--Closed For Reboot--

<br /> Setting/Location
Time - Noonish
Weather - Clear
Location - Vacuo, cafe place thingy
Tags - @happydeath @Karyra @R-9 Pilot @Neko_Green @Accelerator @RedArmyShogun @Verran
Some days, Bob was glad he left home the way he did, running away from the life as a hunter and to a life where he was free to choose what he did. Today was not one of those days. Knocked onto his back as the monsters came crashing into the store, the boy quickly kicked the creature off of him and scrambled to his feet. He had fought Grimms before while growing up with his parents but since he left on his own, his strategies against the monsters mostly consisted of running away or avoiding them all together. As such, he was rather relieved when several of the other patrons as well as the waitress stepped forward to meet the charging Grimms, allowing him and the rest of the people in the cafe to retreat away from the fight. The defenders did a magnificent job of wiping out the Grimms and by the time reinforcements arrived, most of the beasts were already dead.

Reinforcement came in the form of the army lady the boy had met on the road earlier that day, though he doubted that she would recognize him without his mask. She first spoke to the patrons of the cafe as a group, trying to recruit as many helpers as she could before speaking more specifically to the two bikers. Bob did not catch what they were saying to one another though it did confirm his earlier theory that the army lady was the reason the two bikers were driving so quickly. Not exactly happy of the prospect of being forced to fight, Bob huddled with the other noncombatant patrons and waited for his chance to leave.

Time - Noon
Weather - Clear
Location - Zramore -- Outside Of Café
Tags - @Karyra @R-9 Pilot @Verran @RedArmyShogun @EmperorsChosen

Laying there completely still underneath the debris of the home he had come crashing into. All that could be heard around him were sounds of distant gunfire and screams muffled through his ears. Minutes passed without any signs of the slightest bit of movement from Axel underneath the debris. The whole while he laid there the flashes of images started to become more and more clear through his head, men and women dressed in all white surrounded large black surgical tables while there were blood curdling screams echoing with legs and arms flailing all over for moments before they went completely limp. The more the flashes and sounds echoed through his subconscious, the quicker and heavier his own heartbeat grew; the final sight Axel came to see before snapping back into reality were two crimson orbs staring right at him in the pitch darkness of nothingness.

By the time Axel had snapped back into the reality of everything going on, his entire right bandaged arm quickly busted through the debris while there appeared to had been a middle aged man seeming to attempt to remove the debris from the buried cloaked male. 'You're not dying here...! I refuse to let you fucking die here!! I'll take care of this myself!' With the menacing booming voice of the Dragon echoing through his head, Axel tossed aside the debris as though it were paperweight before finally standing; his entire cloak had been covered in dust and holes all over; his skin much paler than it once was and the sclera of the right eye was now completely black, the iris turned a half crimson while the other half turned gold.

Limping slowly towards the hole that he was slammed through, the male held onto his entire right arm that twitched and throbbed in the itch to attack the nearest person. All the while he struggled to keep control over himself as he eyed his surroundings only to witness the sight of how a few of the other patrons including the very woman who handed Phan and himself the drink and sandwiches had been fighting for their lives rather well.

The one sight that caught most of his interest was the fact that there was a Faunus woman grabbing a hold of the remainders of his motorcycle and using it as a weapon to beat down some of the other Revenant as well. Exhaling with a deep sigh at the sight of this, he shook his head in disapproval. "Well...Guess I don't need to fix that anymore..." No doubt, he was going to need to have a word with that woman later on about the bike.

Finally, a rather unexpected as well as unwelcomed sight soon came right after the whole destruction of the motorcycle; Juniper. With the fact that the Atlesian Captain now here and this probably meaning the agents from earlier most likely weren't too far off, maybe letting loose wouldn't be such a bad idea. It wasn't like giving into the Grimm was going to guarantee him any success though at the very least it did not care for any sort of sprained limbs or wounds so it could continue to fight. Just as he was about to come to the full decision to allow himself to be taken over, the fact that the woman spoke of a problem heading towards town and the fact she had questions for him. Axel could only once again sigh at the fact that the danger was not over just yet.
Helping himself out from the building, for once Axel had finally removed his cloak just to toss it to one side for later on while he approached the Captain and Phan as well as what appeared to had been another dark haired male standing next her, each step he took he still had the slightest limp and his arms were still covered in minor scratches that his aura didn't seem to cover too well. "You just don't give up...Do you...Captain?" Refusing to even address her by her name, Axel simply held onto his blade's sheathe with his bandaged arm even through all the pulsing. "There's still lots of screaming going on throughout the city...No doubt there are probably other Revenants that the rest of taking care of. I hope you got some sort of plan...other than stupidly charging forward. The rumbling doesn't really suggest we're up against a small horde..."

Weather - Clear
Location -Vacuo -Zramore
Tags - @EmperorsChosen @Karyra @happydeath @anyone else at café

"Now, that's what I like to hear." Juniper says to Phan half sarcastically, lowering her gun partially, she still keeps it at the ready, after all he had been the man who had attacked her, then of course there was the other one.. Something seemed..off with him, he still had that same feeling to him that she got out on patrol, right before a Grimm ambush..then again with what little she knew.. Shaking off the thought, she turns her attention back to the other two, keeping her gun pointed towards the ground, but her hand still on the carrying handle and trigger she speaks to the pair, but coaxes her words a bit for the crowd in general.

"Let's just say part of what I seen gives you a couple of points, but there were two things..three actually that will decide things here. And of course I do Mister Pinky."

She says looking at Axel, reaching her left hand from the trigger she taps the badge on her hat.

"A gift from an old timer, it was for an order of Law Enforcement, Peace Keepers that would stop at nothing in the name of Duty.. My Duty is to the people of Remnant.. Not Atlas alone.. Ah don't worry, it's just some.. friendly questioning for these two about something that took place early this morning."

Leaving Duran to watch the pair and others to carry out conversations with one another, the Captain carries out a conversation on her end with the previous voice, going back and forth for a few minutes and suddenly stops. Putting her left hand's fingers to her lips and whistles loudly to gain the attention of those around her.

"Okay, Good news is we got the Revenants under control, last pockets are being wiped up.. Bad news is a very large group of Grimm are on the way, I mean when a few dozen Zombie like things come into your city and start killing several dozen Civilians.."

Letting that bit of information sink in, the Captain Continues. "Anyways, a Church of some sort, some of the Huntsmen Guilds, Gangs, well lots of people are being called up, we are going to make a two tiered defense like so.."

Bending down to make use of her left hand, while keeping the Woodsmen's Bane at the ready, she draws a crude outline of the City and continues speaking. "We will be one of five contingents along a central front line, so far Five Death Striders and three Golem Geist are attacking with several dozen lesser Grimm.."

