Bloody Bible, The Fall Of Earth

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Original poster
The Blood Bible

Plot : The god you so loved and adored has left you, no one can enter the kingdom of heaven as so many creatures and humans have fallen to the powers of Lucifer. The humans have fallen and burned into hell where their souls have tormented for the rest of their life. But even as the bible bleeds there is one message of hope.
A Group of Supernatural creatures. The creatures are on earth looking for a way to stop hell's reign yet they are on the move as the king of demons know this and sending lethal and more dangerous creatures to kill them. On the move and tired this group needs to lock hell's gate but they all need to find items and different things to successfully close the gates of Hell. But its not a happy story its one of loss, agony, and if Love can truly save Humanity and heaven as its gates have closed forever on the human race but can they reopen the gates ?

Everyone can play as many characters as they want
Your characters powers are limited to only three powers
As a demon power is everything the closer you are to the king more power you will have
demon races will be limited to the creature list below.
THERE ARE NO gods or a demon GOD like.
Creatures of the group your limited to powers as well you will all start out with only one power.
Be friendly on the Chat, If you have something mean to say PM the person.
Also HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!

Ranks In Hell

King (Taken by Me)

Queen (The King shall choose in the RP)

Demon council : advisors, warriors and Elders to the king.They are the most lethal of demons other than the king himself. They are most dangerous and can kill anything that comes their way and to slay a demon council member would be a near impossible task. they are sly and cunning but their loyalty is to the king and the king alone.

Lower Classes

Incubus - Corrupt Humans into sin, Warriors and Tormentors

Succubus - The demons that are stayed in hell to torment the sin of mankind as they suffer. They are often the most cruel of demons but also the most sly. these demons are bound to the king and carry out his wishes

The Lowest yet most feared

The Furies - They are winged sirens of torment, they are like the hunting dogs of The king, they obey and kill whatever they are told to. They are the hunters of souls and eyes of the king on earth. they are faster than any other creature.

The hellhounds - Invisible hounds of the underworld only demons see these creatures and their size can be different each time. Some can be as big as a dog and others can be as big as horses. They are not trained unless you are part of the demon council. These beats will kill anything that they see that has a bit of love in them. Only thing that kills them is a rare blood called Wolfsbane blood it comes from a pure breed werewolf .

The souls - unable to free themselves or anyone else able to free them they are tormented, burned and brought back every day. Some do very awful punishment, they can be killed and no god can't reach them in hell they are the doomed spirits in the realm.

Now the Group ranks
Leader - Reserved for Advanced Human
Co Leader - Open
Members (5) (No demon in this group, look up your mythical creatures)
Join forum for a Demon

Name :

Age :

Race :

Personality :

Powers (explain how your character uses it)

History (if you want)




Name :

Age :

Race :

Power (only one for starting)

Personality :

History :


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