Creature City

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Jet nodded absentmindedly, dusting off her clothing. She froze when Arrow said how much time he'd been there for. "Two weeks?" Her expression and tone shifted. She clicked off the speaker, and made her way over, looking more solemn. "What happened?"
Alexis had already made a beeline for Jack's bed. She grabbed a stool from nearby and dragged it over next to the sofa, climbing onto it so she could stand at a better height to look at him properly. She frowned, before giving Jack a warm smile. It had been a while since she'd last seen him, and she noticed he'd grown a fair bit. He didn't look good at all though. Her frown deepened as she analysed him- blankets piled over his lower body, but less over his upper half. It looked like he'd been having consistent nightmares, judging by the bloodshot eyes and heavy bags even greyer than the rest of his face.
Jet stifled a gasp when she saw Jack, hand covering her mouth- luckily she was behind his head, so he couldn't see her. She quickly composed herself, wings quivering slightly as her initial worry amplified. She looked to Arrow, green eyes worried and demanding an explanation.
"That's just it," Arrow said softly. "He won't tell me what happened. Although…" He bit his lip. "I have an idea of what it might be."
Jack shifted his blankets so they more fully covered his thighs, his movements slow and shaky; he looked at Alexis with eyes lost and violated.
"Hi," he said, recognising the now taller girl. "Haven't seen you in a while, Alexis."
Alexis smiled. "Everything will be alright, Jack." She used the voice that was normally used on tough clients who wouldn't talk- soft and gentle, flowing smoothly. Designed to lure people into a sense of security. She hoped it would help reassure him. "We're here to protect you." She turned to Jet, and signed rapidly. Gestures got things across between her and Jet much faster than words.
Jet nodded, reading her gestures. "Whatever happened, he's come down with some sort of fever." She headed to the kitchen, beckoning for Arrow to follow while Alexis remained at Jack's side.
Arrow reluctantly followed, glancing back at Jack.
"I think whatever happened has given him some kind of trauma," he said quietly. "He's so nervous now. He can't sleep and he shakes all the time, and he's worked himself up so much he's got a fever. He won't even -"
Kiss me, Arrow just stopped himself saying. He hid a blush and instead looked over at Jack again.
Jack smiled faintly at Alexis, huddled in his blankets, and glanced over at his boyfriend to check he was still there.
Alexis smiled. "They're going to get things to treat you." she said softly. "So they might be out of sight for a little while. But they're still here."
Jet stood in the kitchen, dampening a cloth. "Trauma, huh? I knew his past was bad, but I never thought it'd hit him again." She did worry about what exactly had happened, and what Arrow hadn't said, but decided not to push it. Judging by the sudden change in facial expression, it was something private.
"I think he's... he's been..." Arrow grit his teeth, running a hand through raven hair. "I don't know for sure, and he won't say, but the way he's acting... and the marks on his sides, and the bite..." He recalled the first time he'd noticed the bruises flowering across Jack's hips, as if they'd been put there by hands gripping too hard. He took a breath, like saying it out loud would hurt. His hands were curled into fists and his palms were slick with sweat. "Jet. I think someone raped Jack."
Jet's eyes widened, wings stiffening. There was a pause as the silence seemed to stretch between them. "Oh."
That was all she could think to say. She had heard storied of that, heard countless tales and recollections of the effects, but she'd never personally known a rape victim.
Until now.
She cleared her throat. "Well," she said, running a hand through her hair to push it out of her face. "At least we know the issue. How to solve it..." Her gaze dropped to the towel in her hands as she thought. "That will take much longer than any of us would like."
She looked up at him. "I think more visits will have to be done, if that's not much trouble. At the very least, to help manage his business from the sidelines. I doubt any trips will be made for a while, and if they are- well, one of my lot or me will have to accompany him to make sure it doesn't happen again. As for you, well, if this has been going on for a couple of weeks then I would suggest to just keep doing what you're doing. Keep contact to a minimum-" she took note of the brief flash of disappointment. Well disguised. "-and if any must be made, like to change his towel, tell him well in advance and move slowly. Nothing near the lower area by any means."