Making a vague line North East, five triangles were drawn up ahead to meet them.

"Our plan is to open fire upon the Group with a battery of Rocket Artillery your Local Church has for whatever reason.. Various assorted Gangers, Huntsmen, Mercenaries and even a few City officials will be on the wall with ranged weapons of various sorts, Once the Grimm close in to 200 Meters the Artillery will fire, at 100 Meters the Gunners will volley fire, with the volley stopping at 50. That's where we'll be in one of the Five Groups, we'll meet what's left of the Grimm and finish them thirty meters beyond the walls. If the operation goes well, we should only be facing one of the Golems or Striders with a few of the lesser Grimm, I'll be personally firing from a position out front and then joining the fray."

Coughing a bit to clear her throat, the next part she had to say didn't sit well with her, but that City was pretty dysfunctional as was the whole country.

"I've been told, that the Merchants Association of Vacuo will replenish all munitions expended in the battle and are asking all shop keepers to co-operate, in addition some other beneficiaries will pay Two Thousand Lien for participating in the operation, the details of it will be made known to the public before the operation starts.. The last thing we want is more panic, if anything gets past our lines.."

Not saying any more, she was sure they could work out what it meant if a small handful of larger Grimm made it into the City, while it could be dispatched it would only make their problems worse.

"One of the Huntsmen Guilds will be observing and is offering a bonus based on kills collected by each fireteam and we are trying to Contact Atlesian Forces and the rest of Vacuo for Reinforcements, to thin out any other curious Grimm pockets. Any questions or comments? The Operation will begin within the hour, I'm only telling those of you here all about it as you actually managed to stop one of the five attacks in its place.

Ah yes, Names Juniper Garnet, Captain Garnet, Vale Rangers, Atlesian Army, business took me out of the Woods."
Last edited:

Time - Noon
Location - Zramore, Vacuo - Cafe ruins
Tags - Pretty sure everyone in Vacuo's in one place now.

Between her own effort sand those of the others, the Revenants in and around the cafe had been eliminated. There was certainly still some commotion outside, with the appearance of some Atlasian ranger and her brief confrontation with a couple of the cafe's now former patrons. Chro, for her part, was still inside the building surveying the damage. She resisted the urge to cry, at least in front of everyone else. I just got everything put together a few weeks ago, too. Damn it all, she thought. Not use whining out loud either, at least in front of others. The whole place was a complete wreck. An attack of that sort of magnitude was...unusual, however.

She stepped out of the cafe with her sword sheathed on her back. "Chro Leonhart," she introduced herself. "Hunter, former CHRM director, and until recently, I ran a cafe." After the fairly business-like introduction, her tone softened, despite the nature of the question. "Any clue where all those grimm came from? They don't usually just storm into town, and I figure you've been out more recently than I have." She was still addressing Juniper, of course.

"If there's more on the way, that's...understandable. You've got my support, at least. Don't have a gun, but I can still do a number at range if I really need to. It'd help if I could get my hands on some dust, doesn't matter the type, as long as it's raw. I'll find a way to put it to good use." A crisis of this magnitude was a little bigger than she could simply ignore and leave to others. So there really was only one option.

"No immediate issues with the defense plans, as long as they work. My Semblance might be useful for getting in or out, should we need to worry about that sort of thing." She paused to mutter to herself a bit: "Hm, probably can't build a bounce house, but might be good to keep anything from storming the walls at least..."

"Oh yeah!" Something important had come to her. "One last thing. We don't ask about the church."

Time - Noon
Location - Zramore, Vacuo - Outside -> City Entrance

~~ ~~ A Few Days Ago ~~ ~~​

The sight from the balcony was beautiful, even in spite of the snowfall approaching. Atlas had it's own beauty and Lia made sure to gaze at it every time she could. All those years stuck inside a laboratory made even the sunlight worth of appreciation. It would be ever the better if she could find pleasure without being bothered by the constant watch.

"How long do you intend to gaze at the sky, Lia?" The agent asked as he sat on a small bench by the end of the balcony. "For how long does the vulture intend to pursue me?" She asked, briefly turning her head to glare from above her shoulder at the agent. The man merely sighed in response, not in the least surprised by her words. "I'm just doing my job. Besides, in a few days, I'll get rid of you and you'll get rid of me. Excited for that?" Although his despondent response struck a nerve on the woman, she was more than glad to get rid of the eyes set upon her daily. The only moments in which she felt truly free where when she was out there hunting. Otherwise, she almost felt like an animal in constant watch, with the leash held close to the Agents that were assigned to the task.

"Who's the next target?" Without much emotion, the cyborg questioned. "A couple of terrorists or something... From what I've heard, they're sending some early agents to collect information and attempt "negotiations". We both know how that'll go, right?" A huff was all the response he received as Lia turned her back to the sight of the frozen city. "Great. Another White Fang extremist." Despite her words, she didn't mind her assignments at all. Killing bad people was always in her nature, be that in the form of dangerous Grimm or problematic people. A sigh escaped her lips as she turned around once more to gaze at the bright blue sky and the sun hidden behind the clouds. As the snow fell, she wondered how much time would have to pass for her to finally be free of the vulture set to continuously chase after her and watch her every move...

~~ ~~ Now ~~ ~~​

Sheathing her sword after another Grimm kill, the lady in red followed after the trail left by the now fleeing Agents. Whatever had happened, they had failed to negotiate with the targets, as expected, and thus the job was left to the cyborg again. Mid-way through the path, though, she had noticed an increase in Grimm activity

It wasn't long until reports came in about a Grimm attack on the city and an apparent change in mission parameters. When the call for reinforcements came through, Lia's proximity to the city caused her to he be assigned to damage control and the killing of any Grimm she came through. Furthermore, it seemed like the ones attacking the city were Revenants, making the matter only worse. Considering how these would rarely attack on their own, there was more to this than first sight would provide.

She had originally made her way to the city alongside a small battalion of soldiers and a squad from the Vale Rangers, but given the direness of the situation, dashed forward on her own to carve a way for them beforehand. Thus far, her path had been littered with small-time Grimm, easy prey for her blade. No matter how coordinated, she would break their formation.

Nearing the gates of the city, Lia could already see the mass of Grimm encroaching the city. The echoes of screams and shouts as well as the sound of weapons being fired guided her to the entrance of the city, where a mass of Grimm collected. A singular movement, the woman drew her sword and stepped her foot down to initiate a dash. With the force generated accumulating onto her Semblance, she doubled the power put on the movement to almost jump towards the gates. As her sword drew past, it cut apart the undead's bodies to pieces and parts, splattered across the entire arch alongside black blood.

