Boredom Saves Errotria! [2 SPOTS LEFT!]

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Nah, the voices just never fit, and it kinda ruins it when every main character ever is voiced by the same 3 people in Dub. It stops feeling like it's a unique voice for the character and instead feels like they're copy-pasting characters. A lot of the best jokes don't work in dub, too, because they rely on the way in which the lines are pronounced. Furthermore, instead of a wide range of voice and personality types, the american VAs are only capable of doing a single voice, and since they're recycled as I mentioned earlier, you get a massive reduction in cast diversity - every female is high pitched and squeaky, even though a child could tell you the voice was inappropriate.
Ah, when it's put that way, I can see where you're coming from. In the end, everyone has their own opinion.
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So I can't decide on Tim or Frenemy. I feel playing Tim would result in very little writing and responding.
Eeehh, it's pretty much up to the player? I mean, while the group is on their quest, Tim can be making the already hard journey even harder, you know? Random obstacles, near-deaths, kidnappings of side characters. Who knows.
Also I'm working under the assumption that frenemy are the "Friends of Tim"​
Also I'm working under the assumption that frenemy are the "Friends of Tim"​
Geh, I thought this would have been confusing >u>

Okay, so I was writing this up, right? And I realized that three is quite a small group, and thus I expanded it to five, but I didn't want them to all be friends. Where's the fun in that? I created the two frenemies with the idea of people who don't necessarily like the rest of the group, are kind of always teasing them, and are always in their business, which causes them to go through the portal as well. They're....the kids who got caught up in the mix and now have to work with the rest to get out, if that makes sense???

I'm sorry that this is all so confusing ;n;




"Please, just call me 'Tim.'"


~ Name ~
Timothy Titus Ariolas

~ Nickname(s) ~

~ Age ~

~ Birthday ~
August 11

~ Sex~
Tim Male

~ Gender ~
Tim: Boy: He/His/Tim

~ Sexuality ~
Tim Hetero


~ Personality ~
Tim is currently being treated with the utmost honor and respect, and no matter how much he tries to remain humble... He absolutely loves it. But! No one likes an arrogant pompous boy who thinks he can do whatever he wants just because he save an entire planet or something. Anyway, Tim tries to keep from getting a big head.

He is fiercely loyal to his family, friends, and fellow Errotrians. Everything he has done thus far has been for them. He often however has a hard time taking in the thoughts of others, never really asking if what he's doing really is what they want. But that said, he would do anything for these people, no matter how dangerous or irresponsible it may seem.

Tim is a master wizard. As such, he spends much of his time studying and practicing his magical skills. And in fact, he enjoys this immensely. Most might call him a stick in the mud when he gets on about his studies.

But he can turn dark in a matter of minutes. He holds incredible resentment against those who harm anything he holds dear. And being as stubborn as he his, Tim's forgiveness is not easy to receive. Neither is his mercy. And despite his distaste for violence, he will take action to carry out punishment.

~ Likes ~
+His Studies+
+Teaching and Lecturing+
+Swift Justice+

~ Dislikes ~
-Excessive Violence-

~ Appearance ~
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color & Style: Blonde - Straight Ear Length Hair

General Appearance: Tim is tall and lean, standing almost 6' tall.
General Fashion Style: Tim ususally dresses very regally, more to keep up appearances than anything. He wears a cloak at all times, and will usually have a white shirt on as well. He keeps a blade at his side at most time, but a book at all times.

~ Backstory ~
~ From Rags to Ragged Books ~
Tim was a poor boy who lived in a small town. However, one day a traveling sorcerer came passing through. He was looking for a mentor, and Tim was as eager as ever. After many other children attempting to gain the sorcerers favor, he picked the young boy watching from the tree in awe. He picked Tim.

~ Learning of the World ~
This sorcerer took Tim all across the world. He taught him magic, yes, but more important things than that. He should him the world. All it's beauty, the people, plants, the animals and landscapes. He taught him the beauty of everything.

~ A Cry for Help ~
But as time went on, the world began experiencing... Changes. It was subtle at first. Storms occurred more frequently, and more powerfully, animals began migrating at odd times, extreme temperatures... And while these were not so problematic at first, it began becoming more and more intense. The world was dying and no one had any clue why.

~The Question ~
His mentor now had long since left this world, but in his dying words, he had told of the reason for this sudden change. The world was overflowing with magical energy. And while part of what made this world so beautiful, it was beginning to tear it apart. With this information now known, every researcher and sorcerer in the world began searching for the answer. Tim was no different.

~ A New Hero ~
In his research, Tim discovered the answer to this problem. They needed to drain the excess magic from this world. He devised a magical machine that would help drain the magic, and store it in another dimension. It took a few weeks to see the effects, but without a shadow of a doubt, the storms began calming, and the animals began to return. It seemed their world was safe.

~ From Rags to Riches ~
The people of the world of Errotria gave Tim the highest honor imaginable. While not established as the true leader of the world, his influence on the world, and fact that he is well learned lead to many of the world leaders to come to him for advice. He is a prominent political figure who works to protect Errotria as best he can.

~ Relationships ~


~ Role ~

~ Voiced By ~
Matthew Mercer as "James"
~ Theme Song ~

~ Faceclaim ~
Leo - Fire Emblem Fates

"Don't think for a second that I would let you run free if it places Errotria in danger."
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@Reanimator Bob Low-key super excited for Tim, to be honest

Tim is looking pretty good so far~ I think that he'll make for an interesting character c:
@Reanimator Bob Low-key super excited for Tim, to be honest

Tim is looking pretty good so far~ I think that he'll make for an interesting character c:
Well Tim is finished for the most part. History might need to be edited a little for the sake of how the Magic is drained from the world.

Also I only need song and voice actor now
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To let everyone know, I believe Ophelia is done now.

On a side note, I kind of feel like Tim should randomly show up where the group is and have interesting interactions between them. Maybe to add to the comedy part, and not to mention that tends to happen in a lot of anime.
To let everyone know, I believe Ophelia is done now.

On a side note, I kind of feel like Tim should randomly show up where the group is and have interesting interactions between them. Maybe to add to the comedy part, and not to mention that tends to happen in a lot of anime.
Group becomes friends with Tim before they realize who he is >.>
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I actually think that would be really funny and entertaining and quite possible in this kind of rp. Plus, it's not like they would really know of each other for a little while.
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Shall make my CS and invite my army later. C: Wait for me, peepz.

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@Reanimator Bob Tim is very much accepted!

Side note: I changed his role to "Savior" (with the quotation marks) because I looked over it again and... 'Tim' made no sense -_- That was his name, Kitsune, not the role gOD

If you don't mind changing that in your CS, that would be greatly appreciated! I'm so sorry for this ;n;
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