Bloody Masquerade [private]

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Both of the vampire were delighted by the fact that she was interested to know more about the council. Not many had the chance to learn about it, since it was closed off to the public eye. Alice was a lucky woman to be allowed to witness the other powers of the council at such a young age All most knew was that they made their decision in the council, and what was final word, was final word. No one in their right mind would over throw the council, they would face some harsh consequences.

"It takes knowledge and wisdom to be in the council," Kamijo responded to her question, since he was the founder, he developed the rules. "With vampires, they go through a test to see if they could be trusted with the information, as well as humans. So, there are only three human members of the council, as there are four vampires."

'We have been trying to fill a human spot for the longest time, but no human is willing to swear themselves to us," Elena added on, "They pretty much live in a slight secrecy, so they don't have the temptation to tell anyone else what we have planned. We don't keep them from having families, but if any word slips of our important matters, they get their memories wiped away. Only one of them has been through that, and it's tragic really."

Kamijo glanced at Elena, then looked at Alice to see if she had any reaction to that. "Our rules are simple, just do not betray us," he told her. "And when you go tomorrow, you must not tell your friends or family that you sat in at the gathering." He knew that she wouldn't betray them, but he had to say it for security purposes. He wouldn't want to erase her memory and start over, it was something that he personally didn't want to do.
A test to see if they could be trusted? And still they trusted her with the information without even batting an eye. How odd they were. Maybe they didn't, maybe it was more of a wishful thinking, a hope that she would not reveal anything. After all, just because she was clever did not mean that she was trustworthy. Though whom would she tell? Her family? That would end horribly bad if her dad ever got to know about it. He would not only want to tear the council apart if he knew that she had been invited, but he would probably lock her up in the basement for the rest of his life.

She did not enjoy to hear about them erasing peoples memories, but as long as everyone was aware of that possibility then she could not see anything morally wrong with it. After all, if you had rules that you did not follow, then you should take your punishment without complaints. Though a small shudder did go through her at the thought of having ones memories erased. How did they even do such a thing? Was it like Kamijo's hypnosis? Did it hurt? On the other hand, even if it did, how would one ever remember that it did?

"Trust me, I couldn't tell anyone even if I wanted to. My family is far too anti vampires to even listen to any story that has the word vampire in it. And no one I know would be very interested." Alice confessed. It was hard to betray them if all it would do was to get herself into trouble. "So as long as no one kidnaps me and tortures the truth out of me, then my lips will be concealed." Morbid jokes was the kind she usually kept inside her own mind, as her friends always looked at her as if she had gone insane if she said them out loud, but she guessed that someone whom had lived for five hundred years wouldn't care too much.
Elena just chuckled at the joke that Alice has said, truly entertained that Kamijo actually took the initiative to talk this woman. She normally did not get alone with mortals, since she found them all boring. It was just the majority of the human population thought they were better than everyone else, holding a certain arrogance that she did not understand. They were lucky that they law was in place, or else she would take the time to take out all of those mortals that twisted the fate of humanity.

"Well, I will see you tomorrow then, Alice," she spoke, giving a smile an did a small curtsy. "I must be going, we have important things to address tomorrow and I need to plan out our topics." As the voice of reason, she was the one who made the meetings run smoothly, making sure that everyone stayed on topic. Topics seemed to stray off a lot when they spoke about problems, so she had to keep them in check.

Kamijo bowed to Elena, and then watched as she walked away from them. He glanced at the time on the wall, seeing that it was getting later in the night. He should be getting this young woman home, as well as start to end the ball. "Should I escort you home?" He asked her, crossing his arms over his chest. "It is getting late, and I would rather to take you home so nothing happens to you." Nothing was going to, but he wasn't going to risk having her walk alone to a destination.
The time seemed to be flying away faster than ever. Alice had barely noticed how long she had been gone before Elena had to leave. Surprised that the female vampire had to leave so early, she still gave a polite curtsy, and told her new found acquaintance goodbye. Once Elena was gone out of view, Alice also looked at the time and realized how late it had gotten. Her friend would become incredibly worried if she weren't back soon.

