Coffeeshop Crossroad

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Tarjai stared in wonder at the two that entered the shop. Never before had she seen an armadillo on two legs, or a Skrull. The tall green man was the strangest and perhaps the ugliest being she'd ever encountered, and his mere presence made her skin crawl. When the Skrull smiled and spoke in the direction of Flint, she followed his gaze and frowned. So that one has issues with authority huh? Or maybe he owes him money? Or bread? What is the currency around these parts anyways? The thought faded away into the back of her mind when she heard the Jiinian groan. Her ears twitched, the antennae lifting, seeming to wave in place, as her attention redirected toward his crouched form. She then stood up and padded over to him and the Nism, completely ignoring the police. The jewels in her forehead faded to a soft blue as she knelt beside him, opposite Peet, and looked at the back of the large man's head. There seemed to be a little bump, though she had no idea if that was there before, and she gathered that if it wasn't, it may be part of the cause of his current pain. Having seen resurrections several times in her lifetime, however, the Ju'unda knew well that being brought back from death was sometimes a painful process that the body didn't always like, no matter who did the revival. After studying the back of the Jiinian's skull, she moved so that she could look him in the eyes, and studied those as well. Without touching him, she leaned a little closer, and carefully looked at his pupils before smiling softly.

"I tink ya got a bit 'o a bruise growin' back der from when yer skull hit deh floor. May have a concussion ahs well. You dun't know me, and this yungin' helped you greatly, but he may need to rest ahs well. If you'd like, I cahn soothe dat pain for ya in da mean time. At least so dat you can git off deh floor and into a chair."

She made no move to touch him, merely awaited his assent. At this moment, the fact that cops were standing in the entrance to the shop was insignificant. Her primary concern was making sure that the newly-revived Jiinian was well. She was even prepared to hold off investigations until he either refused her assistance, or he was as good as new. Hell, at this point, she didn't even care to try the coffee. Her day had been ruined already, may as well make something of it.
Coffee and Donuts Go Together...

His badge said "Officer Tain" in a very plain font. And though he did indeed resemble an armadillo, his actual species was Slee Tang. A young male, all fur and armor under his uniform. A compact musculature to go with his compact frame, heavy claws on fingers and toes. For all his size and apparent mildness, not someone you'd want to mess with in a back ally. Just looking into his eyes... highly intelligent, very analytical. Someone confident and in control of himself. Neat, clean and professional. And yet...

... Officer Tain's partner tended to distract attention from his own activities. Which allowed him a bit of time to indulge in, well...

... "Flint... nice to see most of you still here."

*riiip*... With those words, Officer Tain set a "ticket" on the counter, listing a violation involving "excessive blade length". For 'Ella? A brief nod, a slight smile in passing on his way to...

... Peet had been taking a series of very deep breaths, arms crossed over furry chest as he waited for things to progress, then...

*riiip*... Officer Tain handed him a ticket, listing "public nudity" as his violation.

Peet sighed a very deep sigh, patted the Jiinian's shoulder in reassurance, then went to retrieve his vest from where he'd thrown it. His shorts, however, needed a wash, so he simply swept shorts next to backpack with his tail as he slipped back in to his vest. And slipped his "ticket" into the pocket opposite his pen. Trusting the Ju'unda to take over the Jiinian's care. Though… heh… he'd have to retrieve his Omni Bit later, if it didn't decide to leave on its own, once it was satisfied with its work. Not unusual to linger, considering. Still, Peet touched the spot under his right ear, linking his father's Omni Bit to his mother's, so he could keep tabs on the Jiinian's progress. On any other issues.

Well. With the police on scene, Trepper put her foot down off the counter, her sharp gaze passing between Officer Tain and the Skrull…

"You need coffee? Donuts?"

As far as she was concerned, explanations could wait. She'd already said her piece on the phone. And Peet… well, whatever happened now, it was up to these two representatives of law enforcement.
Ella gave the Slee Tang a small smile, returning the nod. If tickets were the worse thing that would happen in this situation, she would more than gladly accept it. Though personally she didn't see anything majority of them would be ticketed for. Personally paying a few hundred for a ticket was something she was willing to do over having to go through the formalities of court.

When she heard Treeper asking the authorities if they wanted donuts she began to giggle. Donuts, it was such a stereotype but really who doesn't like donuts? They are delicious!

"If you require payment for these able body individuals Treeper, I am willing to assist with that.", she sat down on the stool. Crossing her legs she reached over for her glass of water and took a sip.

Her cellphone began to buzz:

Text (Boss): N.O.W.
Your face just showed up on the NEWS. It is rather easy to spot a fish in such a tiny bucket. I sent a vehicle with the N.E.A, it should be arriving soon. You need to do damage control now that you have been glimpsed by the media.
Text (Fish): RE: N.O.W
I got this under control. You don't need to send the vehicle, it is only a minor offense. I do not need your help. Call them off.
Text(Boss): X
Our clients will recognize you the moment you appear for a longer period of time on the NEWS. You will allow the N.E.A to do their job and you will allow them to assist with the clean up. The witnesses will be taken care of as well. I have already called the police department and negotiated for your quiet release. Get back here now.
Text (Ella): RE:X
The witnesses are of no concern and will not be part of the N.E.A cleansing. I cannot slip out the back as well. Sir, I have important reasons that will not allow me to do so. Allow me some time to finish what is needed here. I will keep myself away from the media view.
Text(Boss): ∈
Sir? my my. So be it, N.E.A will be there in a few minutes. They will stay at the scene.....Stay away from the windows and hurry back my ∈.

