Megurine Luka
Original poster
I'll make this quick, I dislike introductions. <3
I'm Alexithymia, Alex or Lexi for short, whatever floats your... particular boat. I go by many names, so have fun expanding that wonderful list of mine if you do so desire to call me by something else.
I hail from the magical land that is the UK- although it's not so magical. A happy clap for anybody who can figure out which country.
I'm always, always found within the fields of RP, hence why I am here. My main genre is fantasy, magic, etc, you get the picture. I don't really dig mecha and futuristic RPs, but I'm willing to take a shot at other genres.
I am fairly confident in saying that I am an experience Roleplayer.
If you want me to participate in something along my style, PLEASE don't hesitate to ask. Chances are I'll say yes. <3
I do believe I have an over-adoration for inus. And music, yes. Music. Metal is my main genre, however my interests do spin off to string quartets, piano pieces and other genres also. I myself am a musician; I am a proud owner of two simply lovely drum kits.
Don't be afraid of dropping me a note; I don't bite... usually.
I'm Alexithymia, Alex or Lexi for short, whatever floats your... particular boat. I go by many names, so have fun expanding that wonderful list of mine if you do so desire to call me by something else.
I hail from the magical land that is the UK- although it's not so magical. A happy clap for anybody who can figure out which country.
I'm always, always found within the fields of RP, hence why I am here. My main genre is fantasy, magic, etc, you get the picture. I don't really dig mecha and futuristic RPs, but I'm willing to take a shot at other genres.
I am fairly confident in saying that I am an experience Roleplayer.
If you want me to participate in something along my style, PLEASE don't hesitate to ask. Chances are I'll say yes. <3
I do believe I have an over-adoration for inus. And music, yes. Music. Metal is my main genre, however my interests do spin off to string quartets, piano pieces and other genres also. I myself am a musician; I am a proud owner of two simply lovely drum kits.
Don't be afraid of dropping me a note; I don't bite... usually.