Original poster
Alright, so stated in the Roleplay Talk section with my interest check, I would like this roleplay to be fairly simple, but at the same time, have enough effect to it to be mentally satisfying. I would like for it to be historically correct, but NOT for it to be a timeline. It's not a school project, but a fun thing for all of us to do.
October was kind enough to write up a segment about the two Mob cliques:
With Prohibition rearing it's ugly head, teeth barred, making the rising masses of drunks cringe with sobriety, violence has erupted on the streets of chicago. The police have their hands full with the Mobbed up under world, and day after day the headlines are awash with robbery, extortion and bootleggers found dead, their bodies riddled with bullets.
Everyone wanted a piece of the action, and in Chicago, two factions of the Mafia reigned supreme.
The Ricardo Family - Maintaining a steady control of the docks and bootlegging operation. They deal in illegally imported rum as well as what local booze hounds call 'bathtub gin', made in the hills. They control east/southeast portions of the city with an iron hand.
The Giomi Family - Maintaining a steady control of the Canadian whiskey trade and local speakeasies. The fine grade whiskey from Canada flows across the borders and directly into the hands of the Giomi family, who then distribut it to the highest bidder. They control the West/northwest portions of Chicago.
With tension nearing a boil, the borders have been blurred, like lines drawn in the sand. The Ricardos and the Giomis are neck to neck, east to west, in a constant battle for territory and control of the illegal alcohol trade. The police are little help, those that haven't already been 'bought' by the Mafias are more or less caught in the middle of a violent uprising.
*Speakeasies are Mafia run bars which have alcohol on one wall behind the bar. If threat of police intervention was alerted, all that had to be done was flip a switch and the wall would turn to hide the alcohol.
**History: Please describe a brief section of your character's history. Tie in their occupation, what brings them to it, etc. Create 3D, Plausible characters to the best of your abilities, and please refrain from mary sues!
**Appearance: For this, describe what your character would wear, depending on their social status. If your character was a flapper, for example, their hair would be cropped, they'd wear make up, and might even have stained teeth from smoking. If you had a mafia character, or boss, they would probably wear the finest suits available.
**Social Status: There is an allowance for a wide variety of characters in different social status from being a normal bar-goer, flapper, mafia hitman, boss, or other high end person in society.
**Occupation: Their occupation is not a necessity, but would help you to create a 3D character, what brought them to said occupation, and what they do specifically.
This RP will be an open RP for people to enter as they please. But in doing so, I would like for people BEFORE JOINING to send me their Chara sheet and post it -here- so that everyone knows who you are, and most importantly, myself, knows who you are.
There is potential that your characters may be killed. If you do not want your characters hurt, maimed, captured, tortured, or KILLED, do not use your precious character!
Basic Setting:
1925-1926 in Chicago.
Opening Plot:
-The 18th amendment prohibits the consumption, sale, and manufacture of alcohol.
-Due to this, the Mafia were able to monopolize alcohol in uses such as speakeasies*.
-The mafia, in wanting to be the only source of alcohol, has split into different groups
and fight against each other for the right to claim theirselves number one.
Character Sheet Skeleton:
-Age [Approximately]
-Social Status**
1925-1926 in Chicago.
Opening Plot:
-The 18th amendment prohibits the consumption, sale, and manufacture of alcohol.
-Due to this, the Mafia were able to monopolize alcohol in uses such as speakeasies*.
-The mafia, in wanting to be the only source of alcohol, has split into different groups
and fight against each other for the right to claim theirselves number one.
Character Sheet Skeleton:
-Age [Approximately]
-Social Status**
October was kind enough to write up a segment about the two Mob cliques:
With Prohibition rearing it's ugly head, teeth barred, making the rising masses of drunks cringe with sobriety, violence has erupted on the streets of chicago. The police have their hands full with the Mobbed up under world, and day after day the headlines are awash with robbery, extortion and bootleggers found dead, their bodies riddled with bullets.
Everyone wanted a piece of the action, and in Chicago, two factions of the Mafia reigned supreme.
The Ricardo Family - Maintaining a steady control of the docks and bootlegging operation. They deal in illegally imported rum as well as what local booze hounds call 'bathtub gin', made in the hills. They control east/southeast portions of the city with an iron hand.
The Giomi Family - Maintaining a steady control of the Canadian whiskey trade and local speakeasies. The fine grade whiskey from Canada flows across the borders and directly into the hands of the Giomi family, who then distribut it to the highest bidder. They control the West/northwest portions of Chicago.
With tension nearing a boil, the borders have been blurred, like lines drawn in the sand. The Ricardos and the Giomis are neck to neck, east to west, in a constant battle for territory and control of the illegal alcohol trade. The police are little help, those that haven't already been 'bought' by the Mafias are more or less caught in the middle of a violent uprising.
*Speakeasies are Mafia run bars which have alcohol on one wall behind the bar. If threat of police intervention was alerted, all that had to be done was flip a switch and the wall would turn to hide the alcohol.
**History: Please describe a brief section of your character's history. Tie in their occupation, what brings them to it, etc. Create 3D, Plausible characters to the best of your abilities, and please refrain from mary sues!
**Appearance: For this, describe what your character would wear, depending on their social status. If your character was a flapper, for example, their hair would be cropped, they'd wear make up, and might even have stained teeth from smoking. If you had a mafia character, or boss, they would probably wear the finest suits available.
**Social Status: There is an allowance for a wide variety of characters in different social status from being a normal bar-goer, flapper, mafia hitman, boss, or other high end person in society.
**Occupation: Their occupation is not a necessity, but would help you to create a 3D character, what brought them to said occupation, and what they do specifically.
This RP will be an open RP for people to enter as they please. But in doing so, I would like for people BEFORE JOINING to send me their Chara sheet and post it -here- so that everyone knows who you are, and most importantly, myself, knows who you are.
There is potential that your characters may be killed. If you do not want your characters hurt, maimed, captured, tortured, or KILLED, do not use your precious character!