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the eye of the beholder
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
  2. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Most days, most hours
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Agender
  5. Primarily Prefer Male
  6. No Preferences
Adventure. Angels and demons. Apocalyptic. Arthurian. Comedy. Dystopian. Fantasy. Historical. Horror. Post-apocalyptic. Romance. Science fiction. Supernatural.

The Behemoth, the Leviathan, and the Goliath. The three Elder Gods that built the world, a world subject to their volatile whims and unyielding power. Whims which not only affected their mortal creations, but the lives of their god children. Younger gods who chaffed under the restrictions placed upon them, younger gods who grew arrogant. The god children turned on their parents, and slew them. And now they are left to rule the world in their own ways, without guidance. Set in the aftermath of the battle between the Elder Gods and their children, this roleplay focuses on gods as they navigate a world with only the shadow of influence of their predecessor — one suddenly looking toward them for direction.

Some useful information
• My word as the GM is paramount, don't god mode or meta-game, respect other players, don't be a dick in general, don't make me regret this.
• There will be a Discord. You don't have to join it, but you'll probably miss out on a lot if you don't.
• Although this roleplay will place heavy emphasis on the gods shaping the world and influencing humanity, the core of this roleplay will be the gods' relationships with each other.
• All the gods are the children of the Behemoth, Leviathan, or Goliath — or they can be the offspring of two other god characters. Children of the Behemoth, Leviathan, and Goliath only have one parent, however.
• There are other mythical creatures (creatures that have a spark of the Elder Gods in them), as well as lesser/demigods (the offspring between a god and a human or other mythical species).
• Gods are immortal, but they can die. So far, they have only died when directly killed by the Elder Three, or when intentionally allowed to die by them. But the protection they had before is gone now and it's time to fuck around and find out.
• All of the gods created by the Elder Three spawned as full adults, but gods who are the children of other gods age up, although they age up faster than humans, reaching full adulthood at around 10.
• The world is young, with mankind not far into their technological progress at all. Think Bronze Age, although this is a fantasy world and there are no real life locations, groups, etc.
• NPC gods will be kept to a minimum. Don't create one without asking me first — the only exception to this is if the god already died in the battle, as there were a great many who were slain.
• It has been two years since the Elder Gods were slain, and the wounds are still fresh. The world is in a chaotic state, and people call out to the gods for assistance.

The Elder Gods
All of the Elder Gods were things of fear. Impossibly large, they could not move throughout the mortal world without leaving a massive trail of destruction. Rarely, when they left their domain, it caused the world to quake. To do their bidding in the mortal realm, they used their children. Tasks which varied widely, but included things such as gathering sacrifices, escorting the dead souls, controlling the weather, rewarding or punishing mortals, and serving as messengers. The Behemoth, Leviathan, and Goliath all ate humans, and required regular human sacrifice, punishing those who failed to provide.

The Behemoth
The Present. Domain of the Skies. A giant white-furred beast. Associated with wind.
Children of the Behemoth possess the ability of time manipulation, to some extent. This refers to the manipulation of active time, such as slowing down or speeding up a moment, stopping time briefly, or even going back a few seconds. Other gods are always aware of time being manipulated, and you cannot completely stop time for them or rewind their time.

The Leviathan
The Future. Domain of the Sea. An enormous inky black serpent. Associated with water.
Children of the Leviathan possess the ability of prophecy, to some extent. This refers to an ability to receive knowledge of future threads, including visions of near or far future events, as well as general clairvoyance. Sometimes these visions are clear, other times abstract. None of them are written so deeply in stone that they cannot be altered with enough opposition.

The Goliath
The Past. Domain of the Underworld. A towering decaying giant. Associated with earth.
Children of the Goliath possess the ability to read memories, to some extent. This refers to the ability to read the memories of any mortal, even from other domains, although it's clearest when in near proximity. It is also possible to read the memories of gods, although this is far more circumstantial.