Allowing some breather for the defenders, they quickly raised their weapons in response. The woman responded in kind. "Atlas Reinforcements are coming, I'll hold this position until their arrive. Go! Protect the civilians!" The woman barked orders at them as she turned back to the gates. Her sword drawn, she would hold position until her unit arrived. After that, she could see to the tactics needed to clear the city...

Doran Kol
Zramore, Vacuo
Mentioned: @CafePpl (Specific Interactions @RedArmyShogun @Jessica2477)

Cleaving at another's neck, Doran glanced to Garnet who remarked something about not intending to die, albeit out of breath it wasn't very convincing. Then again, he could only imagine how shit he must look. A working night with no sleep spent tracking down some idiots, then fighting those idiots, then hauling an actual ton of munitions, and now this. He wasn't exactly in the position to tell someone else they appeared a bit worse for wear.

Shrugging, he retorted to her words. "Uheh... Knight in shining armor type... Just kinda goes hand-in-hand with suicide," He justified his assumption.

As another creature pounced from the roof of a nearby shop, Doran shifted to the side, leaving an afterimage to face the claw-like gauntlet the monstrosity wore. The right half of his pair of sabers clicked into the form of a sickle, and with a rotation of his waist, Doran lobbed the head of the Revenant. Unfortunately, just as one fell, another burst through the window of the adjacent store, lunging at the mercenary serrated knives, tearing at a portion of his coat as Doran narrowly evaded the strike. The Grimm wasn't done with this though, as it swiveled on its heels, determined to leave little time for the freelancer to recover. The murderer was bested as he ducked under the next strike, hooking at its heel with the sickle and yanking forward to knock it onto its back, only for its gaze to be met with the other weapon, now representing its ballistic form. With a kick from the blast, the Revenant, or what remained of its now shredded body, began to dissipate.

Looking back to the Atlesian, it appeared she was now organizing some strategy. with a select few of the inhabitants. The way he saw it, however, a war plan between 5 people wasn't so much a tactic as a book club.

Taking a moment to catch his breath, it appeared the immediate area was fine, for now. Though he wouldn't soon admit it, the recent events were taking its toll on him. Doran was unlikely to simply drop, but his movements were more lackluster and sluggish than normal. Thankfully, his semblance carried him through when his reflexes began to waver. So if she wanted to create a war room right here, it was fine by him for the moment. Alas, that break didn't last long, though.

Nodding, he followed behind her, noting her stop and nod to the bike, and a particular psychopathic-looking guy pummeling one of the things to death. Glancing between the Captain and the man, and the bike, it took Doran a few moments to register.

"Wai-What? Seriously?" Staring down the man in question, he fit the description for one of them, and the woman had already confirmed he was at least one of whom she was searching for. "Fuck me, maybe I am psychic... I should've charged you extra, lady."

Approaching the man with Garnet, he still had his weapons drawn, though his posture didn't warrant any hostility. Rather it seemed a bit nonchalant, not that that meant he wasn't prepared for either of the two to lunge at him..

"So... don't have to stab him yet? Good. Not gonna lie... little bit tired." Noting those in the cafe, Doran picked out a few familiar faces. "Hey Blanche... Good news, got your stuff back! Bad news... city's kinda shagged, if you haven't noticed."

Rolling his shoulders in fatigue, at least his charm hadn't faded with what was all going on. Though he seemed to perk up at the mention of the Revenant being mostly wiped out, only to deflate once more when she revealed actual Grimm were about to join the party. The only good part about what she mentioned was that some Huntsman guild would be giving out bonuses, but at this point even the mention of pay wasn't enough to sober Doran.

"Of-fucking-course there's more..." He grumbled to himself, sheepishly running a hand through his hair.
Time - Noon
Weather - Clear
Location - Vacuo, Zramore: Outside Cafe Kyrie
Tags - @RedArmyShogun (in mention) @happydeath (in mention) @EmperorsChosen (also in mention)

Dashing forward, Verse engaged the right flank of the squad, ignoring the beast charging up behind him for the instant and grabbed the blade as the Grimm stabbed. A quick twist and punch slammed his palm into its jaw with a satisfying crack, sending it loosely hanging. Two of its immediate comrades closed in while the third member help back, a strange shoulder gun trained on him as the Revenant waited for a shot. Twisting, Verse put the bladed beast between him and his fellows with a firm, pushing kick. It whips its sword, revealing the trick as the blade broke into segments and extended, revealing double barrels segmented through out, blasting sets of shrapnel at the faunus Hunter. Twisting low, Verse spun on his hands in a breakdance, avoiding the worst of the series of blasts while knocking the wielder's feet out from under it. Before the others could move in, Verse finished his rotation and, with perfect timing, caught the berserking Grimm's bound on the chest.

Momentum sent them both rolling and, on the second bounce while holding the beast's face back as it tried to bite his face, shoved with he feet. The monster launched and was sent sprawling into the wall on the opposite side of the street from the cafe. Recovering with a nice flip, Verse looked up to assess the situation. Wham! A red dust blade exploded off his aura. Bloody hell that's potent, he thought as the Grimm who shot axes fired again while the one who had lined up its shot fired a beam of lightening. With a perfect ballet pose, Verse ducked under the beam of energy and avoided a blade of ice aimed at his leg. The beam hit the clawed monstrosity, which seemed to make it angrier. Scooping up the axehead of ice, he hurled it. The blade impacted into the beam shooter, imbedding into it. The Grimm snarled and whipped the device off its back, revealing a mighty, sparking maul.

The prone Grimm fired off a burst of its auto rifle, missing horribly as Verse engaged two of the squad. Trick Blade had stepped back, pulling out two long rods of rounds and inserting them into its blade. One of the one engaging with a mutated arm that had a gatling barrel sticking from it with icicles sticking from each barrel. The other wielding a heavy hose with a flaming blade at one end and, of course, a gun at the other. Gatling Arm took the lead, swinging brutally with its spiked arm while Hose Swinger snapped its weapon out from behind its flaming blade. Verse yanked his legs into the air, while twisting his body back in a low to the ground backflip that threaded between both the duo's high swing and low swipe. With a quick clap, Verse snapped his legs around Gatling Arm's head, dragging it down while twisting to yank free one of the ice spikes.

Landing in the sand, Verse drove the icicle into the struggling Grimm's head as it feebly struggled against its grip. Yanking it out as Hose Swinger swung around to drive it's blade down, Verse quickly threw it into the beast's neck. Gagging, it fell back as Verse jerked the gatling arm in the way of another blade made of wind. Lighting Head charged up. Rolling out the way of a brutal chop, Verse launched up and in, bringing the heels of his hand on either side of the Grimm's head. Without aura to protect it and, its skull no thicker than it was when it was human, it caved in. Grabbing the maul and a quick spin, Verse hurled the maul. A second later, and a pitiful moan of despair from the beast, it crushed the prone little auto gunner.

