I broke it updating a webserver config file. Let me know if it continues.
It happens allot to me tooI broke it updating a webserver config file. Let me know if it continues.
Try closing your browser and/or rebooting. I had the same issueMy site information lock has a red 'x'. I got an error last night when I tried to come on site, like the warning pages you get before you enter a potential malware site (The ones that urge you to go "Back to Safety"). Since then, I've had the x on the lock.View attachment 71657
It should be resolved now. Please let me know if errors continue.I keep getting an error message along the lines of "An error occurred, please try again later" or something, leaving me unable to access the site at all. Clearing my browser cache fixes the problem, but only for a very short while. Then it comes right back up again.
How old is the blackberry?I'm getting the 404 error when I try to view Iwaku on my Blackberry (yes, you read that correctly).
The message states that the site name does not match what's in its certificate.
Is there a place for me in Paradise? 8|
I dunno. My cheap-ass boss gave it to me for work emails.
Blackberry Bold 9930... released in 2011 I think.
Thanks for the heads up. It was a server glitch.Got Ray ID: 1f611c887d1f09d0 just a few minutes ago. :/ That was weird. Closed the tab and opened a new one after a few minutes and it cleared up.