Character Sheet
You can rearrange it in whatever way you want, but include all of the following information:

God Parent: Behemoth, Leviathan, or Goliath
Name: Self explanatory.
Age: 10-300 (There were older gods, but at this point they're all dead)
Appearance: Artistic representation or written description
Personality: Feel free to list out traits, or write a paragraph. Either is fine.
Inclinations: Your god's associations (4-10). Both tangible and abstract things work. Examples: foxes, love, ferns, dancing. There will be overlap between characters, that is fine, but let's try to be diverse. If any one thing shows up too many times, I might decline newer characters. Because all of the gods are able to explore their identities more now, many of them are likely to discover more inclinations and associations later, especially in regard to actions or their relationship with mortals.
Background: A quick summary of your character's background.
Character Relations: Relations with other characters.
Additional: Anything else you want to add? I encourage including some likes and/or dislikes somewhere, but they're not required.
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  • Love
Reactions: Reverie
I am very tempted to join.
God Parent: The Leviathan

Name: Nysalea

Age: 190

Appearance: my-meiker-1735957881893281.png

Personality: Calm, knowledgeable, naive, maternal

Inclinations: Tides, Navigation, Stars, Magic, Birth/Fertility

Background: (Feel free to give feedback) Born as a child to Leviathan and an older sea goddess known as Desteia, Queen of the Seas. While she grew up with an interest toward the realms of magic and divination, it was the death of her mother had changed her path towards water and all things related. Since that day, she is still struggling to find what her true path is in the life of the divine with her peers.

Character Relations: TBD

Additional: Nothing as of the time of posting
X ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ .
Put Your Mark Here
  • Love
Reactions: Reverie
Background: (Feel free to give feedback) Born as a child to Leviathan and an older sea goddess known as Desteia, Queen of the Seas. While she grew up with an interest toward the realms of magic and divination, it was the death of her mother had changed her path towards water and all things related. Since that day, she is still struggling to find what her true path is in the life of the divine with her peers.
Hello! So this is my bad, as I didn't actually specify it, but the Leviathan (as well as the Behemoth and Goliath) don't have any children in a traditional sense. They created all of their offspring in one way or another, and all of those directly created by them only have the one as a parent. To remedy this, you could always have it so she has a maternal figure among the other gods (but not a literal mother), or you could have her be the daughter of two of the created gods (so that Leviathan would essentially be her grandparent). Of course, if you have any other ideas, I'm happy to try to work with them.
Here's a WIP sheet I've thrown together. My basic idea here is that Andramellus is trying to revive his parent (regardless of if that's actually feasible or not, he certainly seems to believe that it is due to desperation and sudden abandonment) by reaping as many lives as he can. First mortals, kinda just continuing his original duties in a way like an automaton would and shoving them into Goliath's corpse in the underworld (or wherever it died) in the hopes of resurrecting it, only to eventually set his sights on his fellow gods and goddesses when that fails to work. Maybe because the latter, being direct creations/offspring, have the purest sparks of their respective Elder Gods within them, unlike mortals and monsters.

At least that's the idea I was operating on going into making this. The quote I actually wrote and the age section ended up framing it more like he's had his sights set on his divine peers since the uprising first came to an end. Then again, maybe that could be a part of his personal arc in this roleplay. Showing how he's amicable at first, before his inevitable decline into the antagonistic character his sheet describes. Idk.


~ Andramellus ~

|| He Who Takes ||
|| The Angel of Death ||
|| The Forlorn Son ||

"Oh lost progenitor, decrepit father-mother whose passing hath left me bereft of purpose and meaning, I shall return unto thee what these lesser gods have stolen. Their bones shall become thy bones, and their flesh thy flesh, until thou art rendered whole once again. This I swear unto thee o' mighty Goliath, lord of the grave and all who come to rest within it...

For what was shall be.

And though it be a memory but faintly recalled, the past can never truly be forgotten."

▼Divine Parentage▼



Andramellus is ancient, having served his creator faithfully as a reaper of souls and officiator of sacrifice for three whole centuries before the uprising left his life devoid of meaning and leadership alike. Suffice it to say, he has not taken this latest change very well, and nurses a deep-seated resentment - bordering on hatred almost - for the majority of his fellow divinities due to their crimes against the natural order as a result.









