Change of Heart

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He was going to make her eat her words. Pure and simple. It was the only goal in his mind and the only thing that kept the red haze of anger actually under control. If he'd been a Sidhe, a pure Sidhe, he would have been in complete control. Cold, ruthless, but in control of himself and everything he did without any effort at all. That's how they were. Never a word or gesture or death out of place. But Nik wasn't just a Sidhe. He was a human and Elemental both. He was volatile and feral when he wanted to be, full of anger and bitterness and a wild edge that could go far beyond that of a Sidhe to rival an elf.

He had to keep every aspect of himself in check, not to go to far and on top of it all, he couldn't let it be known that he was anything other than what they thought he was. That meant no power and it was hard to control on a good day, much less when he was chomping at the bit. Still, Nik managed as he slipped into his own stance and merely smiled at Lyra, finding he really didn't have much to say yet. And that was never a good thing with him as it either meant something was wrong or he was in too much of a 'state' to care about speech.

His hands were itching to do their own talking and his entire body buzzed with an energy that was nearly lethal. He and Lyra seemed to weigh each other carefully for several long moments before an unspoken signal seemed to make them both move at the same time. They met in a swift and brutal fashion, trying to land blows in rapid succession, each time being thwarted by the other as their quicksilver bodies wove in a dance of their own dangerous making.

When they parted, they had a slightly better understanding of how the other person worked. They were about evenly matched in speed, though, Lyra seemed to be the stronger of the two which was to be expected with her being an elf. Nik, though, was more creative with his moves and thought just a bit faster than his female counterpart. For the most part...they seemed pretty evenly balanced.

So it was that when Nik struck out at Lyra with a spinning kick that most likely would have collided with her shoulder, he honestly wasn't sure if she'd avoid it or not, but was fully prepared to lessen the damage she'd cause him if she did.
This creature, this floppy uncouth mortal was the one she was suppose to share a respect for, and yet he stood there with no idea that he was tromping on grounds that were not his to stand upon. Letting reactions take hold over merit, they struck out in a collision of unison, laying striking blows to the other trying to one up the next though seemingly come out on par.

He was quick on his feet without sound, he lacked the strength she held but it was still enough that she had to think about his actions before where she thought him to be a mere flopping fish. Dodging back from another, she raised a brow upwards as he came in to throw his momentum behind a spiraling kick aiming high for her shoulders, much like her brother had before; her grip grappled around the arch of his foot giving a stern shove back to put him back at a distance. She was experienced in the art of war, he was merely seemingly to be acting on wild whims. She might have caught his attack but it did jar her arm enough to strain a pain behind her shoulder blade. Giving him a careful look over, she lunged forward using her own gravity to fall forward to slide between the spread of his legs, hammering her palms down into the ground forcing her body - as much as it protested- into a back arch to try and lay him out flat upon the soil, teeth gnashed into another.
She caught his foot, shoved him back and for a moment Nik struggled to find balance but a simple backflip got him on stable feet again - even if his leg now ached badly - just in time to have them lurched out from under him again. Even as he registered what she was trying to do, his body was reacting on instinct honed into him by creatures that were far more instinctual than anything else and as Lyra attempted to make him tumble, he changed tactics and hooked a leg and foot around her middle, lurching to the side and taking her with him. She was thrown clear as he released and rolled back into a crouch with a chuckle of all things.

She was good, but it was very clear to him that she still thought he'd be easy prey. He might not have the military training that she did, but that didn't make him less than her. He'd gone through things she couldn't even imagine and had his ass handed to him by creatures far bigger and powerful than her. She was good and she was definitely a worthy opponent, but she didn't intimidate him by far.

Now back on his feet, Nik and Lyra circled one another, looking for an opening and making a tactical risk, Nik purposely let one show, leaving his side perfectly vulnerable, but already moving back into a defensive position so that hopefully the female before him would not register that it was planned.
Catching herself as he decided to try and throw her around like a rag doll, heels dug into the soil as she recoiled and popped back up ready to come for another attack. She itched to start using the drive of manna that coiled beneath her skin, but that would be an unfair advantage and she knew it. As much as she wasn't keen on this man, she wasn't about to start playing dirty.

Dear god was he actually trying to bait her. Opening his flank like a unschooled soldier, with how he was acting before and now this, she was not stupid enough to know that wasn't a bait. Question was did she still take it knowing what he was trying to do.


