Come Get Your Fandoms 1x1 M/F: Craving Warcraft(WoW)

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Original poster
So a little about me, I am a 25 year old male role player who has been roleplaying for about five years now. I do work a full time job 4 days out of the week so there is that, and I love to play video games so I might be gone for that. Besides that I am a cosplayer, gamer, nerd, geek, sports fan, so just about Jack of all trades. As far as what I like to role play, I do mostly 1x1 and enjoy things liks fandoms, anthros, and just all around the weird pairings. I can play your prince charming but I much rather be the less than desirable character ;). Below are some rules and also my ideas, if your interested drop me a PM and lets work something out, have nice day everyone.[/align]
[align=center]1. No One Liners
2. Hetero Pairings Only.
3. I casual post between 3-5 paragraphs so if you can meet me somewhere in there good.
4. Below are two separate lists of RP ideas one is Originals and one is Anthros.
5. I like to keep my Roleplays in PMs, easier to manage.
6. Large List Of Original Ideas listed below.
7. World of Warcraft = :heart:


Overwatch(Blizzard's New Game)

Treasure Planet
-Captain Amelia/OC:heart:

Elsa/OC(Dragon Anthro OC)

Avatar Legend of Korra
-Asami/OC(Firebending Anthro Dragon):heart:
-Korra/OC(Firebending Anthro Dragon)

Mass Effect
-Female Shepard/Garrus
-Male Shepard/Tali
-Human/Female Turian

-Bebop or Rocksteady/April

Final Fantasy VII

-Subject Delta/Big Sister
-Subject Delta/Little Sister


-OC/Nurse Joy or Officer Jenny
-Pokemorph/Canon or OC

Code Geass

Left 4 Dead
-Nick/Female Hunter

-Card Monster/Duelist

Soul Calibur

Mortal Kombat
-Kano/Cassie Cage:heart:

Star Fox

Legend of Zelda
-Ganondorf/Zelda(OoT or Hyrule Warriors)
-Ganon/Female Link
-Ganon/Impa(Hyrule Warriors)

Super Mario

Advance Wars
Phoenix Wright



(Any Race/Any Race):heart:
-Jainia Proudmoore/Vol'jin:heart:
-Sylvanas Windrunner/Vol'jin

Resident Evil
-HUNK/Rachel Ooze
-Bertha,Lupo, or Four Eyes/Nemesis

Team Fortress 2
-Medic/Female Class
-Medic/Miss Pauling
-Heavy/Miss Pauling

Dynasty & Samurai Warriors
-Zhang Liao/Zhen Ji
-Sima Shi/Yue Ying
-Zhou Tai/Zhu Rong
-Zhou Tai/Lianshi
-Zhang Liao/Guan Yingping:heart:
-Zhang Liao/Lu Lingqi

Star Wars
-General Grevious/Ahsoka
-Boba Fett/Ahsoka
-General Grevious/Shaak Ti
-Boba Fett/Leia

-Colonial Marine/Alien
-Predator/Colonial Marine
-Female Predator/Marine

Scooby Doo


-Deathstroke/Harley Quinn:heart:
-Deathstroke/Poison Ivy
-Black Mask/Copperhead
-Bane/Harley Quinn
-Bane/Poison Ivy

Elder Scrolls Skyrim
Dead or Alive
League of Legends
Totally Spies
Powerpuff Girls
Assassins Creed(Brotherhood or III, Black Flag)
-Multiplayer Characters
Highschool of the Dead
Adventure Time
-Lord Monichoromicorn(human form)/Fiona
-Flame Prince/Ice Queen
Gears of War:heart:
Dragons Crown
Game of Thrones
Heroes of the Storm


-Frank West/Rebecca Chang
-OC/Rebecca Chang
You like WoW, I like WoW! We should plot something. :3 If you are still searching that is. I prefer original characters and if you couldn't tell by my avatar I do like my trolls and well... Horde races all together.
You like WoW, I like WoW! We should plot something. :3 If you are still searching that is. I prefer original characters and if you couldn't tell by my avatar I do like my trolls and well... Horde races all together.
I'd totally be up for a WoW RP
Sweet! I also sent you a pm but we can plot here. Either way. I have two different ideas involving my female troll characters but I'd also love to hear what races and or ideas you're wanting to play.