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what you should know when visiting or living in Cervia

Welcome to Cervia!

Cervia stands in the land where the United States of America and Canada would have been. The land that would have been known as the USA is now referred to as Southern Cervia while the land that would have been Canada is Northern Cervia. Black City is Cervia's capital and resides in Southern Cervia. It is full of rich history, magnificent culture, and grand opportunities because of its diversity and high activity. Many have moved here looking for new beginnings. Certain places in Cervia are deemed uninhabitable due to damages done during the war, but it is deemed a great place to live on the whole.

It is a monarchy and has been ruled by the Blacke family since its conception after the Great War in 1730. It is controlled via The Circle, a system meant to separate Cervia's various species for their own protection. Currently, Cervia consists of Vampir, Were, Magi, Fae, and Merfolk. Having won the war, Vampir sit at the top of the power chain.


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Nova Aetas

  • Cervia Timeline.png

    While there was an elusive time when monsters and humans lived together, there is no one alive to remember it. For most of history, monsters had to live in hiding as humanity thrived and gradually forgot about their existence. During the year 1700, however, the Were got tired of hiding and decided to reveal themselves to humanity, with the Vampir following suit shortly after. This prompted a war between humanity and monsters which lasted over two decades.

    Most of the world's population died during this, and a large chunk of the world could have been considered a wasteland. Ultimately, the Vampir came out on top, mainly due to their immortality. To survive, the other species were forced to surrender to their rule. The surviving humans had learned magic to aid them, increasing their lifespans and forming factions until humanity had evolved into the Magi seen today.

    From the ashes of the war, a new country rose. Cervia. Slowly but surely, a new government system was established: an absolute monarchy led by Vampir. Then, a new system was set in place to keep war from breaking out again. Although it was created with good intentions, it has caused more harm than good. Still, it has held firm for the past three hundred years.

    The name of this system? The Circle.


    Orion Blacke was the Vampir mastermind that had gotten the Fae to surrender to the Vampir and who manipulated the Magi. He led his men to victory and subdued the Were. For his success in the war, and his ridding of the Vampir that opposed him, he was crowned the first king of Cervia. Thus, the monarchy was established.

    The Crown went to King Orion's firstborn child, Julian Blacke. His other children were married off to high-ranking officials of other species to keep them under his control. Julian inherited the throne 100 years after his father's rule. The King had died of unknown circumstances, and it was at that same time that Vampir lost their immortality. How and why is a mystery to all except those in the main branch of the royal family.

    Julian was by far the kindest of Cervia's leaders. He kept the tradition of marrying his side branch children to other species, not only to appease them but because he was genuinely striving for species equality. He also intended to abolish the Circle system, though this knowledge has been withheld from the nation's people. He was assassinated after only 60 years of rule.

    His second-born took the throne, as his firstborn son had died only a few months after him. Her name was Evangeline Blacke. She was ruthless, a trait she passed on to her daughter, who took the throne after her rule of 95 years. She died in her sleep. They say she went peacefully.

    King Orion Blacke: Rule 1735-1835.

    King Julian Blacke: Rule 1835-1895.

    Queen Evangeline Blacke: Rule 1895-1990.

    Queen Lilith Blacke: Rule 1990-Present


    The throne is currently taken by the daughter of Queen Evangeline Blacke, Queen Lillith Blacke. Like her mother, she is considered cold-hearted and ruthless. Unlike her mother, though, she is also pragmatic, practical, and reasonable. She is more well-liked than her mother, though there is plenty of criticism against her.

    Queen Lilith has had a total of three husbands, all of which have died. She is currently single but has a total of ten children.


    Royal Family Tree (1).png

    The Circle is a system established by the monarchy after the Great War. Other countries have a similar system in place under different names. It is found in every city, town, etc., in the country. There are four main Slices (also referred to as districts), each controlled by a native commissioner who answers to the mayor of the area. Each species can only live in its preordained Slice, e.g., only Fae can live in the Fae Slice. Other creatures can only enter the Slice for work or with documentation from the Bureau of Mythical Affairs. Entering another Slice without documentation can get you arrested... or worse.

    Between each Slice is what is called a Sliver. They are grey areas in the system where any species may enter or live. Businesses boom here, but these areas also have the highest crime rate due to interspecies conflict. Like the Slices, there are four in total. The North Sliver, East Sliver, West Sliver, and South Sliver. Some towns, primarily villages, are called Slivers because there are no set laws to enforce.

    The most extensive grey area of Black City is the center. Many important locations sit here, but the most important is the Imperial Palace, where the royal family resides. Only those with high status or permission may get near the palace, and only nobles can meet with the royal family in person.

    Copy of the circle - Black City map.png


    VAMPIR: a gorgeous Slice filled with Victorian, gothic, and more modern styles. There is less green here than in the other Slices, but their gardens, especially the Botanical Garden, are beautiful.

    WERE: The second most green Slice, there are trees and grass behind nearly every backdoor. There is plenty of space to roam, but it is a city nonetheless. The Black City river cuts through this Slice away from the city center.

    MAGI: More advanced in their construction due to the magic around them, they maintain a Victorian aesthetic. They are the third greenest area and the second most beautiful Slice.

    FAE: The greenest Slice of all, though it took years to get it that way. They are a poorer Slice; if you go deeper into it, you'll find the uglier parts. The Black City river cuts through this Slice toward the city center.


    Cervia holds an alliance with most outside countries and is "friendly" with countries with which they do not share an alliance. While Vampir, Were, Magi, and Fae make up most of the world's population, other countries hold species that no longer exist in Cervia.

    The country of Cervia is an absolute monarchy, meaning anything the royal family says goes. The royal family appoints governor, mayoral, and commissioner positions. Cervia is a secular nation.

    II. There are no laws against people based on sexuality, ethnicity, or gender. However, queer sexualities are not as acceptable in the royal family, who have to keep their bloodline going. Everyone has their "freedom," but Hybrids and interspecies couplings are considered shameful. Sometimes the distaste for them can go to extremes; they are often the targets of hate crimes and trafficking. Hybrids have it the worst despite there being some within the royal family.

    III. Monotheistic religions are rare and on the down-low. Particularly, Christianity is banned and no longer ruled as a religion. That does not stop quite a few from practicing it secretly, especially because of their hate for Vampir. Old churches remain, but their spiritual value has been stripped. Most religions in Cervia are polytheistic, though the population is largely secular.

    IV. Neither healthcare nor higher education is free in Cervia.

    V. Cervia is a mix of many different peoples and species. As such, it is Cervia's melting pot. It is a blend of different period styles and modernity. The poorer you are, the simpler and more modern your clothing and housing are.

    VI. The official spoken language of Cervia is English. The native language of other species, such as the Fae, are no longer spoken.


    Along with the Circle system, the country has a class system. Vampir dominate the topmost classes, with Were coming in second, then Magi, then Fae and Merfolk.

    ROYALS: At the top of the food chain in the country are the royals. The family's main branch is purebred Vampir, but they have a few non-Vampir members through marriage and Hybrids from each Slice to appear inclusive. These non-Vampire members are valued the least. The side branch of the royal family exists to serve the main branch.

    NOBLES: Just a step below royals, nobles have more privileges and higher social class than all others. Noble status is either hereditary or granted by the royal family. Nobles typically run huge businesses and corporations and are always nominated for mayoral and commissioner positions. Each Slice has nobles of their own, but some are valued higher because of their connections and relationships with the royal family.

    UPPER CLASS: These are wealthy people without the noble title. Occasionally, they will get approval for commissioner positions, but no further. They own large businesses and properties and are closer to the average person.

    MIDDLE CLASS: These people make up the majority of the population. They are your everyday people living average lives.

    LOWER CLASS: The lower class are poor and/or impoverished people, living in the worst parts of their Slices or Slivers. If they aren't lower class because of their money, they are lower class because of their species. Most in this class are Fae, Merfolk, or Hybrid.

    Any noble or royal can have their title and position stripped from them if the main family decrees it. This has happened more often than people dare to admit.

    No entering another species's Slice without documentation from the Bureau of Mythical Affairs.

    II. Anyone over the age of 20 will be drafted into the army during times of war unless they have proof of employment or proof of continuing education.

    III. Vampir are prohibited from feeding on other species and Were are not allowed to hunt other species.

    IV. Public transformation of a Were is prohibited.

    V. Black Magic is prohibited.

    VI. Murder, assault, sexual assault, pedophilia, child abuse, domestic violence, animal abuse, trespassing, home invasion, larceny, robbery, trafficking, kidnapping, and stalking are illegal.

    VII. It is illegal to discriminate against a person based on species, skin color, sex, sexual orientation, relationship status, or national origin.

    VIII. Businesses may refuse service provided they do not break the above law.

    IX. The legal age of consent is 18 years when all parties are below 20 years. If one member is 20 years or older, then all parties must be 20 years or older.

    X. Anyone 20 years or older can marry anyone else 20 years or older, regardless of species, sex, or disability.

    XI. You can marry up to 7 people.

    XII. Prostitution is illegal.

    XIII. Practicing Christianity is prohibited for the safety of Vampir.

    XIV. Alcohol and marijuana use is legal in Cervia, but other non-prescription drugs are still prohibited.

    XV. The legal drinking age is 20 years.

    XVI. Driving while intoxicated is prohibited.

    XVII. When driving, the driver and anyone in the front passenger seat must wear a seatbelt, even if they are 20 years or older. Anyone under 20 years must wear a seatbelt regardless of which seat they are using.

    Cervia has many holidays with the mixing of so many people and cultures. The standard holidays that everyone celebrates are:

    New Year's Day - The city is never more loud and alive than on this glorious day. Parties are thrown, traditions are held, and it lasts the entire day. (January 1st)

    Memorial Day - To honor and mourn the fallen soldiers of the country. (September 4th)

    Orion Day - The day that Cervia became an official country and the monarchy was officiated with Orion Blacke on the throne. This is an especially great day for the Vampir. The royal family shows kindness by feeding the poor and partying with their people on this day. (August 1st)

    Halloween - Also known as Hallow's Eve, this is a holiday that has never been lost. This is a holiday of costumes, tricks, treats, and (according to the house of Spiritus) the dead. Everyone celebrates because everyone is a "monster." (October 31st)

    Christmas Day - All of the religious meaning behind it has been stripped away. Everyone celebrates this holiday as a day for gift-giving and family reunions.

    Mother's Day, Father's Day, and Children's Day continue to be celebrated.

    Day of Enlightenment -
    The Day of Enlightenment is the day the Great War came to an end. It is a day meant to acknowledge the hardship that resulted from the war. Everyone pays respects to their ancestors and celebrates with a huge feast. Many plays, songs, poetry, etc., are made for this day. (April 29th)

    Festival of Lanterns - A day when food and game vendors line every side of the street. It is said the skies open bright and clear on this day and that if you write your wish onto a lantern and hang it up, it will come true. (August 13th)

    The Carnival - The carnival is an annual celebration for all the different cultures, people, languages, etc., of the country. There is lots of food, games, parades, rides, performances, etc. It starts in mid-July and ends on the last day of the month with a magic firework show.



