Careful What You Wish For (MiharuAya & Diana)

"I am getting as far away from your murder scene as I can!" she shouted over her shoulder, not deeming to try and slow her steps. It did send all sorts of shivers up her spine that with this crazy demon following her. Now that his summoner was gone, shouldn't he be free to do whatever he wished? Unless that was all a demon lie, and he's simply out and about to cause chaos!

In her haste to escape, Lily hadn't quite thought it all through herself and her steps slowed until she finally stopped on the dirt road down the ways from the fallen tower. It wouldn't be wise to stay near the fallen tower in case it was now infested with all manor of the wizard's collected creatures and magic curses. But it was still the middle of the night and raining. There had to be some sort of nearby shelter?

A old trapper's hut came to mind. If Lily could find her way there in the dark, it would do for an evening.

"If you don't mind, go back to the feral lands of hell that you came from!"
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When Lily shouted her reply, Vicari rolled his eyes. "Oh, please!" He exclaimed in return. "You humans are so dramatic. Hell isn't even that bad. The weather is warm, and it never rains like this shithole place." He huffed, scowling at the sky as raindrops pelted his face.

Vicari waved his hands in the air, mumbling a quick incantation as a shadowy blob appeared above him. The dark shape seemed to repel the rain from hitting his body, keeping him dry as he continued following the girl down the dirt road.

The more that he saw of the human realm the less he wanted to stay. The rain had caused the dirt to turn to mud, sticking to his boots as he walked and causing a mess. Even the surroundings were wild and untamed. There wasn't a proper keep anywhere to be seen, nor even a village. How was he supposed to survive in these conditions?

As the girl suddenly snapped at him again, his eyes narrowed on her shorter form. "If I could, I certainly would," He snarled, his eyes glowing red.
Lily was so sorely tempted to stoop over and scoop up a handful of rocks to chuck at the demon. If they were in the middle of a village, a good rock chucking could turn into a full blown stoning if someone was particularly dastardly. However, without a mob of angry villagers to back her up, Lily wasn't going to risk it.

"Then why are you following me into the woods," she shot back, her imagination already running wild with possibilities. He likely intended to use her as a demon sacrifice or throw her into some cauldron of boiling human stew. She gave that rock tossing a second consideration.
As Vicari trudged along behind the girl, he kicked the rocks at his feet with each step. "Well, it's not like I know where to go." He pointed out in an exasperated tone. It had been decades since he had last stepped foot on Earth, and much had changed. Even with proper navigating tools, he wouldn't fair very well in the wild.

"Besides, you're a human. And humans like to be among their kind. So I figure you would lead me to more eventually." Vicari explained casually, waving his hand in the air as if this should have been obvious. "You don't plan to stay in these woods forever do you?" He asked, eyebrows scrunching in disgust at even the thought.
Lily paused at the treeline of the forest only to whirl back around and eye the demon. Her hands landed on her hips (although she had no idea why she was even to argue with the thing, this whole situation was crazy!) and puffed herself up to seem as intimidating as possible.

"Are you trying to get me to lead you to a village so you can wreck havoc there? I'm not going to take you somewhere so you can eat scores of fresh humans! So... yes! Yes, I am going to go live in these woods alone and never lead you to another human. It'll just be me and deer and rabbits. I imagine you'll get quite bored."
While Vicari watched the girl whirl around and attempt to appear intimidating, he couldn't help but smirk down at her. To her credit, she was much more feisty than any other human he had met. But it was still so amusing to see her try and look bigger and meaner than she clearly was.

Even though he was slightly offended at her words, he would rather continue to play with his new toy. Vicari stepped towards her, peering down at the girl with his bright red eyes. "If you won't lead me to a village, then maybe I should just eat you instead." His voice was low, sounding menacing as he slowly licked his lips.
Lily's bravado faltered a bit and she even took a tiny step backwards, but she righted herself quick enough and dug up enough courage to stand her ground.

"No you won't!" she shouted, pointing a finger at him. "What kind of morsel would I even make? Small and boney and I'll fight all the way down. Besides that, you've already murdered someone... don't you think going on a murder spree will get you in even more trouble? A master wizard at that! There are people who hunt demons, you know. The more trouble you cause, the more hunters will come after you. A fine bounty you'd be."
While Vicari watched as the girl's courage wavered for a moment before she mustered more, he had to hide his amusement. Although he often toyed with humans in the underworld, after so many centuries it could become quite tedious. However, this was quite the treat.

When Lily began pointing a finger at him, trying to convince him of all the reasons that he shouldn't eat her, Vicari leaned forward and playfully made a biting gesture towards her finger. After a sinister snicker, he straightened himself, "You're right. You look like you would be low-quality meat. You'd probably even upset my stomach." Vicari commented with a smirk.

