Bunny's VERY Ugly Coding (Noob Lvl 5000)


Annyeong Bunny

Original poster
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sed nibh sit amet elit ullamcorper tristique. Fusce et lacinia magna. Vivamus laoreet nulla diam. Nam tincidunt tincidunt felis vitae efficitur. Vestibulum eu ligula ac magna porttitor accumsan. Sed est massa, hendrerit non augue ut, ultricies egestas dui. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc ultricies mattis nibh, eu efficitur orci facilisis eget. Aliquam vel lacus at nibh laoreet vulputate vel rutrum ante. Nullam blandit at neque non mollis. Sed in odio dictum, consectetur dolor vitae, porta augue. Phasellus fringilla, neque quis bibendum rhoncus, erat lacus volutpat elit, et mattis ex dolor pulvinar lorem.

Nullam vel purus a nibh gravida tristique. Pellentesque eleifend mi vulputate ligula mollis, viverra rutrum libero consequat. Nam ac nibh vitae eros finibus egestas sed ut lectus. Vivamus eu tristique leo. Sed mattis lacus ut lorem finibus malesuada accumsan ac sem. Maecenas mollis metus sit amet placerat suscipit. Nullam a nisi ornare, blandit ipsum in, aliquam justo. Donec mattis feugiat mauris, eu luctus neque auctor sit amet.

Cras vel mi iaculis eros tempus fermentum eget non nisl. Cras pellentesque consequat dapibus. Aenean finibus ex id elit molestie dignissim. In placerat dignissim tincidunt. Etiam cursus nisi id orci varius gravida. Quisque commodo varius odio dictum pulvinar. Nulla facilisi. Cras a urna nec metus tincidunt iaculis id ut ex. Vivamus accumsan suscipit tortor nec tempus. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Sed vitae lorem nec nunc consectetur elementum. Fusce blandit erat et aliquet efficitur. Praesent vel quam mi. Aenean pretium, diam id ultrices imperdiet, nisi massa condimentum nibh, gravida eleifend mi justo sed elit. Praesent sit amet neque sagittis, ornare nulla a, finibus dui. Nam id nulla magna. Curabitur rutrum nunc lacus, et congue sem fringilla eget. Phasellus at nibh commodo, feugiat diam non, posuere lectus. Praesent tellus quam, facilisis eget lorem in, ornare imperdiet ipsum. Curabitur non nisi id massa volutpat porttitor ac ac purus. [/font]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sed nibh sit amet elit ullamcorper tristique. Fusce et lacinia magna. Vivamus laoreet nulla diam. Nam tincidunt tincidunt felis vitae efficitur. Vestibulum eu ligula ac magna porttitor accumsan. Sed est massa, hendrerit non augue ut, ultricies egestas dui. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc ultricies mattis nibh, eu efficitur orci facilisis eget. Aliquam vel lacus at nibh laoreet vulputate vel rutrum ante. Nullam blandit at neque non mollis. Sed in odio dictum, consectetur dolor vitae, porta augue. Phasellus fringilla, neque quis bibendum rhoncus, erat lacus volutpat elit, et mattis ex dolor pulvinar lorem.

Nullam vel purus a nibh gravida tristique. Pellentesque eleifend mi vulputate ligula mollis, viverra rutrum libero consequat. Nam ac nibh vitae eros finibus egestas sed ut lectus. Vivamus eu tristique leo. Sed mattis lacus ut lorem finibus malesuada accumsan ac sem. Maecenas mollis metus sit amet placerat suscipit. Nullam a nisi ornare, blandit ipsum in, aliquam justo. Donec mattis feugiat mauris, eu luctus neque auctor sit amet.

Cras vel mi iaculis eros tempus fermentum eget non nisl. Cras pellentesque consequat dapibus. Aenean finibus ex id elit molestie dignissim. In placerat dignissim tincidunt. Etiam cursus nisi id orci varius gravida. Quisque commodo varius odio dictum pulvinar. Nulla facilisi. Cras a urna nec metus tincidunt iaculis id ut ex. Vivamus accumsan suscipit tortor nec tempus. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Sed vitae lorem nec nunc consectetur elementum. Fusce blandit erat et aliquet efficitur. Praesent vel quam mi. Aenean pretium, diam id ultrices imperdiet, nisi massa condimentum nibh, gravida eleifend mi justo sed elit. Praesent sit amet neque sagittis, ornare nulla a, finibus dui. Nam id nulla magna. Curabitur rutrum nunc lacus, et congue sem fringilla eget. Phasellus at nibh commodo, feugiat diam non, posuere lectus. Praesent tellus quam, facilisis eget lorem in, ornare imperdiet ipsum. Curabitur non nisi id massa volutpat porttitor ac ac purus.

"Fear the chaos, not the storm..."

Age: 24

Occupation: Caretaker - cleans and watches over houses for business workers or people going off for vacation.