The young girl looked up at the vampire, surprised over his suggestion. Never would she have thought that he would be so protective over her. Maybe he still felt guilty over what happened out on the balcony. Or maybe he thought some vampire might follow her from the party because of her scent. Either way, she could not be seen with a vampire close to her friends house, if the wrong person saw her with a stranger then her dad would soon get to know of it and eventually the truth would be revealed.

"My family believes I am at my friends house for the night, which I technically speaking am, at least for parts of the night. So I won't go home. They would freak out if they knew that I were out in the dark." She told him honestly. There was no reason for her to keep secrets from him, especially after he had been completely honest with her.

"And while I do appreciate the offer, it would be hard to let you follow me all the way. Rumors would travel incredibly fast if anyone my family knows saw me with a tall and mysterious stranger." She continued. Even though she would love to have him around for a bit longer, it would be very hard to explain the dress and the man, especially when it was a man she would never be able to let her parents meet.
That evening Kamijo had walked her only some of the way to her friend's home, making sure that she remained safe on the journey. Then when he got to a certain point, he left her to walk alone, but he remained in the shadows until she made it to the house she was staying at. He just had to make sure that she was safe, just in case any of those rogue vampires were out on the streets tonight. He wouldn't have doubted that they were at the masquerade wanting to follow her home, and their plans were ruined when they saw him lurking around in the night.

Now it was the night of the meeting, and the council were getting ready foe the meeting to start. Kamijo had been dressed down this evening from the attire he wore the night before at the masquerade. Now he had on a loose white shirt, with black pants and black boots. Normal, a little more casual, and comfortable for him to wear when they were just sitting around at the meeting table. He had trusted Alice to come as the sun started to set. She would be safe with the daylight, since there would still be mortals walking around in the streets. That is why he tended to host meetings after sunset, just so the humans in the council did not have to stay too late in case they had their own lives to tend to the next morning.

"That human girl is going to meet with us, isn't she Kamijo?" One of the council members questioned as he watched as Kamijo sat down at the head of the table with a glass in his hand, most likely it was blood in the glass because of the dark red color. Blood from a human that was deceased. "It is not every day we let outsiders in."

"No harm done, Zayn, she is harmless," Elena mentioned, taking a seat the table.

Zayn was also a vampire, a high member of the council that had the authority over Elena, but still under Kamijo. He may have looked young, but he was older than Kamijo by a few years, but chose not to be the leader. He had silver hair that ended at the middle of his back, his eyes were permanently a dark red and he had very pale skin. Far different than Kamijo's appearance, but every vampire had different looks.

"We already told her the consequences, so she will be fine," Kamijo mentioned, and then drank the contents of the glass. This blood will curb any appetite he would have when Alice arrived. Hopefully the others will be able to handle her scent.
Alice let Kamijo walk her a bit of the way, as that both made her feel safer and it seemed to calm him down a bit. Was he truly expecting a vampire to attack her? She had lived her whole life without having been attacked even though she smelled so good. On the other hand, she had also followed her fathers strict rules up until now. Never be out alone after sunset was one of the first rules. Needles to say, that rule kept her inside most of the dark hours, so most vampires probably hadn't gotten to see her before that evening.

When she got back to her friend's place, she had been questioned thoroughly about the evening. While Alice didn't mention about the vampire council, she did talk quite a lot about Kamijo while they tried to get her hair out of their braids and get it back to its normal straight self. Even when Alice tried to talk about other things from the masquerade than the vampire gentleman she met, her friend fast tricked her back to the more interesting topic. Eventually they both fell asleep though.