Her gaze softened again. "It's gonna be rough for everyone involved. But Jack's strong- I'm sure you know that. He'll pull through." She headed back into the sitting room, where Alexis was very animatedly telling Jack a story of one of her adventures to another town.
Arrow let his head hang down, leaning his forearms on the kitchen counter, his eyes blurring with tears. He'd known for a week or so now, deep down, but had simply refused to admit it. Who could overpower Jack? It was an icy reminder that the Wendigo wasn't invincible. After a moment to compose himself, he followed Jet back into the living room.
Jack watched Alexis' grinning face as she spun a story for him, and he concentrated as much as his broken mind allowed. He felt the sofa shift as Arrow sat beside him and he looked over to the other man, meeting his eye for a moment. Arrow smiled softly and then looked at Jet, reaching slowly out to Jack's shoulder. The redhead stiffened and clutched the blanket.
"Calm down, Jack, it's okay," he said gently, avoiding more affectionate words. "I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to..." He nudged the blankets and the fabric of Jack's jumper away from the base of the Wendigo's neck just slightly, to reveal a slowly healing bite mark. Arrow glanced at Jet.
"Do you know what kind of creature would have made this?"
Jet hissed, and nodded. "I've dealt with that kind before too." She avoided saying the word in case it triggered more memories for Jack, gently gesturing for him to cover the mark back up again. "Jack, I'm going to place a towel on your head, alright? It'll help bring your fever down." She moved slowly, careful to always remain in his vision but not loom over him as she slowly and gently settled the towel on his head. "None of us will hurt you. We're here to protect you." She made sure each of her words were clear and pronounced, not sure how much of a haze her friend was in but wanting to make sure her message was clear.
The colour appeared to have drained from Alexis' face as she saw the bite mark. She remembered those creatures. They were terrifying. Luckily Jet had always dealt with them whenever it looked like Alexis was in trouble with one, but they were the one creature in the entire city Alexis avoided at all costs. And her friend had gotten far too close.
Jack tipped his head back a little so the towel wouldn't fall but kept his eyes open, glancing around the room as if he thought someone might leap from the shadows. A moment later, the corner of the towel slipped down onto his eye and he flinched violently, grabbing instinctively for Arrow's hand in a panic. The half-phoenix pulled away a little, battling his desire to keep their relationship a secret and his need to comfort Jack - he let him hold it, blushing fiercely, and pushed the towel up with his free one. After a moment, Jack released his hand, and Arrow cleared his throat.
"I want to do something about the... perpetrator," he said, running a hand through his hair. "Do you think, in a city this size, it would be possible to track them down?"
Jet hummed, taking a scarf and gently wrapping it around Jack's head, telling him what she was doing as she went so he didn't panic. It rested over the towel, holding it in place. She pulled away the instant it was done and looked down at the Chief. "It certainly wouldn't be impossible to find them, now that I know where to look." she said. "Of course, the easy part is finding them. Actually..." She thought carefully for a moment. Normally she would say punish or subdue, but both words, in this case, she could already tell would be fear-inducing. "Actually being able to do something about them, a much harder subject."
Alexis' gaze softened as she watched her friend. She hopped off the stool and rushed into the kitchen, fetching some antibiotics to ease the fever.
"I see."
Of course, Arrow was itching to track down the culprit and have them killed. Hell, he'd even do it himself. He glanced over at Jack - though his muscles were tensed anxiously, this was more relaxed than he'd seen him in a while. The redhead had even initiated contact when he'd grabbed Arrow's hand (his cheeks still burned pleasantly from it), which nowadays was very rare. Perhaps the presence of Jet and Alexis was soothing for him? He certainly seemed to trust them both.
