- Invitation Status
- Looking for partners
- Posting Speed
- Multiple posts per week
- 1-3 posts per week
- One post per week
- Slow As Molasses
- Writing Levels
- Adept
- Advanced
- Prestige
- Adaptable
- Preferred Character Gender
- Male
- Genres
- Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, & Romance

Flight Recorder found on Kepler-22B
Journal 01 (plot): We had no idea of knowing what would be on the surface once we had finally landed. The United Nations assured us that this planet, Kepler-22B, was a lifeless rock once the rovers scanned it. That was the last thing we heard before going into cryosleep. The truth, however, is a bit more complicated than that. Our ship was the Perseus-7, one of the most advanced carriers in the galactic fleet. Perhaps we should have noticed sooner, but it's not common for a valuable carrier to be sent on a research mission. We were fools to follow that signal. We were told that the surface had enough resources to prevent Earth from succumbing to another energy crisis. After all, that was the entire point of the Interstellar Colonialism Project. Kepler-22B was the first big target for terraforming, since we had already colonized Mars, Luna, and Venus. I'll try to speed this along. This planet is not safe. For those listening to this, avoid all contact with the Kepler 22 System at all costs. No rescue mission, no supply drop, wait... what was that sound?----*static*
Concept: It seems as though you've earned a job promotion lately. The year is 2119 AD. You, the player, are an employee for the Virgo-Corporation, an organization that sells territory on distant exoplanets. As part of your promotion, you get to work on the E.S. Hydra, a massive research vessel designed for reaching the farthest solar systems imaginable. Normally, it's only the 'best of the best' type to serve on this ship. Nevertheless, Virgo needs your talents, and they need them quickly. A distress beacon was found on Kepler-22B (the recording was sent for review back on Earth) and now you and a crew of 8 others must investigate what happened there. If all goes well, then you'll only spend 10-15 years away from Earth. After all, wormhole technology is expensive. All we can say now is good luck.
- Hydra
- Surface Outpost
- Perseus-7
- Ruins

Originating Planet: Earth
Population: 14 billion
Behavorial Patterns: Unpredictable

Originating Planet: Gliese 581g
Population: 3.7 billion
Behavorial Patterns: Nonaggressive, mostly nonverbal (can vary among individuals)

Originating Planet: Tau Ceti e
Population: 400,000 (home planet devastated by nuclear war)
Behavorial Patterns: Distrusting, easily offended

Originating Planet: Kepteyn b
Population: 20 billion
Behavorial Patterns: Sociable, easily frightened
Co-GM: Windsong
1. No godmodding whatsoever.
2. No harassment of any kind to other players.
3. Please use common sense! No, you're not going to use that Organ Destroyer Rifle/Nuke Launcher to crush your foes. Weapons will be rare, and ultimately, useless against the real threat.
4. All Iwaku rules apply.
5. Romance. Is. Not. Here. I'm sorry, but love is difficult to find when stranded on a distant planet and hunted by an unknown creature.But who am I to judge.
5. Yes, characters can die. You can RP as a survivor from the Perseus-7, granted that you obey the following rule to a higher degree.
6. DON'T DESCRIBE THE CREATURE! This may be a bit confusing. We're talking about a predator that is highly proficient in stealth. If you do see it in full-view, it's the last thing you'll see. If you wish, you can describe other things about it, such as claw marks, injuries on cadavers, etc. (We're also trying to maintain tension)
7. Please inform me if you wish to make multiple characters, or have any ideas you wish to share.
7.5- As a side rule, the creature's nickname will be 'The Manticore'.
8. If you choose to play as any of the non-human races, you are welcome to provide their history, mythology, or anatomy so long as you tell me beforehand. I decide everything else on humanity. *evil laughter*
1. No godmodding whatsoever.
2. No harassment of any kind to other players.
3. Please use common sense! No, you're not going to use that Organ Destroyer Rifle/Nuke Launcher to crush your foes. Weapons will be rare, and ultimately, useless against the real threat.
4. All Iwaku rules apply.
5. Romance. Is. Not. Here. I'm sorry, but love is difficult to find when stranded on a distant planet and hunted by an unknown creature.
5. Yes, characters can die. You can RP as a survivor from the Perseus-7, granted that you obey the following rule to a higher degree.
6. DON'T DESCRIBE THE CREATURE! This may be a bit confusing. We're talking about a predator that is highly proficient in stealth. If you do see it in full-view, it's the last thing you'll see. If you wish, you can describe other things about it, such as claw marks, injuries on cadavers, etc. (We're also trying to maintain tension)
7. Please inform me if you wish to make multiple characters, or have any ideas you wish to share.
7.5- As a side rule, the creature's nickname will be 'The Manticore'.
8. If you choose to play as any of the non-human races, you are welcome to provide their history, mythology, or anatomy so long as you tell me beforehand. I decide everything else on humanity. *evil laughter*
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