▼Character Relations▼


▼Additional Info▼

The Soundtrack To Your Demise
An Officiator's Wrath.
Thine Forlorn Son.
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  • Creative
Reactions: Reverie


God Parent: Behemoth

Age: 250

Personality: The malice and mercy of nature, shifting like the wind. There is a time of blossom and a time of blight. Catch her on a good day for a spot of tea under the bower. But by night, she gathers wolves to hunt you.

Inclinations: Hunger, Greed, Hermitage, Fear, Seasonality.

Background: A former herald of the Behemoth, dwelling in the deepest woods. Some know Gorhart as the "Hungerwind" - that craving that creeps upon you and inspires both primal and princely schemes. She stands in shadow behind conquerors and hermits alike, finding nourishment not in their ends but in the very daring of transgression.

Yet the mutability that delights her also drove her to war against her master. Gorhart helped slay the Behemoth not out of hatred, but out of obsession. The urge to know if it could be done, and how it would feel to do it.

Character Relations:
Gorhart has given up on Hupomone, and no longer believes she will break from her mother's torpor.

Gorhart considers Hagar a curious but unstable newborn, whose form has not yet coalesced enough to be judged.
Gorhart respects Anris as a firebrand of rebellion, whose vengeful ambitions may lead all gods to fortune or ruin.
Gorhart thinks Nyka a fickle and selfish god, whose whimsy commends him to the air elements yet brings no benefit for mortals.
Gorhart adores the songs of Laal that echo through her forests, and the fact that he is beauty carved out of decay.
Gorhart has a firm accord with Estenia, by which they each honor the borders between hearth and wild.
Gorhart is fond of Rosfyr's works of art and industry, provided they do not deplete the resources of the wild.
Gorhart was friend to Aelvaris before the war, but now wonders if the trickster god poisoned their dinner parties.
Gorhart trusts Sonder as far as she can throw her, and has no doubt that she will betray them all to disaster very soon.
Gorhart wonders if Simoran might be her next best friend, or if he will despair at the gifts he has been granted.
Gorhart haunted Aenreceli throughout her time in the forest sanctuary, and remains intrigued by this forest foundling.

Additional: Gorhart is friend to the animals but also delighted by various perversities of nature, such as cooking, psychadelic drugs, alchemy and construction. It is fascinating to see her forest "digested" by mortal intentions.
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  • Creepy
Reactions: Reverie
Here's a WIP sheet I've thrown together. My basic idea here is that Andramellus is trying to revive his parent (regardless of if that's actually feasible or not, he certainly seems to believe that it is due to desperation and sudden abandonment) by reaping as many lives as he can. First mortals, kinda just continuing his original duties in a way like an automaton would and shoving them into Goliath's corpse in the underworld (or wherever it died) in the hopes of resurrecting it, only to eventually set his sights on his fellow gods and goddesses when that fails to work. Maybe because the latter, being direct creations/offspring, have the purest sparks of their respective Elder Gods within them, unlike mortals and monsters.

At least that's the idea I was operating on going into making this. The quote I actually wrote and the age section ended up framing it more like he's had his sights set on his divine peers since the uprising first came to an end. Then again, maybe that could be a part of his personal arc in this roleplay. Showing how he's amicable at first, before his inevitable decline into the antagonistic character his sheet describes. Idk.


~ Andramellus ~

|| He Who Takes ||
|| The Angel of Death ||
|| The Forlorn Son ||

"Oh lost progenitor, decrepit father-mother whose passing hath left me bereft of purpose and meaning, I shall return unto thee what these lesser gods have stolen. Their bones shall become thy bones, and their flesh thy flesh, until thou art rendered whole once again. This I swear unto thee o' mighty Goliath, lord of the grave and all who come to rest within it...

For what was shall be.

And though it be a memory but faintly recalled, the past can never truly be forgotten."

▼Divine Parentage▼



Andramellus is ancient, having served his creator faithfully as a reaper of souls and officiator of sacrifice for three whole centuries before the uprising left his life devoid of meaning and leadership alike. Suffice it to say, he has not taken this latest change very well, and nurses a deep-seated resentment - bordering on hatred almost - for the majority of his fellow divinities due to their crimes against the natural order as a result.









