They say greatness is born, not made.
That's a load of bullshit.
I am a leader. Controlled, direction aggressiveness. Assertiveness. Absolute confidence tempered by self-awareness of one's limitations--and awareness of how to overcome them. These are the qualities of leadership, the qualities of greatness. These are not inborn traits, but ones born from hard work and application of oneself. One does not get to my position in life by sticking to the walls. Take a chance and step out, embrace the unknown, but tether yourself to basic principles that guide your steps.
A leader uses his aggressiveness, assertiveness, and confidence to inspire his team, bringing the whole into a new level of ability they did not have as individuals. A leader is only as powerful as his team. This humbling fact must be reconciled with the leader's confidence, and is the core behind his self-awareness: That while the role of Leader is one of authority and power, it is also attendant to others allowing him to lead them. The Leader must always accept the fact that while his is the power to bring others to new heights, the followers have the power to make him a leader in the first place.
As for me, I am a leader. I was not always. Early in my career, it was all too easy to stay in the background and let more confident, surer colleagues take charge. But now that I near the end of my schooling and as the day I become a physician draws closer, I find that the responsibilities and authority intendent in that profession draws forth the leader within. When its 1 am in the morning, and a critically ill patient enters MY floor, becomes MY responsibility, and that life falls into MY hands, then I must be as sure, as confident, and as authoritative as I can be in order to save that life.
Even as a mere medical student, this heavy responsibility has fallen into my lap more than once. And in the crucible of my education, in the trenches of the hospital floor, I had to man up and finally grow into the duties that have and will honor me. I had to become a leader.
And now, I am.