, briefly wondering how he'd word this without outing himself as some child soldier. "We had the same sparring and marksmanship classes growing up, and she can be deadly even without using her powers."

He looked up again, surveying the reactions at the table. More specifically sparing a glance over at Behemoth. "Not sure how useful that all is, but something's better than nothing." He added. "We'll have to deal with her eventually if or when Kauffman continues to be a problem."
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Behemoth, or rather Dougless didn't agree with Otto's opinion on the event. "Otto, we lost today. We failed at protecting the President. The Villains, The Immortal man walked off winning. Whoever this Immortal Man is, Solomon Bulden, that oil tycoon has something to do with this. You and the little devil over there..." He swung his glass of liquor over to Cynthia. "He summoned one of those demons and escaped right?"

@Dakota K5 @Michale CS

Havoc was actually far less talkative than usual. He was pretty banged up, he ran into an old friend. Havoc connections always were good for it. When he went on to explain his encounter with one of Kauffman's most trusted employees, it sounded all too much like Firefly. "I know of this woman. She's got an imagination from what I hear. In my experience, a construct creator is limited to their imagination and focus. If we can keep her from thinking straight, we could make it impossible from creating a construct." Behemoth also thought it was important he thanked Gloom and Havoc on saving Ricardo Gats. "You two did a good job saving Gats. Surprise you guys decided not to kill Clayman, He relentlessly defends anything he charged with guarding.

@AshenAngel @Gands

Coyote was present at the table too, sitting next to her pal Apex. "So are we going to ignore this guy at the General? Cannabilism is against the word of God! Cynthia's a demon but let's be reasonable here. This man is disgusting. He even got blood over my only formal dress." She looked at the rest of her team with disbelief. Everyone just got used to this but her.

@Kazuaki Yoshioka
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Upon returning to the crusaders station, Jack returns to his room to wash up since he was covered in blood. On his way to the meeting room he had ran into Havoc who was leading a woman and her boy into the lounge area before locking it.
He tilts his head looking at the door for a few secondes before following Havoc into the meeting room and taking a seat. He remains quiet while swishing the liquid in his canteen and getting lost in his thoughts. It was only when Havoc had mentioned Kauffman's latest attack dog, Jack had showed a little intrest in the meeting. "What was that smirk for?, you two going to run away together? Maybe live in a warm cozy cabin, have a daughter name morgan or some shit like that" Jack says leaning back in his chair trying to hide the fact that he was envious of the two who was tasked with retrieving Gats while he was forced to wear a tux. "You can't protect them, you that right?" Jack says opening his canteen and taking a sip.
"Kauffman will erase Gats along with entire family tree , root and stem" he says leting out a slight chuckle. "But since you guys want to wait for the trial, I say we hunt the one who killed the president" he says looking at Behemoth "found this on the general" he says tossing a gold ring with a weird symbol engraving on to the table. "We already attacked one of there compounds right?, why stop now?, if we kill the magicians now, we won't have to worry about later...." He stops talking when Coyote pratically threw him under the bus letting out a slight scoff "he was a badguy" Jack says chuckling nervously "at least i did something, that woman slipped past the both of you"
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Havoc shrugged lightly. "I could have killed him, but it wasn't necessary. Talked him down instead." He fiddled on his phone, a rarity too since he usually just used his technopathy, before he glanced back up to Behemoth. An unspoken challenge hung in the air as he wondered if their leader had a problem with him not killing Clayman. He still looked relaxed, though that could change in an instant. He wasn't exactly in the right head space to try and figure out what Behemoth meant by his surprise.

Seeing that Jack had to make a comment, Havoc returned his phone to his pocket. It had been a while since he'd accidentally shorted out any of his devices. Didn't want to run the risk of breaking that streak. The glare he sent at the rookie was cold enough to stand a chance at making hell freeze over. "I've been helping people disappear longer than you've been eating people. Save the pessimism for someone who cares, got it?" He flashed his wicked little grin, a spark of electricity in is eyes.

There were a lot of things he needed to get more information on. He didn't understand magic bullshit, that much was definitely certain. Maybe he'd ask Gloom, Coyote, or the demon in the room to give him a brief study session on it. He didn't want to be caught off guard like he'd been while dealing with the demon back when they were tearing apart that compound. He glanced between the three of them to see if any of them knew anything about the ring. He got a search going on it, technopathy for the win, though he wasn't sure how reliable the information he pulled up would be. "Do we have any leads on other compounds supported by this Immortal idiot?"
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Selene aka Gloom

Upon returning to the ship, Selene guarded Ricardo Gats until relieved. Once relieved she went to her room to recover a bit from the wounds Clayman had given her.

This had frankly been quite a learning experience for her. She would have to be more careful in the future. She was in the big leagues now.

