Alex felt a small jolt run through him when she touched his forehead, and his teeth buzzed and he tensed while she touched him. After she let go, he relaxed, letting out a small sigh. Despite the initial shock--Ha....shock...funny he thought to himself, he found the touch to be pleasant. Giving himself a second to recover, and listen to Adelaide speak, the voice in the back of Alex's head told him to get out, get out now, that this wasn't safe, but he couldn't move. Something stronger, something more powerful than his will commanded him to stay, to see this through, and although his mind was trying to flee, his body would not, could not listen.
He could only listen, and watch with growing fright as her eyes began to glow. Her talk of answers, it intrigued him, yet also gave him a small chill down his spine. It's all true. She's not human....not fully at least. Those eyes, the glow....I wasn't seeing things, I wasn't crazy! She's...I don't know, but I can't turn away, I can't run. Why? Why....can't I look away from her!
His thoughts grew more frantic, despite the calming effect Adelaide was having on him. His mind would simply not accept it. It was irrational, improbable, that Adelaide, this woman he had just met was not human. Yet deep down, farther than Alex chose to look, he knew without a doubt she was not who she appeared. Right from the beginning his heart had felt it, but Alex rarely listened to it, except for now, at this moment. Something changed in Alex then. Not by much, and not externally, but a step has been taken, a step that would take Alex into a direction that he had never even imagined before. When she asked him of his belief in fate, He knew he did not in his rational mind believe in such a notion. But now, as he looked even deeper into those glowing eyes of hers, Alex knew there was Fate in them, and knew he believed it in his heart.
"Yes. Yes I do," was all Alex could say, all his mouth would allow him to say.