Nationality: Japanese-Korean

Height: 5'9''

Weight: 125

Positive Traits:
+Responsible: Having grown up with stricter parents, Michiko learned from a young age to own up to her own mistakes and to take care of things that needed to be done.
+Honest: There's never a time when Michiko isn't honest, as she believes that lies only make situations worse than they need to be. Rip it off like a band-aid and get it over with.
+Compassionate: Being a hopeless romantic at heart, Michiko loves to help people in need. She wants to be that strong pillar for her friends and family so that they can become stronger.
+Strategic: Not being a complete people-person at a young age had taught Michiko how to play life strategically via books and personal notes.
+Observant: Michiko has grown a habit to watch and read people as well as situations; she can act on what she sees or feels might start to happen that way and get out of precarious situations.

Negative Traits:
-Secluded: Even though she has started to become more open as a person, Michiko often times also finds herself keeping her feelings and emotions to herself for fear of being 'unnecessary'.
-Inhibited: Michiko tends to almost always be on watch, or on edge, and never really find time to relax herself unless she's sure she's actually alone. (Usually tends to happen after hearing about crimes or after being involved in a dangerous situation)
-Insecure: Being a leader comes with the feeling of not being 'good' enough, and for Michiko, it's something that she knows she has to overcome, yet it still affects her.

Talents: Flexibility, changing room temperature, and creating fractal patterns

Hobbies: Reading, cooking, sight-seeing, and climbing trees

Michiko Arashi is an interesting character, to say the least. She has many things she would rather keep inside and not bother anyone with, but she also tends to be a listening ear for those close to her. Growing up being an only child, and a girl, her parents were strict and toughened her up in order to take on the world with the mentality of a 'boy'. Be strong, be tough, and don't falter. This gave her the mentality that she can't relay her weaknesses to anyone, not even her closest friends.

However, because her parents had given her this tough childhood, Michiko had been told to 'play the part' of a boy in order to instill the previously stated virtues. This made her seemingly androgynous to many people around her, as many would think that she was not a girl. She had feminine features, but dressed and had the air of a boy. Of course, that image would disappear when she talked, as her voice was deep, but not manly, leading people to reassure themselves that she was, indeed, female. Michiko learned at an early age not to be bothered by this interaction, but she often finds herself wishing that her childhood could have been... different.

There is more to Michiko's past than just her controlling childhood, as well as memories she would rather keep hidden. However, once she reached adulthood, she learned to change her outlook on life and try to open her boundaries. She decided to take chances on life by discovering the side herself that had been told to be hidden... the woman that she is. While being perceived as a 'motherly' or 'older sister' type, Michiko's compassion for others increased the wiser she became, and though she still has time before completely breaking free of her shell, she tries her best to be someone to look up to. Someone that others wish to always have around.

[Post Transformation Image]

Goddess Outfit: Dark and Light Blue

Hair Color: Silvery white

Eye Color: Deep navy blue

Goddess Idol Alias: Tempest Electra

Goddess Theme: Sky; wind, weather, and clouds

Goddess Tier: G1

Goddess Gift: Voltaic Enigma; a large half-moon scythe

Minor Spells:
~Thunder Strike - Sends a blast of lightning at target
~Wind Gust - Send a blast of wind to unbalance target
~Haze - Creates a blanket of fog to inhibit eyesight
~Dispell - Disperses small clouds of smoke using wind
~Frost - Sends icy air toward target, slowing their movement for limited time

Medium Spells:
~Sonic Thunder - Creates a large thunder strike used to severely stun targets
~Hail - Sends down heavy amounts of hail, size of hail depends on energy that is still contained
~Sand Blast - (only available if there's access to dirt or sand) Creates a small sandstorm that severely blinds small group of targets
~Avalanche - Sudden onslaught of ice, snow, rocks, and wind that is sent straight into a single target

Major Spells:
~Thundersnow - Summoning of thunder and lightning while also calling upon a heavy blizzard toward a large group of targets; involves large chunks of ice as well for more potential damage and strong winds.
~Torrential Enigma - Strictly uses Voltaic Enigma to summon a large storm; uses electricity, ice, harsh winds, rain, and creates a large hurricane of those things. Darkens the sky with large dark clouds to deprive of sunlight as well.

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Baek Moon-shik

While it was a warm day, the wind was also very active. Walking toward the train station was a tall brunette woman in her mid-thirties and a boy almost as tall as her, who was holding rather tightly onto her arm. In his hand was an owl cage that his mother had let him pick out, and he was carrying a large leather shoulder bag full of his books for the first year. His mother helped to push the cart with his overstuffed suitcase and a few other bags. The morning had been very tense for Moon, as it was the day he was going to be leaving his family for the magical school of Hogwarts. Once his mother had found out about his powers that were starting to develop, she was over the moon and had started to tell him her stories of school and the amazing world of magic. He should've been excited, but nerves racked his stomach even as his mother stood proudly beside him.