She went to the meeting table as Selene. Listening to the report given she did not have alot to say. When Behemoth brought up Clayman, then Havok answered him.. She finally put in her two cents.

" Clayman was not necessarily an evil man. An asshole to be certain.. And very stubborn & tenacious... But not evil. Now if our plan was to hunt down people lije Clayman, how many of us would be on that list ?"

When the ring is thrown down, Selene moves to examine it. She covers her hand with gloom to give that entity within her a chance to examine it..The Gloom has senses she doesn't that extend into the magical realms. For herself, Selene is a very talented archeologist.. She would examine the markings.

Quietly in a whisper to herself,

" Can you tell what this does Gloom?"
Behemoth watched the ring slide across the table, it was covered in blood from Apex's vicious execution. Apex explained himself to Coyote and only Coyote since the rest wasn't too concerned. When Apex mention letting the President's killer slip by she rolled her eyes. "She was gone before I knew it." Behemoth responded accordingly. "No excuses Gabby(Coyote), we all fucked this up. We were supposed to guard the man and he died. We won't make the slip again, next time that bitch pops up we kill her."

Both Apex and Havoc wanted to know if there were and Behemoth could provide. "Yeah, but I wouldn't give them the honor of calling the compounds. Udal's military is handling their other hideouts and safe houses but since they seem to have been compromised it wouldn't hurt." He explained. He then pressed a button on his belt. "Computer! Send a map to all Crusaders off known and suspected Alwasiat Al'abadia hideouts." All Crusaders should receive an email with a map and points of interest relating to AA. Their badges should also be able to create a hologram of the locations too. "If you boys wanna blow off some steam I won't stop you, I encourage it. Feels good to take your anger out scumbags who deserve it. Ask Blackbird, the paranoid bastard loves it."

Gloom gave her opinions on Clayman and she was right enough. He was tenacious, anyone who encountered him knew that. He wasn't evil, and he had an okay moral compass. "He might not be so easy if you face him again. Clayman learns, adapts, I suggest you do the same Gloom, same goes for you Havoc. Hope he doesn't end up working for Kauffman down the line. Can't say that for the rest of CyberGuard." Gloom asking if their job were to hunt people like Clayman, how many of them would be on the list. "Selene, All I can say is I won't see a paradise once I die."

Once Gloom examined the strang ring, the gloom would find it is some sort of communication device. One that allows true believers of the Immortal man. It could allow direct contact with him. The ring was given to the high ranking members of the organization.

The team would speak a little more when the ship will pick up on high levels of radiation on earth.


Douglass looked at his team. "Grab an anti-radiation suit from the supply room if you need it. I gotta check on an old friend. If you guys wanna go crack some terrorist skulls I won't stop you." He said looking towards Havoc and Apex.
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"No one mentioned anger 'til you brought it up, Douglass." Havoc pointed out calmly, his arms folded across his chest. He sat back in his chair a bit. He almost never used Behemoth's real name, but he needed to make a point and names tended to do that. "I'm just trying to work out some solutions. The kid's got a point about stomping out the rest of AA. Gotta stay productive, right?" There was a small eyeroll. "With them scrambling to recover from the compound hit, an all out sweep would be the most effective measure to prevent that." He paused, glancing over at Apex now. "Besides, they've been attempting to get info on where those kids we saved ended up. The system I set up will prevent them from finding anything, but I can't let them get away with that kind of intent."

He went quiet once again before Behemoth gave his little warning about Clayman. "There isn't much out there for him to learn about me through research, anyways. Only used one kind of attack against that fucking toy of his. Didn't do anything to him personally since I didn't want to accidentally kill him or something. There's a lot that I need to read up on in regards to those biometric enhancements, already got a few blueprints to dig through." He glanced over at Selene. "I can send them your way too, might do some good to look them over."

He was planning on hearing what the ring of magical bullshit could do, then going back to his room to at least try to squeeze in some rest before he got to work. Unfortunately nukes didn't care about naps. Hearing that Zenith was in that area too set off just about every alarm in his head. A bit of a habit he'd picked up after too many close calls, back when he and Behemoth weren't exactly friendly and the risk of other Justiciars showing up had made his work living hell. He wouldn't be able to use his combative ability with that radiation suit on, none of his guns would work on Zenith, and he wasn't going to deal with the whole risk of radiation sickness afterwards. He'd be more of a hindrance than a help. "If things go bad, get out of there. Won't be able to do much Crusading if your friend throws you in jail or accidentally kills you. Don't expect me to take over operations here." He stated simply as he stood up from the table.

His typical suit needed some repairs. Fortunately the new one he'd been working on was ready to go through some actual tests. "We can go kill some terrorists in a minute." He shot over his shoulder to Apex. First he was going to go chug a Red Bull or something.
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