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Melinda Gordon

late 30s

Canon: Murder Series


Powers / Abilities / Equipment:
Melinda's power mostly consists of speaking with earthbound spirits; but this includes visions involving them. She can also feel exactly what the ghost is feeling; allowing her a sense of Empathy with the deceased as well.

Melinda is a very kind and thoughtful person; she believes everyone deserves a second chance and that everyone can do great good. However she's also very sassy, while she will always try to do the good and right thing, she will rarely do a selfish act, or a act of "evil". However when it comes to a life or death situation; Melinda's instinct is to fight and self preservation.

Short Bio: Since Melinda ended up in one of the many murder games(System Breakdown); she has only returned to her home universe a handful of times. She joined the Coalition to help the deceased. since the Coalition was one of the few groups she knew of that could travel the multiverse. Only recently have Melinda and her husband moved into a housing sector of the Coalition; which mirrored their home universe completely.

Other Info:
Melinda has a son.
Melinda's husband died; but his ghost managed to jump into a dying body. Which allowed her husband ghost to sit until the body had a near death experience.
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