Calmoria Kingdom Reserve


Nivrant could feel the pain and burning from his new wound. The badger had gotten a lick on him and he didn't appreciate that. Bale had come to his aid but the badger shook him off. Damn beasts. Taking a offensive stance, the cleric lunges between Bale and the badger. The Cleric had to protect his friends, as he did him.

"Back off, you ugly raccoon!"

His mace takes a successful angle into the badger's shoulder.

[Badger 1 takes 5 damage, 11 hp remaining]
On the dirt with the beast looking over him Rodri knew he was in danger. He wasn't a stranger to hand to hand fighting but this was no man, this was a wild beast intent on eating him and hadn't backed off when it was suddenly in the mist of men. He needed to get somewhere where the bear wasn't looming over him, high ground, a vantage point where he could rain death down on the creatures or jump down on to flank and in his panic there only seemed one option.

Maybe it was his elven heritage that made him decide on taking to the trees but he rolled out from under the bear and sprang to his feet hand scrambled up the trunk to crouch in it's branches pulling his bow from his back and notching an arrow. If the bear followed he moght be able to get a show off before it reached him, if it didn't then he was in a good position to jump down on it.
The monk was placing a log for the fire, a smile ever plastered across his face, when the rustlings of wild animals and the cries of the horses alerted the group. It was too late, however, the party of wild animals had already made their move. Two savage and frightened badgers attacked us immediately, one managing to swipe Nivrant good. In reaction to the badger attack, Bale had started chanting something but it didn't seem to work well as the badger kept pressing his attack, only to be swiped on good time by the cleric's mace.

Peng's reaction was to help the endangered friend. He had dealt with badgers before, but never a bear. The immediate threat was the two badgers that had shown their fangs already. A plume of dust kicked up behind the monk as he dashed to aid Nivrant. He held one hand in front of his face with two fingers pointed upward and the other in a fist, completing his fighting stance. The monk's flexibility and finesse showed in his attack as he raised his leg higher than his chest and brought it crashing down, heel first, into the badger's back with one swift motion. All the while, Peng's smile never fades.

[Badger 1 takes 6 damage, 5 hp remaining]

Rodri's quick departure up the tree left the bear confused, parted between the ample choices around itself. Deciding against the effort to follow Rodri, he set his sights upon the next clearest target in front of him: Nivrant. Protecting others, indeed. Leaving the tree, the bear started its quick charge at Nivrant, but for little reward. The attack had him on his best reflexes, causing him to jump backwards and out of the bears path, missing teeth with room to spare. The backward jump threw himself into the path of a badger, which charged and hissed madly, clawing against him but unable to penetrate his armor.

The badgers had grown angry, temperamental and tired from their prolonged engagement with the bear prior. The wounded badger made a feeble attempt to fight back, but started to flee after missing Searos with a pathetic attempt to bite at his ankle. It's mate, close by, made another attempt, one that came much close to succeeding, but its teeth only clenched around his blade before letting go. It hissed as backed away.

The last of the badgers developed a sudden urge to climb, as it watched Rodri ascend the branches, and quickly did the same against him. Its claws dug into the bark, allowing it to easily ascend the base of the tree, entering the branches with dead set eyes on Rodri.

Searos laughed at the pathetic attack towards him, and was immediately shut up by the ferocious assault by its mate. After deflecting it off, he spun his blade one, and caught the wounded badger right down its back. It collapsed and moved no more. He tried to console himself, the creature might not have even survived long, it had been an act of mercy. These thoughts were short lived as his attention returned to the field, bear and badger surrounding Nivrant. Well, at least they were ignoring Bale for the time being.

[8 Damage to Badger 1, Killing Blow]
"NO! NOOO!" Bale squawked as Nivrant got attacked on two sides by the dirty woodland creatures. The wizard rushed in, waving his staff above his head and screaming. He went for the badger first, with intent to kick at it or wedge his staff between cleric and monster. But Nivrant turned at the wrong moment and Bale bumped into his back, losing his momentum and staggering backwards.


No, no, can't waste, can't waste the magic, not on forest rats, silly, stupid Bale, don't waste the magic, need it, need it for later!

Bale began circling, looking for another opening - some way to help.

Rodri aimed and fired at the bager climbing the tree but the arrow missed it' mark and he cursed. These things were small and fast. He took a second to glance at the commotion below, and shook his head. Things were not going as well as they could be, and with a badger up in the tree with him he was going to fall out one way or the other.

Leaning forwards he grabbed hold of a branch and swung down to land on his feet. No doubt the badger would follow. Why the thing was attacking them and not making it's escape while the bear was distracted was anyone's guess but it was hos fault the bear was after Nivrant, so he mover to flank the large creature, far away enough to be out of range of it's claws, placing it between him and Nivrant
He watched as the animals began to target him. This wasn't good. Thankfully, Pelor was in his corner. At least for the time being, he was. Nevertheless, Nivrant had to defend himself and the others. Hopefully, they would converge and destroy this foe. Trying to get the animal to give him some more space he stepped forward and brandished that heavy mace. His swing at the badger was a slight miss.