The Clawed Beast had risen, enraged but wiser to Verse's ways, approached with Trick blade flanking him. Verse's grin, which had yet to dip during the entire fight, weaved under a blade of lightening from Axe Shot and waited. Together, the duo engaged. Verse, weave around a chop and claw swipe and, with a sudden kick, hammered the Grimm's blade out of its unsuspecting palm and into the air. Stunned at the turn of events, Trick Blade stalled and, with a quick grab and yank from Verse, was shifted into the path of The Clawed Beast. Who, without much care for allies, slammed Trick Blade flying and dying into a wall.

With a quick catch and, having seen the trick before, Verse switches the weapon with it's whip blade. A quick straighten out of his balanced pose into a fencer like one let the Clawed Beast's swipe breeze his hair while lightly whipping the blade around the Grimm's leg. With a sudden tort twist, as if spinning out a dance partner, Verse activated all the shotguns shredding and slicing the Clawed Beast's leg. He darted around, avoiding the molten axe-blade from the rooftop shooter, Verse darted towards the wall, lining himself up to be between the two.

Enraged beyond reason, The Clawed Beast charged one its good arms. A scream from above alerted him to what he guessed Axe Shot would do. He lightly stepped back and out of the way of a curved, ice polearm that lanced down as Axe Shot leaped from the roof. Grabbing the weapon-head, he twisted on the lever that was created, sending the Grimm sprawling in front of The Clawed Beast, who just ran it over, and spun it. Using both the momentum and a braced, point out stance, Verse impaled the Revenant onto and through the blade. Sliding two feet back before he he overcame its momentum, Verse did a simple step and shot the ice head into the recovering Axe Head as The Clawed Beast gagged and died.

Pulling the polearm free of the monster's body, Verse ran quickly and checked on the still prone Axel. A pulse, he thought, so he'll live. Unsure if he'd come around soon, Verse leaped onto the rooftop across from the cafe, taking stock of the situation. Aura's at about 80 odd percent. That'll recover some, he thought, and the song is only just beginning its second set. About a minute of combat then. Laying down, Verse listened to the vibrations as best he could. There was something going on outside of the city, but not here yet. He also had no idea where these humanoid Grimm had come from. Conflicted between which to investigate, Verse had his decision made for him. Hearing rather than seeing, two more individuals approached the cafe and, from their voices, they were at least not demented beasts. In fact, one was the shouter. Deciding that listening was better than making meetings at the moment, Verse remained on top of the roof. He smiled as he changed songs, his faunus ears easily able to pick of the conversation. Combat situations make people much noiser, he thought.

Time - Noon
Location - Zramore, Vacuo - Cafe Kyrie
Mentions: @EmperorsChosen

The Grimm, from what she could see, seemed to settle down for the moment. The bike Blanche had used to smash any Revenants that came her way had fallen apart into lugnuts, tires, and what used to be the essential functions of the motorcycle.

'What a piece of shit...' The Faunus thought to herself, letting the remains fall onto the ground next to her weapon. Blanche took this chance to unsheath her blade from the Earth.

She had been about to stop her Semblance until the Atlas woman, Juniper, started explaining about more threats coming their way. Blanche wanted to answer the other woman's question about the patrons in the cafe, she really did, but she couldn't find the strength to move her mouth. She nearly doubled over as the next wave of pain washed over her, meaning another strength increase. Her teeth were grit and she hugged herself, feeling the throbbing of her muscles with each second. She hadn't noticed she was beginning to shake, but that was the least of her concerns.

There were more Grimm incoming. If she could be of use, then she would have to see her Semblance through for as long as she could. She still had time before Blanche pushed herself into red territory and risk being incapable of movement in the aftermath.

'It was for the good of the people... The good of the people...' Blanche inwardly chanted to herself to keep her motivation high. Once all this was finished, she'd need to take some medicine and maybe a nap...

Juniper's plan sounded good to the Cow Faunus, but honestly, any plan at this point sounded good. She didn't care. She just wanted this battle to end this battle now before they attracted more Grimm after the first wave. However, she knew they'd be lucky to have just one wave come after the first battle. The mourning citizens were a giant beacon to any and all creatures, leaving the Hunters and Atlas soldiers to try and kill what was being attracted to them.

Blanche took a couple of shaky breaths to calm herself. She needed to keep a clear mind despite what her body was going through.

An all too familiar voice earned her attention.

Oh right, the mercenary guy she hired. Doran.

He brought back her stuff; Well, at least something good came out of this shitty shitstorm.

Blanche gave him a thumbs up, unable to find it in herself to smile. "I'll pay at the shop... Your order is ready too..." She managed to tell him. All she had to worry about now were the oncoming Grimm and Garnet's orders.

Weather - Clear
Location -Vacuo -Zramore
Tags - Everyone still here? @happydeath Special bit for @Yzmael

Looking at her with a bit of confusion the swordsman in motley armor with a hornless helmet stares at her, short sword in hand. "Another Atlesian.."

Sliding his blade back, he looks at her from behind an unblinking visor, saying this in a mechanical tone that seemed to be far more mechanical than she herself. With dumb foundedlooks from his compatriots at her orders, some ran to carry them out, others looked at her like she was insane. He however shrugs before continuing. "The Grimm are dead.. At least the ones here. A plan is in motion to deal with others coming from the North East, you should join them, or your troops would be useful in stopping any more advances."

Pulling out a knife and throwing it past the woman's head he nods sagely as a buff of smoke forms from the shadow of a nearby doorway. "Correction. Now all of the Grimm are dead."


Looking at the woman who was first to speak up, this must have been the owner the Dwarf mentioned, it was hardly surprising the old man spoke so highly of her, twitching her jaw slightly Juniper laughs while reaching up to touch her beret adjusting it. "Do what you feel best able..Huntress? I'm just here to advise not to command, I've been putting this plan together with your what elements were willing." While a partial lie, the Captain seemed to have no intentions to command, but such a thoroughly military plan could not have came from the higher ups in the City, it was a lie that was told in good faith.

So far it seemed there were no questions and the only other remarks of note had been from Doran, either way the two fugitives didn't seem intent on causing trouble, but she didn't trust them at all, more so for them not to turn into runners.. Either way the time was fast approaching, whoever would come would come, who did not would not.

"You can rest once the Grimm are dead Mercenary, don't be so greedy looks like you are getting paid at least three times today."

Time: Early Afternoon

As the next few minutes passed Juniper had received some calls in regards to Atlas Reinforcements being on the way, apparently a woman in red with white hair had arrived with a somewhat impressive display, clearing out one of the final pockets of the earlier Revenant attack. She had tried also tried to take command of the situation with very mixed results, either way the Captain didn't have time to deal with this. Nor question the Chain of Command and the woman would likely only get here just as the counter-attack was beginning, it was a city after all with foot traffic being the primary means of travel as of now and what she or her forces were up to was a very large question mark.