Jet nodded. Alexis came back with a glass of water and some antibiotics. With a hop and a little flap of her still-growing wings, she was up on the stool. Carefully she offered the items to Jack. "Do you think you can move to take these? They'll help with the haze. They're antibiotics, so don't worry."
"Sure," Jack took the pills with little resistance, washing them down with the water, then slumped back against the sofa, piling more blankets across his lower body.
Alexis smiled reassuringly. Normally she would move to adjust the blankets, but she sensed it was a sensitive area Jack didn't want her to go near. Instead, she turned away from the sofa, hopped off the stool, and trotted back into the kitchen.
Jet frowned, watching his behaviour. When Alexis had left, she sighed softly, pulling out her phone and dialing in a number. Luke picked up the other end.
"Hey, it's Jet. I have a couple leads I'm gonna need the boys to follow up, alright?"
"Sure! They'll be waiting when you get home."
She ended the call with an affirmative hum, and looked at the other two. "Are you two gonna be alright on your own? I can leave Alexis here to help out if you reckon you might need it." She looked at Arrow and Kastra as she spoke, the implication that she wasn't just referring to Jack being made clear.
Arrow looked down at Kastra, who had settled herself by his feet, and then at Jack. The latter was watching him with childish blue eyes, his bony figure lost beneath a small mountain of blankets – his face seemed greyer than usual, if that was possible, and Arrow was still unsettled by how different this Jack was. No playful arrogance, teasing, dominant nature, constant kisses; just this shivering, tearful creature. Arrow had a nasty feeling that Jack had felt this way for a long time but had simply concealed it. He heard his stomach growl and flushed a faint pink, realising it had been days since he'd eaten. He was so wrapped up in looking after Jack that he was neglecting himself – he found, holding up his hands, that they trembled a little. Balling them into determined fists, his glowing yellow eyes moved to Jet.
"We'll be okay," he said, nodding decisively as if this sharp movement might help him believe it. "But… it would be nice to – have company. Even if it's only Alexis dropping by for a cup of tea, just – anything. Please." Arrow grit his teeth, finding that he was as bad at asking for assistance as his boyfriend was. Beside him, he could feel Jack's eyes burning into him, and he itched to press himself against that icy perfection; but he wouldn't do it yet. In Jet's eyes, he was just Jack's flatmate. Kastra bumped his leg and moved to rest her chin on his knee. He ran ebony fingers through her tawny feathers and scratched at the base of her ears where he knew she liked it most – the magnificent Griffin groaned and her back leg (a sculpted, lion-like paw) thumped against the wood-panelled floor. Perhaps his little family might make it out of this alive. Arrow nodded again, to himself.
"We'll be okay."
Jet nodded. "Alexis will pop over every few hours or so to check up and provide company if needed. I myself will visit once daily, when I can get a break from this case."
Alexis looked them over. To her, they looked more like a little family than what roommates were supposed to look like- but then again, it wasn't like she really knew. They looked happy, and that was the main thing, she supposed. She watched Kastra with mild amusement, finding the griffin intriguing. Granted, she'd seen Kastra before, plenty of times, but she never ceased to capture Alexis' interest.
They got the hint, though. They'd done all they could, and that, Jet supposed, was as much as they could ask for. "You know where to call if anything comes up." she said, as she moved back towards the window. Alexis followed suit. They hopped onto the windowsill, and Jet was the first to disappear. Alexis made sure to shut the window behind her, and then they disappeared into the night, a whisper of darkness against the cool night air.
"So, I've been doing all the driving, as you know, so you think it'd be alright if you uh, you know, paid for the meal?" Dominic, already in a snippety and defensive mood as it was, looked to his partner as the two made their way into a local diner in the hopes of satisfying their hunger.
Roman replied with his usual silence, ignoring the small feathered man as he pushed past him.