"I said back foul things! You will not have us!"
Peng moved in to cover Nivrant's side, releasing two blows at the badger as it clawed at the clerics feet. The first landed, hitting a little too strongly and knocking the badger out of range of the second fist. (1 hit to Badger 3, 7 damage)

The badger turned it's sight on Peng, recoiling and and lunging at his arm. While both claws missed, it's teeth hit the mark, digging into his forearm and crushing down into his muscle. (Badger 3 bites Peng, 4 damage)

​ Aggravated by the sudden movement, the bear reared back, sweeping forward with it's paws at Nivrant, catching him across the shoulder with one massive swipe as it landed back to the earth. (Bear claw vs Nivrant, 5 dmaage)

Angered by the death of its mate, the badger (2) sprung from it's position, swiping with each claw and tooth. A quick backstep from Searos, and the feral attempt missed.

The last badger (4) jump down after Rodri, eyes set on his figure as it landed on the ground.

The backpedal was just enough to evade the teeth of the little bastard as it launched itself at his loins, Searos noted the precarious target location of this foe. Again, the badger had not been quick enough to evade his blade as it tried to escape his vicinity. The tip of the blade tore through it's forelimb, weakening its stance. (Power attack vs badger, 9 damage, 19 health remaining)
"AWAY! GET AWAY!" Bale screamed at the bear as it swiped Nivrant. Though the badgers were far more fearsome, the bear was a large and damaging part of this equation. And, most of all, it was threatening to kill the goodly cleric, the one whose leadership this cadre depended on, the one whose guidance Bale needed. For when he looked at Nivrant the voices grew a little quieter, his senses grew a little clearer.

And he would fight to defend that.

Swinging his staff above his head, the Wizard brought it down in both hands. The wooden end clonked the animal atop the skull, and with a cackled word the shocking wand attachment activated. Electricity shot across the bear's body, singeing fur and jolting muscles. The beast recoiled, and it gave Nivrant the chance to regain his footing. [13 damage to bear. 6 HP remaining]
The badger had a good hold on Peng's forearm, provoking a deadly reaction from the monk. Peng swung his free arm down as hard as he could sending his elbow crashing into the beast. {1 hit to Badger 3, 8 damage, 13 hp remaining}

The badger let go of Peng's forearm at the sharp blow, causing Peng to attempt to kick the beast as he fell. The kick missed, however, but Peng stood ready to defend himself.
The fight had reached turning point. He and his companions were starting to shed blood together, just as they all expected it to be. Wounds were beginning to show both sides, luckily more on theirs. That was beginning to really be a bother when its claws ripped through the shoulder of his shield arm. Pain shot through, like a bolt of lighting. Blood was starting to stain the ground into a crimson, abstract masterpiece. Sweat seeped itself from his skin.

Bale stepped up and delivered a brutal blow. It was now time for Pelor's servant to cleanse this angry creature. Shuffling past him, he swung the mace in hopes to down the creature. It's head was crushed like a melon. Without pausing he turned his attention to the remaining foes.

[Total of 8 Dmg to Bear, Killing Blow]

Rodri let loose an arrow at the badger (4) that followed from the tree, dropping after him with a feral snarl, startling him enough to send the arrow whizzing far off course and into the trees behind it.

In retaliation, the badger (4) sent all of its energy at him, clipping with its teeth and claws but caught only air as Rodri danced about on his heels.

The badger (3) that Peng had bloodied recoiled, scratching his arm as he landed his blows, leaving a jagged cut along his forearm. (3 damage to Peng)

The enraged mate of the slain beast lunged clumsily at Searos, tripping over a root and landing at his feet just as the fighter raised his sword in both hands, attempting to put the beast down for good. The sword struck straight through the beast, digging into the dirt on the other side. To his horror, after he removed the blade, the badger continued to move, bloodied beyond imagination. (Searos lands a power attack vs Badger 2, 13 damage, 6 health remaining.)
Their leader was safe! Bale's heart blossomed with warmth, bringing near-laughter as the bear went down. But the rage of the Dire Badgers was loud enough to quell any victory. Turning as Nivrant removed his mace from the bear's skull, Bale glanced once to Rodri and once to Peng, each fighting their own struggles against the beasts.

Better a man should live than a Half-Elf!

He rushed to the monk's side, driving his staff against the badger and forcing it back against the campsite rocks. It would do nothing to harm the fiend, but was enough to snag its flailing limbs. "Strike now!" Bale snarled to Peng as he pinned the animal. "Strike now!"

