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he bandages his wrist and looks around for someone who left these bandages. he starts walking to the orphnage to sleep and get in less trouble.
Lunhanna follows him with intrest as she makes notes on him. his stance, height, weight, appearance and personality as she followed him
i walk down a ally way and jump on a balcony waiting for any tails that i happen to have to pass by. the cloth appearing made me coutious of everything and my heart races the whole time i crouch there.
Lunhanna followed him and stuck to the shadows watching check for tails
"smart boy" she smirked watching him look back for her. But he'd find no in the shadows but shadows
I disappear into the orphanage and into my bed where i lay and pull off my shirt and pants. It always got hot in my room and when i cooled it with spells the lady who runs the place always noticed
Lunhanna watched him chuckling "at least he looks better then the ones I've seen working with a demon" she chuckled darkly as she stalked him
I climb into bed and close my eyes happily drifting off to sleep. I curl into tight ball.
Lunhanna smirked and headed on home for the night just after she collected her bounty.
Vipera wakes up to the lady who runs the place telling him off about his wrist. She has the bandages off and is trying to put new ones on.
Lunhanna rubbs the sleep from her eyes as she drags her self outta bed and got dressed for school
Vipera shoos the woman out of the room and bandages himself. He gets dressed and pockets some things just incase. He starts his walk to school.
Dressed she walked through the main door of her home and right on to school property
'the advantages of 'doors' ' she thought chuckling. had she walked she would have been late to school
I walk into my first class a few minutes late. I sit down and get lectured on being late to class. I go along with it and just nod.
Lunhanna recognized the boy in her class that just arrived
"so he's at this school" she thought watching him
He fiddles with something in his pockets and seconds later there is a crash of some kind. The teachers coffee has hit the floor.
Lunhanna blinked as this happned and looked for the cause of it
"demon?" she thought worried one followed her to school "wait...unlikely'
Vipera snickers at the sight of her cleaning it up. "Egredere , quid tibi aequom est." he mutters in clearly a different language.
Lunhanna turned to look at the boy
"dam he is going to be a piece of work" she said looking at him
He sits back as class goes by quickly with more and more mishaps all of witch are made by him and his spells.
The teacher soon dismisses them from class and Lunhanna follows the boy out curious about just who he is. deadling with demons and his abilities
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