As she remarked about the Hunters who might come after him, Vicari scoffed at her words. "I'm not worried about some feeble humans." He quickly waved off her concern with a flick of the wrist. "Besides, nobody but you know I'm here. So, won't they think you killed him?" He asked, his index finger touching his chin.

"Let's make a deal. I've rather enjoyed your plucky attitude, so until I find my Master, how about you accompany me?" An evil grin spread across his face. "You can entertain me, and teach me about this human world. And I'll make sure you won't be arrested. Pretty fair, wouldn't you say?"
Oh! The blasted monster was spinning things upside down! Lily wasn't so foolish to believe she'd get out of this unscathed. Wizards were all a bunch of crazy bastards, and she'd immediately ran from the tower because she knew they'd be looking for someone easy to blame. On her own it'd be easy enough to make a new life somewhere, but not if this demon was following her around. They were going to assume she summoned the demon herself, and from the sounds of it he'd be happy to lean into that assumption just to cause her grief!

Lily placed her hands on her hips, wearily trying to think her way through it. She was absolutely NOT going to trade one arse of a master for a new one. Especially not a demon. But she did need his cooperation if she wanted to avoid additional trouble.

This was a terrible idea. But what else could she do?

"I am not going to be your human pet," she announced first just to make that clear. "But I think you are worried about the trouble you can get into! So here is MY deal! If you are helpful to me, I will help you not get caught out by hunters. In fact you can use your demony magic to whip us up some shelter from this storm and maybe this can work out."
Vicari assumed that his proposal would easily be accepted. After all, he was being quite fair for a demon. He wasn't even asking for the girl's soul! But, he quickly recognized the look on the troublemaker's face and knew that she was going to have some misgivings. Even just the way she stood with her hands on her hips, caused his wicked smile to fade from his face.

While Lily announced that she refused to be his pet, Vicari snickered to himself. Though, he continued to listen to the new terms of her own deal. It really was so very entertaining to watch her grow in confidence and attempt to order him around. Vicari couldn't think of a time that a human had ever done that.

Perhaps it was Lily's spirited personality, but even as she ordered him to make a shelter, something which he would normal behead someone for daring to say to him, it instead only amused him further. A spark twinkled in his eyes as he stared down at the girl, slowly taking a step forward in order to loom over her. "Fine…As you wish, human." He said in a dark tone.

Suddenly, dark tendrils erupted from the ground. As they reached into the sky, they twirled and danced to create a gloomy form. Once the darkness began to fade, a cabin was left in its wake. It was made from the wood of the surrounding forest, and built to accommodate two people easily. Inside, a fire was already raging in the fireplace, while a boiling pot of stew sat on top.

"Happy?" Vicari asked sarcastically, walking inside the cabin before hearing Lily's answer. It was nice to get out of the rain, and the demon quickly took off his soaked jacket and handed it to the human. "Here. Hang this up."
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A bit of her bravado had faded when she squealed in fright at the sudden burst of vines from the ground, but Lily managed to compose herself well enough. Really, she thought things were about to get all kinds of worse for her, so she was quite surprised to find a small cabin, complete with accommodations just growing up from the very forest wood itself.

This had to be a powerful demon. Your run of the mill beast had basic demonic power at best. Not full on conjuring!

She'd followed him into the small cabin, wide-eyed and stunned at first, not even realizing he'd handed over his jacket. Lily almost even hung it up out of reflex, before her common sense kicked back in. Casting him her most furious scowl, she tossed his jacket over at a corner. He could hang it up himself, the jerk!

Still, it was nice to be out of the rain and immediately Lily made her way over to the fire to warm herself up.

"I guess this is a good start," she reluctantly admitted, not wanting to give him too much credit. "What am I supposed to call you again? Vickilee? My name is Lily Finch."
After everything he had done for this human, you would think it would at least hang up his coat. But, as it was thrown into a random corner, Vicari scowled. This one must not have any manners, or not know how to show gratitude. Either way, he likely did that wizard a favor. At least now he wouldn't have to deal with such an unruly servant now that he was dead.

Vicari strode to the single bed, slipping his muddy shoes off his tired feet. When was the last time he walked this much? It must have been decades. In hell, he preferred to use portals or his wings. But treading through the middle of nowhere for miles seemed to be common for humans. He'd never understand how they could stand it.

When he laid down on his back he sighed, content to finally be able to rest. Although he was powerful, even he would need a break to recover some of his magic. But, as the girl's voice spoke, he didn't even bother opening his eyes to respond. "My name is Vicari. The demon prince of the fourth circle of hell." His voice was exacerbated.