▼Character Relations▼


▼Additional Info▼

The Soundtrack To Your Demise
An Officiator's Wrath.
Thine Forlorn Son.
Alright, first thing first —
You didn't say anything about it, but all of the gods who sided with their creators died — no mercy was spared. So for him to work, he would've had to have aligned himself with the other gods in some way, or at the very least have done nothing (which wouldn't make him popular, but that doesn't seem like an issue). I think the concept is interesting, however, I have some doubts about how it might play out. Particularly, I'm don't like pitting him against all the other gods. I don't want this to turn into pcs vs pcs roleplay. Ideologically it's fine for them to be at odds, but it sounds like you're aiming for an eventual combative route (and correct me if I'm wrong). I don't want him to be going around trying to kill all the other pcs all the time. A large part of this roleplay is the gods' relationships with each other (as well as how the interact with and influence humanity), and I also suspect difficulty in making those connections.


God Parent: Behemoth

Age: 250

Personality: The malice and mercy of nature, shifting like the wind. There is a time of blossom and a time of blight. Catch her on a good day for a spot of tea under the bower. But by night, she gathers her wolves to hunt you.

Inclinations: Hunger, Greed, Hermitage, Fear, Change.

Background: A former herald of the Behemoth, dwelling in the deepest woods. Some know Gorhart as the "Hungerwind" - that craving that creeps upon you and inspires both primal and princely schemes. She stands in shadow behind conquerors and hermits alike, finding nourishment not in their ends but in the daring of transgression itself.

But the very mutability that delights her is also what drove her to war against her master. She helped slay the Behemoth not out of hatred... but out of obsession. A fixation on learning if it could be done, and how it would feel to do it.

Character Relations:
Gorhart has sisterly affection for Nysalea, having seen her maternal nature endure in the face of cataclysm.

Gorhart sees the bitterness of Andramellus and knows it must be both guarded against, and embraced, for the seasons to change.
Gorhart admires the efforts of Hupomone to break from her mother's torpor, but largely believes these efforts will fail.

Additional: Gorhart is friend to the animals but also delighted by various perversities of nature, such as cooking, psychadlic drugs, alchemy and construction. It is fascinating to see her forest "digested" by mortal intentions.
Looks good! You're accepted.
God Parent: Behemoth.

Name: Hagar.

Age: Two.

Appearance: A tall, regal woman with patrician features; high cheekbones, a sharp jawline, and an elegant, hooked nose. Her eyes are the purest onyx, lit only by limbal rings of luminescent silver. Appearing almost akin to an eclipsed moon. Her hair is voluminous and wavy, black and silver mixed. Acting both as garment and limb, she is mantled by wings. How many cannot truly be said; for each who gazes upon her sees a different number. But all can say for certain that these feathered accoutrements appear to stretch off into eternity from the corner of the eye, trailing behind her the vast Untime.

Personality: Calm and Frenetic. Collected and Chaotic. Discontent and Patience. Hagar contains multitudes. A being of one mind, yet also of many. She is daylight eclipsed by the passage of the immensity of the moon; The pleasant Summer's day suddenly plunged into the Overcast Gloom; The Patient man driver to Action, and the Energetic man urged to Rest. She is, by her very nature, mercurial. At one moment may she be the picture of serenity, the next fallen into the deepest depression.

Hagar represents the In-Between. The Transition from one phase to the next. The Overshadowing of one event by the other. She is the Absence of time in the throes of Activity. The sudden arrival of something unexpected. And she is also none of these things; For Hagar also represents contradiction, and dichotomy.

Inclinations: Contradictions. Chronal Distortion. Dichotomies. Eclipses. Overcast. Transitional Phases. Untimely Darkness.


"And lo; For when Great Behemoth was slain, It overcast the sky. The place of It's domain became It's tomb. And in the place of the Sun, life-giver, came the Dark. The briefest passage of Night in Day's place. And Behemoth, whose decree had held for all Time, that the Sky was Behemoth's own, never to be overshadowed, created for Itself the Great Contradiction.