    Red Moon Festival -
    A "blood moon" happens when Earth's moon is in a total lunar eclipse, and it only happens twice a year. On this day, the Vampir's strength increases tenfold. Sometimes permanently. The first red moon period is a humble celebration at home spent with family and friends. The second period is when the festival comes into play, lasting three days; one day before the blood moon, the day of the blood moon, and the day after. Many parties are thrown, the biggest being a ball hosted by the royal family at the Imperial Palace. This is the one time that almost anyone can get into the palace. (May 26th)


    Fest of the 13th Moon -
    A The Vampir has their red moon, and the Were have their annual full moon festival. There are 13 full moons a year, and on each full moon, Were families gather together to eat and hunt. The party begins on the 13th full moon. The day is filled with bonfires, dancing, storytelling, food, and musicians. It's a very cozy and homely festival. Every inch of the Were Slice celebrates, and so do the Slivers surrounding them. The party leaks out everywhere. Were know how to party. (December 29th)


    Magi Moore -
    Magi Moore is a seven-day celebration for the Magi. Unlike the Red Moon Festival or the 13th Moon Festival, Magi do not gain extra strength these days. They celebrate the day their ancestors discovered magic. Competitions are held, and there are magic shows, parties, food, cheap sales on magic items, etc. It spreads onto the Slivers surrounding them too. (It starts on November 1st)


    Bloom Season -
    It starts in March when the plants have bloomed and lasts ten days. It is a holiday celebrating the new birth and life of nature, something that was once so scarce. Many competitions are hosted, and there are song performances, poetry, etc. A whole feast is set out for the entire Slice to participate in, and they welcome all other species to join in on their fun.


    Odiep Yiesvofi (Ocean Yeartide) -
    Odiep Yiesvofi, Aquarian for Ocean Yeartide, commemorates the day that is believed to be Ocean Mother's (the Ocean) day of birth and creation. It is usually always hosted around the first Spring Tide of the year, during new and full moons, when the high tides are high and the low tides are low.

    Merfolk traditionally travel home to their coastal hometowns where they connect to their roots with festivities. The celebrations are marked by music and singing, pageant plays, dancing, beach picnics, writing messages for Mother ocean in the sand, and water sculpting competitions. Merfolk usually have their hair adorned in water flowers, sea plants, shells, and pearls. They wear clothing that does not hinder their transformation.

    Traditionally, it is also said to be a time of love and fertility, which has led to night activities being left to lovers. These celebrations last 3 days in total. (Typically starts on January 2nd)

    (Note: It should be known that everyone wears traditional clothing to these celebrations when they can.)

    Circle Calendar.jpg


    The Cervian military is the most powerful military in the world, or so the Cervians say with all their pride. However, if their won battles serve as any evidence, then the statement could be said to be true. The military is to be highly respected and is usually referred to as the Queen's Forces. They are split into four units: the navy, the airforce, the army, and the Knights of Ascelin.


    The most popular and known group within the military. Their unit started as an order of knights with the one goal of protecting and serving the royal family after Orion ascended the throne. They have since raised in rank, power, and numbers. Their loyalty to the Blacke family and crown remains just as strong.

    Being given the title of knight is an honor for all classes. They are given special benefits, particularly favor with the Royal family. The knights answer to the queen and the queen alone. They may be found in some of the other units as high-ranking officers. However, their unit is usually divided into three: guards of the palace, special operatives, or foreign agents.

    Note: Cervia uses the same army ranking titles as the UK.


    Founded half a century ago, the Children of Blood only started out as a measly three Vampir. It is a society filled with some of the most high-ranking Vampir. Their goal is to maintain Vampir supremacy and to continue to shape the world according to Vampir needs, keeping in mind the many abilities that they've lost along the way. Though they call themselves a society, they are blatantly referred to as a cult by non-Vampir and other Vampir alike. Despite the negative press and their exclusivity, they still have a decent following and a great deal of influence.

    Their values and goals include things such as:
    - Preserving pureblood lineages
    - Not limiting the feeding of Vampir
    - Reconnecting Vampir with their innate nature
    - Preserving the royal family

    What happens inside the society stays inside the society.


    A Fire Magi cult in Turner City founded on the agonizing power of fire and its perceived purifying effect. Originally a branch of the Ignis house that strived to create the hottest and most long-lasting flames possible, they were eventually outcasted as they grew more cult-like and destructive. Currently, they are led by Aurelia Vanderroest, who was born from fire when her mother committed suicide by setting herself on fire.

    Each member is branded with the Ardor's Gate symbol on some part of their body as part of their initiation. You would be hard-pressed to find an Ardor's Gate member that is not covered in scars from their neverending thirst to intensify their powers. Their colors are white and blue to represent the hottest flames. Most members are aggressive, arrogant, and chaotic.

    They engage in all kinds of criminal activity, with their favorite being arson.


    Eurihin is often thought of as a religion or a cult by outsiders, but to Merfolk it is a promise to remember their origins and culture. Most importantly, it is a promise to honor Mother Ocean. With this promise rose the belief in what they call the Ocean's Voice. The Ocean's Voice is usually a Merfolk who has greater empathy, understanding, and connection to the ocean than any other Merfolk. Because of this, and the council members who surround them, they usually have a say on all big decisions made for Merfolk and are often sought out for advice.

    Eurihin is disliked by the monarch and nobles of other species. To keep a tighter leash on them, the Ocean's Voice is usually invited as a member of the court, though they usually choose not to live in the court. Normally, they live in a temple built in homage to the sea.


    A notorious gang in Black City, claiming most of the territory in the East and South grey areas. They are mostly made up of Fae, Silverblood Vampir, non-House Magi, and some Were members. Lower-ranked members of this gang are usually inked with tattoos of significant meaning. The gang has more than one leader, and their identities are usually kept hidden. They have a lot of pull around the city, especially in grey areas.

    Their Activities Include:
    - Larceny/robbery/theft
    - Vandalism
    - Drug trafficking
    - Smuggling firearms
    - Loans
    - Other gang-related activities
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People of the day and night

  • During the war, many creatures suffered and perished. While they were able to restore some lands, there were species that were unable to survive the Great War and its aftermath. The species that Cervia consists of are beyond this box.



    Purebloods are your everyday citizens, but that does not make them any less special than Hybrids. They are the most praised for a reason. The purer they are, the more balanced and stronger their abilities. Nobles and royals take pure bloodlines especially seriously, though the other classes still prefer them over Hybrids, if only because it means less trouble for their families.


    Hybrids are mixed species. They are frowned upon in society and are often targets of hate and trafficking. Yet, despite the treatment they receive, there are more of them than most know about. Some people even marry into other species' families to try and reproduce a strong Hybrid.

    Hybrids are rarely born with an almost equal ratio of both species' unique abilities. If a Vampir and Magi Hybrid were born, they would be either more Vampir or more Magi in their abilities, having very little of their other side's abilities or none at all. It is the same for their weaknesses. Physical traits and features are often mixed. Because of this, regardless of their status, many Hybrids pass as the species they most resemble. It's easier to live that way.

    The rare Hybrids with an almost equal ratio (because no Hybrid is an equal ratio) are just as powerful as they are weak. They suffer from every weakness of both sides. They say the power they gain makes up for it.




    All species agree that you are a full adult at age 20. Ages 1-18 age normally, but once a person turns 19, aging begins to decelerate. This is most pronounced with Vampir, then Were, then Fae and Merfolk. Magi usually age faster, but the timeline can vary based on their how much mana they have. This is not to say that no one can live longer than what is expected. A person's lifespan obviously depends on the person's health and lifestyle.


    Redbloods and Silverbloods have different life expectancies, with Redbloods living longer. Many Redbloods make this a point about Silverbloods' inferiority. On average, Redbloods live an average of 200 years while Silverbloods live an average of 170 years. Because of their long lifespans, there is a saying that death is worse for Vampir because they live so long and age so slowly, and thus they feel deeper and for longer than most species.

    Vampir born under the Blood Moon have 20-40 years over average Vampir.


    Darklings, despite being considered inferior to the Vampir, actually live a bit longer than them on average. Darklings have a life expectancy of 210 years. Of course, this can vary depending on how much they feed on their particular energy source (and thus how powerful they are).


    Werecanine and Werefeline also have different life expectancies, with Werecanine living longer. Unlike Werecanine, who live in groups and thus more often receive help when needed, Werefeline usually live more solitary lives. Werecanine are also anatomically stronger than Werefeline on average. These traits seem to be associated with Werecanine's longer lifespan. Werecanine have a life expectancy of 180 years while Werefeline are expected to live 185 years.


    Magi, as the descendants of humans, are those with the shortest lifespans. Yet, they live far longer than humans did, with their average lifespan being 150 years. Why? Their mana. Mana slows aging and keeps them strong, meaning that having more mana will increase your lifespan and make you look younger for longer.


    It is said that Fae used to live much longer, but now they average 150 years of age. One reason for this decrease is the pollution and damage the war did to the environment. Since Fae get their energy from nature, they live longer in places with healthy, abundant plants and clear water.


    Like the Fae, who Merfolk share a slice with, their life expectancy has decreased to an average of 175 years. Merfolk used to live hundreds of years more than they do now. Due to pollution and black magic tainting the water they lived on, they cannot get the energy they once did from it.


    Because of their penchant for solitude and hiding, as well as their stronger physical capabilities, Sarpa traditionally have the longest lifespans out of the Fae grouping. They live an average of 185 years, though with their newer assimilation into the rest of society, Sarpa are concerned the new environment might affect this.


    Their lifespan is based on their parents' species and which species they resemble best.

  • Vampir is the most privileged and politically powerful species. Vampir are feared, admired, and hated by many others. Yet, as powerful as they are, they are not what they used to be. They are no longer immortal, and they have split into Redbloods and Silverbloods.

    Silverbloods are the middle-class and even the rare lower-class members of the Vampir society. They possess only the standard Vampir abilities and have no relation to the royal or noble families. Redbloods are the strongest Vampir there are, though they are rarer. They are the direct descendants of the Vampir Queen, the very first Vampir. As well as the standard Vampir abilities, Redbloods have an additional power unique to them and their kin. However, Redbloods can not go as long without feeding as Silverbloods can.


