Create a Character Challenge #15



Original poster

This challenge is one about making characters based on the setting that they're destined for and also just a fun romp with one of the most creative aspects of roleplaying: character making. Based on the image posted, my challenge is for you to create a character for that setting and post it here!

This week's image:

Feel free to utilize this character sheet or create your own:

Current Goal/Purpose:

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Name: Olivia Weston




Mother -- Living in New Macedon in territory seven of the United Planetary Alliance

Shy, but knowledgeable in her field; once she's warmed up to someone, she is comfortable talking around them, but still retains elements of introversion.

In 2030, the UPA finished construction of the Arctic Construct Fields, a centralized location where efforts could be focused towards space travel. The current year is 2107, almost a century after its initial opening. Ms. Weston is a scientist at the ACF, specifically in the field of chemo-gastronomy, an experimental field that would be able to nourish travelers through constant energy absorption not unlike photosynthesis. The project, codename: Grassroots, has had minimal advances but remains theoretically sound.

Current Goal/Purpose:
Completion of the Grassroots project.

Her hair is reddish-blonde, hanging down just barely beneath her shoulders. It curls and flutters in the artificial wind that circulates the recreation room in the habitat. The fake sunlight overhead glares; high-res recordings of seagulls and waves crashing against a shore sound overhead. She carefully applied the tanning lotion to her lightly freckled skin; despite the artificial nature of the light, the dangers it provided were just as potent as the real sun. She chuckled to herself lightly, the thin metal of DentAlign, "the orthodontic appliance of the new century," visible just beneath her lips. Despite all the advances the world had made in countless fields, sunblock was still sunblock. At least optical aids were more or less "tech'd out." She pushed the bridge the thin-framed glasses forward. Her eyes had been surgically repaired years ago, but still she wore them. Comfort, perhaps. Possibly fashion. Even she wasn't sure, truly. Her green eyes shone behind the lenses as she stared at the holo-wall. Nothing good was on, as usual. She sighed and switched it back to the beach scenario, closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep.
Year: 5000 AD

Raethe/Räthe Germi/Gërmí Fjoede/Fjöde (IPA: ˈRæθə geRˈmi ˈfjœdə)
44 (roughly 18 years old in comparison to human years)
Icemaid, Native name: Ifër, plural Ífërne (IPA: 'IfeR, 'IfeRnə)
An all-female species that lives on the planet of Iceturi, called Ifarre (IPA: i'farə) by the natives. They are humanoid in appearance and when adults come to stand at around five to six feet in height, and are characterized mainly by pale skin and extensive hair that is commonly varying shades of blue and green. Like human hair, exposure to increased sunlight during the summer causes the hair to change color, often becoming a shade of green or yellow-ish green, the rare ones who already have green hair becoming a green-ish shade of what humans would consider "blond." Their human-like appearance and DNA samples gathered from captured Icemaids by humans who've established research and colonization facilities on the planet have discovered that their DNA is very close to human DNA, suggesting they were a group of humans kidnapped by a species of aliens during one of the many interplanetary wars that have taken place between 2500 AD and 3000 AD. Other evidence supporting this theory is similarity of their language to the Indoeuropean languages on planet Earth.

However, there is more than sets them apart from their possibly human forerunners. The chemistry of their blood and internal organs contain a non-toxic antifreeze that make them extremely resistant to the freezing conditions of their beautifully rugged planet, able to be comfortable at temperatures like -5 degrees Celsius without wearing more than a dress and hat. Nevertheless, most of Icemaidian civilization is based around the equator of Iceturi, where it's only winter for 6 months of the year and summers can reach a balmy (to them) 18 degrees Celsius. Often the humans interacting with them will be in sweaters while they will be in one-piece bathing suits, fanning themselves in the cold waters. Another thing that sets them apart from humans is their natural affinity to water, being able to purify and manipulate ice and water for offensive and defensive purposes like a mage or witch of sorts.