"Oh, Moon, this brings back so many memories! Do you know how much fun you're going to have?" Moon's mother beamed as the familiarity of the train station finally hit her. Moon watched his mother warmly and began to feel as his nerves began to calm. It seemed like his mother was his rock, when in the end, they both relied on each other. Leaving the house had been an experience that he would never have expected to experience, in both the good and the bad ways. He was sure that his father was more than okay with seeing him leave, as he refused to join the trip.

"Mom... what if the others treat me badly because I'm a half-blood? You would tell me about times where you would help some kids that were in those situations." Moon questioned quietly as his nerves began to stir up once more. A frown slowly appeared on his mother's face, and she was quiet for a moment before pulling Moon gently closer against her side. Like a mother duck and her duckling. The conversation was then turned back into a joyous one as Moon's mom beamed at seeing the wall leading to the platform they needed to go to. 9 and 3/4.

"Alright, Moon! You have to trust me on this one." Moon looked at his mom skeptically as she gave him a knowing look. "We're going to both grab onto the cart, and we need to run as fast as we can straight into that column!" the excitement in his mother's voice made Moon a bit anxious about running directly into a stone column. However, he pushed that to the side as he thought of the fact that his mother had done this before, many times, and gave her a quick nod. "Alright. 1, 2, 3!"

And with that, they both sprinted toward the column, and Moon clenched his eyes closed, expecting to hit solid brick. But, there was nothing, and his mom slowed the cart to a stop, laughing like she was a student again. Moon opened his eyes and couldn't help but grin at all of the magic he could see around him. Students were quickly boarding the train and giving bittersweet goodbyes. Others were hopping off the train to give another round of hugs, which made Moon's stomach clench at his own bittersweet farewell he would have with his mother. He then felt hands on his face, turning him to face his mother, her eyes serious as she locked gazes with him.

"Moon. Don't ever let anybody tell you your worth, do you understand? You're going to be such an amazing wizard, and I'm already so proud of you for taking this step. Being a half-blood doesn't make you any less of a wizard than anybody standing here, and you can show them that. I love you so much." at this point, both had tears welling in their eyes, Moon lifting a hand to hold onto one of his mother's. He felt the love and support of her words rush through his body, and he gave her a slow nod, feeling the tears finally fall. With a muffled 'I love you too', Moon leaned forward and held onto his mom tightly, not wanting to let go. His mom held on even tighter and caressed his hair as the train whistle blew. Quickly, she let go and wiped away his tears, exhaling as a proud smile lit her face. "Go on, baby. I believe in you, and if times get hard, send Marilu with a letter and I'll always respond." Moon gave a more confident nod and pressed a final kiss against her cheek, waving goodbye to her as he put his stuff on the train. He grabbed Marilu and took her with him as he started to squeeze through the crowded walkway. He finally stumbled into what looked like an empty cart, but he saw a girl with long curly hair reading a book.

"Sorry, I think the other carts were full..." Moon spoke as he slowly took the seat opposite of the girl, being sure to avoid the things on the edge of the seat. As he sat, he stroked Marilu through the cage and pulled out a book of his own. It was a book his mom had lent him, and she had refused to let him open it until he was on the train...
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Akira: Blue German Shepherd

The Apartment


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed imperdiet lacinia luctus. Vivamus lacinia, mi sit amet tristique ornare, lorem felis ullamcorper ligula, a volutpat tellus purus sit amet sem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus posuere arcu sed libero malesuada dictum. Etiam et pulvinar metus. Aenean eleifend pellentesque neque, vel consectetur mauris vulputate ut. Nulla viverra tristique dapibus. Phasellus rutrum scelerisque magna, ac ultrices leo vehicula vel. Nunc sed tellus vel purus tristique vestibulum. Proin varius nibh ante, eget tempor neque consequat ut.

Mauris ac sem vel risus hendrerit pellentesque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec vitae ipsum fringilla libero mattis mattis. Nam odio dui, maximus eu tristique ut, facilisis ac libero. Nam sit amet velit ac leo congue gravida in in enim. Aliquam a lectus metus. Donec ultrices ultrices nisl nec consectetur. Ut tempor felis ultrices ante rutrum blandit. Cras sit amet efficitur orci, ac imperdiet lacus. Cras quis aliquet nunc. Vivamus eu est quis neque tincidunt ornare aliquam ac metus. Proin condimentum, lectus eget pellentesque vehicula, tellus ex ornare tellus, id pellentesque ipsum eros et tortor. Integer pellentesque vehicula eros non accumsan. Duis sit amet enim non ligula gravida interdum a et sapien.