Ella slide the phone back in her pocket. Great the N.E.A, more issues that will arise. It has been her experience that the Law Enforcement didn't like the N.E.A. They were like the secret service, only more trigger happy and can be such entitled assholes.
Flints reply to Baylen before the police burst in was cold as steel. His head was down but the force was still there. "And I never asked you to look the fuck up, or steal from a Jillian." If anyone had to leave here in cuffs, it was going to be that damned human. He would make sure of it.

Celtic was visibly shaking. His branches were quivering like dead leaves in a strong gale. He had taken Ella's hand reassuringly and pressed his juddering side against her leg. "P-please fix this. I'm begging you." He muttered only loud enough for her to hear.

Upon further examination Flint realized he recognized both the officers. He remembered the Slee Tang, Tain, from the War. Everyone who could fire a gun was brought into that thing, solider or not. Even convicted criminals were used as cannon fodder, forced to run into the battlefield before everyone else and be shot to reveal the enemy's position. Flint remembered it clearly:

They were all sitting in a hole in some densely forested planet. The sounds of war carried on without them. They were strictly ordered to remain here but not a single blast has sounded near them. Flint hadn't lost his hand yet, he was watching a armidillo look over the rim in a thoughtful manner. Finally that same creature announced a tactical position and somehow convinced the others to take it. It would turn out that that move won the battle and that creature was given a metal before being forgotten in the frenzy.

Flint looked at the ticket, for baring such a weapon in pubic. If that was all, and Tain could keep his partner in check, this could run quite smoothly. The sickle took a glance at Celtic, following Ella and taking his seat next to her. The blade turned back into his only hand, was cleaned up with a napkin, and finally raised in a short salute.

The Skrull. Remembered his ugly mug, not his name. Flint tried to remain as cool as possible while searching for it. He wouldn't glance at the name tag, a sign of weakness. Self-centered louse, looked like a deputy and proud of it, however that works. Ah, there it was. "Bob" ,he replied, trying not to laugh.
The Jiinian watched with confusion as the police entered. He expected a set of paramedics with his condition but apparently something else had gone down. Shortly after the two officers made their appearance, his attention was turned as Tarjai came over towards him and Peet, crouching down to him. She didn't seem to care about the police and simply wanted to help him instead. A smile spread across his lips at hers and he listened as she offered to help him. He found himself taken over by her beauty and lost in the intriguing accent she had. A stillness fell across his face as he listened to her. When she finished he nodded, slowly as his head continued to throb, and extended his muscular arm out towards her for a hand shake. "I would appreciate that, thank you. My name is Tugger by the way." His gaze was locked on her, her kindness and beauty having a sort of hypnotizing affect on him.

Baylen watched quietly, leaning against the wall as his body continued to ache. This day had escalated so quickly, he was still trying to make sense of everything. In the back of his mind he wondered who had led him away from the fight? And why here? Why this fucking coffee shop? Baylen looked over to Ella, watching as she responded to her phone, possibly replying to someone as she hovered over the device, fingers moving rapidly. She was quick to put it away but as she looked up he stared at her curiously. She didn't look happy about something. What was Ella holding back from them? If anyone were to be a surprise in the group it would be her. Her beauty and wit a front for something she was involved in. A business woman. What kind of business woman? Baylen shook his head, unable to form any decent thoughts. He just wanted to get out of this alive. For once he wanted to get a break, after spending most of his life fighting for his spot in the universe. He was never given the chance in any business to prove his capabilities. But he knew with the right training that he had the ability, and the intellect to be a valuable asset for anyone. I won that poker game last night, damnit! A hot sting jabbed at his thigh. He winced and placed his hand over his leg, beneath was the Doomra inside of his pocket. How long is this going to take? If they weren't going to look in to what happened to the Jiinian, could they just leave? The officers seemed more interested in Flint and giving out small tickets. That was fine by him. Especially if Flint was their main focus now. Fucker. He glanced over to Flint and gave him a small smug smirk.

The Skrull turned to Trepper at her offer and shook his head. "No, thanks. Just here for business." He then looked to the Jiinian on the floor, staring for a moment in disbelief at his size. Obviously the creature had taken something as he knew the species did not normally reach such a behemoth state. He would possibly look in to this. His eyes moved back to Flint. His sarcasm and defensive attitude were not new to him and only reinforced his distaste for him. Although at the moment they were not making any severe charges, his partner had already started his ticketing process, there was still something to be learned about this coffee shop. The fact that Flint was here was all he needed to be suspicious. His eyes moved across to Ella. He narrowed his brow, eyes rising from the tip of her brilliant hair down her body, across her legs and settling at her feet. Did he see a flash of scales on her legs where her stockings were not set right? He then saw the druid. Celtic was half hiding behind Ella, scared or perhaps guilty? The Skrull was about to move forward towards the boy when Flint spoke to him. Standing so close with his smug attitude, he knew the name was directed towards him. "No, maggot. Not that I expect you to have the brains to remember an officer of the law who has dealt with you more than once. You may address me as Officer Gundry." Officer Stark Gundry pointed to his name badge, as if Flint hadn't seen it before.

Officer Gundry turned to look back over to Celtic. He glanced to Ella, daring her to resist his commands. "You boy. Get over here." He pointed towards a spot right in front of him. "Now!" he snapped again. His patience was limited and often times Tain would have to keep him balanced.
Ella looked over at Celtic, his plea for help made her slip on her business mask even tighter. This wasn't the first time a child around his age had asked her for help. There was a time Merfolk were sought after for their rarity and false medicinal properties. Terrible memories of running or swimming. Merfolk were not weak, yet when one is out numbered you either fight back, beg for help, or give in the inedible.