Though she was curious where the troops had been drawn from, the closest area's would be those protecting old Vacuo and the former Academy grounds and her own unit technically. Either way she wasn't about to get in the way of whoever she was, least not if they really were from Atlas.

Lifting a pair of borrowed binoculars from one of the huntsmen, her eyes stared at the approaching mass of Grimm, counting the distance down, she speaks into her headset as the 200 meter mark was hit. "Fire."

With roaring screams that sounded almost like poor tuned pipe organ, dozens of rockets trail above the city, arcing downwards into the Grimm lines. Rapid explosions lit up the whole line, smaller Grimm simply ceasing to be or being blown high into the air, among the larger ones some damage had taken it's toll halving their numbers. Counting down the 100 meter mark was reached when heavy weapons and small arms on the wall opened up, adding her own machine gun fire to the mix, burst and single shot fire was the rule of the day with the fire hitting out roughly every ten yards. Handing the Binoculars back, Juniper stands to her feet, waving her left hand high and singling a flat handed motion towards the remainder of the horde. "Move up!"

The order to charge. So far it seemed a Death Strider, with a couple of the Spider, Beowolf and Crocodile like enemies would hit them, right over a dozen targets on their sector, the largest of which was the Death Strider, with it's scorpion like claws. Switching to her hammer form and activating her Semblance, it needed to go down first.

The initial attack had greatly reduced the Grimm numbers, all that was left were for the five infantry pockets to wipe out was left before more panic could spread, that Artillery and firing line had really helped the situation, if they were lucky, most of the Grimm might turn and run if enough of them died or the bigger ones were brought down.

Time - Early Afternoon
Weather - Clear
Location - Zramore -- Outside Of Café Ruins
Tags - @Karyra @R-9 Pilot @Verran @RedArmyShogun @EmperorsChosen @Jessica2477 @Yzmael

Standing there dressed now in a white and black hoodie with a pair of black slim jeans, keeping his left hand in his left pocket while he kept his grip onto the sheathe of his blade with his right bandaged arm. Axel kept silent simply to observe his surroundings as well as listening in on the Atlesian Captain's plan of attack when the Grimm reached closer towards the city. The only other thing that actually had the pink haired male turn his attention elsewhere was the sight of how there was the female faunus who practically destroyed the remains of his motorcycle, all the male could do was stare at the woman at the corner of his eye that hadn't been corrupted by the Dragon Grimm just yet before glimpsing down at the broken parts the were scattered all over the floor.
Eventually as the minutes passed and a still silence came about the city of Zramore from one after another of the Revenants being taken care of, all that was left was the slow rumbling of multiple Grimm outside of the city approaching. Even with the newcomer of another Atlesian apparently arriving to speak as though she was going to hold off a large wave like that on her own while waiting for reinforcements from Atlas arriving soon, Axel wasn't about to be taking orders from anyone; especially from Atlas.
As expected, once the enemy had finally come into a certain distance the sound of gunfire and artillery fire echoing throughout the city followed by rapid chain explosions one after another shattered the silence. Roars from the Grimm could easily be heard mixed into the explosions as the Grimm dispersed from their single forward charge to move away from the incoming fire just to continue to charge forward into yet another barrage of gunfire once more.

It was almost time to begin the final stand against them, though as every second passed the pulsing and beating of Axel's own heartbeat became heavier. Being completely unaware of it, the closer the Grimm reached the ground melee forces the more an unknown white substance with red markings started to form over the male's right eye. Once the call was given to move forward and charge against the remaining enemies, Axel wasted no time to charge straight into battle without hesitation quickly unsheathing his blade and jabbing the sheathe into the dirt just to wield his crimson sword in his right hand. Nearing the first of the Grimm, the first one to come into contact with him just so happen to had been a Carnage Snapper. As the crocodile-like Grimm opened it's jaw to attempt to chomp down onto Axel's limb, he quickly shifted his grip of the hilt of his blade straight to his left hand before gripping the upper jaw of the Grimm just to begin tearing it completely backwards before practically ripping it off brutally. Although this was not his style of fighting, the Dragon had enough control of it's vessel to refuse to allow Axel to fight honorably or let alone his own way at the moment.

After the Carnage Snapper turned into ash, with the satisfaction of killing once more while being locked away inside the body of a Huntsmen, the Dragon within Axel was far too distracted to realize that two Beowulves came rushing from behind just to end up tearing through the fabric of the male's hoodie leaving several scratches onto the hoodie though luckily not doing much physical harm thanks to the aura keeping him still safe for the time being.
Immediately turning his attention towards the duo of Beowulves with half of the Dragon Grimm's mask covering over nearly the entire right half of Axel's face. The male charged blindly towards his targets only to swing his crimson blade horizontally across the two Grimm even as the two of them slashed their claws towards his face, with how much the Dragon was in control by this point the amount of aura Axel normally held depleted much quicker causing his very left cheek to be scratched and bleed though right after easily slicing through the two Grimm with the blade that had been infused by this point with his own semblance to allow an quick and clean cut through the two.
Far off into the distance; in the midst of the battle that the Atlesian, the people of Zramore as well as the Huntsmen battled against the Grimm threat; the same hooded cloaked figure stood in the middle of the large desert watching the battle play out. Taking down notes about each and every one's tactics of how they fought as well as notes about how the Grimm reacted to battling against an Aura Grimm. Underneath the hood, it was clear to see a toothy jagged grin had formed across the figure's mouth; clearly everything was going just how they wished for it to go.

<br /> Setting/Location
Time - Noonish
Weather - Clear
Location - Vacuo, the cafe where everybody is (inb4 plot twist that Vacuo is just one giant cafe)
Tags - The Cafe Group (we need a cooler team name)

Bob hadn't heard everything but he had heard enough. Not only was Vacuo just attacked by these "revenant" things but now more Grimms were on their way to the town. The boy merely shook his head as he began weighing his options. Evacuating the civilians who did not wish to fight was most likely impossible as a large crowd would draw the attention of the Grimm horde. If Bob were to leave on his own, however, it would be possible for him to slip out of town and escape by himself while the defenders of Vacuo held the line against the Grimm. Of course, the alternative would be to stay and fight alongside the soldiers and volunteers of Vacuo. Either way, Bob was one of the first civilians to slip away while the rest gathered around the army lady to here her plan. A while later, Bob was back on the street with his pack and clown outfit on.