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Akira: Blue German Shepherd

The Apartment

At first, the smell was unbearable. It scalded the pup's nose after some time, but in that moment, another afternoon burning the sky, Akira was numb to it. Her soft whines echoed in the empty apartment... another reminder that she was the only soul occupying the space. Her little heart was torn and her blue coat was dirty; covered in dirt, grime, and possibly blood. She didn't know anymore, and didn't want to think too much on it. At being only four months old, the German Shepherd pup spent most of her time trying to avoid looking at the small corpses of her three litter mates. One by one, after their owners vanished, they had gotten sick. It was a sickness that Akira was too young to understand, but dried blood littered parts of the floor where her sister and brothers had vomited. Flies flew through the air, landing on the small decaying corpses. Out of the corner of her eye, the pup was sure she saw small wriggly white worms starting to appear.

It was that day in particular that Akira felt the most anxious and panicky. Though it had only been a few months, the food that she had scavenged from the cabinets and counters had been picked clean for a few days. Since she was a growing dog, her appetite had been large and her lack of experience meant that she didn't ration the food. Now, she was stuck. As Akira paced through the small one room apartment, her whines grew louder. On the outside of the door, she could hear and smell other dogs. Many times she tried calling out to them, but to no avail. They didn't seem to care. The shepherd held her head low in both mourning and despair. She was stuck, and there was no way out. The thoughts that then popped into her head was that she would be the next body among her litter mates. The thought struck fear through her small body, causing her whines to become more frantic.

However, after a few hours of trying, Akira's whining grew soft. Her hope was dwindling and she was close to giving up. Tucking her tail, she moved to lay on the ground, pressing her nose against the crack underneath the door. Waiting....

Then, she heard it. The sound of something moving on the other side of the door made Akira jump back into a standing position. She stood completely still, watching the door with grey eyes as her little heart began to pound once more. Whether it was from adrenaline or hope, she couldn't tell. The sound of the handle attempting to turn shocked the pup, frightening her. Then, upon hearing the sound of something falling to the ground on the other side, Akira yelped and turned, running to her safe spot: her owners' old room. There, she curled herself into a ball in the corner of the room, huddled against old clothes she had gathered. Shaking a bit, the blue shepherd made more soft whines, closing her eyes as the sudden smell of death hit her nostrils. After so long, she had blocked it away, but upon remembering the smell, Akira attempted to bury her nose into the clothes. Fear struck her mind that maybe soon, she would be apart of those same smells...

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basics --
full name severin terbis
nickname(s) sev, to close friends

gender cis-male
pronouns he/him

age twenty-five
birthday january 2nd
zodiac capricorn
birthplace detroit, michigan

romantic orientation pansexual
love interest tba

witch type secular

appearance --
face claim
dymitry brylev

appearance description --
hair Severin's hair is a dark black color and is thick in volume. He tends to keep it tame during certain occasions, but most times he simply brushes it without a care if it's made or not.
body Standing at six foot two, Severin's body is fit and slim from his time staying in shape. With physical health being one of the many things he keeps in mind, he is slightly lanky, but still carries a built frame under his clothing. Long muscles from cardio work versus thicker ones, as he despises the look it would create for him. He also weighs in at 185 and has heterochromia (one green eye and one amber eye).
skin Severin has a slight olive tint to his skin color and usually has thick callouses on his palms from working outdoors and with his stones. As for complexion, he has a clear face save for a light dusting of freckles across his nose and a small scar over the edge of his left eyebrow.
clothing style Despite being secular, Severin's style is very dark and usually involves a black-and-white color combo. Enjoying darker colors to wear are his preference, along with black boots of some kind and any one of his many necklaces that holds a stone for what day he needs it.
physical disabilities none

personality && interests --
personality traits quiet, observant, withdrawn, studious, independent, introverted, open-minded, rough-around-the-edges, broody, loyal
― Though being introverted is seen as being 'shy' or 'afraid of interaction', for Severin, he's a different type of introvert. He's the kind that doesn't particularly enjoy the aspect of large amounts of socialization, as it drains his energy to low points. Because he is introverted, he also dislikes large crowds of people and loud noise, as it only irritates him. So, because of this, he lives in a small cottage outside of the city in the peace and quiet. However, even if he is introverted, he doesn't totally despise interacting with those he's close with, it only means he has a very small group to interact with.
― Despite his quiet and withdrawn nature, Severin is also very observant, like a sponge, soaking up the conversations and information around him. Most of the time, others forget about his presence, to which he isn't bothered, and he is able to watch situations in order to read a room and other people's auras around him. In social situations, it helps him to end conversations faster if need be and is a helpful trait for him to have.
― Severin is also very open-minded, despite how calm and aloof he is from others. When having conversations he actually enjoys, he keeps his mind open to what others say and keep their opinions in mind. He doesn't just shut others away, but for his personality, getting to know him is the best way to keep that from happening. Also, even though he does have an open mind, he does not approve of prying, as it only irritates him and pushed him away from any more interaction.

