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Kana me charged at Aaron zero and Silvia.
Zero waited when Kaname headed for them then moved his gun making sure no one he didn't want to hit was in the way. Bang could be heard from his first shot from Bloody Rose. He could see Silvia had pushed up off the ground and was in the air aiming to kick Kaname he couldn't tell if it was his head or stomach she was after.
Rido continued to feed off of her she was deathly pale now.

Kana me dodged Silvia and bit into her shoulder.
Silvia gave out a shout in pain. She immanently moved one of her elbows to dig into Kaname's side. "Get off" She stated.

Zero saw his shots miss Kaname when he moved toward Silvia. He bit his lip in frustration he wasn't sure how not to hit Silvia. He also still knew they needed to find Lucinda.
Aaron says let Silvia go his ice encases Ricoand kkaname who had walked out dragging Lucinda's limp body. Her hair pure black.
Silvia once more jabbed at Rido even with seeing the ice start to encase him. "You heard him." She stated and then stepped on Rido's foot. She wasn't sure how else to make him release her from how he had her shoulder.

Zero seeing Kaname with Lucinda seemed to grip Bloody Rose really tight. He didn't see an aim of Rido but tried to find one on Kaname. He noticed Lucinda's hair and rage could be seen in his eyes.
Her skin became pale as snow kaname dropped Lucinda. She fell limply to the ground with a thud.

Rido let's Silvia go trying to break the ice to escape.
Once Silvia was released she moved toward her sister. Silvia got down to make sure Lucinda was still breathing.

Zero focused on Kaname while it seemed Rido was frozen. "Alright so for now it seems two on two." He stated to inform Aaron of the looks of the situation.
She is barely breathing and pulse is barely there.

Rido screams hey let me out.
Silvia took a sigh of relief seeing how her sister was still breathing. "It's going to be okay sis." She said. She noticed how it seemed the others were busy.

Zero keep his eyes on Kaname and went forward. He wanted to get out of there with his daughters as soon as he could.
they say go now and the girls will not be harmed but leave the pureblood boy please and leave. leave now and no one will be harmed.
Silvia carefully went to lift her sister knowing her arm's would be full. She heard about leaving Aaron and was quiet. She couldn't see her sister being happy with that.

Zero keep his eyes on Kaname and Rido. "Aaron can you take them?" He asked simply not sure what else to say he wanted to get his daughters out safely. If Aaron could take them even for a bit he figured he might could come back along with better equipment to possibly end this.
Aaron says my magic will only last so long but I will do my best. He smiles walks over and kisses Lucinda's head saying I love you babe
Silvia carefully lifted her sister. After Aaron kissed her. "Our dad will probable try and bring you some back up." She whispered extremely quiet as if she was only moving her lips partly together it may seem. She didn't think Kaname or Rido would be able to pick up anything close to what she said. She then placed her arm around her sister better and had put up Artemis to carry Lucinda. "Dad?" She asked looking at him waiting to know they could go.

"Alright" Zero replied after Aaron answered. "Try to as long as you can alright." He said before moving to help Silvia get Lucinda out of their. Then they left Zero planning to take them to be safe with the headmaster for now and bring a small group back with him from the school that was in the night class.
Lucinda allowed her dad to carry her she was too weak and very out of it.

Aaron says i will go as long as i can go now!!!! he holds an ice wall up so that everyone can escape he freezes the room shut with ice his eyes coveing everything. he felt fire attacks hitting this ice shield he had around himself. bloody rose lay feet from him she was to weak to fight with it and had dropped it.

His anger rose as he remembered seeing lucinda so weak and not able to move because of how much they had fed off of her.
Zero had nodded and took Lucinda from Silvia to let them have a quicker escape. Silvia and Zero made their way out once the fire wall was up. Leaving Bloody Rose and Aaron behind for now at least. Once they were out Zero looked around. "I'm taking you both to the Academy and get the headmaster to look after you." He said leading the way back. Silvia had to run every now and again to catch up. She just nodded not sure to ask about her dad's plans. Once they were at the Academy they headed straight for the head master. Zero then seemed to hand Lucinda back to Silvia. "I'm leaving them in your hands I need to go back and help Aaron." He said looking at the headmaster who was at his desk.
The headmaster says Mr.Kiryu you can't go back please do not go back its an emergency how much blood has Luci lost?
Zero nodded. "I'm not sure a lot I believe... And if I can't someone will need to go help Aaron soon." He replied. Silvia was quiet her eyes on her sister and waited for the two to decided what was best.
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