Chris and Chad the Boilermaker and Foreman!

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[roleplay=hotpink]TEXT TO MY FRIEND:

So I find it stupidly adorable that the guys in the oil plant I work at
have these really cute peddle bikes to get around. Grown men riding
peddle bikes, wearing coveralls, hard hats, riding around a refinery.
They have bike racks. This is turning into a oneshot cuddlesmutt rp
idea in my head!

Chris and Chad the boilermaker and Foreman, alone in the tool crib the
last night shift of the shutdown. Radios left at the door, turn down low
but what they do not know is the talk-button is pushed down. The
entirety of channel 3 can hear them. This is a story even Clarice in
accounting will hear about by morning.

Including pictures from todays text-a-thon with my friend![/roleplay]

Title 1

If you would be interested in my random ass idea. Please PM me
or contact me on skype @ Princess.Power.Dynamic

It would be a slice of life, modern, fairly quick (unless interest
otherwise changes this). Bro/Bro roleplay about a boilermaker
and his foreman.[/question]

A boilermaker is a trained craftsman who produces steel
fabrications from plates and sections. The name originated
from craftsmen who would fabricate boilers, but they may
work on projects as diverse as bridges to blast furnaces to
the construction of mining equipment.

A foreman, forewoman or foreperson is a supervisor, often
in a manual trade or industry.[/warning]
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