"Jeez. What is it with you and pancakes?" Dominic peaked over the menu and remarked about his partner's questionable choice in food, his stormy temperament intensified by the other loud diners. Time passed and a waitress finally greeted them, a sickeningly cheerful look on her face. "Hi, welcome to Frank's Diner. Just the two of you today?" She asked, her thick western accent coming through as Dominic nodded, an impatient look on his face as he tapped his foot underneath the table and folded his wings.
The Jackalope scanned through the menu completely silent as the Harpy, as usual, did all the talking.
The Harpy's face twisted, sick of the quiet he was constantly met with, and Roman could sense he was going to make an attempt to argue.
"Oh please. You're not going to pull that silent shit again are ya? Come on. I mean, the least you can do is hold a conversation. Just one fuckin' conversation, that's all I'm askin. I got Chatty Cathy over here; God damn, I might as well be sitting here by myself." Dominic continued to complain about his partner's lack of speech; and much to his annoyance, Roman continued to sit there, eyes on his menu, no words out of his mouth. The Harpy didn't even know what bothered him so much about silence, or why he was so pissed off in the first place, but in order to vent, he needed to provoke some sort reaction from his partner.
Luckily his need for human conversation was appeased when the waitress cleared her throat and took their orders.
"I'll have the steak and he'll have the pancakes." Dominic replied, taking it upon himself to order for Roman because he already knew damn well what the man had planned to order. If there was one topic he'd talk about, it was about those fucking pancakes.
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She hoists him up by the collar, surprising strength in her upper body as she hisses in his ear and drags his stumbling feet towards the car. "What the hell were you thinking? I didn't even know where you were because you didn't fucking answer my calls! You could have gotten fucking Hypothermia! " She snarls, looking towards him slumped in the backseat, the weight of responsibility in her eyes. It's funny, he thinks, because the concoction of what was currently inside him made sure he didn't feel the cold anyway. Abner doesn't answer immediately, just stares at her with glassy eyes and a softly opened mouth. He finds his words eventually, and they're harsh and grating on the back of his throat.
"Didn't...Want to bother you." She watches at him in her rear view mirror, (Well, Chance's rear view mirror considering the fact that she'd borrowed her car) expecting more. When he gets himself hopelessly stuck, he usually squirms his way out of it with half-hearted words and nervous sentences, but not now. He's quiet, head tilted against the window.
That's when she knows something's wrong.
"Bother me?" She laughs, a hysterical laugh that hardly means anything to him, but to her it's relief and sadness and anger all piled into one sound.
She turns the radio up, so far the volume knob can't turn any further, blasting music while Abner blinks at her quietly. Here I am, stuck in the middle with you-

6:55 At Chance's.
They pile into one room, and this time Chance is too harried to even care if Abner's seated or not. She's running around, sorting things out while her daughter runs a hand through her hair and her son stares blankly ahead.
The two wait, listening to the ticking of the clock on the mantelpiece, tense.
Hans appears, and the two flinch even though he was already in the room to begin with.
Chance sets down the cutlery and dinner, happily announcing that Charlie would be joining them for dinner this time. It's no happy news for either of them, however. As expected, he arrives late, bringing with him a gust of freezing air and sauntering over to the table. Minerva looks at him briefly. Black suit, dark hair, amber eyes. He's the only one of her siblings that resembles their father, the spitting image of him.
"Now that we're all here, Hans would like to explain a couple of things." Chance elaborates, a wary smile on her face. She ducks her head respectfully when no one comments anything on the matter, and begins to eat.
Hans stays silent for such a long time it becomes uncomfortable, before looking up and smiling too, flashing yellowed teeth. "One day, one of you will rise to the throne. That's a fact, and let me tell you, you will never be prepared for it until it happens. You will take over this empire I built-"
Abner is incompetent enough to let out an irritated snort. Charlie's lip curves upwards in a smirk.
Oh yeah? Did you play a part in this?
Hans glared, head snapping towards the arachnid at the prospect of being interrupted, a gleam in his eye. "You have something to say about this, runt?"