    All Vampir share the same weaknesses:

    Heat/Sunlight: The heat and direct sunlight damage them greatly. They grow increasingly sluggish and weak depending on the temperature and the intensity of the sunlight. They are very susceptible to skin burns and suffer from an odd case of hemophilia or fainting spells when in it too long.
    Silver: The touch of silver will instantly weaken them. As it zaps their energy instantaneously, losing consciousness is common.
    Garlic: They're allergic to it. Deathly allergic.
    Holy Relics/Objects: Holy objects and relics physically repel Vampir.
    Holy Water: Any contact with holy water gives them fourth-degree burns. Though the burns heal over time, they are left with scars.
    Mortality: They can die like any other human. The longest life expectancy for Silverbloods is only 175 years and 200 years for Redbloods.
    Feeding: If Vampir do not feed, their abilities weaken until they resemble the fragility of humans. The hunger leads to crippling pain, and eventually, any blood spill sends them into a bloodthirsty frenzy. They have no control over their strength and powers when they enter this state, their only thought being to hunt.
    Reproduction: They have lost the power to turn others, so the only way to make more Vampir is to reproduce.


    All Vampir possess these abilities:

    Supernatural Strength: The power to exert great strength.
    Supernatural Senses: To have uncanny senses. Better sight, smell, hearing, taste, and sense of touch than any human.
    Supernatural Speed: To be able to move faster than the human eye.
    Vision: Most Vampir have night or heat vision but there have been instances of blood flow vision, the ability to see the flow of blood of any living being.

    Redbloods have one of the following powers:

    Telepathy: The power to read/sense another person's thoughts and mentally communicate with them.
    Mind Control: The power to control/manipulate a person's mind.
    Telekinesis: The ability to manipulate and control objects/matter with the mind.
    Ferrokinesis: The ability to mentally manipulate metal.
    Animal Control: The ability to control animals.
    Biokinesis: The power to heal or perform other biological manipulation, like stopping a heart.
    (Note: With this power, they can change their own or others, never both, bodies to extreme forms, including swapping sexes. However, because it isn't their natural state, they can not keep it as long and without repercussions like some other species. The body reverts to its natural state if it has been out of it for a year at maximum. Trying to make extreme changes again, not long after may result in harm on one's cells. And the more it is done, the less likely they'll be able to revert, remaining "stuck". Going back and forth often also may cause issues with the cells.)

    ((Many definitions are taken from Superpower wiki))


    Uncommon, but not rare, Silverblood Vampir can be born from Redblood Vampir. This is a commonly-known fact that no one dares to speak about. This situation is especially rare in the Royal family as their blood is more concentrated and stronger due to being closely related to the very first Vampir.


    It is known that during the total lunar eclipse that takes place twice a year when the moon turns red, a Vampir's strength increases tenfold. What is even more special than that is Vampir children born under the blood moon. It is a miraculous night that affects both Silverbloods and Redbloods.

    If Silverblood Vampir give birth to a child under the blood moon, their children may be born a Redblood. Their strength would be just as powerful as any regular Redblood and possess a Redblood ability. For the Redbloods born under a blood moon, their abilities are stronger than other Redbloods. Both types of Vampir, when born under a blood moon, may also have extended lives (by 20-40 years more) and an even slower aging process than other Vampir once they hit adulthood.

    There are some drawbacks, however:
    Vampir who give birth under the Red Moon are racked with pain. If they do not die during or before childbirth, then they suffer long-term effects after childbirth throughout their lives, mentally and/or physically. It is said to be because the baby is draining them of their strength. Most Silverblood Vampir, because they are naturally already weaker than Redbloods, die.

    Vampir born under the blood moon need to feed on human (Magi) blood every 3 months (as that is how long they can go without it before they start reverting to monstrous instincts). No other species' blood will do; it will only hold them over for a bit longer.

    Most notably, under every blood moon, their demeanor changes into what the classic sadistic type of vampires in literature. They are not themselves, or perhaps they are more themselves than ever.


    Unlike the other species around them, blood is a necessity for a Vampir's survival. Yes, they can and do eat and drink other foods, but blood is necessary to sustain them. Vampir are immune to bloodborne diseases. While blood preferences tend to vary from Vampir to Vampir, the most well-liked type of blood to the least is as follows:

    1. Magi - They are the descendants of humans and the natural prey of Vampir. It does not matter what house they're from or the magic they practice; they are all by far the tastiest to most Vampir and the most nutritious. The more mana they possess, however, the more energy Vampir gain and the tastier their blood, so those with more mana are considered more desirable.
    2. Celestine Merfolk - The second choice for many, though some consider it just as good or better than Magi blood. The main reason their blood is so desirable is to do with their healing capabilities, which will extend a Vampir's lifespan even further than the blood of a Magi. Though more healthy, the taste is generally considered inferior to Magi blood.
    3. Fae - Again, for this one, the type does not matter. They are the third most popular choice. While the flavor of their blood differs depending on the type of Fae, none of them are considered superior to the others. Many say Fae blood tastes spicy or sour.
    4. Ceylon/Coral - Nothing particularly special, though they are considered a fancier meal to target. Most Vampir are attracted to their exoticness rather than their taste.
    5. Libitine - Libitine blood is deemed a delicacy both for its taste and rarity. No matter what, it will always taste delicious to every Vampir, and many find themselves addicted to it. Because of that, Vampir often warn each other to never drink from them, lest they find themselves under their control. Although their taste rivals Magi, they are far less nutritious, only tiding Vampir over for a few hours. More of a junk food snack.
    6. Sarpa - While their rarity makes them attractive targets, their blood is considered an acquired taste. A lot of it can make a Vampir feel drunk, perhaps because of the trace amounts of venom in their blood.
    7. Ghouls/Gargoyles - Since Darklings are the cousins of Vampir, their blood tastes very similar, and therefore, there are mixed opinions on it. While the stigma about drinking from them is less intense than from Vampir, there is some discourse, and so some Vampir like to drink from them just for the taboo.
    8. Vampir - Reviews are mixed here. Some Vampir find the blood of other Vampir disgusting while others find it ridiculously delicious. It is generally believed that Redbloods taste better than Silverbloods.
    9. Werefeline - Like Vampir, Werefeline are hunters and therefore a lot less desirable. The taste of their blood is tolerable, but that is about it.
    10. Werecanine - Disgusting and low. They're not worth the trouble as they are the natural enemies of the Vampir.
    11. Cobalt Merfolk - Vampir will die if they drink from them.

    To keep the peace, feeding on other species (particularly the Magi ((since they are the descendants of humans))) is very illegal. Vampir sustain themselves on animal blood, which is farmed for them. Animal blood is not as tasty or nutritious as human blood, but it's enough to keep them alive and functioning.

    The second way a Vampir gets blood is through blood oranges, genetically engineered fruits filled with a blood-like juice. They only grow and ripen in the winter season. They are sweeter, tastier, and more nutritious than animal blood. Unfortunately, they are more expensive as they are a seasonal fruit. They taste amazing to Vampir (and Vampir hybrids) but horrible to other species. Magi use them for spells and potions, though.

    The third alternative, though not often talked about, is the blood of other Vampir. While many don't feed on other Vampir, it isn't illegal. Rather, there is an unspoken rule not to do it. Despite this, a lot of Vampir have done it at least once.

    Vampire bites release hormones and chemicals that cause their victims to become easier and more receptive to being drained. It essentially creates a happy high, though some Vampir bites release different hormones that change their victim's mood to something else. Vampire bites heal quite fast because of a property in Vampir saliva, and they heal almost immediately when licked. The longer a Vampir feeds, the harder it becomes to stop themselves from draining their victim entirely. This is one of the many reasons why feeding on others is illegal, but it is an open secret that Vampir feed on others anyway.

    Thankfully, in the vast majority of cases, they do it amicably and quietly by paying others to be their personal blood bank. Despite how commonplace this transaction is, it is considered shameful by other Vampir and fuels the hatred of other species. Those who are caught being drunk by a Vampir are called Bloodwhores. Even victims who did not consent to be drunk are often Bloodwhores.

    Vampir are not free from this harsh brand, either. They use it against other Vampir, most commonly Silverbloods, who have been caught being fed on. Letting others feed on you as a Vampir is considered especially low, as Vampir are supposed to be the hunters, not the prey. The only way it is considered acceptable is if it is between married lovers.


    Some Vampir wear sunlight rings to make them impervious to the sun's hazardous effects. These rings can only be created by Light Magi, and because they are extremely energy and resource-demanding, they are very expensive. Generally, only the wealthy are able to afford them.

  • The strongest creatures survived the war, and the Were came second place. If it weren't for the Vampir getting the other species to surrender to them, the Were would have dominated. The sworn enemy relationship they once had with Vampir is something only in history books. At this point, their conflict has more or less deescalated into a rivalry.

    Unlike Vampir, they have kept most of their abilities. Were are split between Werecanine and Werefeline types, with Werecanine types being stronger. Among the Werecanine types, the Lupine are the strongest of all. While the Lupine often tease their brethren, they still protect and stand by them. Though, the Werefeline are usually loner types.


    All Were share the same weaknesses:

    Transformation: Applied electricity, medicine, or enzymes may prevent transformation.
    Silver: Were are extremely vulnerable to silver. The touch of it burns them just as badly as holy water burns Vampir. Being stabbed or shot with it weakens their abilities to the point of human fragility.
    Wolfsbane: Unlike silver where Were still have a fighting chance, wolfsbane leaves a Were next to none. It's extremely poisonous, and not many Were survive its effects.
    Enhanced Senses: Unlike Vampir, Were can't dull their enhanced senses. High pitches, loud noises, and foul smells are harmful to them.
    Vargulf: Any Were that is mentally unstable becomes a Vargulf: a physically and mentally unstable Were. They kill for the sake of killing and are stronger than the average Were, though they cannot control when they turn. They eventually die from their disease.
    Heat: Biannually for Werecanine and triannually for Werefeline, Were sometimes go into heat, impairing their judgment and leaving them more vulnerable to attack.
    Hunger: Like a Vampir, hunger can make a Were go feral.
    Mortality: Weres have enhanced durability and a regenerative healing factor, but they are still mortal.

    Werefeline also have these weaknesses:

    Gold: On top of Silver, Werefeline also have a weakness to gold. They have an unconquerable attraction to it.
    Electricity: Anyone can be hurt by it, but Werefeline are deathly afraid of it as its effects are more detrimental to them.
    Reproduction: Again like Vampir, they can not turn others. They must reproduce to bring more werewolves into the world. Werecanine have a life expectancy of 180 years while Werefeline are expected to live 185 years.


    All Were possess these abilities:

    Enhanced Body: Were are faster, stronger, and overall superior to other species.
    Regenerative Healing Factor: Were can recreate lost or damaged tissues, organs, and limbs. The rate and amount of healing vary widely; some can put the limb back in place for rapid regeneration. Their bodies are constantly reverting to a healthy state, granting them nigh-inexhaustible stamina and vitality.
    Canine/Feline Physiology: Were can mimic/transform into canines/felines. Their abilities are stronger than any regular canine/feline, however. All Were can transform at will whenever they please.
    Predator Instinct: Were possess predatory instincts, allowing them to become masters of hunting, manipulation, planning, and tracking.