"I will try, OK? If you want something to eat you can have my meal." she said to Celtic.

She tried to distract the boy from the situation at hand. The whole scene in itself can be intimidating for any adult and probably absolutely frightening for a child.

Ella quickly looked over at Baylen and was met with a stare. When a smug smirk appeared on his lips, her eyebrows rose in surprise. She had done nothing to merit such a reaction or perhaps she was being mocked for her words towards Celtic. Ella did not realize that the smirk was meant for Flint who was sitting next to her and not for herself. She tilted her head and shot him a peeved look.

"What's with that look? Do you have a.....", she didn't finish her sentence to Baylen.

While she her attention was on Baylen, the Officer that had identify himself as Officer Gundry zeroed in on Celtic. Ella head practically snapped forward, attention on Officer Gundry. It wasn't that he had asked for the boys attention, but rather it was the tone.

"You should learn how to speak to children, Officer Gundry or any individual for that matter.", Ella uncrossed her legs. "When you bark at them don't be surprised if they do not respond to you."

Ella stood, she brushed her skirt down into place. Yet her ripped stocking still left room for a pale pink scale to catch the sunlight. She took a few steps forwards and slightly in front of Celtic. She placed her hands on her hips with a pleasant smile on her lips.

"After all an Officer of such importance would be able to understand how crucial it is to preserve the psychological integrity when questioning minors. Perhaps it would be best to allow the child to stay in his comfort zone and to approach him with care. After all you wouldn't want to be suspended for forcible and improper interaction with a minor. Especially with the media so close.", Ella did not give the Officer time to get a word in edge wise. She causally pointed out the window, from where she could see there were already 2 media carriers.

Ella's cell began to buzz again, however the buzzes were long indication that it was a phone call. She ignored her phone and stood engaged with the current environment.
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The Jiinian named Tugger, seemed a little out of sorts as he reacted to her words, and she was sure that he had a concussion. Of course, the fact that she was oozing peace and calm in his direction did little to help his state. When he reached out his hand, however, she blinked at it, not used to the custom. The antennae on the tips of her ears paused in their nigh-ceaseless movement as she blinked at his large hand, confused on what to do, and temporarily forgetting what the people she was staying with had told her. With a quiet snap of her fingers, however, she recalled what the human woman had said, and gently placed her hand in his. She marveled as her own phalanges disappeared in his gentle grip. Most of the people she'd come across were average size at best, and her hands were normal sized for her own people, so to see them disappear completely almost, was...interesting. She laughed a little then nodded at his introduction.

"I ahm pleased to meet chu Tuggah. You cahn call me Tarjai, or Jai, if you'd like." She pointed toward the point of impact on his head with her free hand and gently removed her other hand from his grip, "I ahm joost gonna see here," she lightly touched a spot where she thought he would have hit his head based on his positioning when she entered the shop, "Tell meh if it hurts, kay?"

The Ju'unda methodically moved about Tugger, gently touching certain spots on his head, gauging his reaction, and then using her special ability to soothe away the pain. She completely forgot about the police officers and the goings on of the shop at he moment. Like most of her kind, Tarjai pushed away all outside distractions, only focusing on her patient, while she healed and soothed an injury. It was almost like she and Tugger were the only two in the room, in the most practical sense.
Delicate Balance...

Indeed, Officer Tain quite often found himself having to "balance" his partner's aggressions. One reason they'd been teamed. Brains. Brawn. Not that Officer Gundry was stupid. Just... well. Skrull were not known for their patience. While Slee Tang had the patience of Job. Wait. See. What Tain had so far seen indicated something serious had gone down here, but... no corpse or corpses, so. Wait. See more. Then act upon it. Or conclude.......*

Trepper clucked, then went about the business of cleaning up what she could, what wasn't "evidence" or otherwise of possible interest to the police on scene. In other words, she stayed out of the way.

Peet, on the other hand, while keeping tabs on the Omni Bit within Tugger (ahhh, yes... still working on that issue with the "pump up" drug), couldn't help but also note Baylen's discomfort with the Doomra "attached" to his leg. Well, he had warned the human! And yes, now was the time. So Peet stepped around the furniture wreckage, a glance towards his by now cold breakfast remains, hunger still present, and moved closer to Baylen. Close enough the human couldn't miss his glance legward, his questioning raise of right ear and drop of left as mane ruffled. And Nism eyes met human eyes.

Heh. Officer Tain didn't fail to note this, but he filed it away, his partner's actions more important at this time. So...

... "Stark... I have to agree with her. Remember what happened the last time you yelled at a witness?"

Again, a slight smile for 'Ella, without the nod. A smile both of appreciation and understanding. And...

... "Please excuse my partner. He tends to sleep on a pile of rocks, so he quite often wakes up grumpy." An upward glance, to catch his partner's eye... "Innocent until proven guilty... yes, I'm very familiar with that look. And I'll repeat myself till my dying day. Behave, before I bite your knees."

Officer Tain was in no way intimidated by either size or aggression. Trepper chirped again, three times quick. Her kind's version of a laugh. And Peet couldn't help a grin of his own.
Flint caught Baylen's little smirk. He seemed blissfully unaware of the other two witnesses in the room. He hadn't exactly made some unbreakable bounds. The look was returned with a pleasant smile, you just keep on thinking that your safe and see where it gets you.