mbti type infp (the idealist)
temperament melancholic
moral alignment neutral good
hogwarts house ravendor

mental disabilities Severin suffers from a very slight case of PTSD. It was from when he was a young child when physical altercations of abuse occurred within his home and to him. Seeing certain events from his childhood and younger teen years has caused him to be anxious around heated arguments (that are obviously leading to more violent conclusions) and confrontations. Because of this, Severin tries to stay away from socializing among large groups or talking about controversial topics, as such topics could create similar incidents he had seen in his childhood. Though it's a mild case, he still has certain rare triggers that can set off small anxiety or panic attacks that he usually prefers to deal with alone because of his dislike for revealing vulnerability.

head canons
---- elk or elephant
― the hermit
― has a soft spot for baby animals
― prefers an element of 'sour' in his food, if possible
― secretly loves 70's and 80's love ballads
---- hoards many different stones and rocks, having at least one of each kind
---- enjoys listening in on potential drama, if only to laugh at it
---- a bookworm
---- sometimes wears leather and silver bracelets as a kind of security
---- very dominant personality despite his quiet nature
---- loves thunder and lightning
---- hobbies include volunteer work at pet shelters and enjoying a good book in the corner of the library
---- wants to experience whether or not 'love' actually exists because of stories and the meanings behind some of the stones he collects.... and maybe also because of personal curiosity

other --
playlist feel free to add more if you need to.
Daddy, I'm alone... 'Cause this house don't feel like home ― [X Ambassadors] Unsteady
All alone, heart made of glass, my mind of stone ― [Billie Eilish] Lovely
So when your hope's on fire, but you know your desire, don't hold a glass over the flame ― [Mumford and Sons] Hopeless Wanderer
I was born in a thunderstorm, I grew up overnight, I played along, I'm playing on my own ― [Sia] Alive
Cuz that's just the way of the world, it never ends till the end then you start again ― [Sabrina Carpenter] Thumbs
I will be your sword and shield, your camouflage, and you will be mine ---- [SVRCINA] Meet Me On the Battlefield

[c] themysteriousashe.
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basics --
full name
severin terbis
nickname(s) sev, to close friends

gender cis-male
pronouns he/him

age twenty-five
birthday january 2nd
zodiac capricorn
birthplace detroit, michigan

romantic orientation pansexual
love interest tba

witch type secular

appearance --
face claim
dymitry brylev

appearance description --
hair Severin's hair is a dark black color and is thick in volume. He tends to keep it tame during certain occasions, but most times he simply brushes it without a care if it's made or not.
body Standing at six foot two, Severin's body is fit and slim from his time staying in shape. With physical health being one of the many things he keeps in mind, he is slightly lanky, but still carries a built frame under his clothing. Long muscles from cardio work versus thicker ones, as he despises the look it would create for him. He also weighs in at 185 and has heterochromia (one green eye and one amber eye).
skin Severin has a slight olive tint to his skin color and usually has thick callouses on his palms from working outdoors and with his stones. As for complexion, he has a clear face save for a light dusting of freckles across his nose and a small scar over the edge of his left eyebrow.
clothing style Despite being secular, Severin's style is very dark and usually involves a black-and-white color combo. Enjoying darker colors to wear are his preference, along with black boots of some kind and any one of his many necklaces that holds a stone for what day he needs it.
physical disabilities none

personality && interests --
personality traits
quiet, observant, withdrawn, studious, independent, introverted, open-minded, rough-around-the-edges, broody, loyal
― Though being introverted is seen as being 'shy' or 'afraid of interaction', for Severin, he's a different type of introvert. He's the kind that doesn't particularly enjoy the aspect of large amounts of socialization, as it drains his energy to low points. Because he is introverted, he also dislikes large crowds of people and loud noise, as it only irritates him. So, because of this, he lives in a small cottage outside of the city in the peace and quiet. However, even if he is introverted, he doesn't totally despise interacting with those he's close with, it only means he has a very small group to interact with.
― Despite his quiet and withdrawn nature, Severin is also very observant, like a sponge, soaking up the conversations and information around him. Most of the time, others forget about his presence, to which he isn't bothered, and he is able to watch situations in order to read a room and other people's auras around him. In social situations, it helps him to end conversations faster if need be and is a helpful trait for him to have.
― Severin is also very open-minded, despite how calm and aloof he is from others. When having conversations he actually enjoys, he keeps his mind open to what others say and keep their opinions in mind. He doesn't just shut others away, but for his personality, getting to know him is the best way to keep that from happening. Also, even though he does have an open mind, he does not approve of prying, as it only irritates him and pushed him away from any more interaction.