[Aid Another attack successful: +2 to Peng's next attack]
Nivrant stepped to try and finish off another foe. His mace took an odd swing, since he had a bit of a limp. It completely missed the somehow alive badger. The wounds must be effecting him now.

[Rolled a 4 to hit, Miss]
Holding his bleeding forearm tightly, he glanced around at everyone fending off the wild creatures. The bear had been dealt with, probably the largest threat. Now only the badger family remained.

"Strike now!" Bale snarled to Peng as he pinned the animal. "Strike now!"

Peng nodded at Bael as he held the beast. Leading with an extended leg, Peng aimed for to plant his foot into the badgers face. Due to a slight miscalculation, the first attack missed, but Peng quickly followed up with his other leg, moving with lightning fast reflexes, kicking the beast in the chin while the wizard held it against the rocks. Peng wanted to thank the Wizard, but post-combat was a better place for such words.

{1 hit to Badger 3, 5 damage, 8 hp remaining}

With the big target out of the picture Rodri laughed in triumph, a sound he had not meant to make but the exhilaration of seeing their biggest enemy go down brought on a rush of relief. He wasn't normally like this but he wasn't normally in fights like this. In the city he fought men, and was usually the one making the first move. This was chaos, a melee where no lines were drawn and chaos ruled. Valuable experience...

He turned and notched another arrow and drew back aiming at the badger following him and let the arrow fly and it dug into the beasts hide. His first hit of the fight, trick was not to finish the wounded creature.

[Hit on badger, 6 damage, 22 HP remaining?]

At his last strike, Searos felt the small gush of blood drip down his arm, the badger's claws having dug through his bracer just as he removed the blade pinning it to the ground. [4 damage to Searos] The badger (2) attempted to limp away, howling in pain from it's condition. Almost too reluctant to strike down a creature so pitiful, Searos spent a second hesitating, until the howling demanded silencing. "I'll send you to your mate, beast." Another stroke across the back of the neck, and the badger dropped, howling giving way to a quiet calm, which in turn yielded itself to the sounds of combat from the rest of the group. [Searos vs Badger (2), Killing Blow]

The other pairing was fairing better, one grabbing the better of Peng as he stepped in for another blow. Evading the strike, the badger (3) took the opportunity to strike, catching the monk in the chest with both claws, nipping at his throat with primal saliva oozing from it's teeth. Falling over to the ground, the claws rended flesh, but the teeth managed only the slightest of holds, leaving his vitals namely in tact. [3 successful attacks to Peng, 11 damage]

Laying on the ground with his heart racing, Peng lay on the ground dazed by the sudden onslaught, the first gruesome blow dealt by the creatures yet this day. [WILL vs. DC 15 check for Peng. Lose this round's actions to fear if failed. Continue with actions as normal if passed.]

The last of the family (badger 4) maintained it's focused vision on Rodri', catching only the wind at his heels as he danced about it's claws and fangs, the arrow causing the creature plain distress during it's movements.

As Peng fell, bloodied and winded, Bale's heart ached. After the kindly Cleric it was the foreign monk he respected the most - his quiet humility, his faith in the greater path of life. They had spoken little since this morning, but it soothed Bale's mind when he thought on the man. And falling to a enraged beast was no fitting fate for Peng.

Screaming at the top of his lungs, the Wizard rushed past Nivrant and jumped over Peng, driving his staff down into the badger's flank. The wand attachment sparked again, shooting crackling eldritch energy from its tip. The badger shrieked and recoiled, its limbs going weak, its mouth dripping foam. But it was still alive, still enraged. [5 damage to Badger 3: 3HP remaining]

It took all of the Wizard's strength to keep the charred animal at arm's length. He just hoped an ally was at hand to finish the beast.

Nivrant stumbled over to the magic wielding friend. He decided against a snazzy line and went for the silent kill. At least, as silent and a mace smashing a skull can be. More blood sprayed on him. By this point, he was starting to look like a gutted ketchup bottle. The badgers eye flew through the air, in some bushes.

"Bale, Searos go help Rodri, I will take care of Peng."

He knelt beside his monk friend, reading some divine medicine.

[ 8 Damage to Badger 3, killing blow]
It was too much at once for the monk. He laid on his back, smiling nervously and clenching his wounds tightly. He wasnted to move, but his body wouldn't let him. The shock from the blow was too great and all he could do was lay there, amazed at both his folly in being hit and the badger's strength. Peng had fought skilled warriors in his time, but none of them were out to kill the monk. This badger was fighting to the death...

"Fharlanghn guide us and pave our path...Make every step of mine only closer to the horizon...Should my road end, be it only by your will...And in my next life, guide me further than the previous..." Peng mumbled a prayer to his God as he tried to muster the courage to stand once more, not even noticing that Nivrant had come to his aid.