Ah, poor Gundry, still thinks he's some kind of general. Flint kept his head down, a wicked smile forming as he spoke. "As I said. I feel no need to call a officer of the law who has failed to capture a drug delivery man several times until he turned himself in by name. So I shall call you Bob. Officer Bob." Officer Train didn't seem to recognize him, ah well, it was one time and he was just another solider. It was never a good idea to make friends in war, as just the next day they could be gone.

Celtic, while his whole body was shaking and a sickening fear was bubbling up in his stomach, found Ella's words comforting. He knew that tone, it was that of a person in control. Nodding, the little druid wondered if his tea was getting cold and searched for the smell of Ella's food.

Celtic's search was interrupted by the angry voice that identified itself as Officer Gundry. He lurched forward in shock and began to scramble out of his chair. However Ella's scent was suddenly between him and the voice. Now Celtic from the man whom he lived with had heard a lot of smack talk in his life, but never had he heard such a, what was the term... epic burn. He let out a soft giggle when the other officer spoke. The boy, now unsure of what to do, remained in his seat.
A wide grin spread across Tugger's face as he watched Tarjai react to his handshake offer. It was a common custom across many universes, brought by the humans some claim, and adapted by many species. Still, there were others who refused to do such greeting or those, such as herself, who were simply unaware. Tugger closed his eyes when Tarjai touched his head with her soft hands, giving her a silent nod at her last words. He winced a few times where a dull but deep pain resided near the back and by the side but relaxed as she used her abilities to help soothe the aches away. Shortly after he could feel the sensation of pain disappear, his headache slipping away as well. When he felt she had finished he opened his eyes, lifting his large hand to his head but unable to feel any pain as before. "Ah, thank you Jai. You're quite talented with healing. Is that something you learned how to do?" he asked, unsure of her species and how her healing powers worked.

Baylen widened his eyes to Ella as she began to snap at him again, only to see her turn her attention to Officer Gundry. He watched the Skrull with an exhausted expression as the officer began to make his own scene. Obviously this officer had something to prove; either that or his ego was just natural inflated. As the Skrull called out to the druid Baylen caught sight of Peet coming his way. As Peet neared Baylen he took note of the eye glance towards his leg. His discomfort had been noticed. Baylen furrowed his brow, glancing towards the officers then back to Peet. He wanted to communicate to Peet his trouble, how the Doomra seemed to be attaching itself to his body, but he didn't want to grab the notice of the officers. He had no idea what it meant with this pendant making such an attachment. Watching the officers carefully, Baylen gave a glance to Peet, looked down at his leg where his hand rested. He pointed one finger, looked up to the officers once more and, when he saw both officer's eyes look away, he tugged on the Doomra underneath his pants where it rested in his pocket. He tugged from above, hoping Peet would get the idea that it was somehow stuck. He looked to Peet with a worried expression, mentally asking him to help him if he could.

The Skrull glared at Flint. "How about you sit tight Flint? Because we're not done with you yet." he snapped back, his green face heated as rage began boiling inside of him. When Ella stood, Stark turned to look towards her, taking note of a pink flash, subtle but present. He pressed his lips together as he looked at the business woman standing up. She kept talking, almost berating him in front of the entire room for all to hear, snapping back a retort so quick and sharp he found himself struggling for the right words to break through her own. At her last words he glanced sideways towards the street, catching sight of the crowds around and the media sources trying to get any sort of view or shot of the coffee shop within. Stark turned back to Ella with a small growl, peeling his lips back to reveal sharp, uneven teeth, his chest rising and falling heavier as his anger peaked. His partner spoke next, a calm yet decisive tone that always seemed to catch his attention. It was in these moments though that Tain knew what to say and when to say it to have the best outcome of their inquiry. He had messed up investigations before by not controlling himself and, despite the additional embarrassment with Tain's comments, he knew he was right. He inhaled deeply and exhaled quietly through his nose, turning to look back to Ella. The soft, almost inaudible sound of the buzzing phone caught his attention; he glanced towards it then looked back to her, curious as to why she wasn't answering. Stark Gundry then stepped up right to Ella, looking down at her with narrowed eyes and a wide grin. "Since you want the kid left alone so bad, how about you and I talk then, hmm? First, give me your ID." he demanded, holding out his large calloused green hand.
The tiny Ju'unda shook her head in response to the Jiinian' query and sat back on her heels. The five small jewels in her forehead shifted color from a clear white to a crystal blue once more, and the sounds of the room returned to normal as per her perception.

"We Ju'unda ah born wit such talents. It is as natooral for us to heal ahs it is for a feesh to swim in dah watah. We also do illusion ahs well, but healing is our specialty."

She smiled at him and stood on her feet, then wobbled a little in her place as exhaustion hit her. One hand flew to her head and she sighed with a light chuckle, and sat down on a stool.

"Of course such tings always come wit a price, ya?"

She glanced over to where the police were "questioning" the other patrons and frowned a little. In her ficus on the Jiinian, she had completely forgotten about them, and really wished they would leave at this point. When one of the officers stepped up to the confident mermaid, she hissed a little between her teeth. Her antennae were shivering again, and the jewels were quickly fading to a red tint once more with her stress.
Ella smiled back at Officer Tain, at least one of them knew how to properly treat individuals. She placed her right hand over her heart and gave the Officer a little bow. Her face pleasant and calm, oh yes she was in full business mode. It wasn't that she didn't like being herself, but when deal with stressful situations it was just easier to do her job. With Officer Tain here to keep on an eye on his partner maybe she wouldn't have maintain her stature for to long. When the Officer Gundry walked right up to her, using his large body to make her look tiny she knew right then that this was going to be a long day.