mbti type infp (the idealist)
temperament melancholic
moral alignment neutral good
hogwarts house ravendor

mental disabilities Severin suffers from a very slight case of PTSD. It was from when he was a young child when physical altercations of abuse occurred within his home and to him. Seeing certain events from his childhood and younger teen years has caused him to be anxious around heated arguments (that are obviously leading to more violent conclusions) and confrontations. Because of this, Severin tries to stay away from socializing among large groups or talking about controversial topics, as such topics could create similar incidents he had seen in his childhood. Though it's a mild case, he still has certain rare triggers that can set off small anxiety or panic attacks that he usually prefers to deal with alone because of his dislike for revealing vulnerability.

head canons
---- elk or elephant
― the hermit
― has a soft spot for baby animals
― prefers an element of 'sour' in his food, if possible
― secretly loves 70's and 80's love ballads
---- hoards many different stones and rocks, having at least one of each kind
---- enjoys listening in on potential drama, if only to laugh at it
---- a bookworm
---- sometimes wears leather and silver bracelets as a kind of security
---- very dominant personality despite his quiet nature
---- loves thunder and lightning
---- hobbies include volunteer work at pet shelters and enjoying a good book in the corner of the library
---- wants to experience whether or not 'love' actually exists because of stories and the meanings behind some of the stones he collects.... and maybe also because of personal curiosity

other --
feel free to add more if you need to.
Daddy, I'm alone... 'Cause this house don't feel like home ― [X Ambassadors] Unsteady
All alone, heart made of glass, my mind of stone ― [Billie Eilish] Lovely
So when your hope's on fire, but you know your desire, don't hold a glass over the flame ― [Mumford and Sons] Hopeless Wanderer
I was born in a thunderstorm, I grew up overnight, I played along, I'm playing on my own ― [Sia] Alive
Cuz that's just the way of the world, it never ends till the end then you start again ― [Sabrina Carpenter] Thumbs
I will be your sword and shield, your camouflage, and you will be mine ---- [SVRCINA] Meet Me On the Battlefield

[c] themysteriousashe.

Location: Detroit, Michigan --> Florence, Oregon
Interactions: Irya, Damiana, and Amias

When it came to fast-speed air travel, or taking an airplane, Severin wasn't a stranger to it. However, that didn't mean he had to like it. It was six in the morning on the day of his departure and he was already in his seat, of course next to the window. Already, he could hear the sticky kid fingers that were touching the seats as two kids ran by before take-off, a panicking mother attempting to settle them down with a glaring flight attendant looking to be moments away from grabbing the trouble-makers herself.

And it was only six in the morning, as if he needed to remind himself of that fact.

As for the reason he was forcing himself into such a situation, it was still a mystery to the secular witch, even as he sat and contemplated it while looking outside the window. A few days before he had gotten on to the plane, he had been in his isolated cottage in the outskirts of the city. Nobody really knew where he lived since that was his intention, so it shocked Severin when he found a parchment letter stuck in his door. After wondering how the hell somebody located his house, his curiosity got the better of him and he opened the letter, not even thinking of the possibility that it could have ricin or something inside.

Inside the letter had been an urgent summoning to a shop in Florence Oregon, of all places. Severin had a constantly creased brow as confusion riddled his body, unsure if it was real or some kind of invitation to one of those convention things. He had gotten a few of those. However, because of the vagueness of the letter and the feel of the parchment, the male witch had decided to take a leap of faith and book the next flight to Oregon. His apprehension to the flight had started then, along with the possibility that the letter could be a hoax.

Back inside the airplane, the flight began to take off and surprisingly, the seats weren't as full as he had expected, save for the loud kids whose mother had thankfully managed to get them seated. Severin put in his ear buds and put on his traveling play-list before going into his brooding state, staring out the window and contemplating all life decisions thus far. It was an unlikely hobby, but by all means did the job for keeping his brain occupied.

During the flight, the dark haired witch thought deeply about who all would be at the meeting. There was no telling how many would get the letter, but he knew he wouldn't be the only one. After all, the letter specified a witch from each coven, and why he had gotten the letter, he had no idea. Nonetheless, he had packed one of every stone he had, as well as the basic tools for a witch like him to need and hopped on a plane.

"I don't know whether this is stupid or not..." Severin muttered under his breath, his amber and green eyes scanning over the clouds passing by. His heterochromia had been a topic of conversation multiple times, but in moments such as the one he was in, alone and watching the world around him, he would often forget about it. Through his different colored eyes, he watched the people and the world around him, seeing what they might do and if anything could go to shit or not... like he was trying to figure out throughout the flight.

Soon enough, after a few hours of dozing, Severin finally stepped into Oregon. The airport was about two hours from Florence, but he already had the money for cab expenses. Luckily, he had found a cab that would take him, as there were a lot more people bustling around than there were in the plane. Then, after a more than awkwardly quiet cab ride, he found himself at the block, pulling out an umbrella to defend his body from the rain that had started to pour. Despite the water, the man took a moment to admire the dark cloudy sky above him before walking down the sidewalk, his eyes searching for the shop. After a few minutes, he saw a small group of three people waiting outside of the shop, all of them quietly waiting.