It was stupid and could easily go back on her, but she'd be foolish not to attempt at striking him down. A good jar to the ribs and she knew that the wind would be driven out of his lungs enough to force him to his knees and her to be done with this stupid sparring.

Darting in quick, strifing to her left and right avoiding possibly anything he dared to through at her, a fist formed striking upwards towards the brief open flank looking to land a cracking blow.
Well, she took it...and now he had to deal with the pain that would follow. But Nik was used to pain. More than used to it.

He actually smiled at the she-elf just before her blow landed, his body twisting slightly to the side in an instinctual effort to lessen the damage, but it hurt anyway and if he hadn't been expecting it already, he would have found it a lot more crippling. It was crippling enough, though and when the breath left his body in a sharp rush, fire spreading through the side of his ribcage, Nik had just enough will and anger and pure stubborn determination to turn his descent to the ground into an attack all his own. He swept his leg out and caught a solid blow to one of Lyra's own, sending her crashing to the ground with him.

They both stayed there for a moment, winded, but after a few aching breaths, Nik stood again and expecting no less, he watched Lyra do so as well. He knew very well the risk had been reckless, but...underneath everything, that's who Niklomaus was. He was reckless and stubborn, and he had very little self worth and even less sense of self-preservation. After all, no one had ever wanted him so why should he value himself? He took dangerous risks that no one else would because he didn't care. It wasn't because he lacked discipline. It was because he chose not to employ it.

He and Lyra regarded each other once more and once again an unspoken, unneeded signal made them connect. They pushed their bodies now, striving to end this and their movements became blurs, some strikes landing, some missing, limbs twisting and twining until for brief moments they resembled pretzels before parting ways again, neither giving in.
In a brief moment the strike landed only to encourage her own slam into the ground, a clutch of air and she heard it. A snap drove tight into her own rib cage taking its toll to break easily three or four ribs. Had she been able to brace for the impact perhaps it would have been greatly lessened but the mere fact she did not. Laying there for a moment drawing the hot pain through her skull and chest alike, she seen him rising up only to force herself with.

Her body protested as they drove on, landing further blows before driving back and return the process. Glaring to that of the man ready to drive in for another attempt, a loud bark broke through as Jak sliced his hand firm through the middle of them. "Draw." he shot them both a warning look as she gritted her teeth, narrowed an eye and agreed.

Sliding a step back, she was prepared to leave the scene though it seemed that wasn't to be occurring as quickly as she liked. Faltering a step feeling the grasp of her kin wrap tight around her chest, a spark of pain rose up through her lips. "Lyra!" Jak once ready to take matters into his own hand reverted quickly as she came down to her knees with him in tow. "What's wrong?" alarm rested clear in his blue gaze as she shook her head.

Gritting her teeth she pushed away from him tears prickling against her lashes, "Nothing, leave me be."

"Get a healer," Jak handed out an order to one of the men standing by idly as he refused to let go of her too soon. "How many?"

"Four at least," she muttered through her clenched jaw, "I'll handle it myself."

"Like hell you will,"
He was glad for the draw as his body throbbed and stung, shot sharp pain through him with each move. At this point it was all generalized to him as his mind refused to pinpoint anything. It was an escape mechanism he'd learned many, many years ago and it served him well now as he forced his body to move with the same fluid grace he'd entered the fight with. He drew back and let the anger fade from his body as he instead watched his new wife stumble into her brother, obviously in pain.

Guilt, the first new emotion since amusement, sympathy, anger, irritation and frustration had spoken their say flashed through him. Dammit, he'd not meant to seriously hurt her. That had never been his true intention and now Nik moved forward with only one thought in mind, his body weaving past those who looked like they might want to stop him. He was a destructive, furious force of nature by default - even if he hid it well - but there were less seen sides and power to him that Nik didn't practice often. He actually had some control over as it, though, as it wasn't connected to the other half of his power, the one that came from his Elemental side.

What he was about to do now was purely Sidhe and therefore harder for him, but worth it.

He came to Jak and Lyra's side and came down to their level with the same quiet, unassuming demeanor that had led Lyra to believe him weak. "Hold still." It was the only thing he said as his hand moved her own from her side gently and his palm found her body. Nik closed his eyes for a moment, a white glow spreading over his fingers, finding the injuries and when his eyes opened they glowed the same foggy white as the healing power got to work. It took far more effort to numb pain while bones were set, but for Lyra he did it. He'd caused the injury, the least he could do was make it as painless as possible as he righted the mistake.