    ((Many definitions are taken from Superpower wiki))


    When it comes to Were transformation, there are three stages.
    Stage 1) One-third of the way through transforming, only bringing out a few animal features. Claws, fangs, change of eyes, ears, etc, small things like that which can be easily reverted.
    Stage 2) Two-thirds of the way there, lycanthropy, or what people usually see traditionally Werewolves as. Humanoid Were creatures, with all their animal instincts and abilities intact.
    Stage 3) The full form, which is the actual animal itself. Though, for Werewolves and large Werecats, they are larger than the standard animal.


    The Hunt is a ceremony and tradition where Were leave their homes and enter the woods to hunt. It usually occurs during the Fest of the 13th Moon. On the day of the full moon, they revert to their animal instincts and turn against their will. They do not transform back until the sun is down and blood is in their mouths. High on the kill, they party the night after. It is a yearly ceremony, and there are no casualties unless someone trespasses onto the grounds at the wrong time.


    All Were tend to attract animals, particularly mammals. On nights with a full moon, they can even influence them. They have a stronger connection with animals that share their species.


    Any Were that is mentally unstable becomes a Vargulf: a physically and mentally unstable Were. They kill for the sake of killing and are stronger than the average Were, though they cannot control when they turn. They eventually die from their disease.

    The main cause of a Were's mental and physical decline is not transforming often enough or refusing to transform. Eventually, they start suffering symptoms such as:
    - Hallucinations
    - Cold sweats
    - Fevers
    - Paranoia
    - Mood swings
    - Nose bleeds
    - Violence toward themselves and others

    These symptoms last about 18-20 months and can be reversed during this period. After that, there is no recovery, and the Vargulf transformation occurs. There is no cure for it.


    Wounds inflicted by Were do not turn others, but they are still not something to be taken lightly. Claw marks and bites heal slower than regular injuries, and if not properly cleaned properly, they can fester. In most cases, whether they fester or not, they cause mild to severe fevers, vivid nightmares and night terrors, severe pain, and sometimes even temporary amnesia. They always leave a scar.

    Vampir suffer the worst effects, as they are the natural-born enemy of Were. Vampir have been known to die from Were bites after only a few days.


    While not true of all Were, the majority are possessive creatures that enjoy holding public claim over their loved ones. They will frequently scent their partners by rubbing up against them and/or sharing bodily fluids, which will remain on their partner's skin for a few days at a time.

    A step further is a bonding mark, which is a serious commitment between Were. A bonding mark acts as a permanent scent marker that announces to other Were that you are someone's mate, and it is given by biting deeply into the gland at the base of a Were's neck on their right side.

    Bonding is rare between Were, even for married couples, as bonded mates become more dependent on one another than they otherwise would. They are more affected by their mate's emotions, often mirroring them, and they become more clingy. During heat, bonded mates will only feel desire toward each other. If they are away from their mate for more than a few weeks, they fall into depression. There is no way to reverse bonding, and many worry about becoming trapped in an unhealthy relationship or that a bond mark will alter their true feelings.

  • Magi, also known as Spellcasters, are humans who know the art of magic. Witches, wizards, warlocks, sorcerers, etc. They are large in population, though there are many of those in their Slice who do not know the art of magic. These people are called Normies. Still, they are considered Magi because all humans are born with mana. Their people did a lot of damage in the war and could have won if it were not for their greater mortality.

    In Cervia, most Magi fall under the category of House Magi, meaning they belong to one of the nine elemental Magi houses. If one is not part of one of those houses, they are considered a Rogue Magi. Rogue Magi are usually small families or teachers passing on their unique magic to students. They are easily overlooked because of their small-scale groups. Like the houses, they have their own spellbook and way of practicing magic.


    All Magi share the same weaknesses:

    Mortality: Magi are the second weakest creatures when it comes to mortality and their bodies. Too many things can harm and kill them. After all, they're still human. Because of mana, Magi live to be about 150 years on average.
    There is always a price: Magic always has a price, and in the case of the Magi, it's usually insignificant things such as some of their mana, which they can regain through rest. However, the bigger and more powerful the spell, the bigger the price.
    Magic: Stronger magic can overcome weaker magic. In some cases, magic may be unpredictable. Without experience, skill, and knowledge, magic can be useless or extremely dangerous to the Magi and those around them.
    Magic Resistance: This can foil any Magi's magic. Fae have magic resistance, but only their bodies are protected.
    Black Magic: Black magic, or the dark arts, is the most dangerous magic of all. Hence why it is highly illegal. While regular magic uses the user's mana, black magic uses the life force around them, leaving living creatures to die and decay. It is what caused major harm in the Great War.


    All Magi possess these abilities:

    Mana: The impersonal source of energy existing in people, places, and objects. Only Magi can obtain and manipulate it, and with it, they can cast spells and create potions.
    Spellbook: Every Magi has a spellbook in their family, passed down from generation to generation. Every spellbook contains spells, incantations, enchantments, potion recipes, information, etc. What adds to the specialness of family spellbooks is that they are "alive." Some speak and answer questions, others may move close to their owner when they're not looking or flip through their pages for them.

    A piece of every family member is in the spellbook, helping to guide the next wielders. This is because, on every tenth birthday, humans sign their names in the book. There is a whole ceremony for it, and it is not taken lightly. Once they sign their name, the human's mana is boosted, and they become an official Magi.

    One can buy little spellbooks and scrolls from the store, but none of it amounts to a family spellbook.
    Magic Tools: Charms, relics, and items can be used by anyone, but only Magi can make them, break them, or change them. It is their mana that makes these items.
    Potions: Like magical tools, only Magi can make and alter potions. It is their mana that makes them work.

    ((Many definitions are taken from Superpower wiki))


    House of Sanguis: Blood Magic – House of the current Magi Commissioner
    House of Spiritus: Spirit Magic
    House of Lux: Light Magic
    House of Tenebris: Darkness Magic
    House of Ignis: Fire Magic
    House of Aqua: Water Magic
    House of Terra: Earth Magic
    House of Ventus: Wind Magic
    House of Viridi: Plant Magic


    Special Friendships

    1. The Trinity: blood, bone, and shadow. Sanguis, Spiritus, and Tenebris have been close-knit since the beginning of time. Their magic is related to the self, and once upon a time, they were all seen as a dark and horrifying type of magic. Shared histories and ideas drew them together and keep them together.

    2. The Triad: earth, water, and plant. They support one another and create life in ways the others never could. Mutual respect and need for one another have made them close and continue to do so.

    3. The Trio: light, fire, and wind. It started as a duo but was turned into a trio, bridged by the house of Ignis. Fire is related to light and becomes more powerful with the wind.

    Other Friendships

    - Spiritus has a kinship with Viridi and Terra.
    - Lux has a kinship with Viridi.
    - Aqua has a kinship with Sanguis.


    1. Lux and Tenebris. Probably the first one, light and darkness have been around forever. One is thought of as good and the other bad. The only thing bad is the blood between them.

    2. Ignis and Aqua. They butt heads like no other, often refusing to even be in the same room as the other.

    3. Terra and Ventus. While Ventus is usually a chill house, it does not get along well with Terra at all. In most cases, they provoke them.


    While magic is a general system nearly any Magi can use, a Magi's magic type influences how they go about performing it. Whichever magic type the Magi learns (ie. fire, water, blood, etc.), it serves as their medium. This means the element serves as their source of mana to perform spells, potions, and other forms of magic. For example, a Blood Magi uses blood to gain and strengthen their power while a Wind Magi uses the wind.

    Magi with a long line of ancestors who practiced a specific magic type have an inherited strong connection to it by birthright. This connection gives a Magi the ability to generate and manipulate the element as well as having a natural talent and affinity for spells regarding it. For example, a Light Magi would have an easier time performing light spells than other Magi.

    In many cases, those who are born into an ancestrally-inherited magic type already begin to manifest it before they start their training (ie. a fire magi may heat up objects that they touch, a spirit magi may see spirits, a plant magi may grow seeds into sprouts from touch). The stronger the connection and the less control over the abilities, a Magi's magic can even link with their emotions or state of mind.


    Magi typically start their training at the age of ten, when they are deemed mentally and physically mature enough. By the time they master their first magic type, they would be in their mid-twenties to early thirties. Learning another type of magic takes at least another eight-ten years. But all magic has a price, and learning another type of magic has its price in resisting a new learner, more so if they are not descended from a family who uses it. If practiced poorly, it can lead a Magi to lose all of their mana or even their life.

    It is important to remember that the training is strenuous, and mishaps/mistakes can lead to major side effects. The chance of them happening increases the more magic you learn. By the time you may learn a sixth magic type, you may be unable to teach anything but your core magic type.

    It is also important to remember that it is next to impossible to teach someone outside of your own house. You'd have to be breaking your house rules and betraying them by passing on their secrets and knowledge. On that note, unless they sign the house book, your pupil's power in a magic type will never be as strong as those that belong to the associated house.

    Rogue Magi are not so keen on teaching just anyone either, least of all someone from a house. Because they're smaller in numbers, they also like teaching someone with a clean slate (meaning someone who hasn't learned a type of magic yet). This is why, like with clans, they only teach within their family or those who they adopt into it.

    It is also important to remember that you can't learn new magic without it being taught to you. Otherwise, you can seriously harm yourself or die. With all of these factors, it is rare for a Magi to know more than one type of magic. The rare ones who do usually know two or three. If they try to pass on their magic knowledge, they would likely only be able to pass on two types due to the training time and their life span. No matter how many magic types you know, skill is ultimately the most important thing.


    Alchemy is old magic, but not completely magic as it uses both the forces of magic and science. It is an art and a philosophy that stills holds mystery despite how long it has been practiced. Alchemists use spells, mana, chemical elements, and raw ingredients in their work. The practitioner's main focus is the pursuit of the magical stones (Namely the Philosopher's Stone) and transmutation. They are most adept in making poisons and potions but are unable to work with life force. They can neither create nor alter it.

    For centuries the art of alchemy has been out of fashion, but with the Magi-technology starting to grow, the oldest mixture of science and magic is making a comeback as well. All Magi are able to perform alchemy, it only takes time and practice to master it. Few have.


    While Magi do not need conduits to perform their magic by any means, they still serve a beneficial purpose. Staffs, wands, and other similar items provide the user with additional mana. In doing so, they strengthen the Magi's spells, incantations, hexes, etc as well as stabilize them. This is because they are channeling objects.

    Due to their helpful nature, many Magi children use them as a sort of crutch until they get older and no longer need them. Though there are still plenty of adults who use them, as they still work well with greater power and skill levels. Depending on how and what they're made with, some are better than others and it is about finding what personally best suits individual Magi.


    Familiars are a Magi's animal companion who serves them as loyal guardians, protectors, etc. Whether consciously or not, a Magi forms a pact with the creature and binds them to them through their magic. Once bound, the animal becomes an official familiar deeply connected with its master. It feels its Magi's emotions and often mirrors their preferences and feelings, though it is still its own being and acts as it pleases unless given a command.

