Name: Detorqueo [Latin: "to bend aside, to warp"]
Gender: Male
Physical age: 19
Personality: Detorqueo enjoys pain and suffering perhaps a little too much. That said, the people he likes are usually his antithesis - people who inflict pain only when necissary. The most mercenary of the Weapons, Detorqueo has rarely acknowledged any person as "master." Rather, he has served whoever saw fit to wield him. On the rare occasions when a wielder has used him against a person he has cared for, retribution has been swift and gruesome.
Sadistic tendencies aside, he is a very intense individual who never lies, except by omission.
Human form: Detorqueo, when in human form, stands just over five feet, six inches tall with a lean, athletic build. He has violent purple eyes, dark skin, and shoulder-length irridescent black hair. Whenever he forms clothing, it is always some form of black, purple, or blue, and is usually dark. He has a tendency to form himself longcoats.
Weapon form:
When a person is struck by Detorqueo in his weapon form, they die, pure and simple. Not always right away - sometimes a slow, lingering death, as though from a particularly sadistic poison. Sometimes they undergo horrible, otherworldly contortions and expire in impossible configurations. But they always die.
Human mate: Fei Yen Valaria Talbot
Bio: The second of the Weapons to be created, Detorqueo seems to have recieved all the malignance and intensity that Lydia somehow missed, and it hasn't done him any favors. He doesn't hold it againts her; rather, he clings to her as his only pillar of morality.