It took maybe two minutes at most to complete the process and by the time Nik jerked back, his nose had started to bleed and he had to actively still the tremble that swept through his frame. He was not nearly as in tune with his Sidhe heritage as he was his other two. Still, the white-haired male smiled past the blood and the exhaustion, past the aches and fiery pain and the forming bruises as if none of it mattered.

"There. All better." He stood and looked her over before shrugging slightly, ignoring the twinge it sent into his shoulder. "Well, mostly."
Muttering a string of elven words to her ear, both of them looked up feeling his presence come closer, she instinctively wanted to cling closer to her brother. He was her protector even when she didn't want him to be, and honestly she didn't want him touching her anymore. But Jak stifled her from jerking away doing as Nik requested.

It took a bit, longer than their healers would, Jak made a motion to another healer that had arrived to take a look over the bleeding nosed Sidhe. "You two are idiots," he stated clearly, "Was it worth it in the end?"

Lyra rocked her jaw, trying to gather her feet beneath her with the help of her brother, she shrugged. "He isn't that bad, lacks training though." she looked away from him, "Not bad for a dungeon crawler." Jak rolled his eyes, "But," she threw him a look muddled with mild respect and displeased maturity, the healer wouldn't let Nik leave without a thorough check over, "You need to be trained better. Far too wild and feral, too emotional leads to stupid actions." she pointed to his ribs, "You shouldn't risk yourself an injury because you know you can grapple your opponent. No matter how smart you think you are Prince, you will not always come out on top."

Facing her brother she smiled to him gently, "Are you calm now,"

"Enough," Lyra gave him a soft squeeze.

"Where are you going?" Jak released her as she checked her steps turning around to look briefly to him.

"Home. I can walk myself home, I happen to be a big girl. Though the husband might need someones hand to hold."
Nik listened to her words in silence, both grateful for some of them and stung by others, but he knew they were all true and so didn't protest. He wasn't stupid and he knew when to accept constructive criticism, but only if it was delivered in a calm and respectful manner...something Lyra had managed to pull off. He nodded to her, showing he understood and then focused his attention elsewhere; mainly on escaping the healer who was trying to look him over and he accomplished it rather well much to the elf's frustration.

Nik didn't like healers touching him. Period. He wasn't about to give an explanation as to why, wasn't about to try and explain the experiences that had led him to this state of mind. What he was going to do was stay as far away from the healing elf as possible no matter how many strange looks it got him.

"Mi'lord, if you would just hold still-"


"Mi'lord-" The healer reached for him again, having gotten the halfbreed slightly cornered and something seemed to snap in Nik as a warning growl left his throat and his pale eyes grew darker. "Touch me and I'll break your arm." he hissed and silence reigned for a moment before a voice broke it, growled itself but actually supposed to be that way. "Cub."

Pale blue eyes, nearly panicked and trying to hide it, snapped to gold ones and everyone got out of the werewolf's way as he bypassed Lyra with a thoughtful expression verging on a frown as he'd clearly heard her parting words and didn't appreciate them. She might have been clever and skilled, but the wolf thought she lacked any true compassion. She had no idea how bad off he very well suspected Nik actually was and she didn't care. That alone put her in a category of people that Marsin didn't like and it took a lot to change his mind. She'd sealed her image in his eyes with that comment alone. Ignoring her completely after the initial look-over, the werewolf made the healer move with his presence alone as he drew closer. "I will see to him." he stated firmly and the elf, wanting nothing more to do with it anyway, conceded with a slight hand toss and started to leave. Gold eyes focused back on Nik then and Marsin spoke lowly enough that it was hard to hear even among these elves.

"It's all right. No one is going to hurt you here." None of these elves had a clue. Not one of them and Marsin knew Nik wanted to keep it that way, but it didn't mean that he was all right. No, he didn't need someone to hold his hand, but Marsin was damn well going to be by his side.

Niklomaus nodded slowly, finding his heart slowing as the panic-attack faded from his system. He hated those, hated their unpredictability and the fact that he couldn't control them. THAT was why Marsin stayed so close. Well, there were other reasons too, but that was a primary one and now the white-haired male steadied and smiled, refusing to look at anyone else but the black creature in front of him, taking on an air of cockiness to hide just how jittery he felt.