Reproduction occurs via internal fertilization, and they only reproduce once or twice in their lives. Their live spans are about two and a half times longer than an average human's, with an average live expectancy of 175 years. Puberty occurs from 30 to 45 years and the age for adulthood is 45 years. Children are seen as a community responsibility, the child often not exactly knowing who her biological mother is. Children are named with a first name that the community votes for based on a list of names that the biological mother likes, a second name that was her mother's first name, and a third name being the name of her village/county. The society is organized by local counties that contain many wide-spread villages and sometimes castles that contain something somewhat equivalent to a modern "city," with many homes located outside of the castle being equivalent to the "suburbs." The local governments are normally a direct democracy, with every Icemaid over the age of 45 voting in most civic matters. Each village/castle is headed by a Dönthe (IPA: 'd
œnθə, roughly equivalent to a mayor), who makes executive decisions, deciding how to carry out the people's decisions and organizing voting events. The villages around the world have to follow a set of rules from the Gevërn Sentral (IPA: gə'veRn sən'tRal, Central Government) which essentially guarantee such things as freedom of expression (press and speech), peaceful assembly, and religion (although most are atheist). There is also a body of strictly regulated court systems that are quite just and fair. Local and County regulations can be challenged by local and county courts independent of cases involving them as long as said challenge is first approved by the Gevërn Sentral.

Communication between the villages, counties, and Gevërn Sentral occurs via a complex, electronic system that humans have yet to discover the inner-workings of. Some theorize that the network of Flora across the non-frozen part of the planet has pulses of electricity that the Icemaids use to amplify and send off the signals that make communication on their electronic devices as fast and efficient as e-mails and telephones on planet Earth. Transportation is provided by the use of domesticated beak-seals over the water or domesticated Eives (IPA: 'ev
əs, large creatures that have a variety of plumage and resemble griffins in form) to fly over large distances alone or for sport. Land transportation is never used due to the mountainous, icy, or heavily forested terrain that covers the livable parts of the planet.

That being given, most of their technology, while based on things that do not harm nature, thus barring military technology, is as advanced if not more so than human technology. Because of this they have traveled to other planets, only to return out of frustration when they have failed to find other planets with life. This advanced technology is thanks to an education that has few tests, but many projects and friendly competitions between young Icemaids. Education starts at the age of about 10 years of age and continues for 20 years until they take an ability test that sorts their interests and talents so that they can become specialized in a certain area, which they will study for 10-15 more years depending on the area they have been assigned to by the test. Optional re-testing for this occurs every 2 years due to an awareness that skills and interests might change, allowing for some flexibility in the system.

Because of their awareness of extraterrestrial cultures the Icemaids are generally tolerant of other creatures on their planet as long as they confirm that their purposes are peaceful. Their opinion on humans is generally this, except they are somewhat more cautious and reserved around them seeing as how they have taken some for study (luckily to return them). Also, they dislike humans' general insensitivity toward their culture, especially the males of the race, an idea that they have not really known of until 500 years ago (an interesting reflection of this is in their language, the word roughly equivalent to man being Nifër, transliterating to Not-Icemaid. Also, they lack a masculine gender in their language, only having words corresponding to a feminine and neuter grammatical gender. Even male animals are relegated to the neuter gender.)

Slightly below education and the environment on their list of values is entertainment. Musicians, artists and performers are raised to a status above that of common Icemaids, but still slightly below aristocrats. With this highly unusual amount of respect for them comes an expectation of a high amount of skill in an entertainer's specialty.

About Iceturi: Iceturi is a planet found in the Glacielle solar system on the Orion arm of the Milky Way, the same arm that Earth is located on. It is the fourth closest planet to its sun, which is about as old as ours. Being roughly the same-size as Earth, the planet's geography consists of many seas like Earth's, but unlike Earth's, a large portion of them 25 degrees north/south of the equator are covered by giant islands and masses of ice. Thus, most Icemaids do not dare venture out of what they consider the "tropics/subtropics," making their names somewhat ironic. This is due to an ice age that has been created by chemicals emitted by volcanoes near the north pole deflecting sunlight from getting to the surface and warming it up. Essentially, if one wanted to think of this planet in terms of Earth, everywhere north of say, Northern Spain (40 degrees north of the equator) and everywhere south of Melbourne in southern Australia would be covered in an unmeltable ice where temperatures would fall as low as -75 degrees celsius in the 9 month long winters and only rise to about -25 degrees celsius in a brief one-two month "summer."

