Come in and enjoy the 32 plots.

It's ok though for a second I thought it might've been too old for you to notice my reply since no one has posted on here in weeks. I hope you're feeling better. Oh! I didn't know its because I couldn't yet. XD I just thought I was too tired and couldn't see it. I like the first one, where the shifter gets caught shifting. What kind of shifter... Erm I guess norms? I don't know what to call it, maybe rules? Lets see if I can describe what I mean. You know, I use this sadly, the twilight shifters where it's hereditary and they are large animals able to talk telepathically. Or are they like stereotypical weres that can only shift during three moon days. Or something else entirely?
Nah I keep notifications on all of my threads no matter if they are 'dead' or not for cases just like this one :) And I was thinking that the shifters could be anything really. I prefer the shifters that can change at any moment they want to unless it is a specific moon phase that can be different (full, new, waxing, waning). I don't know if that would really qualify as twilight-wolves but it is similar where they get the powers through their family and have always been able to do it --not just when a threat is there. :) Does that make sense?

I won't be able to reply to this until about 5 hours from now I gotta head off to work so don't think that I am ignorin' ya~ :D
Ah, perfect! I can't stand when people limit shifters to certain rules. I've read several novels with different types of shifters/weres so I've seen different things for them. Not to sure if you've read my resume thingy but I prefer to only do fxf but I could try otherwise if you really want. Did you have an idea of the setting or leaning towards something in particular of where the shifter is caught? Or what kind of enemy catches the shift? Is it enemy in the regular world like between companies or enemy as in species or animal? Hope you had a good night at work!