    Magi and familiars are so deeply connected that they can understand one another without speaking. Magi are able to scry with their familiars, hitch-hiking on the senses of their familiar, but only temporarily. The stronger the Magi, the longer they may scry.

    Most notably, because the magic of the Magi flows throw their familiar, a familiar has one related power that they can use at its will. For example, a Wind Magi's familiar may be able to walk on air.


    Black Magic, aka Dark Magic, and not to be mistaken with darkness magic, is a globally banned and illegal practice. Black Magic can consist of any form of magic, as it is magic that takes the life of living beings. Its main purpose is to cause destruction, harm, and even death.

    Contrary to popular belief, Black Magic is not necessarily "evil" magic. A common belief among Magi is that there is no such thing as "good" or "evil" magic, there is only magic. Ultimately, though, Black Magic always caused more harm than good. It is typically used for self-serving and nefarious purposes.

    The more Black Magic is used, the more "corrupted" the mind becomes.

    Things that are recognized as Black Magic:
    1. Sacrifices
    2. Curses and hexes
    3. Poisonous potions
    5. Cursed magical items
    6. Calling on "evil" (i.e., destructive) spirits


    Handling all Magi affairs.

    The council's origin story started long before the creation of Cervia, the war, and the discovery of magic by regular humans. It is a children's story; one told like a legend, a fairy tale, but a true historic tale.

    It started with ten sisters. All of them were very powerful in their own right but wielded a unique magic.

    The eldest sister used the blood of all living creatures.
    The second used spirits that were not seen by the naked eye.
    The third used the light that always came with each day.
    The fourth used the darkness from every corner.
    The fifth used the fire that burned matter to ashes.
    The sixth used the water that covered the world.
    The seventh used the ice that came every winter.
    The eighth used the Earth that all walked upon.
    The ninth used the air that all must breathe.
    And the tenth used the plants that grew around us.

    They are known as the most powerful Magi in history and the mothers of each house. Though their seventh sister died before she could extend her house or form the Witches Council with them, known respectively to Magi as The Novem. It started off small, hidden from most and only known to Magi. They managed witches and wizards, making big and necessary decisions for magic users. During the Great War and the expansion of magic, they grew.

    After the war, they became an official government branch handling all magical affairs and cases before the court. They decide what is permitted and what is not. They have only been allowed such power because of the trickiness of magic and one of their most famous members, Owyn Treviar of House Ventus, the man who made Rockcaster habitable, was favored by the first king. Because of this, the council is located in Rockcaster.

    The members of the council are nine, one chosen from each house. The government cannot interfere with the houses' decisions on who joins the council as their representative. Rogue Magi have never been on the council, but have worked beneath them.

  • Fae are the most mistreated of the four groups, often looked down upon for being the weaker species. They were strong enough to survive the war, or more precisely, smart enough to survive and seek shelter with the Vampir. They lost the majority of their land due to the war.

    There are four types of Fae with no set hierarchy: Common, Spiritual, Ethereal, and Elemantal. Common Fae are, as the name suggests, the most common type of Fae. Elemental Fae are the rarest, and different from the other three groups, as explained further down.


    All Fae share the same weaknesses:

    Iron: Iron causes a searing and burning pain when touched.
    Silver: Silver also causes severe burning, but it can also make them sick, and in some circumstances, it can kill them.
    Fire/Heat: Fire makes Fae fatigued and sluggish. As much of their land has been burned and many of their people killed through it, Fae have an innate fear of fire.
    Mirrors: Mirrors are shiny, and Fae love shiny things. They can easily become obsessed with them.
    Salt: Salt repels Fae like holy relics repel Vampir. It is often used to block them from entering anywhere.
    Wings: Fae wings are like limbs. When they get damaged, the pain and risk of infection are the same as with any other body part.
    Mortality: Fae can be killed as easily as humans. City-dwelling Fae are expected to live an average of 150 years, but when surrounded by nature, they can live up to 169 on average.


    All Fae possess these abilities:

    Flight: Fae have or are able to manifest wings, allowing flight.
    Fairy Dust Manipulation: They can create, generate, shape, and manipulate fairy dust. Fairy dust is known to be magical and is thus sought out by Magi for use in potions and spells.
    Magic Resistance: Fae are resistant to most forms of magic (i.e., potions, spells, etc), though they are usually only resistant to one specific type of magic.

    Common Fae have one of the following powers:

    Healing: They can restore biotic organisms to their optimal health, curing damaged or withered organisms, wounds, broken bones, low vitality, and diseases/poisoning. They cannot resurrect dead creatures.
    Shapeshifting - They can shift their form, transforming and reshaping themselves down to their genetic and cellular structure. They can impersonate others or enhance their by turning into animals, humanoids, and monsters.
    Weather Manipulation: Faes with this ability have a strong connection with the Earth. They can sense, channel, shape, create, and manipulate the weather within a certain radius.
    Plant Enhancement: They can increase the amount and health of plants, flowers, and other produce, heal and otherwise nourish them, and influence the environment. They can also communicate with plants and accelerate their growth.

    Spiritual Fae have one of the following powers:

    Empathy: They can fully interpret the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others with a glance, Some users may learn to read emotional imprints left in the environment or objects.
    Astral Projection: They can separate their spirit from the body by entering a trance, gaining access to the Astral Plane.

    Ethereal Fae have one of the following powers:

    Energy Absorption: They can absorb various forms of energy into their body and use it to enhance their body or use another creature's power. Usually, these effects are temporary, but they've been permanent in some cases.
    Intangibility: They can move through solid objects and ignore most objects in their way.


    Also known as nymphs, they are given more specific names because of their association with the elements. Because they are the most connected to nature through their abilities, many have died in forest fires, poisoned waters, etc, during the Great War. None are native to Cervia's land anymore, as they are mostly found in the European and Asian continents. Most have either migrated to Cervia or are the children of immigrants. Elemental Fae are easily spotted, as they often have skin tones beyond the standard. For example, they might have blue or green skin.

    Depending on their element, Elemental Fae can have the following abilities:

    Water/Ice Fae:
    Water Mimicry: can transform their body completely into water [of one kind, like saltwater, lake/stream water, or glacier water (Ice mimicry)]
    Fire Fae:
    Fire Mimicry: can transform their body completely into fire (of one color/temperature)
    Earth Fae:
    Earth Mimicry: can transform their body completely into either soil, stone, metal, clay, or another earthly substance
    Plant Fae:
    Plant Mimicry: can transform their body completely into one type of plant
    Air Fae:
    Air Mimicry: can transform their body completely into air

    Typically each Elemental Fae keeps its humanoid shape when transformed but has a secondary shape resembling an animal or beast (even mythical ones).

    ((Many definitions are taken from Superpower wiki))


    Fae born with a single, deformed wing or completely wingless are uncommon but not rare. There is no other explanation for it except it being a birth defect, a fluke. Back in the day, these Fae were often abandoned and mistreated, which frequently led to early deaths. Modernity and forced community have led to an increase in these Fae's survival rate. Still, they are often mistreated by their fellow Fae, perceived as cursed and shameful.

    While these Fae cannot fly, they still have all of the other powers associated with their species and type.


    There are few ancient languages, and most were spoken by now-extinct species. The languages of the Fae are Fae'len and Elvish. Though neither is officially spoken in Cervia, many Fae still use it in naming businesses, products, etc. Because of this, many Fae are able to recognize certain words even if they cannot speak the language fluently. There are still a few Fae who are fluent in it, usually those who want to remain close to their roots, but not many see the value in learning it when it is unnecessary to get by in Cervia.

    As there are runes and spells written in Fae'len and Elvish, some Magi study one or both languages to practice the associated magic. Only a few universities teach either language.


    Rarely grown outside of heavily Fae-populated areas, faerie fruit is both a poison and a drug to non-Fae. Its appearance and name vary depending on location. While it tastes simultaneously rotten, sweet, syrupy, and divine for all creatures, it only negatively affects those who are not Fae. They become highly suggestible, develop intense mania, and experience hallucinations. They begin to crave more fruit shortly after consuming it, and if allowed to have more, they'll eat it until the poison kills them.


    Vows, oaths, pledges, contracts, covenants, etc. are not taken lightly by the Fae. If a Fae makes a promise of any sort, they will see it through to the end. Their word is the most solid and trustworthy thing about them. Breaking a promise is perceived as a damned thing, and a Fae that breaks a promise is heavily shamed by their community.

    Anyone who has broken a promise with a Fae should be prepared to be cursed out thoroughly. They will likely never be trusted again, and all good opinion will be lost. Fae hold grudges like no other.

  • The Fae also include Merfolk as both have experienced the same near-eradication of their species and loss of land due to the war. During the war, a curse was placed upon the water that heavily polluted it, killing the Merfolk off rapidly. Because of this, they were forced to move onto land. To this day, Merfolk cannot spend more than a few days at a time in the water before they begin to grow severely ill and weak.

    The Merfolk are a tight-knight community that live primarily along the coasts, although the lower classes tend to also live offshore in the city. They run the fishing industry and are the main suppliers of aquatic goods for the city. As such, merfolk usually live as fishermen, merchants, and the like. There are four types of Merfolk. Listed from most to least common, they are Ceylon, Cobalt, Coral, and Celestine.

    Merfolk have a fishtail, dorsal fin, and fins on the back of the forearms. When in the water, gills open up in their necks to allow them to breathe underwater. These gills close when out of the water as their lungs take over. Their eyes also have a special layer over them that allows them to see in the bright light and intense darkness that is common underwater. The colors and style of their fins and scales are varied, although Cobalt and Celestine Merfolk are known for having pale scales that lead to confusion between the two.


    All Merfolk share the same weaknesses:

    Dehydration: Merfolk are more prone to dehydration than other species and need to submerge themselves in water for at least an hour a day to keep hydrated.
    Cold-Blooded: Like fish, Merfolk are cold-blooded and thus require external sources like the sun to keep themselves warm.
    Burn Regeneration: Merfolk take twice as long to heal from burns.
    Limited Vision: As a consequence of their ability to see best in bright light and intense darkness, Merfolk have limited vision during dawn and dusk.
    Iron: Like their Fae brethren, iron burns Merfolk.
    Mortality: Merfolk can be killed as easily as a human. City-dwelling merfolk have a life expectancy of 175 years while coast-dwelling merfolk have a life expectancy of 185 years.
    Ambergris: Merfolk are irresistibly attracted to the scent of ambergris and can be lured by it.
    Environmental Hazards: Spending so much time in the water, they can be harmed by dangerous sea creatures, boats, and fishing equipment. Then there is the problem of the sea's pollution itself.
    Hunters: For the Celestine Merfolk, their bodily fluids' healing properties make them prime targets for hunters.