Despite the recent attack the streets of Vacuo was still busy as men, women, and children scrambled around preparing for the on coming invasion. Men and women who were not afraid took up weapons and tools to join as defenders of their city. Others who were not fit to fight stayed away from the walls of the city, gathering near the center and reinforcing what they could in case the walls should fall and defenders be pushed back. The clown boy quickened his pace, making his way closer to the wall.
At the wall, the clown could still sense the presence of fear among the soldiers and volunteers though it was outweighed by their grim determination as they prepared their defenses. These brave individuals, like the civilians bunkering down, were preparing for the worst the oncoming horde of Grimms could throw at them. Snipers and lookouts diligently watched from on top the walls and towers, keeping track of the Grimms' movements while soldiers, hunters, and volunteers remained on the ground, sharpening their blades and cleaning their weapons.

-------------Late Afternoon------------
The city and the plains seemed to shake with the roar of gun fire as the defenders on the wall bombarded the horde down below them. The clown had laid down his pack next to his feet to lighten his load while he sharpened and cleaned his rapier and short sword. Meanwhile, more reinforcements had arrived in the form of Atlas troops who helped clear the gates of the remaining revenants. Trying to escape at this time would be suicide regardless of number. For this reason the clown had decided to stay for now and though his clothing and mask drew some curious looks, Vacuo was really in no condition to turn away any individuals willing to fight.

When the fighting started, the clown found that the combat style prefered by those around him involved more flailing of limbs and weapons than precise strikes. As such, he spent just about the same amount of energy dodging and weaving through axes, swords, and hammers as he did teeth and claws. Deciding that he didn't really want to end up killed by friendly fire, he eventually broke away from the other defenders and dived deeper into the horde relying on his semblance to avoid being torn apart along the way.

Ducking under a swinging claw for the nth time, the clown's semblance was really kicking into high gear. Side stepping the jaws of a diving Beowulf, he slammed his foot on top of the creature's skull like mask and used its head as a platform to launch himself into the air over the reaching arms of the Grimms. Landing on another Beowulf with a dropkick on his descent, the clown quickly finished off the monster under him by plunging his short sword in between its eyes. He quickly rolled to the side as another charging Grimm swiped at him, taking advantage of his crouched posture to charge at the beast, impaling it through the chest with his rapier. Fueled by his semblance, the clown carried through with his charge slashing and stabbing away while also using his bright cape as a shield and distraction for the monsters around him. The further he went, the more danger he put himself in and the more his semblance fed him. Decapitating a Beowulf with his short sword before burying his rapier into the chest of another, the clown boy finally allowed himself a moment to catch his breath. From the sound of the fighting, his fellow defenders were not too far behind him anymore. Either he was slowing down or they were finally hurrying up. Stepping forwards towards another Grimm, he rotated on his forward foot and threw his cloak over its eyes, blinding it and allowing him to run it through with his blades. He'll have to start moving again soon if he didn't want spend all his energy ducking under someone else's axe.

Weather - Clear
Location -Vacuo -Zramore
Tags -

Wait...the Clown...well I guess he's some sort of huntsmen?

At the least his ability seemed fairly interesting, though why was he going so deep, if he kept being so careless he would get cut off, then there was him.. While Axel's abilities were impressive the unnatural manner of it all, plus what she could swear was a Grimm mask concerned the soldier. With his rapid burnup of Aura and how deep he was in among the Grimm she hoped the Clown would watch out for him..one way or another.. There was also Phan to keep track of, provided the rat didn't just run off. Either way Juniper didn't have time to look for him, not with this chaotic melee, moving forward and swinging her hammer to the side she very effectively gains the Death Strider's attention with a blunt impact to the face, golden aura starting to envelope her once more.

Satisfied that she had met her goal, the two begin a bit of a faceoff as if watching two swordsmen in the ages of old pressing blades against the other, well, a hammer and claws in this case. While the Beowolfs seemed to have been dealt with fairly easily and even a couple of the Snappers, there were still more, plus more than a few of the Sand Widow types were about, not bothering to shout orders or plan anything fancy, she continues her grapple with the Death Strider for a faster ally to move in for the kill.

Time - Afternoon
Location - Zramore, Vacuo
Tags - Pretty sure everyone in Vacuo's in one place now.

The firing lines did their job, no doubt about that. Which meant the plan was working so far. Most of the Grimm didn't survive the initial volleys ,but enough did to scuttle or charge onward to make for a solid fight. Chro didn't use her semblance to rush out to meet them, instead moving on foot with the rest of the motley group of huntsmen and occasional Atlas soldier. While the young man in the cloak and the clown rushed far ahead to risk themselves in the open, Chro stuck closer to the main group. She knew how to fight with others and wasn't afraid of friendly fire. It wouldn't be a problem. She might have to bail one of those cowboys out, but they were young enough to make mistakes, if they could survive them.

Juniper had tied up the Death Strider so nicely, it would be rude not to take the opening. Chro moved in, quick on her feet for someone with such a large sword, and leapt into the air above both the soldier and the Grimm she held in a stand-off. She hefted her sword, still in its heavier greatsword form, and brought it down in a single downward slash as she spun above it. The heavy blade carved a long cut across the grimm's back, and smoke poured from the wound as the dark-haired swordswoman landed on top of the beast.

Too shallow to kill it. I must be slipping. Chro had little time to berate herself, before she had to duck under a stinger aimed right at her. Spinning low, she pulled her momentum into a strike at the tail with a horizontal slash, this time infusing her blade with Aura for the extra impact she'd need to follow through, slicing it in half. A final downward stab impaled the scorpion-like beast, pinning it the the ground as the glow began to fade from its eyes.

The huntress quickly pulled her sword free and moved on to the next group of Grimm. Some of the sand widows were going to need clean up. "I hate spiders," Chro muttered under her breath as she closed in. Always so low to the ground, and far faster than they had any right to be. A lot of tactics wouldn't work on them nearly as easily. Her first strike sheared neatly through two of the legs of the nearest of the spider-like grimm, putting it off balance. She brought her sword to her back after the strike, and quickly drew Silver Key's lighter blade to meet a leaping spider's fangs, warding off the blow as she stepped aside.
Time: Afternoon
Location: Zramore, Vacuo
Tags: The one fellow in Zramore not going to fight the Grimm.

Forest lay atop the rooftop, slowly baking under Vacuo's sunlight. So, this was the trouble the lad was in. An Atlas captain. And gunho as well, he thought. It was certainly a problem. That man represented one of two leads. Leads he'd been searching for and hadn't found in quite some time. The second were the Revenants themselves. They never, ever appeared without a handler. Something to control and give more direction than the mere monstrous like intelligence of other Grimm that seemed based upon malice and hunger alone. In fact, the first, public, appearance of humanoid Grimm dated back to the fall of the Academies. Indeed, if there was ever an indicator that something with thought was out there, directing the flow of this battle, it was how the Academies fell. With the approach of another horde, beast in shape this time if the tremors were anything to go by, the matter was further complicated. But, he thought as he continued to listen in, if they're all going to go fight the horde and have other comrades to back them, then the city should remain safe. Leaving him to track down the thing, or things, that had brought the humanoid Grimm in. Forest blessed the fact that there was no wind. Meaning that the tracks hadn't been eradicated yet. But that wouldn't last forever. Time was, as ever, of the essence, and he wasn't about to let either lead slip away. Not without a fight.