"Shall we leave?"

Marsin growled softly under his breath, but moved back and Nik followed, picking up and sliding his shirt back on before they moved out of the crowd. Once they were beyond earshot, the werewolf gave the halfbreed a stern look. "You ARE going to get those injuries seen to and don't feed me any bull about how they don't hurt. How badly ARE you injured?"

Nik grimaced, but answered...well, mumbled. "Some bruises, I strained my shoulder, I think my hip needs realigning, my head feels like it's going to explode, I can't stop shaking and...I think I cracked a rib...or two..." As predicted, Nik was subject to an earful of curses and threats that would have shocked a sailor on the entire journey back to the place he was now supposed to be calling home.
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The fight began, those deep eyes caught the swiping view of black marching through the crowd towards the panicking sidhe. Where she thought possibly the man she had to be forced with finally had some worth, earned a gist of her respect it fled.

She hadn't wanted him to touch her and yet after the initial jump he did it anyways and now when some of her own people wanted to take of him, he behaved like a frightened child. The display was pathetic and it formed a disproving look to her face. He fought well only to have his babysitter arrive to hold his hand, the whole display -what it intentions were truthfully- only brought a bout of shame to cast over her.

It annoyed her to no end that this man apparently apt in a possible way of fighting had to be such well a pup. Whatever image the werewolf seen, whatever they thought of her that was fine. She would not open up to a man who could not stand up on his own two feet without someone there to guide him through. He was pathetic. And someone had to cut the apron strings.

Drawing her gaze away returning to her home, he frowned softly.

Blue eyes turned to watch the prince and the wolf walk away, another man stepping forward as someone was attempting to comfort the young woman healer that had been threatened. "Why is there a werewolf here?" the young soldier asked causing a shrug to cross his shoulders. "It's disrespectful, are our services and our healing methods that heinous that he needs another to stand watch?" there was mumbling all around. He knew it, the fight between the two of them wasn't merely about developing a respect for husband and wife, the soldiers were developing there own. Honor was important to them, strength everlasting and the were impressed with the prince for going up against Lyra. But it all shriveled away quickly when it appeared the prince couldn't do much without the werewolf appearing and ushering him off.

"The fool is ignorant and pathetic like a child." A strong voice came through, deep ghostly white eyes had been watching.

"Zen I did not realize you were watching." Zen his second in command and a man that was well feared and we'll respected in the town. He held titles fitting a king almost and made no qualms that the arranged marriage between the sidhe and Lyra was disgraceful. Then again the towering 6'7 elf wasn't shy about his affections for Lyra either. Deep navy hair fell forward as he turned away from the scene in utter disgust.

"A man isn't a man when he has to rely on others to hold his hand. Lady Lyra should've planted him six feet under with her mage talents. He is an embarrassment and it is a horrible disgrace to see our lady stuck with a whelp." others agreed easily as he kept quiet. Zen twisted around to walk away.

"Zen where are you going?"

"To lady Lyra, this marriage will not last more than a week. I am laying my rightful claim." Jakson sighed heavily, all this for what? Nothing good he was certain. He knew his sibling and as much as it seemed she didn't care, he knew she was protecting herself from getting too close.

"Clean up this area," Jak ordered.

Sitting on the front step of her place, a mild hum came from her lips as the vison of another came in front. From the looks of it she knew who it was. And she was correct in her assumption. The large elf plopped down beside her, his arms crossing over the thick if his chest, "Good day to you as well Zen."

"I don't approve." he uttered stiffly. Holding a cup of hot tea, she lifted it to her lips. A raised brow and he continued. "Your whimp of a husband, I don't approve."

"Eh," she shrugged boredly, "I thought he had potential but I was quite wrong when his babysitter arrived."

"Then break your marriage, the paper work for the treaty is finished it would matter little if your married. I cannot stand the idea of that pathetic excuse for skin standing at your side." those alarming eyes took a softer look, "Lyra,"

"I know but what am I supposed to do, I had no choice in this matter. I am merely the cow sold for a coin."

"He won't be able to protect you or care enough to show you that he alone will handle any problems, Lyra I'm asking you for your own honor, leave him."