    All Merfolk possess these abilities:

    Acquatic Zoolingualism: Merfolk can communicate with all aquatic creatures.
    Minimal Water Manipulation: Every mermaid can at least create decent-sized waves while inside a body of water.

    Type-specific abilities:

    Cobalt Merfolk: They can generate poison.
    Coral Merfolk: They can manipulate water to a far greater extent from a much greater distance than the other types.
    Celestine Merfolk: Their bodily fluids have healing properties. These healing properties only work for others, not themselves.


    Like their ancestors and cousins before them (Sirens), Merfolk have always had a talent for music and are known for their mesmerizing voices. On a more magical level, however, they are in possession of what are called "Instruments of the Sea." When played correctly, these instruments have an effect on both nearby water and people by both charming and manipulating them. The music isn't like anything one might hear from a typical instrument, and listeners struggle to describe it except that it sounds like "music on a different plane."

    These instruments are made from items of the sea, both normal and magic. They are rarely ever made anymore, instead getting passed down through families. If not passed down, they are bought from companies that retrieve items from old Merfolk civilizations. They are not typically used for nefarious purposes and are really only played during holidays.

    They do not affect other Merfolk. Among them, they are simply musical instruments and extra tools to play with water.


    The most differentiating trait when it comes to Merfolk types is their tails. More specifically, the colors of them. Paler, pastel-colored tales typically belong to Cobalt and Celestine Merfolk. The deeper, vibrant colors belong to Ceylon and Coral Merfolk. Beyond this, there are sun and moon tails. These are tails that change color depending on the season and under the light of the moon or sun.

    As their names suggest, sun tails change under the light of the sun and during the summer season. Moon tails change under the light of the moon and during the winter season. These color changes can be subtle or drastic. They shimmer and shine brighter than most tails. Some moon tails have a luminescence about them.

    These tails are not rare but aren't super common either. They are not more common in one type of Merfolk over the other.

  • Cousins of the Vampir, Darklings are the very creatures that are referred to as demons in myths and folklore. Despite their appearances and atypical diets, they are not damned creatures born from Hell. Though, some disagree due to their malevolent history and still call them Demons anyway.

    Unlike other species (excluding Werefelines and Sarpa), most Darklings are solitary creatures and are few and far between. They stayed out of the first half of the war before later siding with the Vampir. Their participation earned them a spot in the Vampir slice.

    There are a few types of Darklings, but only three are native to Cervia: the most well-known Libitines, Ghouls, and Gargoyles.


    All Darklings share these same weaknesses:

    Transformations: Most, if not all, Darkling features (ie. wings) come out during transformation. When fully transformed, their innate instincts and desires are more prevalent and take over. Reverting to normal after a full transformation is a difficult process.
    Salt: Like Fae, salt traps repel Darklings.
    Magic: Devils Trap, hex bags, and sigils get the best of Darklings. Trapping them, repelling them, bounding them, etc. They are particularly weak to these and have had to strike deals to get by them in the past.
    Holy Water: It burns them, and they are often scarred after.
    Nimue's Crook: A horn created by a witch named Nimue to gain control of Darklings. It can absorb their energy and force them to obey the wielder. The original horn is missing, but there are copies. However, they can only imitate the original's power to a smaller degree.
    Iron: Darklings are vulnerable to iron and contact with it burns their skin.
    Feeding: Like Vampir, Darklings have to feed on more than just regular food. Not doing so can lead to weakness, losing their powers, and in some cases, death.


    All Darklings possess these abilities:

    Supernatural Strength: The power to exert great strength. (More than the average Magi, Merfolk, and Fae, but less than the average Were and Vampir.)
    Supernatural Senses: They have heightened senses. Superior sight, smell, hearing, taste, and sense of touch. (More than the average Magi, Merfolk, and Fae, but less than the average Were and Vampir.)
    Natural Weaponry: Physically, all Darklings possess claws, fangs, and horns. Libitines and Gargoyles have wings, with Gargoyles having the largest and most powerful wings that grant them a strength that rivals even the Were. While Ghouls have the strongest bites of all Darklings, they do not have wings.

    Libitines have the following powers:

    Pheromone Manipulation: They can manipulate and generate pheromones that induce attraction, change/influence emotions, induce pleasure, and mark others.
    Malleable Anatomy: They can modify their bodies (within natural limits). For example, they can alter their hair and skin color, or even change sexes.
    Dream Walking:They are able to enter and manipulate the dreams of others.

    Ghouls have the following powers:

    Consumption Healing: They can regenerate wounds by eating flesh, either to empower their regeneration process or by adding the material to their own mass.
    Pain Suppression: They are highly resistant to most physical pain, allowing them to think clearly and continue to act despite grave injuries.
    Fear Inducement: They can evoke and increase fear in others. The target's perception may be altered, causing them to see their environment as ominous and the user as dark and foreboding, or even as a monster.

    Gargoyles have the following powers:

    Stone Mimicry: They can transform their body or parts of their body into stone (of various kinds).
    Petrification: They can transform matter and objects, including living beings, into stone.
    Night Vision/Glowing Eyes: They have the ability to see in low light conditions or even total darkness.

    ((Many definitions are taken from Superpower wiki))


    Like Vampir, the diets of Darklings can lead to harm to others. However, they can go longer periods without feeding than Vampir.

    Libitines feed on sexual energy, but they can live without feeding. Their powers would grow weaker with each period of not feeding, but they would not die. They would have the standard strength of the old humans before the Great War. However, when they do feed, it makes their powers much stronger. Resisting the temptation of feeding is also difficult. Most who wish to avoid feeding resort to magical suppressants. They are immune to STDs.

    Ghouls eat the flesh of all creatures. Because of this, their diet has not been hard to supplement. They only eat animal flesh (or at least, they are supposed to), preferably warm-blooded creatures. Unlike Libitines, not feeding does lead to their weakness, sickness, and death.

    Unlike other Darklings, Gargoyles don't have any special dietary requirements.


    For as long as they've existed, Darklings have served under a Lord or Lady. It is not just tradition, but something they're bound to by birth. Darkling Lords are said to be powerful ancestors of the species they evolved from, and therefore, they must obey them. Outsiders call them Demon Lords, but Darklings call them by the land they were from as it is disrespectful and dangerous to simply call them by their name unless one directly serves in their temples.

    While most Darklings are individualistic and live however they want, they always obey the word of their Lordship/Ladyship and come running when called. Whether out of fear, love, or duty, they do as they are told. If not, there are unavoidable consequences.

    It is unclear whether or not these Lords and Ladies they serve are alive, but they still supposedly communicate through those who manage their temples. How they do so, no one but insiders is aware. However, they only really communicate with the reigning families more than their own subjects.

    There are different temples worldwide, and the most powerful Lords and Ladies usually have more than one temple. There are only three Lords and Ladies being worshipped left in Cervia (though each has more than one temple in the country):


    The Libitines of Cervia fall under this temple. They serve the Lady Mar'irath. Like most Darkling Lords and Ladies, she is said to be one of the first Libitines. Her temples are located in Black City, Elyria, and Julian.


    The Ghouls serve under Lord Jarunog and his wife Brilgallaun. They are a fierce couple, and most Ghouls usually serve under one or the other. However, if their temples are not combined, they are usually located near each other. They can be found in Black City, New Tokyo, and Merrow.


    The temple belonging to Alris, the Gargoyle King. His temple is sought out for protection, as it is said no one who enters the doors of his temple will be harmed. His temples can be located in Hollowstead, Novus, and Turner.


    Translates from Hebrew, the commonly spoken language of Darklings, into English as Mark of the Lord.

    Orphan Darklings are often dropped off at the temples of their Lords, where the priests of the grounds raise and look after them. The children they deem to show signs of promise and good qualifications to serve their Demon Lord are thrown into seminary training. Once they complete the basic lessons, they must go through their ceremonial trials to be directly accepted by their Lord.

    What goes on in the ceremony is unique to each Lord's temples, but always secret to outsiders.

    By the end of the ceremonial trials, those who are accepted to be a disciple of the Lord and temple are given the Mark of the Lord, showing their affiliation and distinguishing them as faithful and authentic priests. While it is uncommon to be rejected by a Lord, some are, and they also carry a mark showing they were rejected and turned away.

    The rejects are considered a bad omen by Darklings and are often ostracized. In most cases, the priests remove the rejected children from their temples. They are unable to escape being shunned, as their mark makes their status obvious.


    Darklings are traditionally solitary creatures. However, if there is ever a reason to gather in large numbers, it is to serve a Lord to whom they are bound.

    What originally started off as a week where Darklings made offerings to their Lords turned into a full-blown festival. It is a week full of gift-giving, bonfires, ceremonial dances, temple visits, face painting, and games. Throughout the festival, they take on their full Darkling form in tribute to the Lord they serve and end the week by giving their offerings for the year.

  • Similar to how Merfolk are half-fish, the Sarpa are half-snake. They are also included under the Fae label. Unlike their half-fish cousins, Sarpa are solitary creatures instead of communal ones. Traditionally, they lived in caves deep in the mountains or underground. They are considered a dying species, though it's unclear if they're actually endangered or if they're just very good at hiding.

    There are two types of Sarpa: the most well-known Gorgons and Nagas. Gorgons are mostly human-looking except for the snakes on their heads in place of hair. Like Merfolk, Nagas have human-looking torsos with snake tails for legs. Unlike Merfolk, Nagas can control shifting between human legs and their snake tail except during their shedding period. Some Gorgons, known as Greater Gorgons, are able to give themselves snake bodies like Nagas. Both types have retractable fangs, retractable claws, wide-unhinging jaws, forked tongues, and slitted pupils.

    Historically, there were four kinds of Nagas, each controlling one of the four elements. Over time, hunting and war began to eradicate them, leading the earth-aligned Nagas (who could hide from most of the conflict by living underground) to be the most prevalent type. As far as is known, they are the only type of Nagas that exist within Cervia.


    All Sarpa share these same weaknesses:

    Cold-Blooded: Like snakes, Sarpa are cold-blooded and thus require external sources like the sun to keep themselves warm. Sarpa are even more sensitive to the cold than Merfolk. Low temperatures can render them immobile even after just a couple of hours.
    Winter: Given the above, you can imagine how difficult the season can be for Sarpa. Even without being out in the cold, Sarpa are still more lethargic than usual during these months and are more susceptible to seasonal depression.
    Poor Vision: Like snakes, Sarpa have poor eyesight, seeing the world mainly as a series of shapes without precise detail through infrared vision. When threatened, they can alter the blood vessels in their eyes to allow them normal human sight, but this takes blood flow from the rest of their body and weakens them.
    Shedding: A long and uncomfortable process that leaves them weak and temporarily blind. See more below.
    Slow Digestion: Sarpa have slow and energy-consuming digestion. They become much weaker and lazy for about 2 to 3 hours after eating. For them, "food coma" is almost literal.
    Bronze: Bronze weakens Sarpa significantly, rendering them the same mortality as humans. For Nagas, it prohibits them from transforming.
    Snakecharming Flutes: These flutes put Sarpa into a trance state.
    Sulfur: Besides the smell being especially repulsive to them, even the tiniest amount severely burns their skin.
    Salt: Similar to sulfur, salt also burns their skin, though not as severely.

