College Boarding (taken)

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
  • Start date
Jae nodded and kept her head down, leaning against the doorframe silently to wait.
He found an open seat, "Here miss."
Jae moved silently to her seat, ignoring a snicker from one of the guys. She sat down and pulled out her notebook, flipping to a fresh page and looking up, wondering if he had the same rule about hoods and what they would be covering in class. Hopefully it wasn't a review..she hated reviews of things she already knew.
He smiled and went up to the front of the class, "Alright class, today you are to find a current event going on, and you are to write a 1,250 word minimum on the topic." He smiled a bit casually, "You all have 2 hour's. Begin."
Jae paused. Current topic..current topic.. She wanted desperately to write about her connections between something her and her father had worked towards, but immediately decided against it, instead starting to write about a news report she saw this morning before she came.

There was the mysterious disappearance of a young girl, 10, Fyte Deiro. She was last seen at 394 Crossroad Drive. She has short white hair and deep purple eyes. Many think she was targeting for her differences, but I, journalist Jae, believe I have found that there have been more than one kidnapping and murder in that area. I believe the government should investigate, and so does the community. Go to www.kidnappedsuspicsions.ksa to find out more. If you see the girl, phone the police at...(I'm not putting 1,250 words here, but yeah. it goes on, lol)

Jae finished after about an hour and looked up, amazed she finished first. Practice makes perfect. She reminded herself before looking back down, rereading her paper.
He came over and looked at her paper, "Very intresting," He nodded at her. "Good job."
Jae smiled a little. "Uhh, thanks." She said quietly. "Can I turn it in now, or do I have to wait?"
He smiled, "Look over your work for mistake's first, and then turn it it."
Jae nodded. "Thank you sir." She said again before looking down to check her paper. Using a blue erasable pen, she went through and erased her mistakes, correcting them in blue as she had been taught to do in every previous journalism class. After she read over it several times, three to be exact, most of the rest of the class had finished. Ten minutes before the two hours were up. She stood, taking the paper over to the teacher. "Fixed all my mistakes, sir, well, the ones I could catch."
He nodded in approvement, "Very good, make's my job easier."
Jae smiled and walked back to her desk, putting her notebook back up and watching her watch. 3 minutes left.. I've got Forestry next.. Two minutes left. I shoulder get my stuff.. 1 minute left. She picks up her backpack and stands just as the bell ring. She stops at the door. "Goodbye, sir, and have a good day." She smiles a little before starting out the door, yet again searching for another class. I hope this teacher is as nice as he was..
The forestry class is located off of campus and is a mile away from the school, you have to ride a bus to get there.
She stopped at the bus stop just as the bus pulled up. Last in line, she ended up getting a seat by herself in the back of the bus. She kept the hood pulled close over her head and held her backpack on her lap to keep anyone from trying to pickpocket. When the bus stopped, she climbed off the bus last and looked around for the class. "I have no idea where to go from here.." she mumbled silently to herself.
The bus driver, who also happened to be her teacher, told the student's to follow her. She smiled slightly, and told the student's to check on their Decidious tree's when they got to the area.
Jae looked up and stood right behind the teacher, following her and glancing down at the key she had drawn herself. She kept silent.
The teacher looked behind her, "May I help you?" she asked, smiling.
"Is this key correct?" Jae asked, holding the hand-drawn key out to the teacher. "I-I want to be sure I have it right."
The teacher looked at the key, "It look's good, what is this key for?"
"The trees." She said, pointing at the separate bark patterns and leaf differences. "A study key." she said.
The teaher nodded and looked them over again, much more intently, she compared them with her own key, "They're all good, except ... for this one," She showed her which one was wrong, "Other than that however ... very good," She smiled, "Just fix that though, ok?"