The next day Alice had to lie to her mother a second time to be able to go to one of the most forbidden places for her family. A vampire meeting. They were all old vampires, and humans would be there too, so it wasn't too likely that she would be attacked this evening. It would be just as calm as to go to a friend's place. And Kamijo was a friend, so she wasn't lying completely.

As the sun went down, she once again found herself in a building with vampires. This time was making her even more nervous than last. After all, last time she had a mask and if she said something stupid in front of one person there were a hundred more whom she could give a good impression on. Now she would find herself in a small group of people and everyone would hear everyone. Even though she weren't meant to do anything else but listen, it still felt as if she were going to give a thirty minute speech which she hadn't even prepared. She calmed herself and finally stepped into the building.

Once coming into the council room, it wasn't hard to tell whom was human and whom was vampire. The humans were three old looking people, at least in their fifties, while the four vampires all seemed to be somewhere in their twenties or thirties. Though they were probably much older than that, at least with a few hundred years. Alice had made sure to wear a shirt that covered her throat a bit, and also let her hair hang on her sides and over her neck. While she didn't believe they would attack her, it was best to not tempt anyone.

"It's not fine. We should have talked about this together before bringing an outsider here." The last vampire of the council hissed. If he had noticed Alice's footsteps then he had simply ignored her, but he might have just missed it while thinking about what was being said in front of him. "How do we know that we can trust someone you've known for a few hours? You're becoming weak Kamijo." Wixoss might use rude and harsh words, but usually that was all he did. Protecting their own race was what was most important to him, but he'd rather use a peaceful, and slightly harshly worded, approach to get there than to be violent about it.

Alice did not like the words she heard, especially when part of it seemed to be her fault in the blonde haired vampire's eyes. "It wasn't Kamijo who invited me though." Alice corrected him, though her voice was much smaller than she had intended it to be. The humans were turning their heads, and their shock of seeing a teenager whom had been invited to the council was as glass. Obviously they had thought it was an older person the vampires had spoken about, who would ever take such a young girl into such a dangerous place?

"But he did accept it." Wixoss said as he looked at the young girl from top to bottom and back to the top. For a moment she almost thought his blood red eyes could see right through her.
Kamijo did not like the fact that Wixoss had been harsh, but the vampire was certainly right. How did Kamijo trust a human that he has met for only a couple of hours? It was unusual, but he had felt that he could trust her even though it was hard for him to trust most mortal beings. The only mortals he fully gave his trust to were the ones on the council. They have been loyal to him, so he knew that he could keep his trust in them. Alice, however, still need to gain full trust. To be fair, it was Elena's choice to have her come to the meeting.

Upon hearing Alice, as well as smelling a little bit of her scent, Kamijo looked up at her. "I am glad that you made it in time," he spoke, motioning her to come over to him. Since it wasn't he who invited her to come, she would have to sit beside Elena on one side of the table. The other two male vampires will be sitting at the other side. The elder mortals filled in the empty seats, and their elder sat at the other end of the table. It was a hierarchy in a way.

Zayn sat at his seat of the table, to Kamijo's right. He eyed Alice, wondering what was it that attracted Kamijo to her, but then realized as he smelt her from where he sat. Noticing the cloth that was around her neck, he gave a little chuckle as he leaned back in his seat. This vampire held a keen sense of smell, so no matter how she hid it, he would still smell it. Not that he was going to take the chance to bite her neck, of course. "Brilliant, she holds an intoxicating scent," he spoke, tapping his nails against the table as he looked at Alice.

The elderly man that took the head of the table on the other side was looking at Alice. This man had a kind look to him, graying hair at the top of his head, and light wrinkles about his face. He was in his early seventies, and that was not mistake. "So young," he spoke, "Reminds me of when I met Kamijo when I was a young boy."

"Please, Alice, take a seat. Let's not get off subject and start the meeting," Elena budded in as she sat in her chair, motioning Alice to sit beside her to the empty seat to the left of her. "Our matters are way important than reminiscing over the past, that you can do later when the meeting is over."

