Counseling for the Troubled Soul

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Name: Annie Charles
Age: 19
Occupation: Old Navy Sales Associate

Ahhh, I hope I'm not too late!
Nope, only just started. Go ahead and post in the IC thread.
Just for those that are looking through this thread or thinking about joining, I will be closing applications tomorrow night so please make your characters as soon as possible. Also, I will be bringing an extra counselor to help with the roleplay.
*coughs* Yes my boyfriend. He's agreed to become the second counselor.
Name: Andy Kurtz
Age: 20
Occupation: Electrician
Name: Tara Carlisle
Age: 21

Occupation: Sales Associate
(decided to play as my self lol)
Name: SSgt Jeremy Urander USMC Ret
Age: 45

Occupation: Retired Marine
Alright so i'm the 2nd.... and BEST counselor >.> and i will be making my character profile after Zen makes hers.
Thank you for making this role play even more possible, with the HELP as the SECOND counselor.
-flails happily-
*facepalms and punches Pheonix* You're so full of it.

And I'll try and get my profile up in between classes today. You guys just worry about getting your IC posts up.
Name: Gloria Owens
Age: 30

Gloria has very startling green eyes, and also she doesn't wear that jewelry on her face. She also has faint lines around her eyes.

Occupation: Therapist - MFT liscense, practices under the L.P.C. as well

Therapy Pets:

labrador_retriever_141_4.jpg Rocky

black_cat(2).jpg Luna
She looks like she needs to be punched.

justkidding.~ Bootiful. BUT GRRRR THERAPY.
-trying to be in character. throws a pillow and huffs.-

I like the pets.~ Nice touch. n.n Therapy animals are amazing.. o.o I was crying one day at school freshman year of hs, cuz this girl spilled marinara sauce on me on purpose just cause she knew I'd get upset, and I did.. >.> And I didn't know where to go, so this lady saw me and brought me to the therapy pet room where they had two dogs. She gave me a shirt to wear since mine was drenched in sauce, and I played with the doggies.. n.n
Coulda skipped classes, but I didn't wanna.. So I left and went to class. It was great help.
I love therapy animals. I really think they help break the ice and help a lot of people feel comfortable. (At least for those that like animals.)

And that's rather rude for someone to do that to you... I will never understand why people enjoy being cruel.
Name: Dyne Shenzing
Age: 33


Don't mind the "I just got out of the shower" look. I assure you, he'll be fully clothed in the RP.

Occupation: Therapist - MFT, LPC and MAC license, MA masters degree

The therapy dog Rocky belongs to Dyne.
I've seen that pic on the web before, I walk around like that all day just in case some chick unexpectedly comes to my house.

I'mma post, or TRY to post, tomorrow. -nodnod.-