Original poster
~ ☽ ~ Blue Moon Rises ~ ☾ ~
---------------------------------------------- Role - Play ----------------------------------------------

An alarm clock wailed it's anthem at her and would receive a sturdy kick just after it's second screech. Long stocking socks still stretched up to her upper thighs and garter belts strapped them their on a pair of lacy thongs. Strawberry autumn colored hair pooled around her curled up shoulders as her golden hazel eyes flickered open and a frown most endearing stretched her face. Her apartment was quiet now, the only sound was her cat Indi scampering about the kitchen - now that the damned alarm was off.
She slowly sat up stretching and yanking on the first shirt she could find. Her day's were getting shorter now that night was extending and the wear on her muscles and her routine was becoming obvious. She stretched and yawned rubbing the bags beneath her golden eyes and then practically fell out of her bed and into her closet. She was going to be late! She'd realized mid stretch, having the night before forgot to set her alarm back and hour? No ahead perhaps fuck if she knew she could never keep up with the daylight's saving time.
Pawing about her closet for a few moments she would finally emerge in her short black skirt a black hoody tank top under which she wore a shoulder-less long sleeved jade green button up, top buttons left loose, and a black denim jacket over that then paired with her favorite kicks, a pair of green high heel, ankle high boots that she could easily slip in and out of when the need arose.
After that she adjusted her stocking said Fuck breakfast only to feed her cat then was falling out her front door and hustling down the flight of stairs that ran adjacent to her building and deposited her square in front of a the Arken Moon~Brew coffee shop. It was hell living over a coffee shop, you never knew how tired you were until you smelled that blissful aroma. Her senses being all the more sharped due to what she was she would inhale deeply and sigh a yearning look cast at the shop. "Okay fuck class I'll be late, it's only Digital Works anyways..." She glanced about as if expecting someone to be watching her and expecting her to get in trouble. She had to keep reminding herself big brother wasn't around to harp on her.
SO with that she twirled and danced her way into the coffee shop making her way to the front counter her golden eyes already searching the board behind it for the most perfect sugary caffeinated creation they had to offer. She locked her eyes on the Carmel Macchiato and couldn't help but to drool "That one..." She mumbled pointing at the sugary goodness displayed on the image there. "Biggest size you have please.. Student Discount ... oh and three extra shots of s'presso please" She flashed her student id before dropping it on the counter and started to root around her jacket pockets for spare monies.
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