Ella heard a hiss the moment Officer Gundry approached her. She tilted her head in it's direction, the sound coming from Tarjai. She gave the female a smile, yes she wanted to hiss at the officer too. However, that would probably only get her in handcuffs. She turned her attention back to Officer Gundry.

"Of course you and me can have a talk Officer Gundry. Though, I don't think you will be needing my I.D. However, I do have some form of identification.", Ella reached into her pocket and pulled out a business card and placed it in his hand. It had Domyouji Enterprises nicely printed and the name Ella printed in tiny font on the left corner.

"If you wish, please refer my business card to your Chief. I believe that will be ample information on how to proceed with your important work. This is, if your Chief hasn't already been informed.", Ella stood up straight. This was not the first time someone has tried to intimidate her with their body size and it wouldn't be the last.

Ella's phone began to buzz again.

The sound of loud screeching tires can be heard outside. Several loud and upset voice, followed by the sounds of jostling came from just outside the door. A disheveled Officer pushed through the door, the look of panic and uncertainty evidence of something happening outside.

"I am sorry Sir, but they have authorization paperwork. We tried to keep them out, but they said this wasn't part of our jurisdiction anymore. Umph!", a hand reached out and pulled the Officer back out of the door way. The door shut behind the Officer.

The sunlight from the windows slowly began to disappear as bodies in black suits pressed their backs against the windows blocking the light. The door knob began to shake.

Ella sighed, stepped backwards and took her seat again. Her phone began to buzz again, but this time it was short. Text message.

Text (BOSS): Info
There is a change in plans. I was informed by a client that there is something precious in that room. Locate it and gain information in it. If you are able to, take the item. Bring me my prize Fish.
Text (FISH): X
If there is anything to find here, I will be sure to investigate.
Text (BOSS): ∈
You never disappoint me, a reward is waiting for you when you return. My Fish.

Ella returned to the scene at hand. An item? perhaps it is something the human had. Information first and if needed extraction. Some days she wished she could just have a day off.
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Bathroom Breakage...

No... Tain hadn't forgotten Flint. Slee Tang also had good memories, to go with their other species qualities. And Quayo Tain's own personal standards. His first comment to Flint had been his way, his acknowledgement of that memory. Without mush or fanfare. For his partner, a soft sigh and shake of head as he asked for ID. But nothing further. No changing the nature of the beast, so to speak. Simply keep your eye on it. While keeping your other eye on anything else of interest. Of which there existed many here.

Peet had his own issues. Not only this human, in evident need, but... heh... coffee always "went through" him. Just like his father. Well, any excuse in a storm! To twist a famous euphemism. So...

... "Excuse me, Officers..." For both Baylen and the officers, he started to squirm a little, then a small foot-hop as hands went to crotch... "I need to visit the little alien's room." Grin, as he glanced towards Baylen's own discomfort, so near the human's own crotch. "I think he needs to go, too......."

Yes, so much of interest was going on in the here and the now, this incident was threating to spiral off on who knew what tangent. Peet knew all about "Advents". The whole Murphy's Law... serendipity thing. How quantum physics really liked playing dice! Heh. Officer Tain's attentions went from studying the Jiinian, who seemed the center of what had happened here, to the young Nism... curious, he'd never met a Nism before. And he didn't allow his partner time to comment, simply waved them in the right direction (he'd eaten at Tepper's place before) with a look that made crystal clear there would be no "hanky panky"... or there would be SERIOUS consequences.

Right hand up from crotch to chest, "cross my heart, hope to die" gesture made, Peet grabbed Baylen and... bailed for the bathroom. Him and this human had "serious business" to conduct!
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Flint glanced over at that damn Jiinain who just had to come in a get himself killed. He seemed to have no memory of the past events and appeared to be named Tugger. He was having his personal love story with the Ju'unda while the people he was trying poorly to kill cleaned up his mess. Speaking of the strange little lass Flint hadn't caught her name and she was looking rather pissed. Note to self: never try to pick up a girl in a cafe, the result upon failure could be fatal.

Then Baylen, that motherfucker. Seemed to be having a dilemma with his pants that he was playing mime with Peet to describe. Bastard is concerned about his jeans in a time like this, useless prick.

Officer Bob is back. Flint simply shrugged at his words and watched him try to resort after being burned so bad the sickle could smell sulfur in the air. Asking Ella for ID, as if business types go anywhere without a business card. Lady keeps cheaking her phone, highly suspicious. Celtic looks to be doing well, found his tea and stopped shaking so much. Flint was very sorry to put him in that position but there wasn't any other choice, what with-


The squeal of ties. Sounds of a commotion outside. A new voice confirming Celtic's suspicions. Something bad was happening, something appearing to be beyond the police. If he heard correctly this murder that didn't really count needed the N.E.A. He turned slowly to Ella, the rapid texts and sighs with a bit of logic led him to a concision that he didn't like. He whispered to her as Peet and Baylen left for the bathroom. "I assume you have something to do with the people outside. Perhaps it was the one you were speaking with that you didn't like very much who sent them?"
Ella looked over at Celtic, she lifted her hand and half covered her mouth whispering back.

"Your so observant, I must admit you surprise me. You were able to identify my career type and even picked up on emotions with this situation. It isn't a bad thing, it just means I have ticks I need to work on I guess, hehe. As for the one who sent them. Well I suppose you can says I somewhat dislike the individual. But don't worry, they shouldn't mess with anyone. If they follow along that is.", she quickly glanced at Flint as she spoke gently to Celtic.

