- Posting Speed
- Slow As Molasses
- Online Availability
- Writing Levels
- Adept
- Douche
- Preferred Character Gender
- Primarily Prefer Female
- Genres
- Surrealism, Surreal Horror (Think Tim Burton), Steampunk, Sci-Fi Fantasy, Spaghetti Westerns, Mercenaries, Dieselpunk, Cyberpunk, Historical fantasies
Iwaku's worst set of characters are at it once again.

Having just saved some empire besieged by macho side burned aliens, they are low on cash, because no one believes these said aliens actually exist. Bumming around from planet to planet, Colie and her crew of deep space chefs are looking around for a means of making more money.
They were just so lucky because the Earth is in the need of these heroes (?).
Around the world, it happened at once. Radio, televisions, computers, telegraphs, Morse code, and even phone conversations were cut out. Silence lasted for a few moments on everything, before being replaced with a small laughing figure. With cat ears and most likely funded by the Anti-Christ.
She continued to laugh for a short time, then began the real broadcast. Sadly, those listening by Morse code were lost on how horribly cute her voice sounded.

Like, hello there, everyone! How are yoooooooou? <3 <3 <3
I am Princess Tanogawa Miyuki, War Commander of MOE! Teehee~ ^-^
We come from our home planet of Moe, where we might have accidentally stripped the planet of it's resources. Whoops! ^-^;;
However, as we were exploring the galaxy, we came across Earth! And Japan! They were nice enough to help support us until we were ready to come live with you! And so now we're coming down onto your planet to live with you, help you, teach you, be cute for you, and steal all your resources. Awwh, won't this be fun! o3o <3 <3 <3
Remeber people of Earth! Supreme Empress Moe is watching over you!
Princess Tanogawa Miyuki, signing out! Teehee! ^-^ [
And to make matters more interesting, the reclusive director, Renard Gaston, has invited famous has-beens to an island in the Pacific. There they will make a new blockbuster,* Hearts on Fire. Gaston had promised this movie will save the actors' careers and make them stars again. Little does he know, this is where Colie and her band of misfits have decided to wage war on these cute girls with kitty ears. Of course, the has-beens just think it's all part of the filming…..
(Today's insane RP brought to you by Paorou, Reiz, and Asmo with more random added on by Soldato and Rory)