List of Ecosystems:

Sub-tropical Forests: These are coastal climates found 0-5 degrees away from the equator. There are only one or two months out of the year that fall below 15 degrees Celsius here. For the rest of the year it is around 20 degrees. A lot of large invertebrates such as gigantic spiders and colonies of mega-bees are found here. There are also millions of different species of flowers and trees that thrive here, often flowering plants rooting themselves on tree's branches to take advantage of the sunlight present in the canopies of the forests. In an expansive village of tree huts suspended over a large swamp is where the Gevërn Sentral is located, protected from the reach of humans by the extensive and thick tree growth and dangerous swamp creatures below them. Out to sea in these areas are shallow seas. It rains here year-round.

Temperate Rain Forests/Wet Meadows - These are found at about 15-20 degrees from the equator. The forests often have some evergreens in them, but most of the trees shed their leaves by early November when the first snow tends to come around then. When Spring comes in late April, both environments go through a dramatic transformation from barren places of black wood and yellow grass to green leaves and a large palette of splendid colors from flowering plants with flowers that can even exceed the size of the famous R. arnoldii on Earth. A large number of winged, invertebrate creatures make their homes in these environments, often producing larvae in the fall, laying them in dead or dying trees to feed on them and grow, and then dying off by the time the snow comes around. The larvae mature in the safety of the dead trees over the winter and then emerge as adults in the spring. Many of these resemble wasps and dragonflies, preying on small, mice-like animals that feed on the flowers' nectar. The meadows typically have many ponds and lead into estuaries that contain fish-like organisms and beaked animals that resemble seals. These beak-seals are quite playful and will often perform tricks around an Ice Maid.

Evergreen Forests - These are found around 25 to 20 degrees from the equator where winter lasts about 7-8 months. Mammalian creatures with wings and predators with white down or fur are found here, though they are elusive and distrustful of the icemaids.

Cold Desert - Huge creatures resembling foxes and white, bat-like creatures with wing-spans of up to 25 feet have been seen here scavenging. A lot of small, mammalian creatures and migratory invertebrates are seen here. There are also strange, white cacti that contain the same anti-freezing chemical found in the Icemaids. It is often taken and boiled to make a sweet paste for candy or other deserts. These are found in the few in-land places of the continent Xithara from 20-25 degrees north of the equator.

Alpine/Arctic Tundra - These occur at the higher altitudes of many mountains found at about 15-30 degrees away from the equator and 35-50 degrees away from the equator. The main difference between the alpine and the arctic tundra is that the alpine ones do not normally have permafrost, often having small, blooming flowers that appear in May, attracting small bat-like animals that migrate up for the competition-free food in the short summer months of June and July. The Arctic Tundra, while populated is sparsely so. Most Icemaids fear not only the extremely low temperatures where they actually have to wear coats made of Fierra hide (a fiersome, carnivorous bat-like creature that preys off of anything, even Icemaids and humans). There are also many larger varieties of the beaked seal-like creatures found in the ponds of wet meadows, some even being as large as whales. There are some with a wide, long horn used to break ice and create a hole in the ice where they can breathe. They prey on small fish and phytoplankton that make their living in the harsh waters of these environments.