The door knob kept shaking violent until finally the door frame gave a creak. The door popped open, a large body filled the door frame blocking the view from outside. However, there was a notable shine that glint off the bald head of the male as he leaned down to look into the room. The male took off his sun glasses and survey the room. Despite his humanized look, his eyes were gold with black irises. When those eyes landed on Ella, the male bowed as much as he could.

"Madam, we are here by word of the Boss.", the male spoke to her with a rumbled voice.

Suddenly a lighter male voice shouted from behind the male.

"Cain! move you damn ass out of my face. I can't see what is inside with you just stand there.", the voice huffed.

"Sorry Sir." Cain stiffly moved his large body back out of the door way and stayed outside.

Behind Cain A slender tall black suited man emerged. His hair black and pushed back in a slick black wave. Paled skinned and eyes twinkling or at least as much as a pair of demon eyes could. Red with a black slit irises like that of a goat. The male introduced himself to the Officers.

"AH! Officers, thank you for allowing us entrance. I am Algaliarept, Al for short please.", he dramatically bowed. "We have been asked to take an interest in this case. Though in truth I do not see anything to interesting here." Al stood and looked at Officer Gundry, then down at Officer Tain. He approached Officer Tain, tapping the pin on his chest. "N.E.A., what have you been able to find so far?", he asked with a toothy smile on his face.

Ella quietly folded her arms across her lap and leaned back into the counter. Algaliarept had not seen her yet and she would prefer it that way. She mumbled, "Of Course they had to send him."
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At the sight of the petite Ju'unda swaying with fatigue, Tugger reacted quickly, extending his large purple arm out and wrapping it gingerly behind her, hand resting at her hip to steady her as she regained her balance. A small frown furrowed his brow as he realized he was the reason for her weakness. Healing him must have taken a lot of energy out of her small yet powerful body. His eyes danced upward to the small five jewels upon her brow, the colors changing in what seemed to be a reaction to her surroundings. Her species was quite intriguing! Not to mention quite beautiful as well. A warmth spread across Tugger's cheeks and a lop-sided grin twisted his thick lips. When Tarjai hissed, Tugger turned his head to look at what she was reacting to and saw the offer and the business woman rather close, both of them with narrowed eyes. Tugger carefully brought his massive body up and lowered himself down on one of the stools to sit next to TarJai. The stool creaked and groaned in protest and a few small cracks escaped. The stool might not hold for long. Tugger, unaware of his body crushing Trepper's chair, turned to Jai. "I am so confused right now" he glanced around the room, to Flint and Peet, eyes resting at the officers. His brain felt empty though his stomach growled, reminding him he was hungry. Hopefully this police business wouldn't take much longer.

When Peet spoke up to the officers, Baylen lifted his head and listened. At his clever prompt, Baylen moved his hand from his inner thigh over his crotch and leaned forward, nodding along with Peet. The officer didn't seem too worried, though made it clear he was keeping an eye on them. Baylen let out a soft "ung!" as Peet snatched him away, rushing them to the bathroom where they disappeared and could speak in private. Once they were in the restroom and out of sight, Baylen looked to Peet gratefully. "Thank you. That was quick thinking" he gave him a smile, hoping he would show Peet he wasn't the bad guy here, just a guy in trouble, in a bad situation.

"I...I don't know what's happening but" Baylen trailed off, looking down at his pants. He wasn't sure how to describe it. While the unknown yet beautiful pendant, with all of it's tiny colorful crystals spun in a circle, had been in his pocket, it had begun to sort of melt through his pants. A soft glow was beginning to emanate from the bulge of where the Doomra sat. He looked up to Peet and with just a slight hesitation he unhooked his pants and let them drop to the floor at his ankles. The light shining through his pocket was a bit brighter through his boxer shorts now. The strangest part was, while the Doomra had been inside of his pants pocket, it had somehow fused itself through his pants and boxer shorts, attaching itself to his thigh without leaving so much as a mark to his clothes. Baylen stared wide-eyed in surprise then, slowly and with a bit of trepidation, he reached down and pulled the sleeve of his boxer short upward as high as it would go. He was showing Peet an awful lot of skin but Baylen ignored the strange feeling.

When Baylen revealed the Doomra finally, he stared at it in silence, lips parted as his mouth set partly open in pure shock and slight horror. The small pendant, about the size of the palm of his hand, was sitting at an angle on his thigh, face up to reveal the brilliant crystals set within the frame. The chain had strangely disappeared. Baylen's eyes widened as he realized just exactly what he was looking at. His skin had shifted and he could clearly see the pendant resting against his leg, indented with a small rise of his skin around it, as if it were locking it in place. "Oh my god..." Baylen began to speak in a trembling voice. "Oh my god Peet, get it off! Get it the fuck off!!" His voice raised as he was beginning to speak louder, almost in a shout. He reached out with his hands and grabbed the pendant, gripping the sides as best he could and pulling it, trying to rip it off of his skin. He could feel his fingers pinch his skin around it and, when he tried pulling, a searing pain spread around his thigh. The Doomra was not only attached to his skin but seemed to have fused deeply in to his leg. The pendant jerked in his grip but showed that it wasn't going anywhere unless someone cut it out of him. Being set so deep and so close to his femoral artery he was at a high risk of bleeding to death. Panic began to set in and Baylen's chest was already rising and falling at a rapid pace. He kept trying to tug at it. "Oh my god, it's going to kill me. It's fucking eating me alive!" He was about to scream from the fear and frustration that was building up rapidly inside of him as he kept tugging at the pendant. He could feel his skin jerking against the pressure and, despite the effort he was putting in, his skin remained in tact, not a tear or bruise surrounding the Doomra. It was as if it was protecting itself and the nest it was settled in that was Baylen's thigh.


