Coffee...? (ForeverRedxBloomimg Bismuth)

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Peering over at him, he looked back at his screen. "Hmm....Snake huh?....So, tell me what's your cup of tea?" He asked when he noticed the other wouldn't bring it up unless he was asked. "Do you like men or women?"
"I-I.. Oh, I don't... Really know." He replied, placing the cup on the desk careful as to not spill it once again. "I never really saw myself in a relationship I guess. I-I'm to busy trying to exist and live on my own to be in a relationship."
Perfect. The boy never been in a relationship. Meaning he was a perfect little virgin. For now at least. "Ahh, I see. I find that nice. Now, tell me more. Maybe about your friends?"
"They're all on the internet." He blurted, looking away quickly. "Social events sort of scare me, and people didn't really like me in High School and they don't like me now in college. Say I'm too clumsy, and shy... So I prefer to talk to people on the internet. They're not very judging of me, so it works out."
Good. No one that could tell him how unhealthy their relationship will be. Quite a few of his relationships ended with his lovers friends butting in. He smiled sweetly, nodding. "I would never judge you."
"I mean, I wouldn't be upset if you did. It's pretty lame, even I know that. The only person I sort of know is my dad, but he... Doesn't really talk to me any more, so. Bad misunderstanding, blah blah... It's no big deal." Even if it was, he wouldn't tell his boss. Why would he? It would be embarrassing!
"Hmm....So do you drink often?" He asked, arching a brow. This may seem irrelevant, but it wasn't. All the questions he asked were so he knew what he was dealing with, just so he could get with him easier.
"O-Oh, no. I don't usually have enough money, nor do I like big places. It just doesn't end well when I do, so I usually try to stay away from alcohol as much as possible. It again, sounds pretty lame... aha..."
Great! Pierre could give him a bunch of icies that had alcohol in them, and he would get drunk after what, three? Easy. Too easy. Pierre smiled, nodding. Yeah he was definitely getting in those pants tonight. "I do you smoke?"
"I've tried, but it's not really my thing... Though those vanilla vapor thingies they have now smell pretty good..." He admitted, shrugging. As he spoke, he realized just how pitiful he really sounded. He was lame, too scared to try anything rebellious. He was 25! He should be living life, instead he simply had fun staying home and watching tv
And that's just how Pierre liked it. Oh he could see it now. When Pierre would show Gerard his 'rule book', he wouldn't be confused, because he would think all relationships did it. He wouldn't question why he would have to were a collar and walk around naked. And he wouldn't have any friends to tell him to end the relationship. This is simply perfect! Grinning, he turned to face him. "I really like you Gerard."
"What?" He blinked, taken back by the words as he fiddled with his sleeves, a habit he often did. "Well, I mean.. T-That's good. I hope you would like me if you gave me a raise! Ah.... But... Why?"
"Because, your different from everyone else. And I like that. We are going to be very good friends." He whispered. Later that night, the two were in Pierre's 'mansion in the sky'. It was a condo building, and he bought a whole floor of it. Knocking down all the walls, he made the whole floor his home which it why he called it his mansion in the sky. They were in one of his huge kitchens, as he kept giving him the water ice, filled with alcohol. At the moment, he was just laughing as he told him funny stories about his own life.
Replying each joke with snorts and giggles, the obviously drunk boy was wobbling as he clung to the kitchen island. "P-Pierre! How could you even say that? I mean, seriously~! I bet your stories are lies..." He mumbled, taking a shaky seat on one of the stools before spinning in it playfully. "Is this fancy French water? It tastes weird~!"
"Yup, very fancy Make you feel bien, hmm?" He whispered, grabbing the stool to stop him with a smirk, winking. "Your so cute, you now Gerard~?" He wasn't drunk at all, having a cup a wine a day everyday, so he had a high tolerance to liquor.
"I'm not cute," He huffed in response, the subtly purple haired boy pouting in protest as he shyly looked away. "I'm tough! I'm supoose to be manly and stuff."
"Aww, look at you, your so adorable~" He chuckler, his cheeks flushed from the alcohol, as he leaned in, their faces centimeters away. "Well if your a man a dare you to kiss me."
"I-I can't kiss my own boss..." He spurred, obviously a lightweight. He had a total of three drinks and he was practically ready to pass out. He didn't though, wanting to at least seem responsible
"Oh, come on~ No ones around" He furred, leaning in closer, his hands on the other hips, smirking.
Deciding to be at least a little daring, he leaned in for a slight peck on the lips whole holding the other's shoulders for balance. "Aha, there~! I kissed you..."
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