Broken wing

Lyle watched as the fox was picked up by a human. The mouse ran up the tree and prepared his fur made wingsuit,helmet(small piece of turtle shell),and tool belt. The wingsuit was made out of leather and cat fur from the local backyards. Lyle was an engineer/explorer mouse with a thing for creating. He reached the highest branch and leaped. His cheeks filled with air as he descended. He pulled up using his whole body. He glided quickly(Due to his size) Over to the human's machine.

He landed at the tail end and rolled running up the top. He felt the machine move to he quickly jumped and flew towards the eyeballs (Side view mirror.Left) He hid holding on for his life. He was positioned so the people in the machine couldn't see him. His curiosity got the better of him as he peaked over the top. The wind pushed him over and sent him flying towards a window. He tried to open his wing suit but it made him go faster. He gulped and impacted the top of the backseat window. His helmet prevented death but blacked the mouse out. The last thing the mouse hit was something soft and moving in an up and down manner.

Lyle dreamed of flying between trees catching bugs for dinner.
Eclipse would look back to his tail where the mouse had landed on. He would nudge the small creature as he would check to make sure if it was allright. " Hey wake up.. "
Corvo glanced behind him at the fox who seemed to be talking to something on his tail. "Um....who are you talking to?" he asked.
The preteen boy saw something small wisk by him and being thrown around a bit by the wind before it went into the car. It peeked the boy's curiosity as he kept jogging along on the same route.
A average hieght male walking down the side walk, wearing a black trench coat and boots, happens to see the car pass by him, wondering to himself "Huh?" with a awkward look on his face and suddenly stops and stares at the moving car.
"...It talks too? This is phenomenal!" he exclaimed.
" Youll be suprised on how many animals can talk, i myself am no ordinary animal though, im from the beyond that is one reason i can talk. " Eclipse would sense another worldly presence pass by them he would poke his head out of the window as he would look back. " Stop the car now.... "
The male stops and stares at the car when it suddenly stops to a halt and starts to wonder to himself once more "What is going on with those people in the car? Somethings very odd about it.."
Lyle rolled over on his back looking at the winged fox. "Ahhh" Lyle scurried backwards hitting some wall. He looked over the beast and was astounded. "H-How did you get those wings?" Lyle walked up the fox's stomach and stood on his shoulder studying the wings.
The preteen who's been jogging on the same route the car was traveling in looks to see the male stranger that's staring at the car Corvo, the fox, and the mouse are inside of as the car suddenly stops.
Just standing there staring at the car he saw 2 or 3 things in the car, he studied the car and saw the preteen staring at him, he suddednly felt a slight chill run down his spine, it's not cold or anything but it just came out of nowhere, he's staring at the preteen and the car wondering what's going to happen next.
The car took an abrupt stop. "What's wrong?" Corvo asked.
Lyle laughed with glee. "Ah! This is fantastic!" The little mouse started reaching for his tool belt. He pulled out a small tape measurer and started measuring the wings. "My god this are..This isn't from here is it? Are you from earth?
" No i am not. But i can't tell you where i am from. " He looked at Corvo as he said. " I sense a other worldly pressence near by let me out so i can look around. "
Corvo nodded and got out of the car and opened the backdoor for the creature. "There you go." he said so intrigued. "Mind if I tag along?"
He hopped out of the car as he walked straight to the man that had stopped mid stride. " Yea cmon."
*nodded* he wondered to himself if this is a trick or not. Walking behind the strange creature scanning it wondering to himself what is he doing getting into a strangers car with other people in it.
Eclipse sniffed the strange man as he looked up at him with his bright blue eyes. " Your not from this planet are you? " He said as his right wing folded neatly to his back as his left stuck out still broken.