Stepping underneath the overhead to stay dry, Severin saw himself almost touching shoulders with one of the men who was waiting last in the line.

"Sorry." Severin muttered as he stepped to the side, making more room for himself and the others. The male witch's outfit consisted of a long black and white overcoat, black pants, black combat boots, and a white dress-shirt, tucked into his pants. His hair was slightly styled, but was a little messy from his journey to the shop, and as he took in the others around him, they must have traveled as well... or perhaps he was just assuming. Thankfully, nobody else had been in conversation, which meant he could stand quietly and wait without having to socialize and waste his energy. There were two men and a woman that were waiting, all of which seemed to be there like him, and that wasn't counting how many were inside... and that thought took Severin back a bit. There were more witches present than he had thought, perhaps...

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Thanawat Panyarachun

basics --
full name thanawat panyarachun
nickname(s) than - to most people (t-ah-n)

gender male
pronouns he/him

age twenty-one
birthday february 19th
zodiac pisces
birthplace bangkok, thailand

romantic orientation pansexual
love interest TBD

witch type voodoo

appearance --
face claim
Itthipat Thanit

appearance description --
hair Than's hair is straight and a medium volume thanks to his genetics on his father's side. It's a deep black color and seems almost to have a red tint when the sun shines against it. Most of the time, it's styled out of his face, otherwise it would be a mop, and is soft to the touch. When he's sick or doesn't give a shit, he leaves it messy without a damn to give.
body Having been in multiple athletic events throughout high school, Than's build is slender, yet toned to high heavens. He has tones legs and slightly built pectorals; the body of a swimmer, as he mainly spent his time on the school's swim team.
skin Than's skin is rather pale, though still has a sense of being sun-kissed from his years in the sun. However, years of practicing voodoo magic had taken it's toll in the sense that his skin had lost his tan. His hands are calloused and he has a clean-shaved face; no stubble or blemishes, save for a scar on his lower lip, going from the edge of his lip to underneath it.
clothing style Than's style is very stereotypical 'voodoo': leather jacket and chains, black and dark purple clothing, black belt. Very grungy, like a biker or something, but there are times when he allows himself to get extremely dressed up, even if it's rare, or dressed down.
physical disabilities Though he has learned to hide it pretty well, Than has a limp in his left leg from a traumatic moment in his life. What happened is unknown to everybody but himself, but he suffers from a permanent limp nonetheless from it.

personality && interests --
personality traits cold, abrasive, distant, loyal, hopeless romantic, cautious, charming, caustic
― caustic - Than has developed this trait after getting his heart and soul smashed into a million pieces the last time he let himself fall in love. Caustic, meaning he is very sarcastic in a bitter way, though he can't help himself. Most of the time it's to keep himself distanced from others, as he doesn't want to trust others again.
― cold - Despite having a spot of warmth somewhere inside, Than is, overall, very icy and doesn't give a damn if it hurts your feelings. He will ignore someone to the point that it's awkward and wouldn't feel bothered by it at all, to which many people have been rubbed the wrong way by it. For good reason, of course.
― hopeless romantic - Though Than has been hurt and traumatized by love before, it doesn't mean that he can push himself away from it. Ever since he was a kid, he had been raised by a loving family that taught him to balance the darkness of voodoo with love that can be found everywhere. However, he tends to fall too hard for his own good and has since developed his facade and security system in order to keep himself away from love at any costs.

mbti type enfp - the champion
temperament melancholic
moral alignment chaotic neutral
hogwarts house slyther-puff

mental disabilities Than suffers from trust issues when it comes to affection, love, and compassion. When he was seventeen he experienced a bone-crushing and heart-breaking relationship that left him hollow. He pushes others away and doesn't believe it when others try to flirt or compliment him; he sees it as them trying to play games and find a way to break him again. Because of the trust issues, he built a fortress around his self that he refuses to let down to anyone again.... (or so he thinks)

head canons
― snow leopard
― "why should I give a shit? hm?"
― signature eye-roll
― loves spicy food
--- hates coffee
--- cold as ice
--- "yeah, I've got tats. you got a problem?"
--- "player" flirt
--- secretly loves the drama
--- king of grimaces
--- "oh but sweetie, you aren't special either~"
--- faux smiles to be expected
--- enjoys novels
--- loves swimming
--- skilled in thai calligraphy

other --
playlist feel free to add more if you need to.
i can't help... falling in love with you... ― [Tommee ft. brooke] Can't Help Falling in Love (Dark Version)
life's too short to even care at all, oh... ― [Young the Giant] Cough Syrup
you did not break me...― [Sia] Elastic Heart
all that drama can make you wanna lock the door and throw the key...― [Au/Ra] Dance in the Dark
how do you love when your heart is broken...― [Nothing More] I'll Be Okay
you can spare me all your sympathy... --- [Too Close To Touch] Sympathy
i am not afraid, of the storm that comes my way... --- [Thousand Foot Krutch] Courtesy Call
i've tried forever getting out on my own... --- [Ashes Remain] On My Own