Kamijo said nothing as Elena started to take control of the meeting. If she said there were important matters, then it had been important. He set his glass down on the table, placing his elbows on the table and intertwined his fingers, allowing himself to rest his chin on top of his hands. "And so, let the meeting begin."
Wixoss didn't pick up on Alice's scent before he sat down and she was walking further into the room. The smell slowly started to melt in with the other pre-existing ones from the other humans. But just as it had been on the ball, it still stood out more than the others. The youngest vampire in the room tensed up slightly. While the humans might not have noticed his change, the vampires would most certainly do. It was nothing he was proud of, to still be so affected by human blood. But he knew how to control himself, even though it was harder for him than for the other three. Usually his control was just as flawless as anyone else's as long as no one walked around with a newly opened wound.

Alice weren't sure whom she felt most uncomfortable with. Wixoss whom was looking at her as if he wanted to eat her, which he probably wanted to do, or Zayn whom was commenting on her 'intoxicating scent'. Was it really that bad? Or good.

But at last Elena interrupted and Wixoss eyes finally left her. Then she dared to breath again. She hadn't even noticed that she had stopped breathing. Alice hurried to the seat, not being nearly as gracefull as the vampire female. Though comparing oneself to someone whom had hundreds of years to perfect the way they walk without even thinking about it might have been a bit unfair.

And so the meeting began.

Meanwhile outside, still quite a bit away from the house in a nearby cemetery, a hoop of vampires were laughing and waiting for the command that might change the vampire world back to its former state. Back to when they weren't forced to listen and obey to the humans laws. Back to the times when humans were nothing else but prey.

A figure stepped out of the shadows. His presence itself silenced everyone. A strong voice spoke. It wasn't a scream, but it could probably have been heard as good as a scream. "Brother's and sisters. It's time to free ourselves from the weak. We shall no longer be slaves under the human kind. Let's eliminate the root of our oppression. Let's go and kill all that keeps us in shackles. Let's obliterate the council."

The vampires cheered. They weren't that many, and they were young. But there were more of them than there were vampires in the council. As long as they took them by surprise, they could easily kill those old fossils. At least that was what they thought.
"There has been an uprising on vampires that our against our rules," Elena spoke, looking at everyone in the room. She had started the topics, as she was the one who oversaw things. Being a vampire who can glance in the future, the topics came to her quick and that was how they resolved any conflicts before it actually happened. "They are mostly new aged vampires, so their abilities aren't thoroughly developed, if we need to, we can take them down."

Kamijo leaned back in his seat, letting out a sigh as he shook his head. "They cannot win against us, even if their numbers are greater than ours," he commented, looking over at Elena, "We have our abilities on our side. If we have to kill them, we must. It is not worth locking them up when we know they are not going to change their thoughts."

This issue has been an uprising for awhile now. New aged vampires did not take to the rules because they were all blood thirsty, but they knew they couldn't harm humans because they could face death. Though they never have tried to do anything to the council because they knew better not to try. If they did try, they would fail. The four vampires on the council can easily take them down, since they held developed abilities.

"There is nothing to worry about," Kamijo concluded, giving a nod of his head. He knew these lesser vampires meant nothing. Their skills in combat probably were not developed anyway. Those vampires were better off laying low than to risk their lives to get their old world back. There are those vampires that agree to the rules that the council set forth, and they would probably have continued their legacy.
"How do you know that they won't change their minds when you haven't even given them a chance?" Alice asked, not feeling completely comfortable with how easily they just decided to kill them if they did something. While she thought their solution were insane, they most likely thought hers were too. Or maybe it simply was too human.

Wixoss eyes locked on her, now it didn't seem as if he wanted to eat her, but definitely kill her. For a second she thought that she should have shut her mouth and not spoken, as had been intended from the beginning. But then she fast realized that she never would be able to do that either way, so now when the words were out it was just to stand her ground.

