Character Sheets

Part of the fun of RP to me is writing extensive, in-depth character sheets. I get obsessive about the format and details, and I just like it to look as nice and full as possible. I don't care to make my partners read all of it, nor do I ask them to supply one that detailed of their own. I just like to see basic information like age and name, a physical description or image, and general personality and skills - maybe a little background information.
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For my own records, I go full tilt and use websites like toyhouse and charahub for recording details. I include use of google docs and spreadsheets as well, and then, from my partners, I mostly just ask a few things:

Non-Mundane Abilities
Brief History
Brief Personality

Emphasis on brief. I don't want spoilers, but I want to be able to use elements from the personality and history to help draw the character into the play. As far as abilities go, I used to be a huge stickler for balance, but ever since playing with a person who plays an OP character really fucking well, I've settled down and mostly just wanna use that for helping with plotting. =D
I love character sheets. It's a great way to get an idea of how my partner sees their character. However; I only personally request an image of sorts with some of the specifics. ( Height, tattoo's, piercings, scars and other small details you want me to know) I've thrown in weight and body type once or twice. Otherwise I like to have a reference page to see their name and age. As for History I only want them if it's something that you need my character to know walking in to the RP or if you want to just tell me the irrelevant details of your character that help round them out that most likely won't find there way into a roleplay. ( Ex: Favorite Color, favorite ice cream, things along those lines.)
I like character sheets, they are a good reference for me when I need to go back and check a few facts. I will make them a bit in depth, not overly long though just enough to get a background for my character.
I personally prefer the latter as well. If I write more than I think is necessary, I don't feel like I'm really getting a feel for my character and working to get to know them. Instead, I feel like I'm just throwing a few things together, but not really getting into the character and developing them. Minimal is my go-to; I dislike any kind of in-depth character sheet and it's one of my turn-offs for a potential roleplay. All we need, in my opinion, is name, age, gender, role/rank/occupation, and appearance. If the character is supernatural, abilities are fine to add in, but I don't want to do things like hobbies, likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses. I'll learn about those in the roleplay; not outside of it.