Corrupted Bloodline

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Gali wasn't exhausted at all, "Ready to hunt down your sick bastard brother." She grinned and sat up, pulling on a new set of pants and a shirt with slits for her wings. If need be, she'd hide them.
As always, he enjoyed her energy and got up himself to get dressed as well. "So I know a few shops and other places I'd pass often. I figure we could check those places, and see if he's at least been there." His wings vibrated, checking the room for any changes in the room's temperature, it didn't appear as though it was any hotter, so the coast was clear.
Gali smiled, "If he is going to try and kill you, he'd not wait for you, he'd wait on you. He is most likely trying to make a pattern about you and then follow that. But look," She raised her finger, "Would you be able to beat him if you came across him by surprise?"
"Perhaps, but he has a reputation of having all kinds of tricks up his sleeve." He cautioned, remembering previous clashes with his brother. "Even if we 'catch him by surprise', it won't be 'catching him by surprise'... he's the kind who observes and studies his enemy before fighting..." It was this reason that Tahu was constantly checking for him. Kaosu clearly has located them on Earth, yet...
Gali looked at him, "What if he were to ambush us? If we were attacked on the road, and you were unable to sense him, what would happen to us? Would you fail?"
"No.. but it would be a hell of a time fighting him even if it wasn't an ambush." he said, "If that happens, we'll have to move as quick as he does to defend ourselves."
"Defense, yes. But think the big picture," Gali sat back down, "There is one all powerful demon and two not-so powerful angel and half-angel. He took down your parents. I need to know if we have hopes of winning or not."
"We do have chance of success, and since there's two of us, the odds seem more stacked against him." Tahu sat as well, "He does work well when fighting against numbers of foes, even if it's just the two of us. Plus, he's half-angel as well, as much as he hates it, since he tries to repress his abilities as an angel, he makes himself weaker to enemy attacks."
Gali nodded, "If you are sure of this undertaking, you have my support."
He quickly kissed her cheek before getting up. "Then come on." He said, offering Gali and hand before saying, "Let's go hunt that sick bastard."
Gali spread her wings wide and smiled, "then you have my word that, unless magic befall me, I am with you."
Tahu returned her smile, he was really happy that she was traveling with him. The two flew off over the city, Tahu scanning to find the shops he mentioned earlier.
Gali held his hand more for steadying herself than love. She was hyper-focused.
Spotting what he thought was one of the shops, he soared lower, beginning to camouflage his wings in the morning sky. Approaching the entrance, the first thing he had done was look for any abnormal heat signatures. Nothing. It still wouldn't hurt to go inside he thought, "This is the first place." he said to Gali.
Gali nodded. She used her moisture trick too, but the same results. Unless his brother was trying to hide, they were going to be just fine. She smiled and entered the room with him.
Never before now had Tahu ever been intimidated by the number of mortals occupying a single space. People were bumping into each other left and right, everything looked unorganized as there were people all over the place. Is this what all mortal shops are like? he wondered, having never really been in one before now. "It'll be difficult to look with everyone here..." he said. Once again, he surveyed the room for any heat signatures that were out of the ordinary. "Ah!" He looked happily toward Gali, "I think I've found something!"
Gali frowned. Her powers weren't useful for detecting who someone was, but where they were. She smiled as he had more luck than her. Unless the person was a twenty foot demon, tracing mass wasn't a good idea to have. Plus, it made the room stuffier each time she did it, so it also wasn't helpful. She smiled and waited.
Making it toward the source of the heat signature, he found nothing. But he studied this energy anyway, just to be safe. "Damn..." It did belong to a demon, but not his brother. He walked back over to where Gali was, "Nothing. A demon was here, but it wasn't my brother."
Gali waited a second before answering, "If demons are here, then there is always more than one. We need to find him, even if he isn't with your brother."
"True." Though he didn't really want to go after other demons, he had to. After all, his brother or not, there was still a demon around, meaning the angels had to detain it.
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