"We know that because we're not humans. Though considering how many of your ex prisoners gets thrown back into prison within a year of release, maybe you should consider taking our approach." Wixoss half growled, certainly not happy with a human putting her nose into vampire business. He didn't particularly like that there were humans in the council at all, but since they mainly sat silently he didn't complain about it. But this girl didn't seem like the kind that would shut up.

"An approach that kills even those who could change and later function in a normal society? Everyone has the ability to change, but if you take their life away then you won't know what could have happened. You can take their life away at any time, why not give them some time to show that they can change? Try to tell them why this way works better and help them understand. Even if only one in ten changes, it's still one unnecessary death less." She protested, and got an even worse glare from the younger vampire. If the laws didn't exist, he might just have decided to kill her right there and then.
Kamijo let out a sigh, not really wanting to hear an argument about the decisions they were making. This is why they normally did not let outsiders into their meetings. Wixoss was probably going to say something to him about it later on in the evening, probably curse at him for being so dumb to allow a young mortal woman sit in during a meeting. Though it wasn't her fault, she had her own opinions that she wanted to voice, but no one was going to listen to her.

"Vampires are not easy to persuade," Kamijo budded into the conversation, knowing that Wixoss was going to take it into a different direction at some point and say that she was idiotic. He looked over at Alice, keeping a calm expression on his face when he spoke to her even if he was a little on edge because of Wixoss. "They are stubborn, especially if they are newborn. The way we punish our kind works differently than what mortals do, and you must understand that vampires are far more dangerous."

"Besides," Zayn spoke, leaning back in his seat with his arms crossed over his chest, "It would be a complete waste if we tried to teach those vampires that oppose us to change their mind. They are set on one thing, in this case they want to kills us, so they will do anything in their power to kill us."

"You may think that Kamijo is a nice guy, but he is the scariest when it comes to punishment," Elena spoke, "He always told us that if there is no hope for someone, just kill them with no second thought."

The vampire council leader rolled his eyes, looking at Elena for a moment. "Why must you make me seem like a scary person?" he questioned, shaking his head. Elena was true though, he held no sympathy for the ones that didn't follow rules. That was how he was, and that was how he was going to keep it.
They were right on one thing, vampires were incredibly stubborn. Kamijo had just said that vampires weren't easy to persuade. Not easy didn't mean impossible. With other words, there were acknowledgment that someone could die even though they could change. Still that fact seemed to fly passed him. Or maybe he simply didn't care just because they were vampires. How could he have shown so much concern for humans and then be so cruel towards his own kind?

"It's never easy to make anyone change their mind, be them human or vampire. But it's not impossible either. If I thought it was then it would be pointless of me to argue with you. And if you thought it was, then letting humans with their human values into the council would be pointless. Neither will they be able to change your minds, nor will they be able to help you with your affairs because whatever they say, you'll already have your minds made up and won't listen." She argued calmly. Before she could start another sentence though, Wixoss interrupted. But not for the reasons one might think.

"Do you hear something?" He turned to the others, suddenly not very aware of Alice's presence. Then something came flying through the window and landed on the floor. A gas spread in the room, not poisonous, though it was blinding. Before Alice knew it, the whole room was covered in an incredibly dark smoke which made all the humans cough. She couldn't even see Elena whom might or might not still be beside her.

The vampires could see somewhat better, but it was slightly disorienting, and it made it hard to guess how many vampires were attacking them. He thought he at the very least heard eight or nine different voices screaming and laughing as they threw themselves through the windows and went to attack. Alice whom had no idea what was going on fast located herself under the table, as that was the only thing she knew where it was. Hopefully it would stay in place.

The dark didn't last for very long though because of the now smashed windows, and soon things were fairly visible for the vampires. For humans it was still slightly problematic. One of the older men had already found his way out, while anther was still searching for a door. Without being able to see that was the best they could do. The third had gotten stuck in the middle of the fight and been smashed to the wall. His head was crushed open, but he was still breathing. If he survived he would probably have to go through at least one surgery. Probably more.