    Gorgons share this same weakness:

    Reflections: Gorgons can petrify themselves by meeting their own gaze in a reflection if they are not wearing their contacts.

    Nagas share this same weakness:

    Size: While their several-foot-long tails provide them an advantage in outsizing their enemies, they can also be a hindrance when they are trying to flee. They are also susceptible to getting their tails caught on things. When their tail is damaged, it hurts just as much as injuring any other part of their body.


    All Sarpa possess these abilities:

    Night Vision: Sarpa can see in the dark by processing infrared light.
    Seismic Sense: Sarpa can feel even the smallest of vibrations, allowing them to locate things with ease despite their poorer eyesight. Since shoes make it harder to pick up these vibrations, Sarpa prefer to go barefoot as much as possible.
    Brilles: Like snakes, Sarpa have a hard transparent scale over each eye that protects them from grit and scratches. While they have eyelids, they are a vestigial trait, and Sarpa do not use them automatically.
    Tough Skin: Sarpa have thick skin that is difficult to penetrate.
    Retractable Claws: Sarpa have strong nails that can grow into claws at their will.
    Venom: Sarpa have retractable fangs filled with venom that they can use to cause an extreme, burning sensation in others. For Gorgons, their snakes carry the same venom.
    Enhanced Smell: Sarpa have forked tongues that allow them to sense smells that most cannot, such as pheromones. They are much better at sensing a smell's location at a much greater distance than most, making them adept trackers.
    Snake Communication: Sarpa can communicate with snakes.
    Snake Transformation: Nagas are able to shift into snakes, though they lose their human size in this form.

    Gorgons have the following powers:

    Snakes: Gorgons have living snakes for hair. They can communicate with these snakes and experience the same things the snakes are sensing, allowing them 360° vision.
    Petrifying Gaze: Gorgons temporarily petrify others just by looking them in the eyes. The petrification usually lasts 10 minutes to 2 hours, depending on how powerful the Gorgon is.
    Precognition: Gorgons can see into the future, but only five minutes at a time. Most cannot control their ability.

    Nagas have the following powers:

    Prehensile Tails: The snake tail of a Naga is prehensile, meaning they have complete control over it and can use it like one would a hand. Since they can bend it however they want, this allows them flexibility and the ability to tower over other creatures by rearing upward.
    Enhanced Speed: Naga can slither at impressive speeds, rivaling even the speed of the Vampir.
    Ehanced Climbing: Their long snake tails and powerful torsos allow them to climb very quickly.
    Efficient Digging: Naga can dig very fast and very deep with their hands, creating deep and elaborate tunnels under the ground.
    Earthquake Generation: They can also cause mini earthquakes by thumping their tails.


    Because Gorgons petrify people by meeting their gaze, it is required by the government that they wear special contacts that prevent this from happening. If a Gorgon cannot wear these contacts, they will be expected to wear special glasses at all times. In recent years, surgeons have developed a way to alter Gorgon eyes to stop the petrification effect permanently, but this procedure is expensive and still experimental. There have been reports of Gorgons going blind because of it. Plus, given that there is currently no way to reverse it, many Gorgons fear losing their primary defense mechanism forever.


    Hissing is a major quirk of the Sarpa. They produce different sounds depending on their emotions, with happy hisses being short-lived and higher in pitch, almost whistling, and angry hissing more prolonged and intense. More than that, though, they have an entire language consisting of hissing noises broadly called Serpentine.

    Because the Sarpa are historically isolated creatures, Serpentine has many dialects that one could consider individual languages by themselves. Communicating between Sarpa of different regions was often difficult because of the differences in language. However, as more Sarpa began to die out over time and the remaining were forced to congregate together as new governments and world orders took over, the dialects were eventually reshaped and honed into one common language.


    Sarpa shed every three months, the process taking about a week each time. How much of a burden this is depends on the type of Sarpa. For Gorgons, only their eyes and hair snakes shed, though the rest of their skin does become much drier. For Nagas, however, their tails also shed, which is a fairly uncomfortable process. When their eyes shed, they become opaque and cloudy, rendering them temporarily blind for a few days.

    The shed skin of a Sarpa is filled with nutrients and is often ground up for medicinal and magical benefits by the scientific and Magi communities. It can be rather difficult to get your hands on it, however, as many Sarpa eat their own Shed for its nutrients.


    Sarpa love to nest, especially Nagas. They love small and dark places, and in nature, they would dig holes to curl up in, often filling them with trinkets and comfort objects. When injured or in distress, they tend to retreat to their nests to recuperate. Now that they have begun to assimilate with the rest of society, many Sarpa still refuse to use traditional beds, instead building themselves nests made of pillows and blankets.


    Since Sarpa are primarily solitary, or at the most, only live with their immediate families, they don't have many communal holidays. The only exception is Ātapa Dina, or Sunbeam Day, where Sarpa get together in a large clearing on the sunniest day of summer and sunbathe together. During this time, they hunt together, nap in couplings or large piles, and have tunnel-digging, racing, and climbing competitions.


    In order to help Sarpa, who are traditionally loners who live removed from society, function better in the modern world (and so the government can exert control over them just like the other species), Cervia has created the Sarpa Assimilation Program. This program takes wild-roaming and delinquent Sarpa and provides them with a home and job elsewhere, usually working under the rich who can afford to house them.


    Sarpa are known for their dancing, something that seems to be as instinctual as it is learned from their parents. Focusing mostly on their abdominal and hip muscles, it is best compared to belly dancing. Nagas often incorporate their tails into their movements, swaying them side to side, rolling, and coiling them. For Gorgons, it is not unusual to see their snakes moving along with them. As more and more Sarpa join society, there has been an increase in Sarpa dancing nights for those who are more open to social interaction.
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Novus Mundus

  • png_20230118_212836_0000.png
  • I. Black City, Washington. Cervia's capital and the country's largest city. It is always bustling with business. While most of the city is a concrete jungle, the outside perimeter is green and lush, with a few farms and suburbs.

    II. Hollowstead, Washington. Located just outside the capital, this city is filled with Gothic architecture and grown-wild flora. Offering the convenience of being near the capital but the quiet privacy of a suburb, it is a popular spot for wealthy Vampir. As many species of plants are located here but grow nowhere else, the city maintains its wealth by producing and selling these plants to other cities. Despite its beauty, its lack of community makes it appear gloomy to some. Many joke that they have not seen a day in Hollowstead that was not overcast.

    III. Jasper Town, Oregon. A seaside town with a large population of Fae, particularly Merfolk. Located on the coast and close enough to the capital, many aquatic goods businesses are located here.

    IV. New Tokyo City, California. Just as the name suggests, the city is heavily influenced by Japan. This is due to the Japanese Akai family being put in charge of the place a little after the Great War. It is the third-largest city in Cervia. Populated mainly by Vampir and Magi, it is considered the City of Stars.

    V. Foxby Town, Colorado. A scenic ski resort town. It is a popular tourist spot, with tourists coming and going each season. The dominant population is Magi. It is the largest producer of blood oranges, making them a very wealthy town.

    VI. Greenwich Village, Tennesee. This sparsely-populated village is the largest and greenest place in the country, which is why most of the country's agriculture is rooted here. They provide half of the fresh produce in the country. Their population is mostly Fae, who live best off of the land.

    VII. Elyria City, Illinois. The fourth-largest city in Cervia. Like Black City, it is a melting pot of different people and cultures. However, the people there are a bit more relaxed than the ones living in the capital. They do a lot of manufacturing in Elyria, competing with the second-largest city in Northern Cervia. An interesting fact about the city is that it includes land that it was one of the first new cities built after the war.

    VIII. Elkwood Town, Pennsylvania. Described as an attractive college town, Elkwood is small but does not lack business. They are rich with history, apparent in their historical buildings and education. Still, this city has more woodland than concrete, with a river running through it. Many come here to study magic, particularly Rogue families who do not stand out in the cities.

    IX. Aeaea City, Hawaii. Aeaea is a moderately populated city with a thriving population comprised primarily of Merfolk and other Fae. It's a lush tropical city located on the island of Kauai, with long beaches and vibrant cliffs. The welcoming and relaxed community relies on tourism as the backbone of their economy, but unique agriculture is a supportive second. It is considered a safe and peaceful place where crime, especially violent crime, is uncommon.

    X. Oria City, Texas. Because of the significant damage done to this city during the war that can still be seen in certain areas today, it is commonly called the Waste City. Despite this, most of the city has recovered greatly and is quite beautiful. Still, it is a dangerous place to live, with plenty of Magi practicing dark magic for hire and Vampir that feed on others without their consent. Because of the high crime rate, The Circle system is stricter and more rigid here.

    XI. Belbridge, South Dakota. A hot tourist spot and an agricultural area known for its numerous lakes and waterfalls. Most importantly, they are the second biggest producer of blood oranges. It is an attractive area for both Fae and Merfolk.
  • I. Hallen, Quebec. A large, scenic village heavily influenced by French culture. The majority of the population is Were. It is considered the country's art hub. Much of the land is green and fertile, which is why many farms are located here. They provide most of the produce for Northern Cervia.

    II. Novus City, Ontario. Novus City is what once was a British colony city. They rebuilt the city from the ground up, although there are few structures that remain. They're known for their technology and are always trying to advance it. A lot of alchemy takes place here as well. It is the second-largest city in the country.

    III. Rosé Town, Alberta. Another historical town. Compared to Novus, this small town has next to no technological advancement. Their home looks like a replica of what once was. Their gardens are beautiful, though, and it's a popular spot for tourists.

    IV. Turner City, British Columbia.. An industrious city. It is second to Elyria in manufacturing but much greener. It has a harsher environment than most cities, with rampant specism and corrupt law enforcement. Because it provides so many job opportunities for Cervians, many go to it as an alternative to Black City.

    V. Berwyn Harbor, Nova Scotia. The northern counterpart to Jasper Town, Berwyn is a small seaside city. They are wealthier than most small cities thanks to their booming businesses. The environment here is friendly, though initially wary of outsiders. It is mostly dominated by Merfolk and Fae.

    VI. Sayby Falls, Manitoba. One of the few places taken by Were that they were allowed to keep after the war. It is a gorgeous city surrounded by trees and wilderness, a keen place for hunting and transformation under the full moon. Rumored to be a vicious place due to Were stereotypes, most people avoid it. However, nearly just as many Fae live here as Were, seeking the healthiest nature they can find. The city is very environmentally conscious.

    VII. Julian City, Saskatchewan. Also called the King's city, it is named after the second monarch King Julian Blacke. It is populated densely with Vampir and is known to be a place of great entertainment in arts, music, and architecture. It is one of the most expensive places to live, however, having a great preference for the noble and upper-class.

