Bucket List



Original poster

What items are on your personal bucket list?
Do you think you'll be able to achieve them all?
Well, there's a lot on my list... mostly 'cause I have no intentions of dying anytime soon.

First and foremost, I want to travel. Particularly to Scandinavia and Eastern Europe.
Secondly, I want to finally meet that special lady and get married (yeah, I'm a sucker for romance).
Third, I want to be a part of the political process. Many have probably seen me mention quips about running for President. It's a fool's errand and a thankless job, but after having seen politics play out in my relatively short 32 years of existence, I am somehow convinced that I can do a better job.

That pretty much sums up my major goals. Call it my ten year plan, if you will. Still, there's a whole lot of life left to live, and I intend on living every day to its fullest.
  • Write my books and see them get published. I'm not sure how well that is gonna go. Hopefully once I actually go to school for writing I'll be confident enough in my abilities. This has always been my dream and I can't see myself doing anything else with my life.
  • Learn how to paint properly. I want to be able to paint whatever it is that I see in my mind, whether it be an abstract idea or something that I saw in the park. This includes other mediums like colored pencils and water colors. I'd be so very happy if I can combine my love of art and writing together.
  • I want to have a dog. I've always wanted a dog ever since I was little, more so than I wanted real friends to be honest. Scary I know, but I've always been happier and much more comfortable with animals than people.
Short list, just off the top of my head.

Become a master carpenter - I have learned a lot during my years working, but I still have a shit ton to learn. Sometimes I think it's too much, but just gotta take it one day at a time.

Travel - If not out of the US, at least see all 50 states. Now that I work all the time, this is further away than ever!

Move - Somewhere colder and darker. Alaska seems nice, or maybe a rainy state like Washington.

Learn to work on cars - beyond changing hoses, oil and spark plugs. I am just lazy, instead of figuring out the problem when I have auto trouble I just take it in to the shop.

I really try not to think too far in the future, maybe it's a downfall? I think I get too overwhelmed thinking ahead. I just keep on keeping on, day by day and breath by breath.
That is a hard question. Let me see what I can come up with, not necessarily in the order that I want to do them:
1.) Write a book-length, cohesive narrative and have it published.

2.) Have a snow-fight on a mountain... but not in winter.

And... I can not think of any more items on my list for some reason. I am sure I have others, though, just that they do not come to mind.
  • I want to have a game published. I don't care if it isn't successful - I just want to show the world I can do something, for a change.
  • I want to finish the project I'm doing with a friend. We're both working our hardest, neither of us can give up before it's finished.
  • I want to be able to have a toast with all my friends, and celebrate the times that we were all there for each other.
  • I want to go to at lest one con. In a costume.
  • And, when I just can't take what life has to throw at me, I want to feel the warmth of a lover's embrace. Just once, I want to be able to bawl my eyes out, and cling to someone, and have them accept me for who I truly am.