
"Aucune petite fille je ne sais pas l'anglais, mais .... tu veux des bonbons?" he said in a creepy voice cocking his head to the side, with crazy eyes, returning to normal he laughed "Just kidding!" Raphael glanced at the clock "You guys better get home soon but come visit anytime... K?"
"Oui monsieur" she said laughing. she hold out her hand with a smile. "Watashi wa 1 tsu no aidarouga, watashi wa ie ni kaeru koto wa arimasen. " (I know french and japanese -.- in your face.LOL)
((AWESOME! I AM HALF JAPANESE AND AMERICAN!!! And I am learning French, going to Paris soon so... the whole month of April do not expect me to write much or anything.))
"Alright." Cody said, half replying to the "ghost man" and half to the girl. "Well for the time, just use my phone to call your dad."
"Bù, wǒ bùxiǎng huí jiā, wǒ bàba shì zhǐ" She said then ture to the ghost. "karaméla!!!" she yelled at him. (I will show you my power of my schools of different languages. I learned a lot of languages. mostly i know japens and freanch but i know more! for got to tell you )
"Ooooookkkkkaaayyyy...... how about we go get some lunch, I'll call in a pizza."
"karaméla!!!" she yells again still holding out her hand. then says "pot sa stau aici vă rugăm." she was hoping he only know what she was saying and hoping he did understand. "karaméla" she started to cry not geting her candy.
"Caramel....?" Cody said quietly. "I think that'd be alright. I'll call my mom. Jess, go and I'll come in a bit." Cody then started dialing a number on her phone.
"Sorry, Pizza and Candy..." Raphael said realizing his joke had been taken seriously...
"NEED CANDY" She said and grabbs his lag and starts to cry. " NEED CANDY." she lets go of his lag ands said "I-I see the light. I think I'm dieing" she fakes dies.
He pull out a mento and flicked it into her hands, "Share." he said before heading down stairs, "I'l call for one of everything!"
She opens her eyes "how one monto. manto. wherever you people calls this it just one." she sighed and put in her mouth. then looked around the house to mr. Ghost's room. she know had to be his the bed was not made.