Officer Gundry turned his narrowed gaze from Ella towards the door when an officer walked urgently through, sputtering an apology on something about jurisdiction. Gundry hated when his team got knocked to the side. It didn't happen often but when it did it felt like someone didn't think they knew how to do their job. Stark turned sharply back to Ella, who was now seated, his hands curling in to tight fists. Her apathy was infuriating. "I don't know who you think you are little lady but this is a crime scene and you are not allowed to-" he was cut off by the door opening again. In entered a new man, a rather large man. Gundry ground his teeth together and abruptly turned towards them. Behind the larger man came a more slender, pale one.

"AH! Officers, thank you for allowing us entrance. I am Algaliarept, Al for short please.", he dramatically bowed. "We have been asked to take an interest in this case. Though in truth I do not see anything to interesting here." Al stood and looked at Officer Gundry, then down at Officer Tain. He approached Officer Tain, tapping the pin on his chest. "N.E.A., what have you been able to find so far?", he asked with a toothy smile on his face.

Gundry pounded forward, stepping between Al and Tain, ignoring their pleasant greeting that he knew was just for show. "We're not sharing anything with you pal. This is our scene. Give me one good reason why you're here stepping on our toes when we have everything under control?"
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Her ears twitched, and she looked behind her when Tugger wrapped his arm around the small of her back to keep her upright. She smiled a lottle and patted him on his shoulder to let him know she was alright. When the large Jiinian sat on the stool, and it creaked under him, she gave a worried glance to the cracks forming in the wood. His confusion was understandible, but she still felt it out of her place to speak to him about it. Agter all, she'd only arrived in the aftermath, and hadn't seen what took place.

The smile Ella gave her at the hiss she couldn't stop did nothing to ease her discomfort with the situation. From what she could dtell, there were only two parties on this room that were guilty....despite there being three. She had no idea the Jiinian was involved and partially to blame for the terrible morning she was having. Lifting one hand to her mouth, the tiny Ju'unda yawned loudly, and leaned heavily against the counter. She barely moved when the N.E.A. barged in.

She'd been up for hours, only having planned to grab some coffee,aybe a bite to eat, and then head back to the boarding home she was staying at for some much needed rest until nightfall. Already, with the healing, and the schedule flip-flop, she could feel the fatigue wearing her body down. Typically, Ju'undah don't lose as much energy when healing, but it all has to do with compatibility. When done under stress, on a much larger creature, healing takes a lot out of a Ju'unda, and Tarjai had already been up for almost two days. Her adrenaline was starting to wear off, and her body was starting to feel heavy, but she couldn't leave and the situation, with the addition of the N.E.A. was taking its toll on her patience.

When officer Gundry spoke, she lost her cool. Setting aside all politeness, or common sense she growled low in her chest. Whether it was the exhaustion that pushed her to do it, or annoyance with how ridiculous things were getting, or even the fact that her day was ruined, she didn't know or care. Tarjai couldn't help herself as she stood up and put one hand on her hip, a haughty expression on her face.

"Oh come off eet!" She shouted. "What do it mattah eef dis scene be yours er not. Dey ah here. You don't got nuttin' undah control. You comin' in here like yer da king of da Po. All you do be makin' folks feel uncomfortable, you." Her arms were flailing about as she raved, and her antennae were flying wildly about with her anger. All she wanted was to get this mess iver with so that she could move in with her life, and get back to her morning. "I thought da Po was supposed to protect. Eef you can't do dat, den give it to someone else." She was breathing heavy, and her vision was starting to get a little blurry as she pointed at officer Gundry. The last few words were quieter than the others, and she leaned back against the counter to hold herself up.

"Can't believe I stayed up all night and day just to deal wit dis..." she mumbled as her body started to crumple to the floor.
Don't Panic!

Nism are a Free Spirited people, a species created to never lose that "special something" that lives in every soul. This does not mean they are perfect. They can be patient, kind, caring, wise… they certainly have a very high level technology, a very large… vast… store of knowledge. But Nism are also individuals. And like all individuals the universe over, they have individual limits to their knowledge. To their patience. Peet already had the loss of his breakfast, the ruination of his day's plans… and a full bladder to deal with. This human, Baylen, surely testing said patience. Testing the strength of his…

… well, not gonna go there!

So, now he had to deal with Baylen's panic, as the human stood there, pants to the floor, boxers on display, with some alien device "eating" into his leg. Peet didn't know what was happening any more than Baylen. As for skin… well, the only thing Peet wore was his vest. "Naked" was his normal state of dress. And his perceptions meant clothing didn't really hide anything, anyway. So Baylen's thoughts on the matter of showing skin didn't enter into Peet's mind. He had more important considerations, honestly. All relating to…

"Baylen!" If not for his claws, a slap would have followed that soft shout. As it was, his tail served the purpose, though its end simply wrapped around wrists and restrained further attempts to remove the Doomra. Then… "If it intended to kill you, you'd be dead already." Perhaps not the most comforting thing to say. So… "And you still owe me breakfast…" Peet's grin tapped into his Free Spirited nature, a "gesture" he'd learned from his father to break tension.