As the smoke left the room more and more, the smell of fresh air started to come back, which then allowed Alice's scent to become more noticeable. Suddenly the table she was hiding beneath was smashed into the wall as a vampire came flying into it. Startled she made a run for the door which made the younger vampires in the room noticing her. Suddenly she felt a hand grabbing her and push her to the wall. Someone had lost control in the middle of the chaos. Someone was reaching for her neck.
Chaos came about the council room, and Kamijo was on his feet. These young vampires were smart, they knew what to do when it came to throwing an ambush. He should have known something like this was going to happen when those young vampires wanted to take them out, he should have thought of an escape plans for the human lives that were in the room when things like this did happen. He smelt blood from one of the members, and he knew that he couldn't do anything at this point.

A young vampire had attacked Kamijo, but the older vampire had grabbed the young one by the neck in a quick speed. The young vampire tried his hardest to get out his grip, though his luck ran out when he was thrown across the room and collided into the wall with a lot of force. It wasn't enough to kill him, but to simply knock him out for a couple of minutes.

Visibility was coming back, and the smell of Alice came to his nose. That sent him in high alert, looking to where she was. His eyes narrowed as one of the vampires grabbed her, and his instinct to protect kicked in. He had told himself that nothing was going to happen to her when she was here, but now she was being targeted by a vampire. For what he was going to do was probably going to scare her, but he needed to do it to keep her safe. When vampires broke rules, they were never let off easy.

Before that vampire could even reach her neck, Kamijo stepped forward to push Alice to the side. His movements were quick as he grabbed this vampire by the arm, twisting it to make him hiss out in pain. The elder vampire held no certain emotion on his face as he ripped the arm off the vampire's body. He groaned in agony as he backed up, yelling in pain. "If you value your life, you should get away from her," Kamijo warned. The vampire had his hand over the bleeding socket where his arm was once was. He had quickly backed away, and disappeared from the scene to get away.

Kamijo looked at Alice, concerned for her safety. "Are you okay?" He questioned, making sure that she was okay before he had to aid with getting rid of the young vampires. There were still a lot of them.
As Kamijo threw Alice out of the vampires grip, the vampires hand tried to take a harder grip around her throat, which lead to his nails ripping not only parts of the shirt around the neck off, but also scratched wholes into her skin. It wasn't painful. She barely even noticed that she was bleeding. Especially not when a vampire lost his arm right in front of her.

"I think so." She said startled for quite a few reasons. Suddenly the fight seemed to almost cease. As they had thought, the vampires were incredibly young and could not control their thirst very well. Even the two whom was older than the rest and tried to make their riot as safe as possible now had a hard time concentrating on the battle. A few were moving towards the bleeding girl while the others were extremely confused to if they should continue attacking or eat. It was the councils best chance of taking control over the situation.

Wixoss whom had a hard time controlling himself once the blood started to get outside the body, was still more composed than the other newborns. He forced himself to forget about the smell and attack. As long as he had a goal in mind it wasn't too hard. But once they were done, it would get much harder. He'd probably escape the room as fast as possible at that point. The newborns wasn't fighting to kill the council anymore, now they were fighting for their food.
Kamijo had smelt her blood, and he cursed under his breath. It was his fault that she was bleeding, and now her scent caught the attention of the newborns. Their attention wasn't towards the council anymore, but to her. This wasn't how it should have been. He looked at Alice, soon stepping in front of her. The scent of her blood was so strong to him, filling his nostrils and almost losing sight on what the task was. Even if he could control himself, the open wound just made her blood smell sweeter to him.