    VIII. Rockcaster, Yukon. Founded by Magi and built for Magi. It was a gift granted to a courtier mage, Owyn Treviar of House Venitus, who had King Orion's favor. The land was said to have been a Magi black market before the war, but it was repurposed into a habitable place. The town has a welcoming and cozy atmosphere, though one of the few places that prioritize a species that is not Vampir. In the season of Magi Moore, they gain more attraction than any place in Cervia as they go all out.

    IX. Merrow, Nunavut. Known as the Misplaced City or the Grey City. While it has a Circle System for appearance's sake, that is it. The place is practically a grey area, where creatures live amongst each other even within their loosely divided slices. The majority species is unknown, and even government officials are involved in the debauchery of it all. Most people living here were exiled or sent here as punishment.
  • I. Sesozapa. Consists of Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. The countries that used to be in this area are now known as provinces, but their inhabitants still identify with the ethnic roots associated with their province.

    II. African Kingdom. Consists of the African continent. Similar to Cervia, it has a North and a South African Kingdom. Similar to Sesozopa, the old countries are called provinces, but their inhabitants still identify with the ethnic roots of the province over the kingdom at large.

    III. The East Empire. Consists of all East and Southeast Asian countries. They are close allies with the West Empire.

    IV. The West Empire. Consists of all Central, Southern, and Western Asian countries. It is a powerful empire that, like its neighbor and Cervia, arose after the war years ago.

    V. Neu Kingdom. Consists of the United Kingdom and all European countries. Though it's called a kingdom, it more closely resembles an empire as each country within it has its own governing body, but each serves under one monarch. They are a great ally to Cervia, and many of their royal members have married into the Blacke family.

    VI. Ranne. Consists solely of Australia. It's another great ally of Cervia's and is considered its "little brother" as its monarchy stems from the Blacke family.

    (Note: Each of these countries has a monarchy, but not all are absolute.)

  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
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behind closed doors

  • For those interested in the more NSFW aspects of the world and species, here are some ground rules.


    I. Sex scenes are forbidden in The Cities. If you are a Redstar player, you can write out your sex scenes in The Red Light District.
    II. Even in The Red Light District, please put spoilers around particularly triggering content.
    III. While it is okay to give your characters enlarged body parts and exaggerated bodily functions based on their species (namely, Were and Darklings), they should not be grossly unrealistic.

    Now for those who enjoy writing smut, here is some extra info for you…

    As mentioned before, vampire bites release hormones and chemicals that cause their victims to become easier and more receptive to being drained. For some people, bites give them a lustful high. The longer the Vampir feeds, the more aroused the victim becomes.


    To no one's surprise, Vampir are really into bloodplay in sex, mostly in the form of biting and drinking from their partners. While it's still taboo to drink from other Vampir, there is leniency provided if the two Vampir are married. A classic example of Vampir bloodplay is something oh-so-cleverly called a Bloody Kiss, where each Vampir bites the other's lips hard enough to bleed and the two lap up their intermingled blood as they kiss.

    When Were reach sexual maturity, they begin to go through what is called the Estrous Cycle for females and Rut Season for males, with the term Heat referring to both. During this time, though it is different for every Were when it occurs, they are more fertile and ready to mate. They secrete hormones that attract other Were and experience behavioral changes. These include:
    - Becoming more affectionate/flirty/seductive
    - Demanding/Sometimes aggressive
    - Constantly wanting attention
    - Begin scenting and marking their chosen partner (bites, scratches, licks, etc.)

    For Werecanine, Heat cycles are biannual, and for Werefeline, they are triannual. Each cycle can last from one and a half weeks to two and a half. To avoid going into Heat, Were usually buy and take Heat suppressants that block all symptoms. To resist mating without suppressants will lead to pain and other health issues due to the sensitivity of the reproductive organs and other erogenous zones.

    Come on, what were you expecting? Humans were always developing new ways to enhance their pleasure, and their predecessors are no different. It is not uncommon to see Magi-run sex shops selling magical goods of the sexual variety. Whether you're looking for a dildo that moves on its own, some extra-strength aphrodisiac, a potion to enhance your stamina, or some penis enlargement pills — they've got it all.

    When Fae are aroused, they emit a sweet floral smell that gets gradually stronger. These smells are usually unique to the individual, but they are all recognizable as a signal of interest. Other Fae are particularly attracted to this scent.


    The clearest sign of sexual interest among Fae is being asked to dance in the air. Fae will press close to each other's fronts and fly up and around in elaborate circles. They also will rub their wings up against the object of their desire, and during sex, they often envelop their partner in their wings to create privacy.

    Unlike most fish species, Merfolk do not reproduce externally. In their human forms, their reproductive systems are just like anyone else's. In their fish forms, they have cloacas toward the top of the tails toward where their pelvis would otherwise be. AMAB Merfolk have retractable human-sized penises that emerge from this cloaca. Their cloacas are normally covered by their scales, though they shift when aroused to provide accessibility.


    Like some fish species can, Merfolk have the ability to change sex, even in their human forms. This is a long and uncomfortable process, generally taking anywhere from four to eight days for the sex change to be complete.


    To initiate sex, Merfolk will engage in a mating "dance" where they swim circles around each other, playfully tugging gently on each other's tails and rubbing them together. It is considered polite among Merfolk for the person initiating to have built a space for the act, whether that be a decorated circle drawn in the sand or a nest of pillows on land.

    Unlike Were that have regularly scheduled Heats exclusively for breeding, Libitines have sporadic Heats to help maintain their energy and power. While Libitines do not require sexual energy to survive, their bodies still crave it, like an iron-deficient person might crave seaweed.

    When they fall below a certain threshold of sexual energy feeding, they will enter Heat. This threshold tends to vary from Libitine to Libitine, with some finding that feeding off of the arousal and lustful thoughts of others is enough to keep them sated, while others might require several rounds of sex.

    The natural length and intensity of the Heat varies from Libitine to Libitine, though it always ends when they've reached their personal 'full' threshold. Of course, Heat can be entirely avoided by using Heat suppressants.

    Libitines are also feedback loop creatures; when an aroused person is nearby, Libitines will feel it, and their bodies will become aroused in turn. When they are aroused, their pheromones will cause those around them to become aroused the longer they are in proximity. When a Libitine's arousal reaches a certain point, there is a chance that it will trigger a Heat state. Much like with feeding, this threshold varies from Libitine to Libitine.


    Because Libitines rely on sexual energy for power, it is no surprise that their pheromones have evolved to be alluring to others, gradually stirring up arousal within those around them. What might surprise you is that they are actually addictive, especially after sex. If a Libitine has sex with someone, that person will crave sex with them for a few days afterward, even when the Libitine is nowhere around.


    As part of their innate ability to seduce others, the body fluids of Libitines are delicious to anyone who tastes them. More than that, the taste of their body fluids depends on the individual's taste preferences. For example, someone who loves sweets will describe their bodily fluids as sweet, while someone with a love for savory food might process them as being spicier.


    While there are cases of infertile Libitines, the vast majority are extremely fertile. Sperm-producing Libitines are known for their surplus production of fertile semen, and uterus-having Libitines have to take magical birth control consistently or undergo surgery to prevent pregnancy. Of course, with their malleable physiology, some Libitines switch freely between these as is convenient for them.


    During sex, Darklings that have tails will usually wrap them around their partner's tail, or if their partner doesn't have one, around their partner's middle or thigh.

    Like snakes, AMAB Nagas have two penises, though they better resemble the human penis more than the hemipenes of snakes. In their snake forms, they reside inside the cloaca until called upon. Like snakes, they use them one at a time. In their human forms, the second penis is retractable, and emerges as they become aroused.

    All Nagas, in their snake forms, have cloacas that act as both ass and (in uterus-having people) vaginas. In their human forms, the cloaca separates into an ass and genitalia.


    Like snakes, Sarpa ask for sex through a few different behaviors: rubbing their chins along their partner's skin, biting, and (in Nagas) tail vibrating. Sarpa are known for being particularly clingy lovers, entwining limbs and tails and remaining glued to their partner. This is partially because their arousal is intensified by heat and partially because, for Naga, entwining tails makes aligning cloacas easier.

Facts, tidbits, and more

  • This information is subject to change as I add more.

    Rarity: Common
    Hazard Level: Harmless
    Sprites are considered part of the fae family, and one of the most common pests in Cervia. They are said to be spirits of the forest and appear insect and plant-like in features, coming in different sizes, shapes, and colors. Some look a little humanoid, but all are very small and can be easily missed. They travel and swarms and are curious creatures, but will bite if provoked. They make homes trees and stones and the ground. They have a love for sweet syrups and sweet liquid in general and are attracted to strange music and beautiful light. They can be hard to get rid of when they live on your property. Some are more aggressive than others, but all are generally delicate. And they will eat your flowers. Some people have made pets and companions out of them.

    Rarity: Uncommon
    Hazard Level: Mostly Harmless
    Pixies, not to be mistaken for sprites, are agile tiny creatures who are also part of the fae family and find great joy in pranking and misleading people. What is worse is that they can perform magic. They are more human-like in appearance than Spirites, though similar in size and part of the same family. They find joy in annoying and upsetting others or leading them into dangerous and harmful situations. They are elemental-type creatures. They are rude, greedy, and cruel. Rarely are they ever to be trusted and even more rare are they able to be made a companion of. They infest gardens.

    Rarity: Uncommon
    Hazard Level: Harmful
    Hobgoblins are the brothers of goblins, however, unlike the said-to-be-extinct Goblins, they are not prone to more evil beliefs and actions. They are mischievous creatures, who have a penchant for stealing food and trinkets and leaving any place they have been a mess. There are numerous types of hobgoblins that have their main preferences for living and treasures. And some are more mischievous than others in their habitat, though never threatening unless they are personally offended. They hold grudges easily. They are solitary creatures who prefer to live alone.

    Rarity: Rare
    Hazard Level: Dangerous
    Boggarts are spirit creatures that feed on darkness and the fear of people. They usually hide in dark places, including the closets and cabinets of homes. Their presence can affect people's dreams to be more horrific, but if they are caught in person they take the form of a person's fear. Though never cause any physical harm unless they are much more powerful boggarts that can take on the form of more dangerous creatures. They don't kill, only torment. What they actually look like, no one knows.

    Rarity: Legendary
    Hazard Level: Deadly
    Trolls are large, carnivorous creatures with large appetites and cunning and vicious attitudes. They are considered more than a simple pest problem, as they are extremely rare to run into, and endangered. They mostly stay in the wild, forested areas, particularly near stone and water. They pose mainly as a problem to people who live in rural areas. They are far from the prettiest creatures, though very large and towering, most importantly they are malicious, and once they have a taste of something they want more. And if they decide they like a place, they will make a home there regardless of who is there.