Minerva buries her face in her hands, because she knows. This time he's going to take the fucking bait he's going to take the fucking-
"Yeah, actually. I do. I mean, don't take offence to this old man, but what the hell made you leader, you self entitled prick? You didn't build an empire, you built a goddamn matchstick house. It was the people before you, that made the very foundation of this business. And yet you're sitting here, at the head of the table telling us that you totally didn't get to this proverbial throne just because Ma married a scumbag. You, to be exact." Abner's mouth is a straight line.

Charlie raises an eyebrow, surveying the room with a long sweep of his calculating eyes. Hans' stillness is unnerving, and Chance takes the opportunity to stand out of her seat and make a bee-line for the kitchen to avoid what was coming.
It happens in slow motion. First the punch, then the strike, ending with Abner shouting and holding back flying fists. Charlie watches it with an amused expression as the two struggle to inflict pain, Abner swearing a blue streak. Minerva knows he would usually back down as soon as Hans got into close proximity of him, but this time there's too much anger and pride to let go. He's managed to hide it convincingly, she thinks to herself. All those snarky looks, comments that bordered on provoking, all brewing beneath the surface. The fucked up thing is, it's probably the drugs that are deciding to fight for him, not his actual conscious, collected self.
Then there's a crack. A sickening noise that makes Minerva's head sag and Abner shout, louder this time. The spider's hands fly to his face, falling back and steadying himself on an upturned chair. But Hans is relentless, and the blows just keep fucking coming. There's no end, even after broken furniture and protest. Usually it's a quick, disciplining blow that leaves Abner gasping in pain, but this time he doesn't stop. There's a line, a line that when crossed everything seems to halt. Even Charlie senses things have gone too far, and stands up slowly, nonchalantly strolling over to the struggling pair. Minerva's already over there by the time he reaches them, screaming for them to stop. Abner falls to his knees, buckling as a well timed kick sends him reeling. Shouts start to muffle and blur into one drowning noise, only Minerva's scream piercing through them, higher and louder than the rest.
In the kitchen, Chance covers her ears, shaking with the tears she can't seem to stop. Unable to fight for her son, unable to put an end to it, she recalls bitter memories and the taste of copper. Not this again, don't don't don't-

And then comes the clarity. The sense of calm, almost zen. She picks up an object lying on the bench, doesn't even know she's doing it, and stalks into the room. She dusts her apron, observes the tangle of limbs and chaos surrounding her, and breathes. So maybe the whole thing was sooner than she planned, but as the adrenaline kicks in, she realises one thing she hadn't grasped before. No one, touches her kids. No one disrespects her family like that. His actions this time are inexcusable. If she has to revert to violence to get that point across, then so be it.
There's a thump, and Hans hits the ground. Minerva and Charlie move quickly, seeing the steel thing blur in the air as it hits it's mark in the man's head. There's a dent in her pan, a dent in his head. Blood trickles from a surprised mouth onto the carpet, and she drops the kitchen appliance as quickly as she picked it up.
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It had been hard, the month of January, but Arrow woke up smiling on the morning of February 1st. Sunlight poured in through the uncovered window and pooled on the white bedsheets tangled around his calves – on the sill, a lark had perched to sing before spreading her wings and disappearing in a flash of golden-grey. In the kitchen, the kettle whistled from where he knew it would be bubbling on the stove, and he pushed himself into a sitting position, rolling his neck to work out the lingering aches. The bedroom was plain and fairly small, consisting of a creaky double bed (a four-poster with its silken hangings impressively pretty despite their age), a wardrobe with its door ajar and a wide, latticed window crawling with ivy. Arrow's feet twitched as he stood and they were pressed into the cold wood planks of the floor, painted a flaky white to match the walls; he padded to the doorway, grabbing a dark flannel and shrugging it on, not bothering to button it up.