Thinking quickly, as the squad of fighters, both volunteer and conscripted, moved out of the café, Verse snapped open one of his cargo pockets. Drawing out a notepad and pen, he scribbled down a note to Chro detailing precisely what he was doing and requesting that she keep an eye on Axel. He left out all the details of his hunch, merely stating that he believed that the Revenant Grimm had some sort of controller or leader that would be nearby. After that, he folded up the note and, using the blade shooting dust weapon, formed an axehead around it and shot the note into Chro's café. Satisfied that the ice wouldn't melt too quickly, Forest turned and began to track the origin of the Revenant attack.

It was a mixture of delight and sadness that followed him as he moved forward. Delight as the path the Revenant carved into the city was easy to follow and not in the direct path of the approaching horde. Sadness for the exact same reason. Corpses and debris dotted the humanoid footsteps of these creatures. Among the dead, the living struggled to hold on. Forest didn't slow down, no time to. Not for the first time, he wished for a semblance that could clone him. If only for the sake of helping more people. Heh, he thought, regret is going to get me killed some day. Negative emotion attract Grimm after all.

Squashing the feelings, Forest continued his way to the edge of town. Half a mile away, the battle was beginning to rage. Forest kept an eye on it as he examined the two fallen huntsmen who had, such a short time ago, called halt to three approaching figures. A tale Forest now discovered as the swarm of humanoid suddenly stopped. As if they sprouted out of the ground, he thought, or spawned. Grim indeed. A wry smile spread across his face. One set of tracks set off on its own and, judging from its print, was one of the three who came from the desert proper. Lazily twirling the blade shooter, Forest began to follow them across the sand.
Time: Afternoon.
Location: Black Market, Wakikata, Mistral.
Tags: @RedArmyShogun

The small shuttle rattled in the air. Each breeze causing it to sway around. This hulking heap of scrap was barely flyable. But it was a little minute requisition. Nudara had no other choice. There had been reports of a terrible eruption of power. And Atlas troops had been sent in. Nudara was arriving late. But he had traveled a long way in a short amount of time.

The shuttle slowed to a hover. This new city... It was not too different to Malden. Nudara had a feeling his father's company could be found here, too. Thought this place actually seemed to be mostly functioning. Probably due to the money bought in on the black market here. Nudara had no room to comment. He had bought his share of dust off the black market.

With a passing remark to the pilot, thanking him for his service, Nudara jumped off the shuttle. As soon as he had cleared the ship, it's engines were powering up again and the vessel was ascending back into the sky. It did not take Nudara long to see the disaster site of the tea shop. Or the blood splatter yet to be cleaned up. Atlas enforcers had set up a barrier around the scene already. But the blood left a trail leading away from the scene. Nudara knew better than the Atlas personnel, they would miss a lead if it was right in front of their faces.

Careful not to draw too much attention, he followed the blood around the edge. Careful not to get too close to the yellow tape. He followed it around until where a single trail of blood smeared a wall. Outside of the warded of scene. The blood smear lead down an alley. A small gitty between two tall buildings. Nudara cut through as fast he could, covering his nose to ward of the smell of urine. Apparently this city left something to be desired with its sewage system. The alley turned a sharp corner around the back of a building. From the foul smell, Nudara hoped this place did not handle food.

In a dead end alley, around a corner and out of sight, was a poor man laying in a pool of his blood. Above him stood a woman. She blonde hair, a white coat, fox ears, and a set of fluffy fox tails. Clearly she was a Faunus. This was the first time he had ever seen a Faunus with more than one animal trait. She was just stomping on the guy. Smashing her foot into his face. Each step release a splatter of blood.

"What are you... Doing?" he said without fully realizing he had actually spoke.

But his voice must have caught her attention. Because she stopped what she was doing and turned her head towards him. A crazed smile plastered across her face.

Weather - Light Clouds
Location - Black Market, Wakikata, Mistral
Tags - @ValGalorian

This was all so, so, so, so, so tedious. Least the redhead provides some amusement, but this fellow...what nerve..and yet another one with too much nerve... He could wait, this was much, much, much more important.

First he had lied, then he had stole the money, then he ran, then most importantly of all he had lead them down a city street that smelled of shit. The interloper however was fairly wrong, Atlas would know of the blood trail, they just didn't chase it because that was what this part of the city was like. His death would be slow and his flesh would be properly pounded. Stomping on him repeatedly after she had impaled his legs with her tails, Jyn was thoroughly pissed and didn't bother hiding the extra appendages. Plus it did feel so good to stomp on bugs like this, putting them in their place, hearing the crunching and squishing.

Giving him one final stomp, she wasn't yet done with him..well no, he would likely bleed to death or die of an infection.. This one asked the most foolish of questions, was he a fool, a cat or useful? Was he the Cheshire cat? No, no, his face was much too plain.

"We are doing business, seeing as my hands are tied I must use my feet. Ah welcome to you down this quite so dirty street."

Tilting her head to the side, the woman makes use of her quick foot work and closes the distance, namely to hold a more..personal conversation.

"Ah, so you must be new here. Such things are normal, so run along like a dear? Though maybe you are the curious cat, a shame you do not have a hat."

Wagging her tails a little, the straitjacketed woman seemed to emit a confusing aura, one that seemed so very story bookish and non threatening. Playing up her persona in being able to hide her true nature to a point, she begins making use of her storyteller hobby, mixing truth in lies with a whimsical rhythm.

"Ah alas you see that man over yonder, he tried to lead us to squander. In Wakikata crime is strong, very deadly for one who makes a living with tales and song. The law does not exist here, so he had to be taught fear. As some would say, he had it coming. So can I help you with something?"
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Time - Early Afternoon
Location - Zramore, Vacuo
Tags - @RedArmyShogun @happydeath (mention)

As Lia's orders get mixed results among the Huntsmen present on the city, who apparently were working as a makeshift defense force, the white-haired woman focused her attention on the figure in front of her, who briefed her in on the city's situation. It seemed like most of the attackers were done for and all that remained were an incoming assault force, attracted by the negative force generated when the Revenants attacked.

"I'm not here for the Grimm... Though getting rid of them might make my job easier." Lia responded before he launched off the blade to hit another straggling Revenant. Despite her words, it seemed like she wouldn't have much of a choice. Protecting the city was key to locating her target and later on finding out what happened between them and the Security Division Agents that had passed through the nearby forest. Her unit would take some time to arrive, but maybe that'd be more than enough time for her to prepare herself for the incoming attack. Turning her face to the Grimm Slayer she had accidentally met, she gave him a rater simple nod and then spoke again. "You seem skilled in killing these things. I imagine you'll stay to help the city?" Although she had questioned him, she didn't seem all that interested in his response.

