I don't think I want to change anything. I feel like I'm in a rather good place for someone of my age. I know exactly what I want to do in life, and have done for a while, my grades are excellent and I'm making my parents proud, what more could I ask? I'm confident in myself, although I'm horrible at somethings, such as sports, I can't run to save my life, they should make shopping a sport! . Even though I know horrible at things, I know what I'm good at and I always remind myself that, but I make sure to tell myself that I don't know everything yet, and that no one's perfect. I know I'm not the most beautiful, populat or intelligent girl, and I don't pretend to me, I am who I am and I'm happy with that. I wouldn't change anything about myself right now, though, ask me in a couple of years time, and hopefully the answer won't be differnet.
But, if I could change one little thing it would be my stress levels, between school work, studying, mad family life, running here there and everywhere doing God only knows what, my stress levels start to go up, and I for one don't want stress lines! But I find that writing helps me bring down my stress levels, so I guess you can say that's a change in progress.