"Knock out of it, Kamijo," Zayn scolded, quickly going over to his side to aid him. He could tell that he was going through a hard time focusing on what was coming. With Zayn being the eldest vampire, he knew more self control than anyone in the room. The scent of blood, no matter how sweet it was, never phased him. It was a little bizarre, but that was how it was with him. Looking forward, he watched as newborns came forth. As he concentrated on them, the newborns went into a sudden pain, screaming in agony and dropping to their knees.

His ability was being able to cause pain to a person without having to touch them. He hardly used it, and when he did, it was for a good purpose. Usually he preferred to fight without using it, but he did when he had no other choice. The newborns fell to the ground, all of them were unconscious. They would be for awhile since he did torment their brain.

Kamijo had his hand on his face, trying to focus back on the situation. When a newborn had got close to him to try to strike him down to get to Alice, he quickly acted on it. Without even thinking, he used a great amount of force to stab through the newborn's throat with his hand. Blood came out as he twisted the inside of the vampire's throat, and soon dropped the newborn to the ground. There was blood on his hand now, which quickly distracted him from Alice's scent to get back to the task at hand.
In difference from the others, Alice was the only one whom didn't understand what was going on when some of the vampires dropped down to the floor as if they were in pain. At that very moment, it was hard for her to realize that the ability Kamijo had spoken off the day before was that. Stunned and in a bit of a shock she couldn't even move towards the door. Her mind could barely even register that there was a door close by if she just took about ten steps following the wall.

Then something forced her back to reality. A vampire had attacked Kamijo, and now both of them were covered in blood. For a moment she thought that Kamijo had gotten hurt as he had been attacked. But the body lying on the floor told a completely different tale.

The room was a complete mess. One human lying towards the wall, probably with a head trauma that would have to be looked at by a doctor. Some vampires lying on the floor completely soaked in blood, most likely dead, but it was hard to know with the un-dead. Then there were those who was laying in pain on the floor, probably wondering why they were still alive. Or maybe they had slipped out of consciousness already. Wixoss was wrestling another one into the ground before ripping out his heart through his back. The situation seemed so chaotic and calm at the same time.

"I guess there won't be any idea to question them. Let's burn them to ashes. Less messy and they won't come back from it." Wixoss proposed as he threw the heart away as if it had been a piece of useless paper.
Kamijo looked towards Wixoss, giving a nod as he agreed with him. There was no use to keeping the bodies lying around, and there had been no one to question. To be honest, he would rather not question these newborns, they wouldn't say anything unless they were forced to tell the truth. Elena could have done that easily, but that wasn't going to be needed. He glanced around for a moment, seeing that the leader of the newborn troop had disappeared. The ones who had remained alive seemed to back off as well, quickly escaping before they had their chance to die.

"I will set the fire up," Zayn said, glancing around at the bodies that were lying around the room. "What a mess, and what a shame that they have to lose their lives for such a pity reason."

The vampires in the room were calm about the matter, surprisingly calm. The attack did not seem to phase them all too much, like they were waiting for something like that to happen. There was no doubt that this group of vampires were strong, they had to be or they could have been killed years ago when the council first started. Their abilities were strong to hold against an army alone, perhaps. The newborns were just getting a taste of what they could do.

Looking over at Alice, Kamijo let out a small sigh. "Are you alright?" He questioned, taking a towel that Elena had handed him before she walked off to check on the human that was lying on the ground. He started to wipe the blood from his hands, disgusted that it was the blood of his kin. "I wish that you didn't have to go through all of that, but we expected something like that to happen for awhile."
It took some time for her to realize that she was shaking worse than a leaf in the strong autumn wind. She weren't even sure if she would be able to take a single step without falling head first to the ground. At least her pulse had gone down to normal. Or maybe it was too low. It didn't feel like she had any blood in her body. It was so cold. She might even look as pale as a ghost at the moment.