"Marriage is just paper Zen, who knows," she took a slip of her tea and grinned softly, "His nanny will probably whisk him away anyways. And here I thought marriage was between two people not two plus furry." Zen frown at her sweeping a grasp around her shoulders pulling her into his grasp. She didn't fight instead she felt comforted by it. What did she care anyways? So many believed her to heartless, uncaring and callous but that was her surface and Zen was one of the few who knew her as is.
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Nik hissed as Marsin pressed on his ribs and then moved away, shaking his head. "Leave it. They'll heal on their own." he intoned stubbornly and the werewolf gave him an exasperated look. They were outside the city and in the forest because the closer Nik had drawn to Lyra's home, the worse he'd felt about the idea until he'd abruptly changed course and the werewolf had followed him without question. The halfbreed now moved toward a tree, resting temple against the bark and he didn't turn as Marsin spoke.

"You should see the healer. You know that."

"I know."

"Nik, they aren't Sidhe."

"I know."

Marsin tilted his head, trying to figure out what had set his ward off. If it hadn't been the healer herself then what had been the trigger? "What happened? I saw the spar." He had his suspicions about the chain reaction that had gone off in Nik's already fractured, screwed up mind, but that was only from having known the halfbreed since he was a child. "Nik?"

"....I hurt her."

"She hurt you."

The halfbreed smiled bitterly. "I wanted to hurt her. I wanted to prove that I could." He said it quietly and the werewolf instantly understood what had gone wrong. How many times had Nik been hurt just because someone could hurt him? No other reason than that and now, in his way of thinking, he'd fallen into the same twisted mindset and once he'd healed Lyra, the dots had connected to bring on the panic-attack. It couldn't have come at a worse moment, but at least there was a reason for it. Marsin sighed. "You're not like that, Nik. You got angry. I would be more than willing to bet that she wanted to hurt you just as much, but when it's mutual...I don't think it's quite the same as abuse." he chided and the halfbreed frowned, thinking about that and then let his forehead thump back against the tree.

"I screwed up."

The werewolf smiled. "You'll have more chances."

Pale blue eyes looked back into gold, downcast and verging on resigned. "I don't think I will, Mars. These people...they are of war and all they value is strength that can be seen, felt, shouted at the top of their lungs. I will never be worth anything in their eyes just as I am nothing to the Sidhe. I don't belong here anymore than I did there."

"Well, that's a gloomy way to look at things." The voice was sudden, new and made both males jump in alarm, whipping around to see an elderly elf standing with her hands on her hips in the cleaning. They hadn't even heard and it didn't look like she was all that stealthy with her long gray dress and all the beads in her white hair jangling together. Her eyes were a dark green and when those orbs met Nik's, he felt like he could drown if he looked too long, like there was no bottom to her gaze. She smiled a surprisingly white, all-teeth smile despite her wrinkled skin and short stature. "Well, are you just going to stand there catching flies or are you going to ask the questions buzzing around that skull of yours?"

Nik blinked and then tilted his head, puzzled. "Where did you come from?" He looked around, but the elf chuckled and waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, I'm always around. These are my woods after all and nothing happens here that I don't know about, half-Sidhe." That did make Niklomaus start, wariness coming into his eyes and the elf's demeanor softened a little. "Not to worry, child. I don't go about telling business that isn't mine to tell. Now, let's see your ribs."

"There's no need. They're-"

"If you say fine, I shall smack you in the side and we shall see how fine they are, now hold still."

Shooting a glance to Marsin and seeing that the werewolf was at an equal loss as to how to explain this turn of events, Nik simply complied.
The day had turned oddly serenely quiet since the morning, something that usually was quite the opposite. Though she would not look a gifted horse in the mouth.

Noon had come and past revealing the afternoon in a dying light until the meandering of elves milled through the town parted to show that the dinner time was upon them.

She hadn't left the home for much of the day, rather she opted to take a few chores in her spare time not overly in the mood to do anything over extensive. Namely due to the fact that being injured once was enough.

The house was flooded with the warm smell of stew, the fresh vegetables brought from Kauity earlier spiced with sage and thyme; she wasn't certain whether or not the sidhe male would appear or not. Either way she did make more than enough to feed more than one stomach. Letting it simmer on the hearth soaking in the thick broth; noise was coming from the stables as she took the incentive to start mucking them out. No one else was going too and honestly she had no problem with it.