Giving rise to the Ideal. The Personification of this Great Dichotomy. The First Eclipse. Hagar.

Where Gods new and old are ancient, Hagar is New-Born. Yet also is She ancient. Youngest of age yet appearing the eldest. Dichotomous; as were the circumstances of Her birth. Such was ushered in a time of Transition. It's Herald born of death."

Character Relations:
- TBA.
Estenia - TBA.
Gorhart - TBA.
Hupomoné - TBA.
Laal - TBA.
Nyka - TBA.
Rosfyr - TBA.

Additional: TBA.
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  • Creative
Reactions: Reverie
Alright, first thing first —
You didn't say anything about it, but all of the gods who sided with their creators died — no mercy was spared. So for him to work, he would've had to have aligned himself with the other gods in some way, or at the very least have done nothing (which wouldn't make him popular, but that doesn't seem like an issue). I think the concept is interesting, however, I have some doubts about how it might play out. Particularly, I'm don't like pitting him against all the other gods. I don't want this to turn into pcs vs pcs roleplay. Ideologically it's fine for them to be at odds, but it sounds like you're aiming for an eventual combative route (and correct me if I'm wrong). I don't want him to be going around trying to kill all the other pcs all the time. A large part of this roleplay is the gods' relationships with each other (as well as how the interact with and influence humanity), and I also suspect difficulty in making those connections.
Yeah, the combatative route was what I was going for eventually, though if that doesn't work I can always go with a different concept. I had one for a child of Behemoth who is kind of a Jyggalag figure seeking to order the fates of mortal beings, but there's a lot of gods for them already so I'll probably need to come up with something else.

EDIT: Meant a child of Leviathan. I see that I can probably still do that actually, since so few have made gods that spawned from them. In that case I envision a more neutral figure who didn't care about the uprising and mostly just wants to keep doing its job of ordaining mortal fates and such.
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Alright, first thing first —
You didn't say anything about it, but all of the gods who sided with their creators died — no mercy was spared. So for him to work, he would've had to have aligned himself with the other gods in some way, or at the very least have done nothing (which wouldn't make him popular, but that doesn't seem like an issue). I think the concept is interesting, however, I have some doubts about how it might play out. Particularly, I'm don't like pitting him against all the other gods. I don't want this to turn into pcs vs pcs roleplay. Ideologically it's fine for them to be at odds, but it sounds like you're aiming for an eventual combative route (and correct me if I'm wrong). I don't want him to be going around trying to kill all the other pcs all the time. A large part of this roleplay is the gods' relationships with each other (as well as how the interact with and influence humanity), and I also suspect difficulty in making those connections.
Yeah, the combatative route was what I was going for eventually, though if that doesn't work I can always go with a different concept. I had one for a child of Behemoth who is kind of a Jyggalag figure seeking to order the fates of mortal beings, but there's a lot of gods for them already so I'll probably need to come up with something else.

EDIT: Meant a child of Leviathan. I see that I can probably still do that actually, since so few have made gods that spawned from them.
Yeah, that sounds like a solid concept. It offers a lot of opportunity with mortal interaction, too, as the world is very chaotic right now.
  • Love
Reactions: Lesbingus and sele
Alright, first thing first —
You didn't say anything about it, but all of the gods who sided with their creators died — no mercy was spared. So for him to work, he would've had to have aligned himself with the other gods in some way, or at the very least have done nothing (which wouldn't make him popular, but that doesn't seem like an issue). I think the concept is interesting, however, I have some doubts about how it might play out. Particularly, I'm don't like pitting him against all the other gods. I don't want this to turn into pcs vs pcs roleplay. Ideologically it's fine for them to be at odds, but it sounds like you're aiming for an eventual combative route (and correct me if I'm wrong). I don't want him to be going around trying to kill all the other pcs all the time. A large part of this roleplay is the gods' relationships with each other (as well as how the interact with and influence humanity), and I also suspect difficulty in making those connections.
Yeah, the combatative route was what I was going for eventually, though if that doesn't work I can always go with a different concept. I had one for a child of Behemoth who is kind of a Jyggalag figure seeking to order the fates of mortal beings, but there's a lot of gods for them already so I'll probably need to come up with something else.