[c] themysteriousashe.
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Location: Bangkok, Thailand --> Florence, Oregon
Interactions/Mentions: All/None

The world worked in the strangest ways. Sitting in the darkened ritual room alone, peering over the bones spread across his desk, Thanawat tried his best not to look at the unopened letter that lied waiting to be opened.He held the letter opener in his hand absentmindedly, twirling it lazily as he gazed at the bones with a disinterested look. Deep in his mind, Than was wondering about the letter but didn't feel the urge to open it either.

A week before, his mother had walked into the ritual room and set it on the edge of the table, where it still lied in that moment. Collecting dust. Flexing his jaw in slight apprehension, Than turned his dark, almost midnight gaze to the letter. There was no intimidation or anxiety at seeing it, but he knew that once it was opened and read, there was no going back. After all, his parents wouldn't have delivered it to him if it weren't important.

"Shit timing, I guess." Than muttered in Thai, running his free hand through his black hair, moving the stray strands from his eyes. Deciding that he couldn't procrastinate any longer, the solemn man released a sigh, cutting the letter open with ease. Inside read the contents of a rather familiar witch. In fact, the Panyarachun family knew of the Martells for decades. Whether the Martells knew of Than's family didn't particularly bother him in the slightest, but he felt slightly relieved to see the familiar family name. So he knew it wasn't some sort of trap to get one of the last few remaining voodoo lines.

The contents of the letter spoke of a summoning to Florence, Oregon. That was in the United States, which meant he would have to brush up on some of his English during the plane ride. He had been forced to study it for most of his life, so it would be an easy task, even if he found it tedious. There was also mention of representatives from each coven, which meant he would possibly face other familiar family names from the bunch.

Needless to say, Than was more than late getting on his plane ride, lugging a black and purple suitcase behind him. Drenched in black, the man also sported black sunglasses and a leather jacket, the chains clinking against the leather softly as he climbed into his seat. Thankfully, he had brought a few ritual and spell books from his father's collection. For the most part, that kept him occupied unless his mind became riddled with other senseless thoughts. A half-smirk pulled Than's lip as he closed his book, gazing out at the familiar orange color of the sun. The sun that was known for providing warmth to life. The irony of the melancholic man's life seemed amusing as he stared at the sun through his sunglasses, feeling a swirl of bitterness tug at his gut.

Soon enough, Than's flight landed and he glanced at his watch, seeing he was definitely late to the meeting. But did he hustle after that realization? No.

"I'll take my sweet ass time." Than thought dismissively as he pulled his leather jacket closer around his body against the sudden sprinkling of rain. In seconds, his hair was littered with droplets and he was still standing, waiting for a free cab to pick him up. It was after ten more minutes passed that a free cab finally pulled up, apologizing for not being able to help him sooner.

Than was sure to tip the man well for his courtesy and compassion as he was let out at the corner of the street. Stashing his sunglasses in his pocket, the midnight haired man took long slow strides toward the shop. Thankfully, the rain had lightened up enough for him to get there without being totally drenched. From outside, Than could hear the chatter and movement inside, hearing quite a louder voice exclaiming about finally arriving. An eye roll took over as he opened the door, letting himself in.

Right in front of the door was a man with pink pastel hair. This sight made Than frown a bit deeper, but he gave a nod before making his way further in. People were already bustling about, going up and down the stairs and meandering around the kitchen area. Blinking slowly, Than searched until he saw the familiar mushroom-hair of Nera, one of the Martells. However, seeing as she was busy catering to the new witches around, the voodoo witch simply pulled his suitcase up the stairs, giving a final glance to the others around. He saw a group of witches around one who seemed to be providing donuts, some of which included a quiet man, a woman with striking orange hair, and some others.

Eventually, Than found a room that he was sure would be safe. Somebody's things already occupied one half of the room, so Than took the other, leaving his things as he gently shook the water from his hair. Before he could think about going back down, the voodoo witch concluded that it would be rude to not introduce himself to Nera, as she had summoned him in the first place. That, and his parents qould have his head for doing such disrespectful things.

Once downstairs, Than eyed the others once more, a ghost of a grimace pulling his face before he slapped on a charming smile that seemed modest and friendly. Finding the mushroom-hair from across the room, he continued toward her, feeling his smile becoming a bit less strained at seeing her. At least, she wasn't a stranger.

"Nera, good to see you're still up and kicking." as Than spoke, his voice had a rich accent, but he spoke fluent English. The tone was deeper than one might expect by looking at his face, but it was also slightly smoky. He lifted an eyebrow as he waited for the woman's response, a lazy smirk replacing his smile.

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