Camp RP, anyone?!

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Sunshine & Whiskey

Disclaimer: The original idea goes to a great friend of mine from a different site. I've rewritten the story as my own idea though but just wanted to give the original credit where it is due.



Once that final bell rings on the last day of school and many students have said their last goodbyes to each other, it's the perfect signal that the idea of Summer had indeed arrived. For most individuals, they were going to the beach, getting summer jobs or just staying at home and video gaming all day but for most, it even meant camp. The counselors and administrative team of Huntsville High School, which is located in Sacramento, California have come together and noticed a few clique problems within the school. Even though every single school has problems with bullying and cliques, but at Huntsville High School, things have gotten worse. Most of the parents agreed with the school board as they think it would be in the best interest of the students, as well as the school, to send a select few, hand picked students away to camp for the summer. A camp where everyone is hoping the students will learn to get along or else they will be ask to not attend Huntsville High School ever again. They are to spend their entire Summer there without any hassles though disrespect of any kind will not be tolerated. Lines might be crossed and friendships might even be ruined. Hookups, breakups, makeups and so much more as it is all a part of the high school experience.​

Would this interest anyone, perhaps?
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