The tall gelding made of ebony and a white snip on his face; her glorified baby honestly – Noble Black kept nudging around close at hand curious more to what she was doing with his bed, while the red dun mare Heaven's Merge laid lazily upon the ground grazing the grass that she could reach. She doted on them and that wasn't anything new to anyone in the city. She trusted animals more than mortals, they didn't talk and they didn't seem to judge either. Noble was had been with her more than Heaven had, she helped the foaling of his birth making a deeper connection she held with him.
"There, all better. Is that not what you said earlier?" The old elf chuckled as Nik stared, caught once more off guard. She pat his knee and then looked to the werewolf. "You can go now. Go on back to the rest of those wolves in my woods and I'll see to it that he gets back."

Pale blue eyes shot to gold ones in both reprimand and disbelief. "Marsin! You brought the whole effing pack?!" The werewolf had the decency to look down like a scolded dog and then he shrugged sheepishly. "They wanted to come." Nik groaned, putting his face in his hands for a moment and then pinching the bridge of his nose with thumb and forefinger. "If I catch all of you roaming the city at once..." He left the threat open and Marsin only grinned before touching his shoulder gently. "I'll see you in a few days. The pack needs to hunt. Don't get in trouble until I get back, all right?"

A grin answered. "I make no promises."

The werewolf growled, knowing that very much to be true, but he left anyway with a glance at the older elf before disappearing into the trees. The female took Nik's arm then and he nearly toppled over with the height difference as she chortled before regaining some balance as he let her pull him along. "Now then, Niklomaus, why don't you tell me what has brought you here."

"Do you not already know?"

The old elf looked up at him with a glitter in her green eyes, regarding him thoughtfully for a moment before she spoke. "And what would make you say that?" She watched the halfbreed closely as he seemed to debate answering, but a slight smile pulled at her lips when he did. "You're a seer."

"Clever. Not many figure that out so soon. Usually takes something big and grand, but then I would be talking about my own kin in that regard." She shook her head as if disappointed and Nik frowned. "You do not like other elves?"

"I do not like how pig-headed they've become, no!" she spat and then proceeded to grumble to herself as they walked. "No compassion, no love for the sake of love, always fighting, always so obsessed with strength! Your people aren't much better the pompous, coldhearted, know-it-alls!" As she ranted, Nik didn't say a word, happening to agree, but unsure whether her withered wrath would transfer to him if he opened his mouth unwisely. And it was that fact that the old elf seemed to catch on to as she looked sidelong at him with a slight smile. "Not much to say, eh?"

"I do not believe in speaking unless one knows what they should say in any circumstance."

" yet not all that efficient. How are you to be heard if you only ever speak when you feel completely secure? No, you must take risks! Not foolish ones, mind you, but some risks are worth taking. Lyra for example. Why haven't you spoken to her?"

Well, this woman did know how to knock you upside the head without any warning whatsoever and the white-haired male faltered for a moment before he was poked in his healed, but still tender side and gave a very childlike yelp. "I asked you a question, child." Nik grimaced and then shrugged with a sigh, running his hand back through his hair. "I...don't know what to say to her and she doesn't like me, and....I can't be what she wants."

"And you know what she wants?"

Nik snorted. "It's certainly not me, I know that much!" he answered with a surety he felt and the old elf looked thoughtful, humming to herself as they entered the town. Anyone who saw them gave a double-take as everyone seemed to know who she was, but the elf ignored them, heading a straight and true path back to Lyra's house.
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Pushing hard with his fuzzy muzzle searching for more of the apple treats she kept hidden away, the beast's of burdens ears flicked back drawing his attention and hers with down the road. She had considered leaving back into the homestead but decided that the meal could settle and simmer a while longer leaving her to happily attend to the horses yet.

Blowing out his lips raising his neck upwards to tower over her, Heaven rumbled around gathering herself back up shaking out the dirty pelt with gusto seeming to become both interested in who was coming up this evening. A quick pat to the flank, a brush to the horse hair on her simple clothing and she stepped out of the gated area.

A smirk touched her lips softly as they came closer; of course that elder elf would find him somehow. She wasn't surprised in the least, if there was ever something so unique about Arrah, it was how she managed to always find the most unusual people in the entire city and or forest. She was really more in tune with the surroundings than even druids were.

