Corrupted Bloodline

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Gali looked at him "look, is there a place that we can find him? What area? What city? What continent? And how would we?"
"That's just it. I don't know." Kaosu could be anywhere, there was no easy place to start looking. "I just wandered. I never stay in one place for too long. So he could be anywhere trying to find me." Tahu sat, fluttering his wings a bit while thinking. After a couple of minutes, he stood. "Okay, maybe the easiest thing is to start from square one. We could start searching New York, and go from there." He suggested.
Gali smiled and walked up to him, "there we go. Now, is there one place you went to? Is there a single place that you would always go in times of strife? Those places would be where he would go to look." Gali flew alongside him, "We really need to figure this out."
"Not necessarily.." Tahu replied, trying to recall. "I'd always sleep in some sort of back alley, but aside from that, I was always on the move."
He enjoyed flying, and was surprised he didn't do much of it in his travels. Something about the wind blowing against him felt peaceful. He looked over at Gali, who had been flying beside him. "Let's hope we find him soon." He liked how the wind blew her hair around, it brought more attention to her beauty. He gave her another soft smile as the neared the busy city.
Gali brushed her hair back and opened her wings full spread. Luckily, the azure wings blended in with the night just enough to be unoticed. She spun in a graceful circle and landed on the rooftop. Maing sure that no on had seen her, she rolled behind a small vent and motioned for him to land.
Admiring her clever maneuver, Tahu followed Gali onto the rooftop. He didn't check for any witnesses, seeing as he could really care less. After all, it was getting to be dark now, everyone should be getting settled indoors. He walked over to the vent that Gali hid behind and spoke. "I don't think we have to worry about being seen for a while."
Gali smiled, "Then, to not look suspicious, we need to go and rent a hotel room. We don't have to USE it, just rent one so it doesn't look weird. I've noticed over my years that a man and woman, both young looking, walking through the town is very odd."
"Okay, I guess renting a room wouldn't hurt." She did bring up a good point, so Tahu went with it. "Personally, I don't think we need to worry much about looking too suspicious, because people around here are usually to busy to either notice or care."
"But if your brother was smart enough to break into the most secured of all angel cities," Gali raised a finger, "Then he must be smart enough to follow us. Maybe he wants us to follow him, so all he is doing is trying to weed us out. You understand? So we have to be predictable."
He shrugged, "I guess..." Gali took the more strategic route, which is most likely why the council sent her with him. Had Tahu been alone, he'd have probably rampaged the planet looking for his demon brother. Perhaps the council wanted to keep the carnage to a minimum, since there would be carnage. Either way, he supposed he had no choice but to hear Gali out on her suggestions and cautions. "Alright, then let's go rent the room." He said, following her inside.
Gali sensed something about what she was doing, "I'm not trying to be a burden," She spoke, "I didn't even know the concil would send me." Still, she quickly rented a room and they got onto the top floor, so that, if they had to fly away, they would. She laid on the bed, "That feels nice."
Tahu stood around in the room before sitting at the edge of the bed. "It was probably a good thing for them to send you." He looked over, Gali seemed comfortable. "I mean think about it, I have no kind of filter, so I likely would've torn everything apart to try and find him."
Gali let her wings spread over the bed. The tips were turning red (a sign of arousal) and she kept her eyes closed, "I'm not really sure. I didn't ask. I was just told to go. Sometime I wish I could tell Garan not to send me places."
"There are a lot of times I wish I could tell him off..." Tahu sighed heavily and let his eyes wander the room. Looking back at Gali, he noticed her wings. "You okay there..?" He said, looking to her with a bit of a grin.
Gali wouldn't look at him for fear of getting more aroused, "I'm s-sure I'm okay," she stammered, "Just th-thinking."
"Wanna let me in on what you're thinking or is it none of my business?" He said, basically trying to mess with her at this point. "You're wings tell me that they must be some deep thoughts." He laughed softly.
Gali blushed, "I-erm, um...shit." She saw her wings. Red was trailing down her wings, "oh no..."
Nudging her playfully, he laughed a bit more to himself. He thought it was cute seeing her like this. "Having a bit of trouble?"
Gali opened her eyes and looked at him. Then her wings had red trailing all the way down them, "uh...uh...uh..."
"Ah ha. You're okay." He said with a smile, giving her a small hug, or what he could of a hug, since she was laying down.
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