EDIT: Meant a child of Leviathan. I see that I can probably still do that actually, since so few have made gods that spawned from them.
Yeah, that sounds like a solid concept. It offers a lot of opportunity with mortal interaction, too, as the world is very chaotic right now.
I'll see about getting around to writing it. If I do take too long, for whatever reason, do feel free to continue without me. I can be glacially slow when it comes to writing sometimes.
Anris, Son of the Behemoth


proud + loyal + ambitious + fearless + guarded + adaptive + volatile + challenging + independent + passionate

storms + lightning + birds of prey + ambition + loyalty

Anris was created out of a raging storm, crafted from cloud vapour and lightning. As a young god, he dwelt closely with Behemoth, dutifully performing any tasks put upon him. His position was that of a stormbringer, one who made the seas rage and toppled kingdoms at the behest of the Behemoth. Although, with the passage of time, he grew dissatisfied. He was already on the precipice of rebellion when he met Iola when the two were assigned a task together. She was a daughter of Goliath who shared a similar discontentment, and she captivated him. Their courtship was brief, but their love enduring. Combined, however, their restlessness turned to defiance. Intolerable defiance. As punishment, Iola was torn apart and her essence devoured by the Goliath. Whatever reservations Anris had about challenging his creator died with her, and he became a part of the vanguard in the battle against them.

Character Relations:
Iola {NPC} — A daughter of the Goliath. His deceased wife. They were very much in love.
Aesika {NPC} — His daughter with Iola.
Nyka —
Laal —
Hupomone —
Gorhart —
Hagar —
Estenia —
Rosfyr —
Aelvaris —

• He's 6'0"
• Likes: gold, feathers, jewellery, apricots, dusk, starry skies, lilies
Code by wren.
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Nyka, Son of the Leviathan


capricious + mischievous + arrogant + calm + aspiring + perceptive + independent + dispassionate + picky + arbitrary

fortune + red skies + travellers + the fickleness of the weather and the sea + running water

On the day of the first red sky, light mixed with the seafoam of turbulent waves, and from this Nyka was born. Created to escort travellers, Nyka either hindered or helped them, as deigned by the Leviathan. This included travellers at sea, but also those who travelled on land. Nyka enjoyed his task, however, he grew restless with commands placed upon him, and confident in his own ability to choose who should be assisted and who should be led astray. He took to occasionally acting on his preferred whims, but never directly countering the Leviathan's commands. When it came time to topple the Elder Gods, Nyka did not hesitate to align himself with his fellow god children.

Character Relations:
Anris —
Laal —
Hupomone —
Gorhart —
Hagar —
Estenia —
Rosfyr —
Aelvaris —

• He's 5'7"
• Likes: opals, salt, incense, stories, waterfalls, dancing, jewellery
Code by wren.
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Laal, Son of the Goliath


optimistic + compassionate + dreamer + gentle + lyrical + blunt + breezy + contemplative + emotionally inhibited + patient

music and musicians + songbirds + rot and decay, especially decaying foliage + autumn + catharsis

Born from flesh and flowers, Laal's essence was peeled from the Goliath's decaying flesh and braided into ivy and wildflowers. Among the youngest of Goliath's children, Laal's love for his creator remained strong as other's devotion faded. Laal's primary task was to sing laments for the dying and dead before they went to the Underworld, sometimes these were light-hearted melodies of assurance and other times foreboding dirges. However, Laal watched as the Goliath tormented mortals, and as the three devoured humanity, and it weighed heavily on his soul. Despite that, he was conflicted when it came time to overthrow the Elder Gods. Still, he sided with his kin. He does not regret his choice, but still finds himself feeling guilt over the betrayal.

Character Relations:
Anris —
Nyka —
Hupomone —
Gorhart —
Hagar —
Estenia —
Rosfyr —
Aelvaris —

• He's 5'3"
• Likes: wildflowers, singing, instruments, rain, ripe fruit, mornings, wood carvings
Code by wren.
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