"You should try and remember it, human." Even though he said this, he still didn't use Lily's name.
Of course there would only be one bed in the cabin. What else could one expect from a demon? And he'd claimed it too without even thinking about her or what she'd need! Really, she felt a bit stupid even expecting a tiny bit of empathy from the beast, and even more so still when he claimed to be a Prince. Well, no wonder he was such a contemptuous jerk. Royalty in any realm was nothing but trouble!

At least there was a pot of food and a sofa. Had he not murdered her wizard master, and now made it imperative that she flee the country, the little cabin would've made a lovely new home.

"Vicari," she repeated the name, testing out the sound of it to get it right. Not that she was doing it for his benefit! Knowing the demon's true name might be useful later down the road. Lily poured herself a generous helping of the stew and made herself comfortable on the small sofa to eat it.

"You must not be a prince of much consequence if some daffy old wizard is summoning you up and binding you," Lily added out of spite.
While Vicari continued to rest on the bed, he silently contemplated his next moves. It had been a long time since he last visited the human realm, and much had changed. As much as he wanted to deny it, Lily would be a helpful companion. She could guide him towards civilization, and ensure that he didn't immediately draw attention to himself. At least until he was able to locate his master. But, that would also mean that he would have to tolerate her presence until then.

When the girl spoke his name, Vicari peeked open an eye. As he glanced at Lily, it seemed that she had made herself comfortable on the sofa, and served herself some stew. It wasn't anything he particularly cared about, so he soon shut his eyes once more. Though, he did find it hard to relax around her. After spending centuries alone, with just the souls of the damned to keep him company it was difficult to adjust to her innocent aura.

Vicari huffed at his words, "Unfortunately, anyone can call a demon to make a deal." His words dripped with annoyance, his lips pursed into a deep frown.
Lily wrinkled up her nose, midway to a bite of her stew, seeming to be completely horrified at the thought. "Just anyone! Any fool on the street can bring up some monstrous hellspawn! Well it is any wonder why the lands are plagued with so many ill creatures these days..."

Here Lily was thinking beasties and misfortune was more a natural part of life. Or at worst, a by product of the Wizardy that seemed to have a monopoly of power across the country and beyond. Demonic magic and summoning in general was supposed to be illegal, but she supposed legality rarely matter.

She did pause a moment to cast him another suspicious stare. It could also be he was simply telling her lies, though she couldn't imagine for what.

"That seems to be a problem for the demon realm, don't you think? Never knowing when you're going to be kidnapped into servitude? One would think a Prince wouldn't be beholden to that sort of magic."
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The more that Lily brought up the issues about being summoned, the more that it got on Vicari's nerves. He was already quite unhappy about being disturbed and brought to this horrid land, the last thing that he wanted was to listen to some human say it. And the worst part, was that she was right!

Vicari huffed, and turned over in his bed. If he wasn't completely lost, he would have long since sent her away by now. How annoying!

When Lily started talking about how a Prince shouldn't be beholden to magic that would force them into servitude, Vicari believed he was being mocked. He quickly sat back up in bed, glaring at the girl. "Listen here human, not just anyone can summon me. There are special conditions that need to be met. No commoner would be able to contain my power." He snarled.

"Now, if you don't want to be sent back out into the rain, I'd suggest you speak with more respect." His glare faded into a sullen expression as he laid back down onto the bed.
Lily didn't immediately response, thinking it wiser to finish up her meal at the very least, just in case he did make good on his threats to throw her out into the rain. Once finished, she set the bowl aside and tried to make herself a comfortable space on the small chaise. Leave it to a demonic prince to only magic up a single bed and then selfishly take it for himself!

Once settled and curled up, she did finally take a look over her shoulder.

"I suppose you ought to worry then," she stated softly. "If you are still here and not back where you belong, perhaps that powerful wizard is not yet dead after all."

Happy with that final spiteful warning, Lily grinned to herself and laid back down.
When Lily didn't immediately respond, Vicari thought that he had won the argument. He lazily laid back in the bed, closing his eyes as he quietly sighed. It had been a long time since he had to use so much magic and had to walk on his own feet. And, his mouthy companion wasn't helping. Now that he had a chance to collect himself, he was feeling utterly exhausted.

While his mind was easing himself into sleep, he heard the girl's insolent remark. Perhaps if he hadn't had such a tiring day, he would have continued. But, instead, Vicari huffed and turned over in his bed to face the wall. Although he had threatened to evict her back into the rain, that would be too much work. Or, at least that is what he told himself.

Vicari soon fell asleep, softly snoring with each breath.