courage over bravery

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Sora Blade

Original poster
I've seen many things. I've seen sickness, pain, and death, but nothing has ever terrified me more than what I witnessed one night deep in the forest. I was walking home when I first saw her, a little girl with pitch black hair and crystal like gray eyes. I should habe know something was off, the girl was wearing only an old dark blue night gown. She was staring up at the sky, the bright full moon to be exact.

"Are you brave?" She asked, her whispered voice drifting on the breeze. I looked at her confused. "Sure kid, I'm as brave as they come." I answered with a chuckle "Then you are stupid." I was shocked. "What's that suppost to mean?" Iasked slightly angered. "Bravery is among the stupidest things a human can be. It is born of ignorance to danger and a selfish need to prove oneself."

I had never heard someone, much less a child, say something like that, but before I could ask more she smiled "Are you afraid of death?" The air around us grew cold and the wind disapeared. The little girl was gone and in her place was a beast like I had never seen before. It's black fur was matted and it's fire like eyes peered into me as if watching my very soul. When I didn't answer it spoke, the voices of the girl and demonic beings overlapping and echoing threw the trees.

"Come know brave one, answer me." I slowly took a step back but found it's yellowing claws at my neck. "I didn't think so." It laughted and realed back its hand, I couldn't think, and as the razor sharp nails came forward I did the only thing I could do. I smiled.

The hand froze, blood dripped from my neck at from the tiny cut that had been made. "Smart girl." It sneered "to smile in the face of death is to smile in the face of fear. To have bravery is stupid, but to have courage is life changing." It dropped me and as I tried to catch my breath, it disapeared. It did not run, nor walk, not even fly it just d[BCOLOR=rgb(8, 8, 8)]isapeared. I never clamed to be brave after that, and I still say courage saved me from deaths cold embrace.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
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