Captain Iwaku and the Moderators



Original poster

Our forum is in peril!
Diana, the spirit of community, can no longer stand the terrible stupidity plaguing our domain.
She sends five "special" bios to five busy moderators.
From the doghouse, Myrnodyn, with the muse of smut.
From the office, Ozziechanter, with the muse of oganization.
From across the street, Grumpy, with the muse of myth.
From the basement, Cammy, with the muse of chat.
And from the chimney, Juku, with the muse of newbie!
When the five muses combine they summon the forums greatest champion, Captain Rory.
"Go Rory!"
"The muse is yours!"
... Rory is our greatest champion?

We're doomed.
Haters are gonna hate.
I root for Ilisisser,
just because she has the Fire Princess as her avie. <3
Ako si Paorou.

"You'll pay for this captain Jew- I mean Rory!"
And then it turns out tha Pao is really the spirit of Gaia all along.
Wait, so who's dead husband are you the copy of?
Does that mean Rory is wearing nothing but paint?

That's...that's what I'm seeing... ;-;
Why would you even want to see that.
Just as good as all the other stuff he wears.

Also I'm the copy of Ocha's dead husband.


Or maybe it was Osso's. . .
Out of a fucking chimney.
Better than Santa.