Family: Gërmí Rëke Fjöde (Mother)
She can be quite cold and distant from even other Icemaids at times and generally sticks to herself unless she is performing. She can't exactly put her finger down on why, but others around her tend to just tire her out and she feels like she has to constantly put a mask on to deal with them. Generally she is most at peace with herself when she is alone, often going out on walks in the meadows outside of her current castle-city due to their calm nature. While extremely intelligent, people tend to not see this side of her because of her profession and her lack of interaction with people outside of her singing.
Räthe's childhood was typical enough. She was born into the small village Fjöde, and raised by basically the entire village. Some nights she would stay with one person and another night with someone else, causing her to get used to instability. When she turned 30 and took her aptitude test, her scores reflected a large intelligence that others had not seen in her. Some of the villages were surprised and questioned the examiners, but because of her scores, off she went. One flight later and she was going to one of Iceturi's biggest academies for the arts.

The Tokem Rëkerin (Rëker's Academy) was highly competitive, with Icemaids from all over the livable world competing constantly for prizes and attention in the plays and concerts that it would hold in the castle's Pjaze Sentral (Central Square). Many of the girls attending the academy were very high-strung and contributed to Räthe's need to put on a mask to seem normal and not cause unnecessary drama. It also increased her inherent dislike of other's company. She is still currently attending Tokem Rëkerin, and has about another year left before she will graduate.

Current Goal/Purpose: To graduate from Tokem Rëkerin and possibly acquire a job singing in the Korrs Sentral (Central Chorus), the most widely respected and adored group of singers known to the Icemaids. Their voices are said by the few humans who have heard recordings of them to be so beautiful that they fell into a trance.

-To avoid getting caught by humans that have been said to be patrolling open areas for stray Icemaids.

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Name: Eradin Arashi
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Species: Mutant
Family: Lomore Arashi (mother) and Josere Arashi (father)
Personality: Blunt, fierce, smart, impulsive
History: Eradin was born into a family of mutants that were in hiding from the human race. For centuries they have live under the earth without seen the outside world. She was raised to be a warrior and one day fight for her kind.
Current Goal/Purpose: To fight against the humans and claim what is rightly hers and her species.
sci fi mutant.jpg
Name: Magnus Armstrong/ Subject Zero

Gender: Male

Age: 39

Occupation: Test Subject

Species: Condemned (The term for a failed bio-logical test soldier)

Wife: Alyssa Armstrong (Deceased)
Daugther: Sydney Armstrong (Deceased)
Son: Chris Armstrong (4 month old infant son)

Personality: Cold, unforgiving, unwavering and apathetic

History: At a young age, Magnus was born into a poor family who struggles to keep alive. Magnus grew strong, due to heavy manual labor and his occupation as a carpenter while he grew kind as he created wooden toys for the children in his free time. One day, armed soldiers raided their peaceful city, collecting random citizens for unexplained reasons, Magnus gave his daughter a small bell connected to a fine chain before looping it around her neck telling her to ring it when she was sacred, the next moment soldiers busted their door and took his wife, son and daughter but not Magnus, they left him behind in the cold floor. Comforted by the remaining citizens, Magnus chased after his family, all the searching and information has led him to the cold waters of Antarctica. Magnus infiltrated the entrance and found the horrifying truth behind the abductions, soldiers were abducting citizens around the world in order to perform bio-logical test on them, whether they we're alive or dead. Magnus eventually found his family, the last remnants of his family- his son, but security captured him before he could escape with his kin. He was strapped into a chair and a researcher revealed the cold blooded truth to him- a virus, named Omega, was injected into live subjects to test the results, unfortunately, Alyssa and Sydney succumbed to the virus and were discarded amongst the rest of the failed subjects, Magnus was injected by the very same virus that killed his family. For the next month, Magnus is still alive much to the researchers' surprise, this miracle has bestowed the name "Subject Zero" upon him and was kept in high security- away from prying eyes of the world. Everyday, Magnus would look behind him in his cell- always missing the source of a small bell ringing.

Current Goal: Allow scientist perform test on him in exchange for his son's safety.

Appearance: Short black hair due to being a protocol of being a test subject, his left eye scarred from struggling against security leaving it shut, strong and big framed body while a cold expression is carved upon his face.