Original poster
(This is a role play where you can be any hero of any video game, book or television show! Just make sure no one is the same! If you want you can make up your own character as long as they apply to the rules of their world!)
In the world of Telepia, the greatest of any type of hero is welcomed with open arms! Including Minerva's Spell, a bar for any type of creature!
(If you want to role play then just give the following information before you start)
What they look like (picture only):
Real character or made up?:
Story, Movie, Book, World they are from:
What they look like:
Name: Orsa
Age: Unknown
Species: Half human and half alien
Real character or made up?: Made up
Ability/Power(s): Transform into anything, fuse with any creature (as long as they dance and they are senchronized), Pull out their weapon of choice from her Gem, Keep anything in her Gem, Heal with her tears
Personality: Fun, sweet, strange, positive
Story, Movie, Book, World they are from: Steven Universe
Minerva's bar was just outside of Oni Hot Springs, where all the famous toons in the world get to cool off, after these heroes would relax in the springs of course!
It has been just three days and Orsa, a Crystal Gem/half human from a different planet had yet to explore this particular bar and wanted to know what the fuss was about.
With a ding, the door to the quiet and yet luxurious Hawaiian themed bar was clamoring with different heroes throughout the world of imagination.
Tails the Fox was behind the counter, cleaning a glass cup with a smile. The bar practically had begged him to become a bartender to attract more customers, since he was a classic hero and he couldnt say no to anyone so desperate.
"Welcome to Minerva's--" the cute little fox said without looking up, "how may I--" he began quickly glancing up and did a double take instantly with his mouth gaped open.
The young half alien woman (who looked human) walked up to him dripping wet.
Perfect tan skin with auburn brown haired that curled into long perfect ringlets, her curves were absolutely to die for...
"How may I--how may I--I help....me..." Tails slowly said with a blush as she was inches away, but mostly because she was at the front counter.
Gracefully, the creature flipped her hair to the side before ringing out the remainder water in her hair...her first stop before she came here was the springs.
"A chocolate cherry flan...and a soda..." She said in a soft silky voice, making Tails spine shiver.
Without taking her eyes off of her and with his mouth gaped open he grabbed a packaged flan and filled a soda...and since he wasnt paying attention he spilled some all over his hands.
Orsa tried not to giggle as he refilled it and gave it to her.
"What do i owe you?"
Again with that soft voice and Tails pushed the food towards her before looking away with the same cute blush, "its on the house...I insist!"
The woman smiled, "thanks!" She said before walking away with the tray.
The poor girl didnt know anybody so she sat by herself and started to open the package.
(In this role play everyone starts off as single no matter what! There is going to be shipping in here! No matter how wierd!"
In the world of Telepia, the greatest of any type of hero is welcomed with open arms! Including Minerva's Spell, a bar for any type of creature!
(If you want to role play then just give the following information before you start)
What they look like (picture only):
Real character or made up?:
Story, Movie, Book, World they are from:
What they look like:

Name: Orsa
Age: Unknown
Species: Half human and half alien
Real character or made up?: Made up
Ability/Power(s): Transform into anything, fuse with any creature (as long as they dance and they are senchronized), Pull out their weapon of choice from her Gem, Keep anything in her Gem, Heal with her tears
Personality: Fun, sweet, strange, positive
Story, Movie, Book, World they are from: Steven Universe
Minerva's bar was just outside of Oni Hot Springs, where all the famous toons in the world get to cool off, after these heroes would relax in the springs of course!
It has been just three days and Orsa, a Crystal Gem/half human from a different planet had yet to explore this particular bar and wanted to know what the fuss was about.
With a ding, the door to the quiet and yet luxurious Hawaiian themed bar was clamoring with different heroes throughout the world of imagination.
Tails the Fox was behind the counter, cleaning a glass cup with a smile. The bar practically had begged him to become a bartender to attract more customers, since he was a classic hero and he couldnt say no to anyone so desperate.
"Welcome to Minerva's--" the cute little fox said without looking up, "how may I--" he began quickly glancing up and did a double take instantly with his mouth gaped open.
The young half alien woman (who looked human) walked up to him dripping wet.
Perfect tan skin with auburn brown haired that curled into long perfect ringlets, her curves were absolutely to die for...
"How may I--how may I--I help....me..." Tails slowly said with a blush as she was inches away, but mostly because she was at the front counter.
Gracefully, the creature flipped her hair to the side before ringing out the remainder water in her hair...her first stop before she came here was the springs.
"A chocolate cherry flan...and a soda..." She said in a soft silky voice, making Tails spine shiver.
Without taking her eyes off of her and with his mouth gaped open he grabbed a packaged flan and filled a soda...and since he wasnt paying attention he spilled some all over his hands.
Orsa tried not to giggle as he refilled it and gave it to her.
"What do i owe you?"
Again with that soft voice and Tails pushed the food towards her before looking away with the same cute blush, "its on the house...I insist!"
The woman smiled, "thanks!" She said before walking away with the tray.
The poor girl didnt know anybody so she sat by herself and started to open the package.
(In this role play everyone starts off as single no matter what! There is going to be shipping in here! No matter how wierd!"