But he still needed to pee.


Oh, goody. The N.E.A had arrived. Officer Tain remained calm, centered. Professional. Unlike his partner Gundry. Who remained, as always, predictable. Like a rock. A very big rock. And then the Ju'unda female… heh, he had to give her credit for bravery, if not sense, a slight twitch of smile, enough to show tooth…

... "Stark, I believe they're here because we have a witness who works for Domyouji Enterprises… I do believe she just gave you her business card."

Yes, Officer Quayo Tain was indeed quite intelligent and observant for what appeared an oversized, mutant armadillo. He made it a point to take everything in stride. However, he also made it a point to go home at shift's end, so he could play with his offspring, eat supper, and make messy, passionate love to his mate before bedtime. He SERIOUSLY frowned on anything that risked him not doing those things. So, N.E.A. or no N.E.A., he appreciated any help he could get. But yes, this was getting a bit out of hand. The fight here had ended… yes, the damage was still evident. Flint had blood on his hands. Tepper had blood on her floor. But the "owner" of that blood was alive, and didn't seem to know what had happened. So, yes, Quayo had intended to ask some pointed questions, to see if things could be sorted out, perhaps a few more tickets written, for good measure, if reason existed to do so. That remained to be determined.

And Officer Quayo Tain was definitely determined…

"Al, I have been able to find nothing beyond a few minor violations, which have been dealt with. Anything further, we're both still lacking information, enough to make any final conclusions." He gestured towards Tugger… "He appears to be the 'victim' in this incident, though also part guilty of it, due to the nature of damage done here." Another gesture towards Flint… "He appears to be the one who stopped the Jiinian's actions by 'unsavory' means, though no harm has been done. The 'victim' still lives. Appears quite healthy, in fact. Other than his unusual size. However, I would conclude we have much more digging to do, if we wish to clean up this mess…."

Indeed, quite observant.
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Celtic nodded. Ella's voice was very reassuring in the way that it was calm yet solid. She would never allow her words to go unheard. She claimed she had a few ticks to work on, to which Celtic panicked somewhat and whispered, "please don't take them out of your normal words. When your working it's fine but don't let it leak into your life..." Before he could explain it further there was more voices for him to interpret. And why couldn't he get the thought of tea popsicles out of his head?

First voice. Deep, low like thunder, but surprisingly not growling or angry like that of the Jiinain's, apologetic even. Then another, thinner with a touch of rasp, mad then official with a air of pride. Celtic's nose was hit with the sent of maybe twenty different hair products, it was men like that that created ozone holes. The man introduced himself with a excessively long name that Celtic doubted his mother gave him, then shortened it to two letters. The druid chose not to like Al and was perfectly fine with Officer Guntly expressing his displeasure for him, although he doubted the safety of such actions.

There were faint muffled voices that Celtic assumed were Baylen and Peet 'going to the bathroom.' He would be lying if he said he didn't want to join them, alas, three people going to the restroom at the same time seemed pretty suspicious to him. Officer Tain was speaking, wait didn't Flint tell the boy a story about a person named Tain? Yes, he thought it was funny that his species name rhymed with his actual one. Anyway the Slee Tang anounced his current concusion that as far as Celtic knew, was exactly right, assuming he gestured to who he thought he did. It didn't seem that Flint was going to go to jail, this day might just turn out ok.

Flint had turned from the men as soon as they came in. He was looking plainly at the wall in front of him. He caught the look Ella gave him and nodded briefly, his face unchanging.
Ella smiled over at Celtic, for such a crappy situation this boy made things feel pleasant in her mind. Was this the power of druids?

Al was about to comment back on how Officers Gundry toes were probably being stepped on because something had to compensate for the size of his....well manly bits. However, when the young female tore into the Officer he didn't want to slice away what was left. After all every male needs to keep some in order to reproduce.

"It would appear that I do not need to explain things to you. For our dear fainted lady was able to articulate it so nicely. Look! you even caused her to lose her strength. Tsk Tsk!", Al raised a finger and wiggled in side to side. Like you would for a child.

Al moved his attention to Officer Tain.

"Thank you for the information Officer. This would appear to be a strange situation, though no one seems to be in any real current danger. Besides a little blood on the floor is normal now at days. I am sure that in no time we will be able to finish this portion of civil instigation in no time.", he nodded and began to move about the room.

His body stopped in mid-move. He tilted his head back and took a deep breath of air in through his nose. His eyes closed and his lips broke out in a wide smile to big for his face. His eyes fluttered as he took in another deep breath.

"Oh my, I found you Mirella.", he spoke her full name.

Al, opened his eyes and turned towards the counter. He identified the two individuals sitting with Ella. Al's body moved like smoke as he made a bee line for the three. Stopping in front of Ella the demon bowed, he then took her hand and kissed it.

"Your scent draws my kind anywhere.", Al stood up letting go of her hand with a smile.

When he saw how close Flint and Celtic had sat near Ella his eyes narrowed. He began to rub his thumb against his fingers a little yellow spark emitted from them.

Ella gently placed one of her hands on both Flint's and Celtics shoulders. Her own eyes locking on Algaliarept, her face looked peeved and threatening at the same time.

"Hello Algaliarept, these are not for you.", her tone was empty.

Al smiled but it did not reach his eyes, he quietly returned to Officer Tain. His body language returning to a state of relaxation.

"Which individuals still need to be question Officer? If any of them are to difficult we have methods to assist with this. Cain is rather large but he is faster than he looks.", Al asked Officer Tain.
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