Then Kamijo's voice brought some of her consciousness back. Lying was definitely out of the question with him. Even in her shocked state, Alice could realize that much. "I.I..I don't think I'm hurt." She said. The wound on her neck was only a scratch, and not so deep it would leave a scar. It would most likely heal within days. It didn't even hurt. So physically she were okay. Mentally though, she were terrified, shaken, definitely not okay. Maybe she would be in some hours, but at the moment, she was far from it.

Wixoss had been distracted with his task for quite some time. And the blood of the other vampires helped slightly to block out Alice's sweet scent. But now it started to get to him again. He had to get out of that room before he did something stupid. Holding his breath he went up to the human still lying on the floor and Elena. "I'll take him to the sofa in the hall and keep an eye on him until they can get here with an ambulance. I'll come back and help with the bodies once a certain smell has disappeared." He told her.

He could just barely control himself when it came to normal smelling humans, and at times it could become quite a torturous experience if they had an open wound. He didn't have the willpower to restrain himself from that girl though, no matter how hard he tried. He wouldn't trust himself around her for even five minutes. Not when she was wounded. It was better for him to aknowledge his weakness, or else he might end up killing someone. Or get killed while almost killing someone.
Elena gave a nod to the younger vampire, knowing well that he couldn't keep himself under control because of the sweet smell of the girl's blood. The smell was intoxicating, but she did the best that she could holding herself back. However, she distracted herself the best that she could. Allowing Wixoss to take the council member out to the hall, she then helped Zayn with the remainder of the work. There were a lot of bodies left, to her surprise, she didn't realize how many there were.

Kamijo looked Alice over, seeing how shaken up she was. The event was traumatizing, he knew that. She witness vampires being dismembered, organs being ripped out of their bodies, and just horrific things. It would make any normal human traumatized, if not, then something would be terribly wrong. He wasn't going to touch her, afraid that she was going to go in a negative lapse if he did. He was going to just talk to her to make sure that she was okay and not going crazy in her mind.

"You're bleeding," he mentioned, looking at her neck and smelling her blood. Her blood smelt extremely sweet to him, it was almost sickening. It made him want to taste, but that would be a slight violation. Though, if he wasn't directly drinking from her, there was no rule against that. He shook his head, getting rid of those thoughts. There was no way he was going to go around the rules and sample her blood. If he did, he was afraid that he would want more of it.

"Can you walk?" He questioned, hoping that she wasn't in too much shock. He wanted to remove her from this room and put her in a different one, just so she was far from everything. Also he wanted to tend to her neck, just so it wouldn't get infected. He wanted to make sure that her mental state was okay as well.
Wixoss fast disappeared from the room with the older male in his arms. Probably a very entertaining sight for any one walking by whom didn't know about the commotion that had been going on. For them it could as well look like an old man that had passed out after a few drinks and then had to be carried away. No one was fortunate, or unfortunate, to see that though as the hall was completely empty.

Wixoss was fast at contacting the hospital, and then kept the old man company. He did wake up and seemed very out of it. As he spoke it sounded as if he was talking in his sleep. The sentences didn't make much sense, and some of the words was barely heard. He must have hit his head pretty hard.

Meanwhile Alice tried to force her shaking down to a minimum, without any success. While she didn't want to make Kamijo worry about her, it was far to hard not to. Either she answered yes and then failed in walking, or she answered no and he would still know that she were too shaken to even move. "I... Might need some help with that." She confessed, now wanting to escape the blood-filled room as fast as possible. It was definitely bad when there were so much blood so even a human could sense the metallic scent. While it attracted vampires, it was utterly repulsive for her.

"I think I need some fresh air." She sqeeked in the tiniest voice. It felt as if her stomach would force itself out from her body through her mouth. It was a bit funny how she still could be conscious enough to be embarrassed of potentially puking in an already completely messed up room. But maybe if she just got outside, or just away from the smell, then her stomach might calm down. And if it didn't, then at the very least she wouldn't have to be seen by every vampire she knew. She had no clue that two of them had already left the room though.
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