Careers of Evil

Name: Caleb

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Species: Demon Hunter

Position: None



Weapons: Two shorter daggers infused with Cronosite. Pistol with Cronosite bullets

Abilities: Skilled in manipualtion

Personality: He is a quiet person, doesnt not talk if it isnt nececery. But now in his position, he always tryes to appeal to everyone mostly demons.

History: Caleb was born in a Demon Hunter family. His family had the rank of Nobles and they had always tried to rank up and become Alphas, but they couldnt. Until Caleb was big enough to kill demons. Caleb was praised for his skills, he was praised for his combat skills, he even killed two necromancers, without even taking a scratch, he was well known for this, kills a demon and returns unharmed. And all of those things he did in his young age earned him a rank as an Alpha, and finally his family was satisfied that they werent Nobles anymore....

But no one knew his secret. Caleb loved having sex with men and women it didnt matter, but the problem was he had sex with demons, and thats how he killed them. He played the row of an innocent and untouched boy, and the demons loved that, he had no idea what made him look so appealing in the demon's eyes, but he didnt care, he enjoyed having sex with them and then killing him. Thats how he always comes back unharmed, the demons just do not expect that he is a Demon Hunter until he stabs them with his dagger or shots them with his pistol, but it was to late for them to do something.

But an year ago his secret was found out. Everyone knew what he did and they were all disgusted with him, even his family, no one understood why he did this, and no one could understand him. But immediatly after his secret wasnt a secret any longer the Demon Hunter Concile immediatly unranked him and his famiy. His family were back to the status of Nobels, but he wasnt, he was banish from their lands and now has no home. He contiues his work filled with pleassure, without caring what anyone thinks of him.

Other: He mostly loves having sex with a male demon, and loves being topped by one. Has a paw tattoo on the side of his right wrist
Ok done with my character, hope he is not to weird :D
I had to create a whole new category for you! Caleb will be interesting, just wish I'd used Lyr instead of Kamari. That would have been hilarious xD
Yeah I wanted something different and thought he might be interesting in the cenario. Well you know you can always use both of them or Change Kamari with Lyr... Btw who is Lyr? :D
Lyr is another demon of mine...but he just likes painting. If someone made a pass at him he'd probably just be confused. Maybe I will introduce him at some point...
Hmmh. Doesnt seem like your typical evil demon. Will Lyr and Caleb get alonge if you introduce him. Cuz Caleb cant attach to someone that easily.
O_O Wow Nikk. That's very... Imaginative. XD
Thanks a lot. Thats very nice of you to say :). I try my best
Whooa. Nikk your character is like so out there. In a good way of course~

He's aaaawesome.
Thsnks. Im glad you all are liking him. I really thought that not anyone will like him, so I wasnt sure if I should make him at first, but I decided to try out :P
Its good thing that you did, it adds a whole new flavor to this roleplay. :3

Just so you know, many girls actually enjoy creepy stuff. Or yaoi. A lot of Yaoi.
:D You one of those girls?
Usually I always did one x one rps, and mature rps, cuz I only have one partner in those rps. I only play male characters and they are usually gay. But I knew that I had to get back to group rps and see what will happen, and if people will judje me for how Im like.
I think I'll be joining this! I'll create a character today at school, my sheet should be up right after ^^
@Nikk I'm weird like that. Yeah. xD

But anyway, can't wait to see your character in action.
Sheet for a female Hunter noble will be up soon
Hey I have a question.
What will the plot be about? I mean we know all about the demons the demon hunters, but there isnt really anything in your started post about the pot? Can you answer :)
Well, to a degree I just want to see where the characters go. But, to start off with we're going to have the hunters meeting, and I reckon the demons will probably have a similar one.

And at some point, we're going to reveal the origin of everything which will be a game changer xD

In between all that, I'll probably throw in a few random bits and pieces, as can anyone else who fancies doing so.
Aham. That sounds cool.
But what about my character, cuz he isnt officaly a Demon hunter, and no demon hunter likes him anymore, most of them are disgusted by his metods of killing demons.
Forgot about that. Silly me. I think I'll have to rethink this a bit. I'm thinking that perhaps when the meeting is happening, we'll have most of the hunters killed, and they'll go to ground, and perhaps yours could join them. As an incentive for them letting him join them, I could give you some extra information.

I've never been good at planning, and I apologise for that.
No dont worry it is totaly ok, no need to apologize. And if you dont want to do this dont, maybe they can just have a meeting, and my character won't be with them. If needed Ill find out how to meet up with the other hunters, so there is no need to change the plot that you had in mind cuz of only my character, and besides my character cant stay in one place for a long time :P