She knew the elder since she was a bit younger - not to say she wasn't already young - Lyra kept her gaze firm on the woman rather than the straggler brought with her. "Greetings Arrah, what brings you to my home on such a night?" A quick look to him and she lifted a brow, "No guard in tow?"
Nik would have answered, the words - and not pleasant ones - on the tip of his tongue, but Arrah beat him to more ways than one. He didn't even know where the cane in her hand came from but the old elf put it to good use as said wood made contact with Lyra's head with a solid thump sound. The green-eyed glare was far more formidable. "Do not be provoking something you have no understanding about, Little Lyra!" she reprimanded sternly and Nik blinked in surprise before he found the cane rapping his own head. "And you, keep a civil tongue in your head as well. Don't think I don't know how venomous you can be."

With that the old elf moved away from both of them and toward the house. "I have come here, Little Lyra, because I am already fed up with the both of you. Really, can't even hold a civil conversation! Must I do everything..." She was mumbling now and Nik glanced at Aelyra for a moment when he stopped rubbing his head and then followed the elder female when her voice came back to them.

"Well!? You going to just stand there the both of you or are you going to feed an old lady?"

She was already heading inside and Nik slipped in after her, the smell of stew meeting his nose instantly and telling him how hungry he actually was as he took a seat. Arrah sat with a satisfied sound in one of the kitchen chairs and then smiled warmly at Lyra. "It smells wonderful, dearest. And how are you little wards, Mothis and Miralyn?"
"For slaggin sakes Arrah!" she furiously rubbed at her head, "Who is provoking something they have no understanding over!" and then it all came back, there was a reason she was generally pleasant to the elder woman, how many lumps she had on her head as a kid was a horrible memory.

Was she bleeding with how hard that hit, glaring at the elder woman; her jaw worked listening to the woman rant and rave about something she probably knew more about than she ought too. "Well thanks for coming," she muttered following behind though taking a long side step when she was beckoning her to feed her. "After that, I don't think I should even welcome you." she quipped quickly keeping her distance though she wasn't serious. At least she hadn't been the only one privy to the thumping.

Making a motion for them to enter before her, Lyra rolled her eyes. "Just help yourselves, it's not it's my house or nothing." she kept that pretty silent following after inching just out of reach of the woman knowing damn well she could lash out again; as she narrowed an eye to the woman.

Slipping on the heavy gloves to grab the pot off the hearth, Lyra hummed softly. "Lively. Mothis has more ideas in his head about becoming a great warrior... though in truth I hope to discourage him. We have more than enough young elves throwing themselves into the line of death and carnage. If I can keep my hand on him, hopefully I can even steer him to the favour of druidism. Miralyn of course as brilliant as ever, her mother gloats about her homeschooling." Setting the pot on the short counter top nearest to the wash basin, the bowls sat ready for her though she made sure to grab a third one for Arrah while she spooned out the contents. Setting the bows upon the plates for them, her attention altered to her side reaching down into the open cupboard to get out the loaf of bread waiting under its blanket. Plopping it up, looking at it before she stooped right over pulling the small latch in the floorboards for the cold cellar, the small vat of butter she produced. Slicing the bread into thick slices, putting the plates across her arm, she served from the left to them both before tending to herself last.

Silence returned as she remained standing at the counter eating there than at the table- more of a habit than anything else, she couldn't say this wasn't awkward.
"Druidism." Arrah snorted and shook her head. No way that young elf was going to go for that. No, no she saw something much different for little Mothis. Green eyes glanced at Nik with a secretive smile he didn't catch and wasn't supposed to and then directed her attention back to Lyra, looking rather amused as she knew how uncomfortable the silence was. She wasn't inclined to break it yet even as she knew the two she sat with would not either. They ate like that until the old elf was satisfied and then she spoke very calmly. "Nik, why do you lack trust concerning healers?"

The white-haired male nearly choked on the bite in his mouth and he looked up with wide eyes, startled. When his pale eyes met green he faltered with the denial on his tongue and then glanced at Lyra before his expression closed down and he shook his head, sitting back and crossing his arms. "I'm not talking about that." An instant thump on the head made him wince, but he didn't move or relent and Arrah chuckled. "Stubborn. I can see why you've lived this long. Very well, what will you speak of with Lyra? Since neither of you seem able to come up with a topic, I thought perhaps I should choose one."

The halfbreed flashed a charming smile. "Pick a different one."


"No." That answer was instant.