A creature with marbled grey skin and hair like ringlets of blood was pouring hot water into a mug, worrying his bottom lip with fang-like teeth. His free hand tapped against the counter, gnarled black claws and soft finger pads creating a little beat to which his socked feet rocked him in time. He was all sharp angles and cold colours, dressed in layers of grey and black, standing over 6 feet tall but appearing surprisingly vulnerable as he tapped his claws and bit his lip, making tea.
"Morning, Jack," said Arrow, his voice soft as spring, approaching carefully with his head tilted. Jack looked up, grinning at him.
"Morning, love. I was just about to wake you up." He lifted his gaze to the clock on the far wall, which indicated that it was almost 11am. Arrow came closer and splayed his palm against the smooth fabric of Jack's sleeve, able to feel the taut muscle and icy skin beneath.
"How long have you been up?" he asked, his smile widening slightly as he felt Jack's arm snake around his waist.
"I went out at six," he said, pushing the tea across the counter and into Arrow's hand. "I met Fang for a meeting about some new cargo, and we talked about the human kid; it's definitely not a rumour. The Araneae are chasing after it like dogs – not that they'll find it before me. No-one beats the Chief." He smirked wolfishly, arrogantly, and Arrow felt his heart soar – the glint in Jack's eye that had been shattered for so long was returning, and he could have cried with joy. "We've ruled out about a fifth of the city as where it could be, and I've got eyes there in case anything changes. Dominic and Roman are still on the job. They're the cleverest guys I know – I trust they won't fail me. And…" he reached behind him and presented a brown paper bag almost shyly, "I passed a bakery on the way home. Got you this." Arrow opened it curiously, and found two large cinnamon rolls, still warm and filling the air with a sweet, mouth-watering smell.
"You're a sap." He leaned up and kissed Jack, his hands wandering into scarlet hair, and the Wendigo tugged him closer as if he was the most precious thing in the world. He let his lips trail down Jack's jaw and brushed back the taller creature's collar, seeking out the bite mark scar at the base of his neck and peppering kisses all over it. Jack stiffened slightly, feeling his heartbeat quicken, reminded fleetingly of sharp teeth and rancid breath and dark alleys.
"I love you," Arrow whispered, right over the bite. Jack buried his nose and mouth in the pillow of Arrow's raven hair and hugged him tightly. How could Arrow love him, after everything? Now that he knew how damaged he was, how weak, how disgusting?
"I love you, Jack," Arrow murmured again, insistently, as if he could hear Jack's nervous thoughts. He kissed the bite again, gently, then pulled back to look into those cool blue eyes. He could see his own irises, a startling phoenix-yellow, reflected in them.
"Where's Kastra?"
"She came out with me and went off to hunt," Jack said, resting his forehead against Arrow's. His eyes were half-lidded and his icy, clawed hand found Arrow's smaller one on the counter. "She won't be long, and she won't go far. She loves stretching her legs."
"Mm. Alexis is coming over today." Jack smiled to himself at the reminder.
"Oh, yeah. I bought her a cookie from that bakery." Arrow stepped back and picked up his own baked goods, casting his gaze hungrily over the two pastries. Jack nudged him.
"Go on, eat. I didn't get them for decoration." Arrow sneered playfully at him and felt his stomach twist into excited knots – Jack was getting better. He was going to be okay.
"Have you eaten today?"
Jack didn't answer for a moment, mussing his curls with one hand, and Arrow took that as a no.
"I'm only eating if you do," the Nix said firmly. "Come on – I'm hungry." Jack frowned childishly but swung open the fridge door anyway, cutting a slab of raw (human) meat and pushing it onto a plate, grabbing some breathmints before he flopped next to Arrow on the sofa. His boyfriend tucked himself close, the brown paper bag in his lap, and Jack relaxed against him as he gingerly began to eat. The nightmares still plagued him and sometimes he shook, and Arrow had to force him to eat and sleep, but things were finally looking up. Maybe he would survive this.
I'm going to be all right.
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