Turning around, the woman decided to see how the planning would go. Perhaps she would be lucky enough to locate her target in the midst of that battle. If it were so, then her job would be easier than she expected. "After all, there's plenty of Grimm out there to kill still..." She mused out loud as she began to walk away. "... And my target."

~ ~ ~ Afternoon ~ ~ ~​

Taking a vantage point in the entrance of the city Lia stood at wait for the rest of her unit to arrive. It seems like crossing the desert took them longer than expected, as they were fighting against some pockets of the incoming force. Even then, Lia was prepared to see it through. Her mission and the defense of this city. When the cannons roared, she was ready to see the fireworks.

It didn't surprise her to see Captain Juniper Garnet of the Vale Rangers present here at all. She had been informed of the Agent's involvement with her, to her disgust, but didn't fully believe she would bite into this whole thing as she did. Perhaps it'd be better to warn her at a later time, to make sure she knew what she was about to get herself into.

When the firearms finally died down and the huntsmen accompanied by other forces trudged forward into combat against the Grimm, Lia was no different. She jumped off of her vantage point to reach deep onto the Grimm ranks. It seems like everyone was going for the big targets and forgetting the smaller ones... Lia's favorites...

Dashing through the larger beasts, Beowulves, Death Striders and the eventual attacks from the Carnage Snappers, Lia's sword only unsheathed after she was deep enough into their forces. As the blade detached from it's hilt, the energy absorbed from all those incoming attacks fueled a mighty slash that tore apart the back lines, severing pieces of every type of Grimm present and launching them off into the air. A shining blue emanated from the force, pushing the air and some of the creatures into the fray of the battle and perhaps even some of the supposed allies as well. Momentarily attaching her blade once more and turning to look back, she could see her unit was nearby, which would be more than enough to wipe the rest of these weaker forces.

Meanwhile, something else caught her attention... The one man donning a Grimm mask as he slaughtered the Grimm ruthlessly. Something told her to stay her blade for now, but deep inside... She realized that indeed that had to be her target. However, the situation required to act cautiously. Any wrong action could cause the death of innocents, something she had to avoid if she wasn't to be called "unstable". With a sigh, the woman took a defensive stance and awaited her forces, watching as the battle ensued... Probably not for too long, given the rate at which the Grimm were being killed. Taking a second, she wondered where the man she had met earlier could be, perhaps this Grimm Slayer was somewhere knee deep into this battlefield?

Time - Early Afternoon
Weather - Clear
Location - Zramore -- Outside Of Café Ruins
Tags - Everyone in Zramore fighting

Spending every second battling against the horde of constant incoming Grimm that rushed the city of Zramore, although the overwhelming large number of the larger Grimm had been reduced greatly due to the plan that the Altesian Captain came up with, there still remained a few of the larger Grimm that were able to survive the gunfire along with the small fry sneaking their way through as well. As expected, anyone and everyone who could so much as pick up a weapon and fight was there defending the city with their very lives.

Axel on the other hand, although he may had been fighting as well, part of him fought not to defend the city or those who lived there but rather out of the pleasure of simply killing at this point. With half of his face being hidden underneath what appeared to had been a white mask that had several carvings into it along with two crimson eyes glowing brightly; the longer he fought as well as the more Grimm that were cut down the more a deep growl began to replace his panting breath in the end.
Just as Axel had rid himself of yet another Beowolf, as the Grimm slowly faded away into nothingness the sudden sound of a blood curdling shriek approaching from behind had caught the male's attention only to have him turn his gaze over his shoulder to find himself facing up against a BloodGazer slithering towards him rapidly with it's claw extended forward to strike at the male while it's snake heads snapped at him threatening to inject venom into him. Right as the gorgon type Grimm swung it's claw downwards to strike, Axel was quick to reach a single hand upwards just to halt it's movement of it's claw hand by it's wrist without much trouble. With the gorgon Grimm struggling to free itself from the male's grip, Axel had begun to chop off one after another of the Grimm's snake heads causing it to shriek all that much louder as well as writhe in agony.

With many of the other Huntsmen who continued to fight off the Grimm overhearing the shrieking, some were forced to cover their ears from just how high pitched it was yet to Axel it was nothing more than a simple annoyance as he made the gorgon suffer further while he sliced off one snake off after another till nothing was left but it's own head and body. Of course, normally enough Axel would never resort to going this low on killing anything let alone anyone yet with the mask spreading more across the male's face the more his instinct to kill took control over him from the Dragon assuming control. Eventually, midway as the male had planned to make the creature suffer all that much more before killing it a single shot of a bullet penetrated the head of the Bloodgazer to end it's life instantly came from a nearby Huntsman who clearly was not in the mood to deal with anymore of the shrieking. "Are you out of your mind?!...are you trying to make us all go deaf?! Stop messing around, we still got a few more to clean up! There aren't too many left to deal with!" The huntsman shouted as he returned to firing at the Grimm in the sky, being completely unaware the whole while about the mask that was forming onto Axel's face the whole time.
All the while, after the gorgon was dealt with, the only other thing to do from there was just charge back into the middle of the chaos to continue the onslaught
Time: Afternoon.
Location: Black Market, Wakikata, Mistral.
Tags: @RedArmyShogun

A straight jacket, check. Talking in rhymes, check. Creepy grin, check . Sadistic tendencies and stomping people into a bloody mess, check. All three signs that this woman was not only dangerous... But a psychopath .A dangerous psychopath.Strong enough to subdue and pulverize the person the floor without any sign of harm to herself.

"Help me? You can help me by leaving that poor bastard alone!" Nudara shouted.

His hand went to the handle of his sword. Normal? This was normal? No matter where in the world you go, no matter what terrible atrocities are being committed on a daily basis, this would never be normal! If the law does not exist here then Nudara would make the law. He would be the law.

With one hand still on the handle of his sword, hanging at his waist, the other hand reached inside his jacket.For a second he rummaged around. Then produced a pair of aviator sunglasses. Things were going get bright in this alley and very hot. At the ready. His aura was protecting him without being seen. But in the tight space of this alley his semblance would just restrict his movement. Every action would have to be carefully thought out and precisely made. One wrong move, and this woman could cause some serious damage.

He supposed that there was no easy way to talk this out. No chance. She needed to be restrained and kept some place where she could not hurt anyone else.

"Now step away from him." He was filled with a righteous determination. "There are Atlas soldiers just around the corner. You will turn yourself in to them without any further violence." Honestly, he really doubted that she would listen. But he had try.