Castle Swimmer

True North

Internal Compass
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, Horror, Scifi, Magical

If you aren't familiar with the trendy web comic, here is where it can be found <3 In the main story, there is a merboy who is born as "The Beacon" who is pulled by streams of light from his heart toward different prophecies that help break deadly curses on other merfolk.

Some prophecies requiring the Beacon to kill an innocent life, which he refuses but must find a way around it or else the whole kingdom must suffer and inevitably die from their curses.

The curses are believed to be put upon them by minigods (massive inhuman sea monsters) and once a prophecy is fulfilled, it is believed that a curse breaks. It is speculated that the only other way to break a curse is to slay a minigod, or to somsehow remove the mysteriously powered fossils imbedded within each of them. This is a near if not impossible task however as these creatures are said to be the size of mountains.

Even then, these efforts may not work at all to end a curse as the source of their power is far too mysterious.

In our story, we could have a brand new Beacon or handful of Beacons that are chosen to be the guiding lights for the sea with our very own plot and characters. In the comic, there are different species of merfolk like ones that resemble shrimp, lobsters, swordfish, tuna, octopus, hermit crab, sharks etc so your character doesn't have to be a traditional merman or mermaid!

Your character also does not have to be a Beacon, they could be apart of a kingdom of your choice with their own role at play. Each kingdom has their own people that are of the same species which differentiates each of them from the rest.

I'm excited to see how our characters (especially if any romances develop) will find solutions for these demanding prophecies and merciless curses that are often fatal in the comics which heartbreakingly kills off or slowly and torturously mames the quirky and lovable merfolk.​
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