"I don't have one." That slipped out without thought and Arrah stopped - though, not out of surprise - and regarded the male as he looked determinedly down at the floor. The old elf's next approach seemed a bit softer. "Perhaps something like hobbies might be better, yes?" There was an audible sigh before Nik looked up through his white hair and smiled wryly. "You're not going to let this go, are you?"

The elder female chortled and looked to Lyra. "Why don't you tell him about all the times you tried to evade me. I'm sure it would be a grand tale!" She laughed further and then looked between the two. "Now, you both have more in common than you seem to believe, but it's not my duty to make you see that. I am, however, not leaving until you can at least hold a civil conversation so you might as well get started."
And it began, she wondered when the old crone would start pecking at either one of them like a woodpecker, thankfully she started with him.

Keeping her face composed, not daring a look to either of them as she ate amongst herself; Lyra turned to face her back to the pair of them as she ate quickly. Throwing on a separate pot over the hearth filled with clean water, Lyra peered out the window. Though the sound of cane hitting skull was clear as a bell. She even thought of laughing but decided quickly against it, only throwing a look across her shoulder to Arrah when she spoke in her direction.

"You'll be waiting a while then Arrah, your age may catch up with you if you wait that long."
"Or your skull might have caved in." the older elf retorted in a way that sounded almost warning-like and Nik snorted in a repressed laugh, unable to help it. Arrah smiled over at him much like a grandmother would to a grandson and he looked surprised by the expression, something that brought a sad cast to her eyes for a moment. The old elf then looked back at Lyra and huffed like a disgruntled bull. "Very well, I shall just tell him about you for you." she finally decided.


The firm protest to such an idea came from Nik and the old woman raised a brow. "Oh? Why not? Don't you want to know about your new wife?"

Pale blue eyes glanced at said blond, but the halfbreed shook his head. "Very much so, actually, but not like that. Besides, you said it wasn't your place to share information that wasn't yours to share." he shot back and the seer laughed outright, rapping her cane on the floor when she was near to being done. "That I did, child. Very well, will you be braver than miss closed-mouth over there and start?"

Nik's eyes narrowed. "You are far too crafty for your own good."

Green eyes twinkled. "And you far to intelligent to fall for it. Now speak. Tell me about those werewolves of yours. I do note that they never stray far." Arrah was clever. She knew the talk going around, she knew the things Lyra said and she knew the reason for the wolves' presence. She also knew that just needed to be cleared up between the two newlyweds right here and now. Nike looked faintly surprised at the topic, but he answered readily enough and in a rather simple manner.

"They're my pack. Wolves don't travel alone."

"Ah, but you are not a wolf."

Nik chuckled at that and something in his demeanor, in his expression relaxed into genuine fondness. "I am more wolf than Sidhe. They raised me. Marsin, the wolf you met, he's my brother. We've known each other since we were children...or rather, I was. He was already into his teen years, but he looked out for me."

"He became your guard." Arrah said with a small smile, not asking, but Nik nodded, seeming to have completely forgotten that Lyra was even standing there listening. "Yeah. They all kinda did, but that's not why they disobeyed bloody orders and followed me."

"They love you."

Nik's only answer was a slight, fond smile and Arrah turned to look at Lyra then, raising a brow as if to say 'See? Stop speaking about things you don't understand'. It was a look she'd given the young elf often. "See, Lyra? It's not so difficult to speak civilly. You did it so well as a girl. Perhaps you might try it again for the benefit of a poor old woman's fragile ears?"
Shoulders crunched up as she listened, hands pinching tight to wooden basin she might had thought about being sick listening to it all. It was so sweet, so loving, it was disgusting.

"Poor old woman my fair ass!" she snapped, whipping around. "This is pathetic! You know what you can do for me old crone, get a ladder and get off my back! Cause that would be helpful, you know damn well;" eyes narrowed darkly taking on a haunting look, "Damn well what was, is what it isn't now. I refuse, outright refuse to waste my time with a man who can't seem to stand on his own two feet without the nurture of his brothers. Piss on this, piss on the whole thing."

She grinned wickedly suddenly, "If you want to help so bloody much, then you take him and cuddle the poor tot. I don't need family to be with me every step of the way and I don't care for this entire conversation." a hand sliced aside, "End of this!"

She was done, she was not going to just do as either of them wanted. They held no power, they held no command and she was finished. Whipping around the counter top, the door slammed with a god awful strike jarring the house forcing it to shake as she trudged off back to the stables. She still had work to do.
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